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ALERT: US Flags on Golden Gate Bridge To Fly 9/11/02

by flagwary
Even though flags are not permitted at Take It To The Bridge they will be at 9/11 weekend. There will be five miles of them creating an incendiary situation.

" CELEBRATE: Life, Liberty & Beauty "


" The national flag is not only a symbol of a country, it truly represents a
choice of freedom, a choice of value, a choice of believing, I want to
celebrate life, liberty and beauty via this project. Life is full of wonderful."

Pop Zhao, the Guinness book of records holder, the longest artwork in the world, 10,000 meters
artwork "OLYMPIC DRAGON" created on June 23rd, 2001 on the Great Wall of China.

1. What: The earth art performance piece " CELEBRATE: Life, Liberty &
Beauty " will involve the unfurling of a 6.5 miles silk-screened canvas containing
5,000 United States flags (and, including those of many other nations) in what
will be the longest such work in the world.

2. Where: " CELEBRATE: Life, Liberty & Beauty " images will be held by
2,500 participants at the art piece's unveiling along the San Francisco coast line,
spanning the compelling international landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge.

3. When: Sunday, September 8, 2002

4. Why: After the tragedies of September 11th, a dark shadow has been over us.
Saddened by those events, our beliefs are unshaken. The many American flags,
displayed in many places, in so many styles, calling forth so many emotions
–these are the sources of my inspiration.

Each of the 5,000 flag panels will be numbered, certified, and signed by the
artist. Following the installation/performance of " CELEBRATE: Life, Liberty
& Beauty " individual two-meter flag panels will be presented to Bay area
civic leaders, California's legislators in Washington, leading sponsors, as
well as the diplomatic community, the United Nation, museums, the Fire and
Police Department of New York City, and the Fire and Police Department
of San Francisco.

Committee to Celebrate Life, Liberty & Beauty

P.O.Box 16418, San Francisco, CA.94116

Email: popzhao2008 [at]

chmsf [at]


"Celebrate: Life, Liberty, Beauty" earth-art is destined to be the world's longest artwork, 6.5 miles long
silk-screened canvas containing 5,000 U.S. flags images.It will be held by 2,500 volunteers.

Example No.2

*Background colors: blue, pink, yellow, green and black.

image size 4'x6'. silk-screen print on fabric.

$250 each,

SPECIAL ( for volunteers only) $100 each

if you want to be a volunteer to help displaying the 6.5 miles long artwork on
Sunday, September 8th,2002. in San Francisco. Your name will appear in all
advertising and press releases. You will also receive one flag image T-shirt.

Special Thanks:

Dr. John B. Tsu, Chairman of President's Advisory Commission on Asian
Americans and Pacific Islanders."This event will be positive for our
community, and we are encouraging both individuals and commercial
entities in the San Francisco area to actively support this project "

S.F.Mayor Willie J.Brown: "good luck with your project!"

Dr. Leland Yee, Supervisor of city of San Francisco."I am most supportive
of your efforts toward the "Celebrate! Life, Liberty, Beauty " earth-art
performance project. It is a memorial artwork dedicated to 911 victims,
and is planned to be shown along the California coastline on September 8,

Celebrate! is a welcome approach to pride and patriotism, and good for
our community. Thank you for having the foresight, talent and courage to
make this event happen.

I cheerfully support your effort, and eagerly await your " Celebrate"
masterpiece. Sincerely."

Kevin Shelley, Majority Leader, California State Assembly "I am honored
to proclaim my support of the "Celebrate: Life, Liberty & Beauty"
performance artwork project. Your memorial artwork dedicated to the
9/11 victims will be an inspiration to all of us.

Your Celebrate! Project shows all of us that our community can triumph
over adversity and your outstanding patriotism and pride will serve as an
example to everyone in these trying times.

I look forward to seeing your devoted masterpiece. Please do not hesitate
to contact me if I may be of service."

Carole Migden,California State Assemblywoman "This fantastic and
visionary approach to memorializing the 9/11 victims will serve as a
patriotic reminder of our country's resilience and bring our community
closer together.

We are indeed fortunate to have an artist of your stature and talent
interested in pursuing your artwork in the San Francisco Bay Area.I am in
full support of your effort and look forward to the installation and
performance of your completed project on September 8,2002."

Sophie Maxwell, Supervisor of city of San Francisco."The project sounds
like a very worthwhile project, I am most supportive of your efforts. I look
forward to your Celebrate! masterpiece."

Tony Hall, Supervisor of city of San Francisco."I am in Full support!"

Jack Mcgoldrick, Supervisor of city of San Francisco."Wonderful!"

Mark Leno, Supervisor of city of San Francisco "Thank you for your
efforts to create a remarkable earth art performance piece entitled
"Celebrate:Life, Liberty and Beauty"planned for Sept.8,2002. Honoring
the victims of 9/11 terror attacks with a 6.5 mile-long by 6 feet wide
silk-screened canvas to be displayed along San Francisco's coastline and
depicting 5,000 American flags, certainly will be an inspiring sight.

Mr.Zhao, artists like you who are willing to undertake extraordinary
project like "Celebrate:Life, Liberty and Beauty" greatly enrich the lives
of every San Franciscan. Thanks again for your efforts and trust you have
my support for your earth art performance piece"

Aaron Peskin, Supervisor of city of San Francisco "I commend the
Committee for its efforts to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11. This earth
art will pay tribute to the heroes and victims of this horrific chapter in the
world history.It will help us to reflect on the goodness of humanity and
spirit of freedom. This event will give the participants an opportunity to
reflect on life, liberty and the beauty of our country."

Sally C. Pipes, President of Pacific Research Institute."Your plan to create
a canvas of 5,000 U.S.flags is breathtaking in its scope and sentiment. It
would be a beautiful and deeply patriotic work-the perfect memorial to
those who lost their lives that tragic day. San Francisco would be very
proud of this contribution to the nation's remembrance events in
September. We are very supportive of your efforts and wish you much

Mr. Dennis Wong: "Pop, This is a great project, I will do my best to help you."
Chairman of Chinese Consolidate Benevolent Asso. S.F.

Mr.Peter Chi, Chairman of Chinese Business Association, S.F.

Mr.Chi Dai, Publisher "let's make it happen!"

Mr.Jim Firth (Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Leland Yee) "Wonderful
concept, I will do my best to assist you"

Mrs.Florence Fong,Publisher of San Francisco Examiner "very good project!
it is very meaningful to our society, we will fully support it"

Mr.& Mrs Wang Yunxian, Ambassador, Consulate General of China in S.F.

Mr.& Mrs.Ke Yasha,Cultural Consul, Consulate General of China in S.F.

Mr. and Mrs.Dennis Fong "POP everywhere! This is the right thing to do"

President of d.p. Fong galleries, San Jose

Mrs.Christine K.Young (CEO, Producer Who's Who on TV) "I 've fully
confident of this wonderful project, I fully support and participate"

Mrs. Poland Hung:"Great Work, We support you!"

President of The Chinese Holocaust Museum. S.F.

Mr.Edmund Jew:" I will help you to get all supports you need"( Liaison for
Community Affairs, Supervisor Leland Yee, PH.D. S.F.)

Mr. & Mrs.Herman Mast: "This is a truly wonderful art project"

Ms.Gerdur Kristjansdottir "Like other projects you've done, I always be your
supporter!" President of Icelandic Design, Longmont, CO.

Mr.& Mrs.Mary Jordan (CEO of NETA, Morrison, CO.) "I just wanted to let
you know how excited we are --my company as well as my family -- about
your "celebrate" project.

Right now, several months after 9/11, many of us seem to be on "overkill" mode
with red/white/blue and sickened by companies using patriotism to sell their
products. Celebrate!, however, is refreshingly different. I can not begin to
imagine the emotional impact of participating in this event -- being united with
2000 Americans - not to mention the thousands of observer/participants -
unfurling and waving our American flag along the grandeur of San Francisco's
California coast.

I'm proud to be American, and I'm proud to play even a very small part in this
magnificent project. Celebrate! is a welcome approach to pride and patriotism.
Thank you for having not only the foresight but also the talent and courage to
make this event happen. Please let me know how I can further assist." $400

Peter and Lucia Kanter: Since the time you told us about "Celebrate"project
along the California coast line, we have looked forward to its accomplishment,
We were astounded by your Olympic Dragon display along the Great Wall last
year,and realize how lucky San Francisco is to be the benefactor of your energy
and aesthetic ingenuity. We cheerfully support your "Celebrate" effort, and have
also enclosed a small donation towards one of the flags.

We also would like to thank you, Jian, for enriching our lives. Your artwork
exalts our spirits and frequently causes us to see something new and divine in
them, in the world, and even in ourselves. You have a resounding voice that is
not entirely your own -- it is part of a communal song composed of a menagerie
of people who share a common appreciation for absorbing the true dignity,
humility and beauty of the human experience.

Your "Celebrate" project is just one example of how your art reminds us of
simple lessons: to heal from grief, to flourish from human camaraderie, and to
create harmony from cacophony. We eagerly await your "Celebrate"
masterpiece. art collectors, san francisco. $250

Mr. & Mrs.Kurt Huang, Chairman of SINOTYPE, China & U.S.A. $250

Mrs. Jennifer Chen:" When I learned from you about the "Celebrate" project, a
memorial artwork dedicated to 9/11 victims, I felt very proud being a
Chinese-American who probably could play a small part in this magnificent
project. I am proud of you. "Celebrate!" will be a proven effective approach to
world peace and love. With the efforts and your talent and passion I am sure it
will be a very successful event." Sr. Vice President, AITech International,

Ms. Jane Brandy "Wow! Exciting." Art collectors, San Francisco

Mr. and Mrs.Jim Bondarenko"We will do our best to help you!"

Mr. Ray Dai, President of Ray's Sushi, Fremont

Ms. Jo Anne Thomas " Jian,It is very hard to express in words the excitement I
feel, when I think about the event that will happen, on September 8, 2002.  I can
not wait to participate and be a part of the celebration.  I knew the first time I
saw your art work that you were an outstanding artist as well as a caring and
kind individual.Your achievements with the "Olympic Dragon" and now
"Celebrate" only confirm my thoughts.  I feel very proud to help in this
endeavor.  (Trade Show Promoter)

Kristine Eubanks "Good Project! Counts us in!" Finer Image, Van Nuys

Mrs. Rhonda Hill: "The World in Focus" President of Rhonda Hill Gallery,

Vincent Fausone: "Celebrate:Life,Liberty,Beauty. What a splendid idea.

Wish you very success in your efforts to bring this unique concept to fruition."
President, Society for Asian Art. San Francisco

Mrs.Rose He, President of U.S. Industrial technologies, Inc.

Mr.Hon Seng Cheng, Executive Director, Chinese Culture Foundation.

Mrs. Joan Black, " Pop, keep up good work" Director of D.P. Fong Galleries.

Mrs.Tasia Scourkes, Director of Marketing, RED CROSS, S.F.

Mrs.Ann Wu, President of Chinese Performence Artists of America, San Jose.

Mr. David Liu, Comminity Leader.

Mrs.Jennie Chin Hanson, Executive Director, On Lok. San Francisco.

Mr.Dennis Z. Ho, President and CEO, AeroSea Corporation.

Mr.Min Wang, Design Director, Square Two.

Chia-Chia Chen, Chairperson & CEO, Culture to Culture Foundation.

Mordern Art


by just wondering
Is that flammable or inflammable?
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$375.00 donated
in the past month

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