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Divine Strake

by Xiuhcoatl (xiuhcoatl [at]
<h2>Divine Strake</h2><br />
By Xiuhcoatl<br />
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Divine Strake is the government’s latest venture into the realm of broken treaties, state-sponsored terror and the desecration of Mother Earth - a “bunker-busting” bomb that will be detonated this June in the Nevada desert. The Shundahai Network, founded by Shoshone Elder Corbin Harney, says “this test could be a precursor” to a nuclear strike against Iran, “with massive civilian casualties.”

Divine Strake

By Xiuhcoatl

Divine Strake is the government’s latest venture into the realm of broken treaties, state-sponsored terror and the desecration of Mother Earth - a “bunker-busting” bomb that will be detonated this June in the Nevada desert. The Shundahai Network, founded by Shoshone Elder Corbin Harney, says “this test could be a precursor” to a nuclear strike against Iran, “with massive civilian casualties.”

The bomb, which despite government claims is anything but conventional, is compacted with 700 tons of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. To give a broad idea of its power, Divine Strake packs six times the power of the largest conventional weapon in the U.S. arsenal. It’s so big that there is no conventional way to deliver it – it won’t fit on any plane.

Its explosive impact is expected to create a shock wave equivalent to a moderate earthquake - from 3.1 to 3.4 on the Richter scale - a blast that could stir up radioactive dust and debris still present from atomic testing in the 1950s and 60s. The explosion will take place only 1.1 miles from previous nuclear tests.

In March, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ruled that the Shoshone Indians were the rightful owners of the land where the bomb testing is to be held. They ordered Washington to discontinue Divine Strake. The Bush administration has ignored the UN’s decision.

The administration developed Divine Strake after Congress refused to fund nuclear-tipped bunker-busting bombs proposed by the Pentagon. The purpose is to simulate a “low-yield nuclear weapon ground shock” to find the lowest nuclear yield required to destroy the “carefully chosen” targets that “simulate the characteristics of important potential global adversaries” – specifically, Iran’s underground uranium enrichment facilities.

The Bush administration is opening a propaganda campaign that mirrors their preparations prior to the invasion of Iraq, in order to condition us that “war” with Iran is necessary and inevitable. When questioned about the possibility of using nuclear weapons against Iran, Bush replied, “All options are on the table.”

The US admits to having nearly 10,000 nuclear weapons in its arsenal.

Shoshone Elder Corbin Harney said, “The Western Shoshone Nation made a treaty with the U.S. Government… I do not approve of any kind of bomb being detonated in or on Western Shoshone lands. Let's not let this continue. We must think of younger generations. We only have one earth that we live on, one water we drink and one air we breathe."

The 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley guarantees the Shoshone nation over 60 million acres in the states of Nevada, Idaho, Utah and California. The US has stolen nearly 90% of their land through the process of “gradual encroachment” while maintaining that the Shoshones were compensated justly for the bequeathed territories.

The Shoshones countered the US’ claims by explaining that the mythical theory of “gradual encroachment” is used as justification for racism against indigenous people and the theft of their lands – and the UN agreed. The verdict: Washington’s claim to the land ''did not comply with contemporary human rights norms, principles, and standards that govern determination of indigenous property rights.'' The decision was based on the basic principles that govern our existence, our rights as human beings – but in the eyes of the colonist, these rights mean nothing.

Colonialism has not ceased to exist; it has only changed its appearance. As a chameleon alters its color to adapt to a potentially hostile environment, so does the colonist. What was once done through mass murder and genocide is now accomplished through methods like “gradual encroachment.” The Shoshone have nearly become extinct after hundreds of years as the colonized, but now they are faced with an even more painful death – a separation from their sacred land and spiritual renewal.

As with other Native American groups, to the Shoshone, the land is sacred. Their spirits and those of their ancestors have touched the earth and altered it in ways that cannot be replicated. The bodies of Shoshones past still remain buried there to this day. As job openings in gold mining and nuclear development bring more Americans into Shoshone territory, the attacks against them have worsened. The sacred bodies of departed Shoshones are being dug up and stored in local basements.

These acts are a direct assault on Shoshone sovereignty. The US government is not only intruding on their soil, but infringing upon their right to freedom of religion by refusing them access to their sacred lands. This is an outrage, but not the least bit surprising.

Historically, non-Christians have been unable to observe their own religious beliefs unless they conform to the convictions of Westerners. The First Amendment was not conceived to give non-European cultures the freedom to practice their religions, but to keep the various Christian denominations from each other’s throats. Unfortunately, protecting Mother Earth is not central to the ideals of Western culture.

The sketchy reassurances fabricated by Washington can no longer be accepted as truth. We have too much to lose – our lives and the future of our planet hang in the balance.

The US government can’t be trusted to uphold their treaties, because history repeatedly shows that their word means nothing. George W. Bush cannot be depended on to lead this country in the right direction – he has already demonstrated that he is ready and willing to attack a country that has done nothing to harm America.

Express your disgust for the present system of racism and oppression through the various forms of protest. Force this rogue state to become accountable for their actions – after all, it is us who they are supposed to be answering to. Fight back against Divine Strake and all that it stands for.

This article was originally written for Mexica Tlahtolli, the voice of the Aztlan Mexica Nation / Harmony Circle.

Xiuhcoatl is an independent writer from South Modesto, CA. For more info visit Aztlan Rising
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