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Indybay Feature


by Kate Danaher (katedanaher [at]
For Instructions and Directions on How to Volunteer now
We know it is hard to imagine that more than 7 weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit that animals trapped inside could still be alive--- but it is true. We rescued Bingo tonight, a dog trapped in a bathroom of a house. In a desperate attempt to get a drink of water, Bingo crawled into a bathtub but then was too weak to get himself out. Bingo could not even lift his head or stand.. but he is alive. Sadly, there are others like Bingo waiting for their turn to be rescued... Meet some of the pets in New Orleans who need your help:
? Hi my name is Rambo, I was left at 7370 Chef Menteur Highway in New Orleans. My guardian called to have me rescued on Sept 16th but I am still waiting and I am very scared.
Hi I am Indiana I was left at Belair subdivision off Airport Rd. I had a PetSmart bandana on but I think I lost it. Please come get me, I am very hungry. ?
? Hi my name is Princess. I was left at a two story apartment building with Annie and Foxie. There is a balcony with stairs. The apartment is at the intersection of Mumphrey Road and East Judge Perez in Chalmette in St. Bernard Parish. Three of us are waiting to be rescued. We are too little to do much on our own.
Note: Photos were taken when the dogs were healthy, extreme weight loss may make it difficult to identify them by photo now.

We still have a list of 1267 homes in downtown New Orleans where animals have been reported by their guardians to be trapped. We still have this many because we do not have enough volunteers to open the doors and rescue the pets that are slowly starving to death. THIS IS WHY WE NEED YOU! Please get in your car or get on a plane and come help us get through the rest of these houses.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT! We are certain (based on the pets we see everyday) that there are animals still alive in these homes.

Things you should know before you come:
This will be the most rewarding life changing experience you have ever had. To save an animal from starving to death is a very rewarding experience…one you will never forget.
The city is safe…we have been rescuing since the hurricane and have not had any problems with any of our rescuers' safety.
People have requested that someone breaks in and rescues their desperate animal.
You will need to bring a small tent or stay in your car. That is a small sacrifice to make for these animals who are desperately waiting for your help.
Hurricane Wilma is not heading anywhere near New Orleans so please do not wait until after it passes…it may be too late.
You do not need any special passes to get into the city.
Although the city is open to residents, most have not returned or even plan on returning.
You can get updates and information on rescue efforts here: <>

"I have spent 6 weeks rescuing animals in New Orleans. I have climbed through windows, on roofs, and under houses to get to these animals who are trapped. This has been the most rewarding and heartbreaking experience of my life. With every animal I rescue I think about the dozens of others who lay trapped behind closed doors dying a slow, lonely death from starvation and dehydration. I am begging every compassionate person to come to New Orleans and help us get through the rest of these homes and get these forgotten victims to safety."

Jane Garrison
Animal Advocate, Organizer of Search and Rescue Teams
JaneGarrison [at] <mailto:janegarrison [at] >
"This is the single worst tragedy for companion animals in the history of the United States. Despite all you have seen on TV and the various organizations that have pitched in, it has been volunteers like you and me who have come forth, made the trip to New Orleans and saved thousands of pets, one by one. Now the last ones need our help and there is no one left to save them but us. If you stay home, in a month you won't remember what you did in the next few days. If you come and save one of these dogs and cats, you will remember it for your lifetime. I know, I have been here for a month and held them in my arms.
David Meyer
Executive Director
david [at]
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