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SF events 8.16

Bush is illegal.
All laws by or under him are illegal.

Live free or die.

food Junk Food Nation

Ice Shelf Disintegration Threatens Environment, Queen's Study


This week in trees has a new weblog with to view it go
Or to subscribe to the email send a blank message to:
this-week-in-trees-subscribe [at]

Ecotopia: CA / OR / WA httpp://

Pending launch of Seattle Peak Oil Awareness Website
Portland Indy Media post about PortlandPeakOil website:

police state

t r u t h o u t - One Mother's Stand

it is not only Iraq that is occupied. America is too,3604,1547587,00.html

Bush Suggests Force against Iran, Shroeder Says No

Countering WireTaps: Zimmerman's VoIP Encryption,1282,68306,00.html

FCC Requires ISPs to Accommodate Wiretaps

EFFector 18.27 - Aug 12, 2005

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"

Kevin Ryan - Former Underwriters Laboratory Inspector Speaks out on 911 Once Again

175,000 ballots properly counted: Al Gore won Florida - ELECTION FRAUD CONTINUES

Drive Bush Regime From Power

summer festivals:
august 5th-15 Nelson BC Canada: August 11-15 Lorin Hopland, CA: August 20th & 21st Black Rock City, NV: August 29th – Sept 5th , Laytonville, CA: Sept 16th-19th , San Rafael, CA: October 14th-16th Nov. 5-6 Brannan @ 8th St. SF
# Nihonmachi Street Fair, August 13 & 14 2005, San Francisco CA
Saturday, August 13, 2005 - Sunday, August 14, 2005 11:00 AM - 6pm
Saturday and Sunday, August 13th & 14th 2005, 11:00am - 6:00pm in San
Francisco's Japantown. Located on Post Street between Laguna and
Fillmore Streets.
The Nihonmachi Street Fair is a celebration of the many diverse Asian
and Pacific American communities here in the Bay Area. It is a place
where one can taste and learn about the various cultures. This year
the Nihonmachi Street Fair welcomes new as well as returning perfomers
to our stage. Make sure you grab a seat in front of the stage to
witness live Asian, Pacifici Islander as well as long time Street Fair
entertainers perform!
Please visit the "Escolta Fine Arts" vendors booth at the 2005
Nihonmachi Street Fair!!!!!
Artists: Kim Taylor Reece * Leo Hone * Garry Hostallero * McCormick *
Caroline R. Young * Barry Chall * Renee Dickerson. Escolta Fine Arts,
The finest in Hawaiian, Polynesian & Asian fine art.

Mon Aug 15

# 2005 Zeitgeist International Film Festival, Show 3 Mon Aug 15 9pm-12am $5-

This is the final show of our summer season, and it´s a special one.
This is the final show before the Octavia st overpass is opened.
Some come and enjoy the peace and quiet one last time.
ZIFF is held in the expansive outdoor biergartan at the Zeitgeist Bar. You can drink and smoke. You can freeze your butt off, but come early as the last shows played to packed backyards.
This program includes these 14 short films.

"Snapshot"-Shaun Mayor
Carefull who you give your camera to
5:00, DVD, LA, CA

"The Finnish Dreamer"-Altsi Toiviainen
Dare to dream, heartbreak awaits
8:50, DVD, Vantana, Finland

"Ratta-Tooi"-Alexandra Rothert
Getting rid of Ratatouille the funky way
0:55, DVD, Berlin, Germany

"Shadow of Libery"-Geoff Adams
A colonial reenactivist crashes the tea party
13:00, DVD, Newton, MA

"Seven Shorts"-Harrison Rego (age 15)
Stick figures run amok
3:34, VHS, New City, NY

"A Baba (The Doll)"-Attila V. Nagg
The doll of her dreams comes alive
8:00, DVD, Szigetszentmilos, Hungry

"Baird's Beaked Whale, A Landing"-
Douglas Schultz
How do you respond to a dead whale?
10:00, DVD, S.F., CA

"Last Exit: NWO"-Sascha M. Dornhoefer
The Pursuit of happiness!
7:00, DVD, Berlin, Germany

"Edgar"-Nick Jordan and Jacob Cartwright
Whatnot we do, is dread
1:30, DVD, Manchester, UK

"Fridge"- Brian L. Perkins
Does anybody write poetry anymore?
12:00, DVD, S.F., CA

"Bob and Tito 2.0"-Marty Bergman (Age 14)
Do you have strange things up your nose?
1:00, VHS, New City, NY

"The Beauty Project"-Cory Pampalone
An evolution in beauty and deconstruction of stereotypes
5:47, DVD, Oakland. CA

"New York Talk"-Michael Krivicka
A not-so-common view of New York
3:30, DVD, N.Y.C., NY

Secret Surprise "Found" Film
You'll find out
7:00, DVD, Unknown

Presented in BEER-O-SCOPE. That's right! BEER-O-SCOPE!
(A giant screen painted on a wall in the backyard "bier garden" of the Zeitgeist.)
Remember to dress warm. (It's Summer in the city.)

Doors open at 8 pm.
Show begins at 9pm.
Full Program at
21 and over (must have ID, sorry)
Show up early to get a good seat.
Beer, Booze and BBQ are extra.

The Zeitgeist 199 Valencia St. San Francisco
b [at]

# Kirtan and Hip Hop in Koshland Park (Page and Buchanan) - FREE.

Monday, Aug.15th to Thursday, Aug.18th, a series of special events will occur in Koshland Park.

6pm-9pm each night, a large selection of herbal tea, organic coffee, Teeccino, and Goji berries will be served freely. Bring your mug! Hoops, poi and fire toys encouraged!

Monday, Aug 15th... Bring a pillow or blanket, warm clothes, a glass jar(to put a candle in) and muscial instruments. 8:30pm. David Lurey , a yogi with an angelic voice will lead kirtan. What is Kirtan? It is a form of call and response singing from India. says:

"...Kirtan, also known as sankirtan, is an ancient musical art form specifically used to glorify the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. In its religious fervor and heartfelt expression, it has been likened to modern American Gospel music. The roots of kirtan go back over 500 years to Renaissance India. During this period the influence and style of kirtan became the focal point for the upsurge in religious expression in Bengal, which was inspired mainly by the great saint Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This joyful mood quickly spread throughout India, where today kirtan is accepted as one of the surest paths to enlightenment."

Tuesday and wednesday, Aug. 16th and 17th, community fire circles will be held to share conversation and presentations.
Jill of will offer her knowledge  ... and David Kupfer will introduce the San Francisco Green Map:
Bring a poem, story or anything you'd like to share... it's open mike by candle light.

Thursday, Aug. 18th,  7pm. Kelly's Peeps... an amazing local hip hop dance troupe of two dozen members will perform and teach dance lessons. Don't miss this opportunity. You will be inspired!!!

This is a community building project of the ACTION HERO NETWORK -
Learn more and take part:

Tue Aug 16

# Aug 16 Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone can be heard weekly at Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time).
Streaming Web @ Programs are archived at

# Taking Aim returns to live broadcasts with more information and analysis of
the London Bombings. This Tuesday, August 16, WBAI-NY, 5:00 p.m ET, 2:00
p.m. PT, live stream at archived at
and Check out our program archive at for prior programs on the London Bombings.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone in person.

Mark your calendars. Tell you friends and co-workers. Post widely.

Pacifica Radio programmers Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone present
"The London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror,"
Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m., at the
Women’s Building 3543 18th Street, San Francisco.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone document and analyze the relationship between
foreign and domestic intelligence operations, “The War on Terror,” and the
economic problems of everyday Americans.

Ralph Schoenman was Secretary General of the International
Tribunal on U.S. War Crimes in Indochina. He was a leader of the
anti-nuclear movement in Great Britain, negotiated the release of
political prisoners in many countries and has lectured widely on the
assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin
Luther King, Jr.

Mya Shone is an economist and has a long history as an
activist involved in political, community and labor issues. She worked
closely with both Casa Nicaragua and Casa El Salvador during the
struggles taking place in Central America and was the coordinator of the
Tri-County (Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo) Labor Party
chapter. She was also a newscaster and reporter at KPFK in Los Angeles.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone produce “Taking Aim,” heard weekly on
Pacifica’s WBAI-NY and archived at

$10.00 donation at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Sponsored by Friends of Taking Aim.

For interviews: Contact Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone at 707-552-9992

For calendar listing:
The "London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror." Ralph Schoenman
and Mya Shone analyze the relationship between foreign and domestic
intelligence operations, “The War on Terror,” and the economic problems
of everyday Americans. Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m., Women’s
Building 3543 18th St., San Francisco. Between Valencia and Guererro.
For more information contact:

# Happy Hour to help defeat Prop 73!
(Prop 73 requires parental notification for abortion)
Fundraiser for the Campaign for Teen Safety
Tuesday, August 16 5:00-7:00 pm
Amante 570 Green St. (at Grant St.) SF, CA 94133

# Aug 16 5:30 PM Trader Joe's, 99 Danville Square, Danville
In support of The HSUS 'No Battery Eggs' Campaign, advocates will
ask patrons to sign comment cards -- asking Trader's Joes to stop
selling eggs from confined hens.

# 8/16: Free Nutrition Lecture (haight ashbury)
Flaxseed is one of the least expensive, most versatile health foods in Mother Nature's toolbox. Learn about the history, research and the many ways flax can be used to prevent dis-ease and improve health issues ranging from hormone imbalance to cancer. Booster foods such as seaweeds, algae, nutritional yeast and spices will be introduced as partners in health with fabulous flax.
This free lecture on "Just the Flax and Booster Foods" is presented by Edward Bauman, Ph.D., Director of Bauman College, leader and expert in the field of Holistic Nutrition. Bauman College is a non-profit educational organization.
Held at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy from 5:45-7:15pm, 925 Cole St. @ Carl St., San Francisco,CA. 1-415-661-1216.

# aftermath Tue Aug 16 6:00 PM Lost Art Salon
245 South Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA view map
[from a friendly filmmaker named shireen -k]

My generous friends, Marcus Shelby, and Trivium Music (a meeting of Georgian, Indian, and Native American musical paths) will perform at Lost Art Salon to help raise film funds.

I leave for Sri Lanka on 23 August to work on my documentary, "Aftermath." Through "Aftermath," I want to ask some big questions for "small" people. I am a bit short of funds for my trip and need to raise $5,000.00 by the 22nd of August.

Lost Art Salon is an eclectic loft setting filled with original paintings, drawings and objects of art, which will transport you to an early 20th Century European art salon.

The tickets for this event are priced at an amount convenient for you
(suggested amount is $20.00). - Shireen Pasha

Wed Aug 17

# 8.17 Every Weds at 2pm on 94.1 fm:

# Wed Aug 17 7 - 9 p.m. Marin Peace & Justice Coalition
Animal Rights Committee monthly meeting 309 Kent Ave Kentfield, CA 94904

Wednesday           8\17              6 PM               
Thursday               8\18              6 PM               
Friday                    8\19               6 PM
Saturday               8\20                *1:30 PM & 6 PM
Sunday                 8\21                *3:30 PM
SAN JOSE ARENA-Autumn & Santa Clara St. in San Jose
Wednesday           8\24              6 PM               
Thursday               8\25              6 PM               
Friday                    8\26             6 PM
Saturday                8\27            *1:30 PM & 6 PM
Sunday                  8\28            *3:30 PM
COW PALACE-Geneva and Santos in Daly City
Wednesday           8\31              6 PM               
Thursday               9\1                6 PM               
Friday                    9\2                6 PM               
Saturday                9\3               *1:30 PM & 6 PM
Sunday                  9\4                *3:30 PM
Monday                9\5                10 AM
To Car Pool or For More Info. Call 650\654-9955.
*It's especially important to be prompt, as we leaflet two shows at that time - people coming out of an earlier show and people going into the next show. The people come out all at once, if we're late we'll miss them.
To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email to:
baarn-subscribe [at]

For events:  Please see yahoogroups message archives and calendar at

# FREE MOVIE SCREENING of Come Fly With Me Nude Wed Aug 17 6:30 PM
Film Arts Foundation 145 9th St. between Mission and Howard
The feature film "Come Fly With Me Nude" is finished! We think. We need a test audience to view it and give us their feedback. If you were involved in the making of this project or know anyone who was, we ask that you do NOT attend. We’ll have a cast & crew / friends & family screening next month. For now, we need a neutral and objective audience. You will fill out a brief questionnaire (@ 10 minutes) after the film, which is 96 minutes.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005. Doors open 6:30pm; complimentary hors d’oeuvres and drinks (courtesy of 2223, Skyy Vodka, Izze Beverage Company, Cheese Plus, and SF Brewing company) served until film starts, 7:30pm SHARP (no one will be admitted once film has begun)
9TH Street Consortium (145 9th St., between Mission & Howard, in San Francisco)?
PLEASE RSVP TO INFO [at] DOMBELLA.COM PLEASE PROVIDE A CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER SO WE CAN CONFIRM (our caterers request an accurate headcount). Proof of age required for alcoholic beverages. There is no nudity in the film, only a little naughty language.
NB: I performed as my mad poet alter ego "Barbie Braun" and choreographed a dance number.
We need to pack the house for the screening, but the audience must be as impartial as possible. So, if you would forward this announcement to your people (all the better if your people don't overlap too much with my people), I would be very appreciative.

# dorkbotSF #20 Wed Aug 17 7:30 PM onomy labs 851 hamilton menlo park, ca
come to dorkbotSF #20 next week! it'll be our first south bay meeting!
FREE but donations appreciated to help our hosts defray costs of hosting us - feel free to bring your own food/drink
Jill Miller - How to Hunt for Bigfoot: Satellites, Solar Power and Triangles
Jill and company have been holed up in bigfoot country in the woods somewhere armed only with a 24x7 satellite uplink waiting for bigfoot (or all you flash mobbing gorillas) to appear. Come see what is quite possibly the strangest thing to do with electricity out in the woods!
Scott Minneman & Dale MacDonald (Onomy Labs) - Make-Tanks: a New Paradigm for Innovation
Scott and Dale will talk about Make-Tanks as opposed to the typical thinktank which are different in that a make-tank is all about tinkering and hands-on experimentation being a part of discovering emerging technologies and scientific diescoveries. Come see PARC alumni Scott and Dale geek out with their various toys and talk about the tools, technologies, and war-stories of making interactive story telling devices. Tour and live demonstration of the Tilty and Twisty Tables, Interactive Wall, and maybe a 1959 Philco Predicta.
open dork - 5-10 minute presentations from YOU -bring your gizmos, toys, etc. get peer review of your projects finished or not. See you all there! Don't let burning man season stop you!

Thur Aug 18

# Thursday, August 18, 10am-3pm Protest CareerBuilder Fair -
Stop using Chimpanzees in Commercials,
Apes on television and in the movies have something in common with their human costars—their wide, toothy grins. The apes, however, are “smiling” in terror. To them, acting is strange, upsetting, and often torturous. During the 2005 Super Bowl, released four commercials featuring chimpanzees made to act like humans. PETA contacted CareerBuilder, as well as the advertising agency that created the commercials, Cramer-Krasselt, to explain to them about the abuse great apes endure who are used for commercials, but we have received no response from either company.
What: Distributing leaflets at CareerBuilder Fairs about the suffering Great Apes endure in order to “perform” for entertainment
Where: Grand Hyatt San Francisco, 345 Stockton St. San Francisco, CA

# 8/18 7pm: green foods & movie event hosted by GBG Animation Studios in Oakland
Place: 655 12th Street @ Martin Luther King Way / Downtown Oakland / Buzz # 422 / 2 blks from the 12th St BART

# 8/18: green foods & movie event hosted by GBG Animation Studios in Oakland
Reply to: anon-91034569 [at]
Date: 2005-08-14, 3:24PM PDT

Event Agenda

Date: Thursday August 18, 2005
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Host: Byron the Boar, Screenwriter-Director
Place: 655 12th Street @ Martin Luther King Way / Downtown Oakland / Buzz # 422 / 2 blks from the 12th St BART

Who’s Invited? Calling all Vegetarian Chefs, bay areans, transplants, a-z race & religion, movie connoisseurs, animation buffs, writers, directors, poets, painters, etc. and…………….INVESTORS =) GBG can’t wait to meet you!

What to Bring: If you are a creative vegetarian chef please bring to be devoured a delicious h'orderve tray. If you are an artist/writer/animator please bring your portfolio and reel. If you are a simpleton like me, wine or beer will do just fine =)

Plan: Merriment, piggy moovie art show and tell, and scrumptious foodfare
Why: It’s a great place to meet, network, teach, and learn more about food & films

Please RSVP to byron [at] or call (510) 433-0776
Bring or refer a friend!

# Thursday, August 18 from 7 to 9 PM
Fast, Easy, Delicious Vegetarian Cooking Class:
Get Healthy,
Let the Animals Live and
Help Save the World
If you want to discover how to prepare healthy, scrumptious food without spending hours in the kitchen, this class is for you. Patti Breitman teaches her popular cooking class Thursday, August 18 from 7 to 9 PM at her home in Fairfax. The cost is $28 ($24 if you live in San Anselmo), and registration is required. The address and directions are given when you register. Contact San Anselmo Recreation at 258-4640 or by e-mail: recreation [at]

# Thu Aug 18 - Fourth Annual CTN Conference
This event is for staff or volunteers working in nonprofit
organizations with a focus on technology access or training,
educational programs, or client-centered services. This includes
organizations focusing on the areas of youth development,
workforce development, community development, or social justice.
The Conference is free and lunch is included.
9:30am- 3:00pm LGBT Community Center, 1800 Market @ Octavia

# Happy Trees preview (A Bob Ross satire) Thursday, August 18th
Screening: 9pm, Party: 8pm - midnight FREE

Directed by San Francisco artist Jakob Bokulich and co-directed with theater veteran Bobby Weinapple, Happy Trees (28 min.) can be seen either as a conceptual art comedy, or as a scathing satire directed at the art world. Jakob Bokulich (The Mission Movie, Hysteria) plays Bob, who is modeled on Bob Ross (, as is the film's "how-to" format. In this case, however, Bob is trying to draw Rauschenberg's "Erased deKooning Drawing," ( which leads to a tricky philosophical problem: how do you draw an erased drawing? The problem compounds when three Barney-esque cheerleaders appear (Candace Collins, Diana Rivera from Roccoco Risque, and Paula Van Der Zwaan), effectively destroying the how-to show, and propelling Bob into a hilarious head trip.
This is also a going-away party for Jakob and his lady Annie as they abscond to LA. Groovy tunes will be provided by Chauncey who normally DJs at el Rio, a Capoeira roda is likely, as are clowns on stilts - so be forwarned.

Club Mighty 119 Utah St. (between 15th and Alameda) / Potrero / 16th... jakobbokulich at

# Oil Curse (Amnesty international screening) Thu Aug 18, 8:00 PM
Artists' Television Access 992 Valencia Street @ 21st
San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 824-3890
OIL: It's in our clothes, our laundry detergent, our toothpaste, cosmetics, furniture, contact lenses and office supplies. It's in our telephones, CDs, tennis rackets, painkillers and plastic. Oil doesn't just fuel our cars - it fuels modern life. Continuing instability in the Middle East means a shaky future for the steady flow of oil on which Americans
depend so heavily. Factor in Western nations' insatiable power needs and the energy demands of huge, growing economies like China's, when the world's reserves of easily accessible "black gold" are already strained, and the oil industry finds itself forced to enter uncharted terrain. Where will tomorrow's oil come from? And how far are we
willing to go to get it?
"Oil Curse" is a documentary which shows the impact of Chevron Texaco's oil operations on native communities in Ecuador and Angola. It is part of a series on Global Oil Operations...from Ecuador to Alaska.

# Candlelight Concert with Local Favorite Mark Growden Thu Aug 18 9:30 PM
The Meltdown West Grand and Poplar Oakland, CA 510-832-2377
"Mark Growden brings passion, brawn and bawdiness back to folk arrangements and instruments, creating a sound that is at once fiery, earthy and sublimely sensual." - Comet Magazine

Fri Aug 19 Full Moon

Fun Friday events:

# 8/19: Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi Hosts Art Opening of Mohammad Hourian's Wor
Contact: Regina Dick-Endrizzi (415) 554-7630
Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi Hosts Art Opening
of Mohammad Hourian’s Work
“My work is clearly influenced by Iranian tradition,
while I add my own creativity to reflect the times I live in.”
On Friday, August 19th, 2005, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi hosts the monthly Third Friday’s Art Reception in his City Hall office, Room 282. This month’s featured artists is Mohammad Hourian.
Mohammad Hourian was born in Hamedan, Iran, the capital of ancient Persia. At age 12 he apprenticed with Haj Hosen-I-Eslamiyan, the greatest Persian miniaturist of this century. At age 19, Horian won public recognition in his first one-man show of paintings at the Gallery of the University of Tehran. At age 20 he became the youngest artist to be elected to the National Academy of Fine Arts. In 1976 the German government invited him to visit West Germany and exhibit his work at the Goethe Institute. That same year he traveled throughout Europe, Japan and the United States displaying his artwork.
Mr, Hourian is a Bay Area resident and the owner of Hourian Fine Art Publishing and Hourian Fine Art Galleries, both based on Union Street in San Francisco.
What: Art Opening Reception for Artist Mohammad Hourian
When: Friday, August 19th, 2005, 5-8 PM
Where: San Francisco City Hall, 1 Carlton B Goodlett Place, Room 282
Cost: Free

# Fri Aug 19 6pm Wildlife Conservation Benefit
Wine Tasting, African Art and Wildlife Conservation at
The Art Room 1072 Geneva Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112, cross-street Madrid, (two blocks east of Mission on Geneva) Phone=510-846-2756, email: pantheratiger [at] Please RSVP. Space is limited.
Christopher Austria, one of the hosts, has worked with tigers for years and will be present to share his experiences with the big cats as well as his concern for their survival in the wild.
Attending the event will be individuals and organizations involved with economic development and wildlife conservation in Africa and throughout the world. One of the guests will be WildAid, a San Francisco based non-profit dedicated to eliminating the illegal wildlife trade. and for more info.

# 8/19: Friday 8/19 THE FUTURE OF FOOD (berkeley)
discussion led by DR. IGNACIO CHAPELA, newly tenured UC Biology Professor featured in film.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 7PM Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall
1924 CEDAR (@Bonita) Berkeley
Wheelchair accessible. Refreshments. $10 donation sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds
Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Committee. For more info: 510-528-5403
Don't miss this fascinating film about the revolution happening on the farms
and dinner tables of America, transforming the very nature of the food we
eat. THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing
truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have
quietly filled grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies
of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico this film gives a voice
to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this
new technology. The health implications, government policies and push
towards corporate globalization are all part of the reason why many people are
alarmed about the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food
supply. THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political
forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seeks to
control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to
large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

# Fri Aug 19th 8.00-10.30pm ALCYONE - poolside @ Bambuddha Lounge, SF. Free admission. Full moon! Second in the summer series of free Alcyone shows @ Bambuddha.

# " The KFC on El Camino in Palo Alto has closed, yeah. The sign says they
have 2 other locations, Redwood City and somewhere else in P.A. I will
see if these are suitable for demo's. Meanwhile, the Palo Alto 3rd
Saturday demo's are CANCELLED. --Candace " 
To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email to:
baarn-subscribe [at]

# 8/20 KFC protest 12 noon to 1 pm
KFC, 2101 Lombard St. (at Fillmore St.) -- for close parking see
Posters, leaflets, etc. will be provided -- all you need to do is show up!
Click here: for more information.
Alive lunch 1:15 to 2:30 pm
1972 Lombard St. (between Buchanan & Webster Sts.) -- Alive's website & infor re parking at
Walk across the street for a delicious veg lunch after the protest!
Click here: for more information and to rsvp.
Letter writing party 3 - 5 pm
Where:  Red Vic Peace Cafe, 1665 Haight St (at Cole)
You're welcome to take the bus with me from  Alive  to the Red Vic, so no need to figure out directions.
Alerts and supplies will be provided, but whatever you can bring (e.g., pens, paper, envelopes, etc.) is appreciated.  Also, it's helpful if you know who your State assemblymember and senator is.  But no experience or preparation is necessary -- just show up!
Click here: for more information.
To RSVP, use the links above, or  e-mail me at Thea_Langsam [at]  It's especially helpful if you can RSVP to the lunch, but we're always happy to have more folks show up for the protest and letter writing.  Hope to see you there!
To find out about other BAV events, go to:



~ Come frolick and play and dance the summer night away ~

EARTHTONES invites you to slip into your funky faerie finery and join the merrymaking ~ AUGUST 19th ~ @ The Attic in Downtown Santa Cruz ~

With Faerieland's favorite DJs: Alia, Blink, and Little John ~

We will get slinky stretchy groovy with Mark Tanaka, yoga master : ) at 8pm ~ and then explore the sacred beauty of our own voices whilst chanting with Lady Heather Houston ~

$10 @ door ~
view flier @


Sat Aug 20

# March in support of Kamehameha for Hawaiians! Aug 20, 2005 - San Francisco CA
32 views since posting on Wednesday, August 10 at 07:13 AM.
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Date & Time:
Saturday, August 20, 2005 more on this date
9:00 AM
Aloha Kakou,

To all my family and friends, please show your continued support for
the Hawaiian culture by attending this protest AND/OR forwarding this
email to anyone you know that is a supporter. The following email is
from my Kumu, Kawika Alfiche, Director of the APOP Hawaiian Cultural

Mahalo nui for your support!

Julie "Apanalei"

aloha mai kakou -

I'm asking you, your family, your friends, and all supporters of the
Hawaiian culture to be there for this, for the support of Kamehameha
schools, Hawaiian homesteads, Ali`i lands and endless amount of wrong
doings that we have endured. At this point it's not political, it's
making yet another stand to what's "Right is Right" and what's "Wrong
is Wrong!!"

100 years ago the over throw of the monarchy - and now this! what's
please be there to support me, your kumu, all people Hawaiian, and all
lovers of Hawaiian things. If you hula, you get something from what
our ancestors left us - this is one way to reciprocate and ho`omana
our kupuna and our keiki.

For more details regarding this ruling please visit:


Ku I Ka Pono March - San Francisco

St. (cross street is Mission) in San Francisco.

The "Civic Center" station for BART and Muni will get you to Market
and 7th -- walk one block south toward Mission. If you're driving,
there should be ample parking in the city lots on Mission and 5th St.
We will march FROM the Ninth Circuit and END AT U.N. PLAZA , corner of
8th and Market. This venue can accommodate a much larger crowd, and
because of its location in the heart of San Francisco, we are more
likely to garner attention.

WHAT: Protest march and rally in support of Kamehameha schools and all
things Hawaiian. - Hula/Speeches/Pule - Organized mele/oli/hula (in
the next blog all of the mele). This is not a show/performance - the
mele/oli/hula are meant for unification, please don't come with your
purple/pink pa`u and glitter kupe`e ;-)

WHAT TO WEAR: Red/Black clothing (kihei/pareo/shirt etc..), bring
banners/signs (NO racist comments please), bamboo or stick with
red/black ribbon to wave.

WHAT TO BRING: Pahu Hula (for Au`a `Ia), water

Upcoming Meeting: Wednesday - August 17th, 7-9pm at APOP Hawaiian
Cultural Center, 423 Baden, So. San Francisco -
to discuss purpose/goals, review mele/oli, set protocols

Itinerary (tentative): Meet at noon, 12:30 start: Pule (all forms from
all denominations welcome) - approx 1pm start march (march oli's) -
arrive at Plaza - Speeches, Oli, Hula.

Gentle but important reminder: I want to encourage everyone in
advance to remember that we want to draw attention for a pono march
and rally. Please keep signage to slogans such as "Education for
Hawaiians," "Justice for Hawaiians," "Hawaiian Unity," and the like.
We will have flyers from the Kamehameha Schools with educational
information about the admissions policy to hand out to media and
interested passersby. Let's make sure the judiciary (many of whom
likely live in the Bay Area) have a completely positive impression of
us when the full panel convenes to reconsider Doe vs. Kamehameha.

I've attached the standard mele/oli/hula from past protests - please
by all means, if you'd like to take on some kuleana (responsibility)
please do so...main thing is please spread the word to everybody to be
there - please forward emails to me so i can compile list:
kawikaalfiche [at]

Last - Kaui, Noelani and I are coming up with a list of protocols -
Uncles and Aunties who are a part of this list...when we have a list
put together can you please review and make additions etc....

There will be other meetings outside of ours on aug 17, we are trying
to find different piko around Kaleponi (Hayward, walnut creek, sac
etc...) please let me know if you are going to have a meeting - I'll
forward again the Itin. sheet, mele sheet and Protocol sheet - mahalo
for taking the time to read - all of this information below is at:

Organizer of March: Noelani Jai - alohajai [at] - phone:
714-847-2977 for more information
Organizer of Mele/Oli/Hula: Kawika Alfiche - kawikaalfiche [at]
& Kaui Peralto kaui [at]

na Kawika Alfiche
"A`ohe pau ka `ike i ka h?lau ho`okahi."
All knowledge is not taught in the same school.
One can learn from many sources.
**Come check out my new web page at MySpace



Come to a FREE training hosted by the Midnight Special Law Collective, the
National Lawyers Guild, and the Grand Jury Road Show!

Saturday, August 20, 2005 12pm-5pm

New College of California 780 Valencia Street @ 19th St., SF

12-2: How To Provide Legal Support
2-3: Lunch Break
3-5: Know Your Rights- Harassment, Intimidation,
Grand Juries and Security Culture

*Assert your rights with federal agents / cops / grand juries.

*Resist harassment in realistic settings.

*Learn about security culture and some ways to protect yourself and support
your comrades in radical movements for social, economic and environmental

*Set up a rapid response legal support network for protests and actions.

Midnight Special Law Collective:
510-261-4843 mslc [at]

National Lawyers Guild:
415-285-5067 nlgsf [at]

Grand Jury Road Show:

# Arrr-Be-Que; FREE! This Sunday at the Cracktory! Sun Aug 21 12:00 PM
Bay Area Motor Club ( ), Dark Fortress Studios ( ) and the Cracktory present.. ARRR-BE-QUE!

Sir Kevin Fluffypants, Viceroy and Fleet Admiral to His Royal Highness, and commander of his forces in the Americas by the powers bestowed upon him in the name of Cracklandia, does hereby enlist your aid in service and defense of His Majesty's Colonies!

Your presence is required this Sunday, August 21st from High Noon until all Spanish gold convoys are captured, all vessels carrying barbequed meats and rum are emptied, or until the last pirate drops!

In other words, we're having a Pirate Party: BBQ and Boating in the Afternoon, Hijinks and drunken debauchery at Night.

Admission is FREE!

There will be a BBQ (with Exotic Meats, if you order in advance) on the dock and Tiki Bar!
... Boating in the afternoon
... Treasure hunts
... Stocks, brig & water 'cannons'
... And of course music and booze

WARNING: Anyone not in pirate garb or associated dress may be forced to walk the plank into Islais Creek! (Islais Creek is the Bermuda Triangle of San Francisco.. ooh Scary!)

While we will have limited stocks available, we suggest you BYOR (Bring Your Own Rum)

We're also going to organize treasure hunts! If you'd like help us out, find or make a little treasure...and show up early to hide it, and make a treasure map!

Resources case you need help preparing:
General Links:

# IDA-Africa Coming to San Francisco

This summer, IDA-Africa is hosting a series of fundraising receptions
in cities across the U.S. Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear
firsthand about their amazing efforts to save the lives of orphaned
chimpanzees in the jungles of Cameroon when IDA-Africa founder and
director Dr. Sheri Speede holds a special event in San Francisco. As
part of her presentation, Dr. Speede will describe life at the
Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, where chimpanzees threatened by
illegal poaching and habitat destruction live safely and peacefully in
a naturalistic environment. She will also share a special DVD
presentation that brings her stories to life.

What: IDA-Africa fundraising reception
When: Saturday, August 20, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Women's Building, 3543 18th Street (near Valencia), SF for directions

To purchase tickets and for more information, visit or call (503) 643-8302. If you
are unable to attend a reception, you can donate to IDA-Africa or
adopt/sponsor a chimpanzee at

# volunteers or riders wanted: lst Annual Organic Vegan Bicycle Ride
need help Sat afternoon 8/20 and the day of the ride 8/21 in Sebastopol pls email ASAP to bradley [at]
or come ride with us!

# Hopland, CA: August 20th & 21st

# SolFest 10th Annual Aug 20-21 Solar Living Center - Hopland, CA
Please Carpool -- Absolutely NO PETS -- Biodiesel Closed (Aug. 19-21)

Ticket Locations: Solar Living Institute Online, Real Goods (Hopland), Whole Foods (Sebastopol, Santa Rosa, Petaluma), Oliver's Market (Cotati, Santa Rosa), Coperfield's Books (Sebastopol), Milk & Honey (Sebastopol), A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books (San Francisco), Distractions (San Francisco).


Rhythm Village with MICKEY HART
David Lindley
Holly Near
Alex deGrassi, Chris Garcia & Michael Manring
Bettie Mae Fikes


Amy Goodman
Mike Ruppert
L. Hunter Lovins
Richard Heinberg
Derrick Jensen
Michael Toms
Matt Savinar


Seckund Naychur
The Goldbrickers
Big Tadoo Puppet Crew


DJ Dragonfly
Eco Fashion Show
plus belly dancers, fire dancers and more!

Sun Aug 21

# Aug 21 Tour d'Organics Sebastopol, CA A bicycle ride and century featuring local farms and vegan food in . 35, 65 and 100 mile options offer something for everyone.
you'll get to eat ORGANIC farm fresh fruits and veggie directly from the Farmer!
There will be salads and crane melons. Bradley, the organizer is a Living Foods person.
Living Foods:
Your friend can subscribe to this list, by sending a blank email to:
SFLivingFoods-subscribe [at]

# August 21, 3:30 sharp Ringling Bros Circus
MPJC Animal Rights Committee Animal Rights Leafleting
Please join us to educate circus patrons about the cruelty of using animals in the circus.
Marin Contingent: We're meeting at and carpooling at 309 Kent Ave.,
Kentfield, at 2 PM on August 21. Then driving to the Del Norte BART station and BARTING from there to the Colliseum, to meet others at 3:30. SAY NO TO ANIMALS IN THE CIRCUS
We applaud trapeze artists, jugglers, clowns, tightrope walkers, and acrobats, but let’s leave animals in peace. Sweden, Austria, Costa Rica, India, Finland, and Singapore have all banned or restricted the use of animals in entertainment—it’s time for the U.S. to do the same.

Mon Aug 22

# Mon Aug 22 7pm We're having an auction of beautiful tree art!
And a screening of THE FOREST FOR THE TREES:Judi Bari v. the FBI, a vital new documentary about Judi Bari’s civil suit against the FBI! Please come! Bring your friends! Tell everybody!

Monday August 22, 7PM COUNTERPULSE 1310 mission/9th st 415.626.2060

The gallery of COUNTERPULSE will be transformed into a forest with 2-D and 3-D tree art made by rising stars of the west coast art world, including:

Cooper Lee Bombardier
Corina Bilandzija
Kathy Brady
Selma Brown
Tammy Rae Carland
Dennis Cunningham
Kristin Dilley
Chris Duncan
Tara Lisa Foley
Barbara Garber
Susan Greene
Xylor Jane
Olivia Kent
Jaime Knight
Lisa Maurine
Alicia McCarthy
Nikki McClure
Josh McPhee
Dori Midnight
Gabby Miller
Max Miller
Ace Morgan
James Orlando
Miranda Pierce
Corinna Press
Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs
Blake Riley
Airyka Rockefeller
Oliver Halsman Rosenberg
Andrew Schoultz
Jen Smith
Miriam Klein Stahl
Sara Thustra
Lena Wolff
Lisa Young

About the film:


In 1990, environmentalist and union organizer Judi Bari's car was bombed. Within three hours of the bombing, Bari was accused of transporting the exlposives that had nearly killed her. Still in the hospital, she was arrested and labeled a terrorist in the national media. THE FOREST FOR THE TREES follows Judi Bari's story, culminating in her civil suit against the FBI. At the heart of the film is Bari, a folk hero with an electrifying on-screen presence, and the legal battle against law enforcement that few believed she could win.

Made by Bernadine Mellis, the daughter of Judi Bari’s lead attorney Dennis Cunningham, the film follows the last major case of his career with a sense of both the beauty and the costs of a life of activism.

The current cut of the film has been screening in festivals and venues nationally, including at The Pacific Film Archive (this month), The Brooklyn Museum, The New York Underground Film Festival, the Ashland Independent Film Festival (where it won Best Short Documentary), and the Santa Cruz Film Festival (where it won the Audience Award for Best Short Documentary). The art auction is intended to raise funds for a professional sound mix and distribution costs.

Contact: Lena Wolff
Phone: 415.823.3744
E-mail: lwolff_lily [at]

additional Resources:

# Aug 22,23,24 BEGINNER CLASS 6:30-8pm INTERMEDIATE CLASS 8-9:30pm
One consecutive Monday Tuesday and Wednesday in August.
Intermediate students continue on to perform on Thursday evening from 5:30-8pm at the Ferry Building.

The last chance to take a hoop intensive before Burning Man! Monday's class focuses on torso and arms, Tuesday class focuses on legs and floorwork, Wednesday's class focuses on off body moves. There will be special attention given to micromovements of the body, working with the downbeat, freeing the head, working planes, playing to the audience and infusing your dance with emotion. Guidance for performance given throughout class. Intermediate level class will recieve more challenging exercises and moves and must have taken an intensive previously. The intermediate class will include more discussion of performance, stage presence, costuming and creating a cohesive show.

Both classes emphasize poise, elegance, grace, power and originality in creating your hoopdance. The first class also works on learning basic "tricks", the intermediate class starts using those moves in a full dance context which uses each move on every angle, while exploring alternating body height and body angles while doing every move. The intermediate class also covers advanced moves and combinations.

Each evening will have a jam circle to close. Fantastic music will propel us to a new level! Beginner level class is $75 for three night series of classes, 4.5 hours total time. Intermediate level class is $85 for 4.5 hours class and a 2.5 hour live performance lab. Enrollment preference given to those who register for entire series as this creates the "intensive hoop bootcamp" experience. Class size limited to 11 students per class.

Pre-registration required at Go to "Buy Now" link and register in online store. Space is *very* limited and sells out every month for the beginner class. Don't miss out! Christabel is now teaching in San Francisco only once a month. Danzhaus is located at the corner of Cesar Chavez and Connecticut. Directions can be obtained at Please arrive early or promptly on time.

For more information or questions on the class call Christabel at 415-515-0469. Please note that registration cannot be refunded, but credit may be applied towards future classes.

Tue Aug 23

# Aug 23 Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone can be heard weekly at Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time).
Streaming Web @ Programs are archived at

Wed Aug 24

# 8.24 Every Weds at 2pm on 94.1 fm:

# Wed Aug 24, 6:30 pm Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)
Is it right for Marin? Organizational Meeting #2
A number of individuals in Marin County have created an exploratory group in anticipation of gearing up for a local campaign in support of Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) and/or choice voting.
We are inviting individuals or group representatives interested in election reform and in particular IRV ranked voting to get together for a brainstorming/planning/organizational meeting.
We will discuss and evaluate several proposals for action at the city and county level, including possible introduction of IRV at College of Marin and/or Dominican University, public forums, contact with elected officials, seeking endorsements of SB 596, etc. College of Marin Student Services Building (cafeteria building)
Cafeteria Contact Bob Richard marinirv [at]

# HORRAY ! WERE BACK AT PEACOCK GAP Starting on Thursday August 25th
7:30 till Midnight $10.00 "Community Dance Night" The Peacock Boogie
with DJ's Les"The Man" Shill and Carter "CC" Collins "the mix"
World Beat, Trance, Rythm & Blues, Jazz, Latin, Rock, some Hip hop and Rap
NO TECHNO Ultra large Dance Floor, Large Carpeted Area
Natural Juice Bar with Goodies, No Alcohol
Peacock Gap Country Club, San Rafael
Need More info, CONTACT Martin Masters 415-453-4122  Ext 15

# Rawstock III - Raw Ecstasy Jamboree - Aug. 26-29 at Macdonald Farm,
Sebastopol, CA
* We are seeking a yoga teacher to teach 1 or 2 classes on Aug. 27 & 28.
Contact dave [at] for details.
* Rawstocks cards and posters are now available. If you can help distribute
them at gatherings, healthfood stores, etc, please e-mail
dave [at]
* We only have a few more work-trade opportunities left. Contact
dave [at] if you are interested.
To join the SonomaRaw e-list send an e-mail to: 32831-subscribe [at]

# August 26-29 at Macdonald Farm Rawstock III - Raw Ecstasy Jamboree
5730 Ross Branch Road, Sebastopol, California (707) 829-0362
The world's premier raw food lifestyle festival!
The pure health empowerment weekend celebrating eco-regeneration, musical ecstasy & raw food delight.
Come to the greatest raw health festival on Earth! Last year we perfected it and this year we are going way beyond. This will be our last event at Macdonald Farm, so come and experience the magic of “raw school” in the orchard, under the apple trees; meet new vibrant brothers and sisters; reconnect with dear ones; enjoy the most incredible fresh figs, grapes. melons, tomatoes and other peak-of summer fresh delectables; camp in the orchard (no extra charge – B.Y.O tent); dance, groove and have the time of your life! THE PROGRAM:
Friday: 4:00 pm through sundown: Music, dance, volley ball, tai chi, poi, tent setup
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am through sundown: Healing prayer circles, yoga, tai chi, lectures, raw cuisine demos, hay bale discussions, child crafts and fun care, bamboo flute making, massage, sport games, music and more music, dance, farm-fresh food galore.
Monday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Canoeing and swimming on/in the Russian River. Departure by 6:00 pm.
No smoking, drugs, alcohol.

Sat Aug 27

# KFC Demo in Antioch on August 27th
To subscribe to Bay Area Animal Rights Network please send blank email to:
baarn-subscribe [at]

)'( Aug 29- Sep 25 2005 )'(

Sun Aug 28

# Sun Aug 28 5pm Hello friends of TreeSpirit,
Photographer Jack Gescheidt here, with another TreeSpirit photo shoot scheduled for 5pm, Sunday August 28th (3 Sundays from this weekend's) — in the city of San Francisco!
Two stunning Giant Sequoias watch over a small park @ 25th & Harrison, in the outer Mission, just a few blocks in from Cesar Chavez/Army St.
Look at the jpegs attached to this email to see if these little giants call to you.  All ages and sizes of human are welcome to be photographed connecting with these creatures.  The only requirements are playfulness, adventurousness and your open heart.
Save the date on your calendars and I'll have more detailed information the week of August 22nd before the shoot.
This photo event will consist of 20-100 or more men & women, so there is a place for both the mild-mannered ground-dwellers at the bases of the sequoias AND courageous tree climbers (up to about 120 feet).  Feel free to pass this email invitation to your friends.
As always, each participant will be given a print from the shoot and asked to sign a photo release so the final image can be used in The TreeSpiritProject, incl. fine art prints and website:
yours in love with the trees, Jack
Jack Gescheidt 4340 Anza St. - #7 SF, CA  94121
Tel/Fax: 415.668.5225 jack [at]
A photographic celebration of our connection to nature.

Tue Aug 30

# Advocates Forum: Volunteer Meeting Aug 30 7:30 PM
Fellini Restaurant, 1401 University Avenue, Berkeley
Over a delicious Italian vegan dinner, learn how you can get
involved with East Bay Animal Advocates. East Bay Animal Advocates

Wed Aug 31

# 8.31 Every Weds at 2pm on 94.1 fm:

# C-SPAN will be broadcasting the entirety of the McKinney congressional briefing on 9/11

Representative Cynthia McKinney organized a day-long briefing on July 22 to address the 9/11 Commission's Final Report one year later. The event included leading victims' family members, former government and intelligence workers, academics and authors speaking on the flaws and weaknesses of the 9/11 Commission's investigation, assumptions, omissions, conclusions and recommendations. It was filmed in entirety by C-SPAN.

C-SPAN has now set some times and dates for airing the event. They will air on C-SPAN2 from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm on Wednesday, August 31 and from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am on Friday, September 2. It is broken into two parts as described below:

Part I Forum
September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 1
U.S. House of Representatives, McKinney, C. (D-GA)
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
ID: 187857 - 07/22/2005 - 3:30 - No Sale

Daugherty, Rebecca, Director, Freedom of Info. Service Center
Smith, Wayne, Member, Center for International Policy
Gage, Kit, National Coordinator, National Coalition to Protect Policical Freedom
Kleinberg, Mindy, Relative
Judge, John, Co-Founder, 9/11 CitizensWatch
McKinney, Cynthia, U.S. Representative, D, Georgia (State)

Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors speak at a
day-long forum on the September 11 Commission Report, focusing on the
methodology of the investigation, recommendations made by the
commission, causes of the attacks, and government responses to the attacks.

Part II Forum
September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 2
U.S. House of Representatives, McKinney, C. (D-GA)
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
ID: 187857 - 2 - 07/22/2005 - 5:00 - No Sale

McKinney, Cynthia, U.S. Representative, D, Georgia (State)

Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors speak at a day-long forum on the September 11 Commission Report, focusing on the methodology of the investigation, recommendations made by the commission, causes of the attacks, and government responses to the attacks.

The 9-11 Public Discourse Project forums will be aired around our events on the following days on C-SPAN 2 on the following days:

CIA and FBI Reform on August 24 at 8 pm
Congressional Intelligence Reform on August 24 at 10:10 pm
Challenges Facing the DNI on August 25 at 8 pm
Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction on August 26 at 8 pm
Homeland Security on August 26 at 10:05 pm
Civil Liberties on August 29 at 8 pm
Foreign Policy on August 30 at 8 pm
Winning the Struggle of Ideas September 1 at 8 pm and 9:30 pm on C-SPAN 1

For full details on these see: and click the "TV Schedules" link at the top right of the lead page, just above the flashing ad for C-SPAN pod-casting.

911 - inside job. Demand investigation! - - - - - -

# Taking Aim returns to live broadcasts with more information and analysis of
the London Bombings. This Tuesday, August 16, WBAI-NY, 5:00 p.m ET, 2:00
p.m. PT, live stream at archived at
and Check out our program archive at for prior programs on the London Bombings.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone in person.

Mark your calendars. Tell you friends and co-workers. Post widely.

Pacifica Radio programmers Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone present
"The London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror,"
Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m., at the
Women’s Building 3543 18th Street, San Francisco.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone document and analyze the relationship between
foreign and domestic intelligence operations, “The War on Terror,” and the
economic problems of everyday Americans.

Ralph Schoenman was Secretary General of the International
Tribunal on U.S. War Crimes in Indochina. He was a leader of the
anti-nuclear movement in Great Britain, negotiated the release of
political prisoners in many countries and has lectured widely on the
assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin
Luther King, Jr.

Mya Shone is an economist and has a long history as an
activist involved in political, community and labor issues. She worked
closely with both Casa Nicaragua and Casa El Salvador during the
struggles taking place in Central America and was the coordinator of the
Tri-County (Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo) Labor Party
chapter. She was also a newscaster and reporter at KPFK in Los Angeles.

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone produce “Taking Aim,” heard weekly on
Pacifica’s WBAI-NY and archived at

$10.00 donation at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Sponsored by Friends of Taking Aim.

For interviews: Contact Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone at 707-552-9992

For calendar listing:
The "London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror." Ralph Schoenman
and Mya Shone analyze the relationship between foreign and domestic
intelligence operations, “The War on Terror,” and the economic problems
of everyday Americans. Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m., Women’s
Building 3543 18th St., San Francisco. For more information contact:

)'( Burning Man events: )'(

Finally, a second MEGA HOOP JAM has been scheduled for Burning Man at
the rockin' San Francisco camp Deep End!

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31 6pm- right after sunset
DEEP END CAMP Address: Catharsis and 9 oclock

I have booked the Deep End Camp for a major international frenzy of
hula hooping madness! We chose that time because Deep End is a day
party camp that closes down shortly after sunset, so sunset didn't
work as a time to begin -- but their rockin djs and hundreds of party
go-ers are super excited to see all that hula hooping has to offer so
please join us and come play! Come show off, come share your moves,
come in your finest costume, come naked, just at least come and
partake in this mega meeting of hoopers!


I will be teaching two community classes at Deep End as well -- come
play... multilevel, all abilities... hopefully will be co-facilitated
by some amazing fellow hoopers if there are many many people who show
DATES: Wednesday August 31 and Thursday September 1
TIME: from 2-3.

Kirstin Slye will be teaching poi classes right before me from 1-2 as
well, so come spend a whole afternoon with us if you like!

want to join deep end camp or just learn more? check us out at

See you on the playa! - Christabel

Thu Sep 1 Sundown @ Hookahdome on Esplanade: hoop down hula hooping!

Fri Sep 2 4pm Critical Tits bicycle ride for women: Meet at the man.

SEPTEMBER 2005 September 1st, 2005: MUNI Social Strike begins.

# Kai Eckhardt, Jon Fishman, Julia Butterfly Hill Fri Sep 2 9:00 pm $22

Featuring the collaboration of world class musicians, performers, and artists, The Village represented by Kai Eckhardt on bass, Jon Fishman on drums, Julia Butterfly Hill performing spoken word, and many very special guests. Born in Germany, raised in West Africa, Eckhardt's passionate dedication to the study of bass started at age 15, and has continued to grow through graduating Berklee College of Music with honors, teaching music, recording and performing with artists including Bob Moses, the John McLauglin trio & Zakir Hussein, and since 2000, has toured extensively with Garaj Mahal.

The original drummer for Phish, (as well as the inspiration for the band's name), Jon Fishman's passion for the drums started at an early age in Syracuse, NY. He spent twenty amazing years touring with this generation's most beloved jam band, and is now experimenting with his own side projects. Fishman is known for going as far as playing a vacuum cleaner to get his desired sound, and for his intricate and explosive rhythms.

Most known for living in Luna, an ancient redwood, for two years, and thus bringing the battle for Headwaters forest to the attention of national and international media, Julia Butterfly Hill now tours on behalf of the Circle of Life foundation, dedicated to education, youth programs, and tools for sustainable living.

Other guests include keyboardist Kit Walker (Pagan Love Orchestra, Kundalini Boombox,), West African talking drummer Rasaki (King Sunny Ade), and Indian Kathak dancers Kaveri and Mansi.

Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center
1317 S
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$185.00 donated
in the past month

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Publish your stories and upcoming events on Indybay.

IMC Network