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Resistance Consciousness With John Trudell (audio)

by to all my relations!
This audio has been compiled in the spirit of *resistance consciousness* to significantly challenge the *war of everyday life*, and my intent is to bring this message, autonomously, to as widespread an audience as possible, in order to a support and strengthen people's resolve to *evolving* the situations we are systematically manipulated into.
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Following are a few quotes from John Trudell which I wish to use as companions to his speaking, and perhaps interest those who have slow connections to take the time to listen. Note that John's way is for listeners/readers to *get whatever they can* out of his words.

Each upload will include some quotes.

Following are a few quotes from John Trudell which I wish to use as companions to his

speaking, and perhaps interest those who have slow connections to take the time to listen.

Note that John's way is for listeners/readers to *get whatever they can* out of his words.

Each upload will include some quotes from various sources of Trudell speaking.

"Theoretically, if everyone that disagrees with the lie that has been imposed upon us--tomorrow...if everyone got up and said...'I'm not going to enable the lie anymore'--you would have nonviolent change--and you would have quick change--because the system goes upon our self-rationalizations and self-justifications and insecurity. ...That's how it works and it has turned all of us against each other through distortion...The one thing [these people] that we would use our minds [to] attempt to see clearly...[and our] apathy makes us the enemy of our descendents. ...They want us to be in a position where all we think about is ourselves...We need to use our minds *to think things through*...[E]verybody is trying to find a way out from the mess they're in and they're using these dark age intellectualizations and remaining confined in these concepts of Freud and all the rest of these people.

"We can't out-fight them, but we can out-think them. Every provocation throughout history has been to get us to out-fight them. And if you look at some of the little things about it, right, we're *surrounded [with] a reality where you have to have permission to think. That's called 'Chain of Command'. See, so if you really really think about their legions they don't have *permission* to think. See, this starts to equalize out the numbers!"

"When I look at western civilization, it's so messed up. They want to overcomplicate everything, and I think they do it through intellectualizations or apathies, or whatever, but they want to overcomplicate everything and sometimes I think they've been conditioned to want to overcomplicate everything so that, therefore, they don't have to act....And perception...what does it take? It takes for us to tell ourselves the truth. It takes for us to tell ourselves the truth. That's what it takes. Not to lie to ourselves."
§the paradox (1:15, 1.5MB)
by to all my relations!
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§our way through everything (1:28; 1.86MB)
by to all my relations!
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§Perceptional Reality--first section (6:59, 1.24MB)
by to all my relations!
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joe charogoff
Tue, Jun 28, 2011 10:35PM
Tue, Dec 4, 2007 10:34AM
"walks with" Trudell
Mon, Dec 3, 2007 3:07PM
robert robideau
Fri, Jul 20, 2007 12:58PM
Michael Irving
Sat, Jun 30, 2007 7:28AM
walks with Trudell
Thu, Apr 12, 2007 6:09PM
antoinette nora claypoole
Sun, Sep 17, 2006 9:44PM
Mon, May 1, 2006 7:02PM
antoinette claypoole
Sun, Mar 12, 2006 8:07PM
antoinette claypoole
Sun, Mar 12, 2006 8:05PM
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