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VIDEO:GRIGGS whistleblower,homosexuality as U.S. state blackmail in drug running/terrorism

by repost
Here's one of my interests in this story: it keeps the U.S./mil CIA drug running operations in place, operations actually verified in 1998 by a quiet report issued by the CIA, quoted by Michael Ruppert... Thus, with the popular hatred of homosexuality, the threat of exposure becomes a political football: IT IS USED FOR STATE BLACKMAIL FOR FACILIATING ILLEGAL U.S. SPONSORED STATE TERRORIST AND DRUG RUNNING OPERATIONS. The intentional use of it as a ritual of later blackmail, does seem to be the mechanism that keeps the drug trade personnel in the U.S. government going. There are implications that the same networks have been used in Lebanon as well. [The point is to create a network that is blackmailable enough to do covert and illegal black operations that are harmful to democracy, and which in this case, many indeed be the selfsame main U.S. state terrorist network that the U.S. uses for its own self-hits.

The information about the intentional laying down of sexual blackmail and its use starts around 3 min in to the first video.
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Griggs, in her videotaped interviews recently, discovered her husband's
diary and was suitably horrified at what she read. She then began asking
questions of her friends in the military wives club, and many of them
confessed to the same dirty little secrets. Her candor on video is both
disturbing and compelling: the woman has come to grips with the fact that
this "culture," as she calls it, is rife within senior U.S. military, and
that the stain of being called out as a queer is what keeps the men quiet
to the arms- and drugs-running that are a vital function of Our Military.

[links to the video as well, below, for those who want to see it, narratied and put together by Eric Hufshmid, interview with Griggs as well of course where she names names in this network]

Recently, Kay Griggs, a prominent military colonel's wife, set out to
right a long history of patent wrongs, which include: homosexual initation
rites in the U.S. military--particularly within the Marines;
well-documented instances of both homosexual and hetero pedophilia, often
as brazen rape, amongst U.S. military figures and notable senior
statesmen, Henry Kissinger being named loudly by Mrs. Griggs.


newswire article reposts united states 28.Mar.2005 06:52
gender & sexuality | human & civil rights | media criticism

is there a reason why the "mainstream media" isn't touching "Jeff Gannon"
author: we repost, you decide

as the reader's of PIMC are probably the most informed in this
country as to the TRUTH of the Guckett-Gannon-Gosch scandal, it
only in keeping with our collective "quest for the truth" to re-
post this from late last night's

Folk's the lid cover is coming off this steaming sinking pot of
sh*t and the stench will soon befoul the air of the entire nation
and you'll want to get your nose plugs of truth in place now in
order not to be rendered so sick as to puke....

Why the ''Mainstream Media'' Ain't Touching ''Jeff Gannon'' (Pt. 1)
Sunday, March 27, 2005

by Todd Brendan Fahey
March 28, 2005

Big corporate media cowers to the "Jeff Gannon" story like nothing America
has witnessed...since the Franklin Cover-up (homosexual/pedophile ring
operative at the highest levels in Washington D.C.) story that exploded
across the pages of the then-conservative Washington Times by then-brave
investigative reporter Paul Rodriguez, who went on to become
editor-in-chief of Insight magazine.

But Paul Rodriguez just recently resigned from Insight; hasn't written a
word of the "Jeff Gannon" scandal, nor has he returned to his pitbull
approach to the Franklin Cover-up (or any other "hard news," pun
intended); nor has the Washington Times gone after "Jeff Gannon."

The public--We The People--aren't supposed to be hearing of the story of
how a male homosexual prostitute with Marines training penetrated the
White House Press Corps, under banner of a meaningless Web site "news
agency" with deep ties to the Republican Party. GOPUSA owner Bobby Eberle,
owner of, has stopped talking, has scrubbed the site clean
(Google's WayBackMachine archival mechanism makes Mr. Eberle look pretty
silly...), and has, in fact, closed down

Bloggers are actively calling out White House Spokesman Scott McClellan,
Bush advisor Karl Rove and Republican National Chairman (RNC) Ken Mehlman
as known homosexuals, each of whom have been spotted at "discrete"
homosexual lounges and more indiscrete parties. Powerful Republican
Congressman David Dreier is known to be homosexual, and pays his "chief of
staff" more than White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card makes--Card being,
also, called out of the closet by many investigative bloggers.

Recently, Kay Griggs, a prominent military colonel's wife, set out to
right a long history of patent wrongs, which include: homosexual initation
rites in the U.S. military--particularly within the Marines;
well-documented instances of both homosexual and hetero pedophilia, often
as brazen rape, amongst U.S. military figures and notable senior
statesmen, Henry Kissinger being named loudly by Mrs. Griggs.

Griggs, in her videotaped interviews recently, discovered her husband's
diary and was suitably horrified at what she read. She then began asking
questions of her friends in the military wives club, and many of them
confessed to the same dirty little secrets. Her candor on video is both
disturbing and compelling: the woman has come to grips with the fact that
this "culture," as she calls it, is rife within senior U.S. military, and
that the stain of being called out as a queer is what keeps the men quiet
to the arms- and drugs-running that are a vital function of Our Military.

"Jeff Gannon"--formerly known as James D. Guckert, and who might be Johnny
D. Gosch, the paper-boy kidnapped from his route in Des Moines, Iowa in
1982, and who many believe was forced into the same pedophilic child-slave
trade that became known as the Franklin Cover-up--is the fulcrum at the
heart of this vast puddle of shit. His biography is hair thin and sketchy,
but we are to believe that he was simply allowed to lob softballs at
George W. Bush to make the dyslexic and gaffe-prone President "look good."

OK. Such is possible. But not in-toto.

"Jeff Gannon" has to have come from somewhere; yet no one knows (or seems
to want to say) from where. We know that he runs, under a variety of Web
sites and phone banks, a male/homosexual out-call service that caters to
military men ($200/hour; $1200/weekend), called Bedrock Corp., registered
in Wilmington, Delaware, and that the state of Delaware busted James
Guckert ("Jeff Gannon") in tax deliquency ($20,000) a few years back, of
which he has apparently not made amends. His sites show photos of
"Gannon's" muscled self--sans clothes, and often erect or urinating (his
pubic region is shaved, btw.). He writes that he is "Top only!" (meaning,
he shoves his show into his clients, and won't do it any other way). He
has been caught lying to Editor & Publisher magazine and various other
magazines who interviewed him after the scandal began to explode, as
saying that he was merely a Webmaster and was not involved in his clients'
sites; turns out, though, that "Gannon" was not only the primary Webmaster
for his own sites, but was also the primary client offered For Sale in
those gay military escort Web pages.

As baseball brother Jeremy Giambi said: "Unless you've been in a coma" for
the last two months, you've read most of the aforementioned summation of
recent news. What you have not heard comes next.

§video 2
by repost
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
First video 17 MB; Second video 19 MB; each around 20 minutes.
by torrent info
Download the whole unedited 8hrs Interview with Kay Griggs: (Bittorrent required)

The .torrent file is here,%20complete%208hrs%20(wmv%20format).torrent
or here
& attached
by David Howard (fiat [at]
Google and type in "The FBI uses polygraphs to eliminate suspects"
by bradwww (bradwww [at]
purchase the entire DVD with full quality at the following web site for $15:
Full video for free, though lower quality at two sites that I know of:

1) 8 parts, 1.3 Gb, all .wmv

information about Kay Griggs from an above link:

Frequently Asked Questions

When were the interviews held?
The interviews were held in 1998.

How did the interviews come to be?

Pastor Rick Strawcutter had a pirate radio station which was shut down in the early 2000s. Kay Griggs had been urged by friends to call in to his show, and did so in 1998. Pastor Strawcutter kept her on the air for an hour, and invited her to come to Michigan for a longer interview. Kay felt strongly that her experiences and stunning knowledge of how our country is run needed to be known, so she agreed.

How long are the interviews?

The interviews were held over the course of a weekend in 1998. A 2-hour edited version entitled "Sleeping with the Enemy" is available, as is the full 439-minute unedited footage. Although 439 minutes is actually 7.3 hours, the complete interviews are contained on 4 DVDs (each with a capacity of 2 hours), so we refer to the duration as 8 hours.

Where is Kay now?

Kay Griggs is believed to be living in Virginia Beach, VA.

Is Kay safe?

We do not know. It takes a brave person to speak out as Kay did, and the more public one becomes, the safer one generally is. We hope Kay's courage is protecting her.

Though, I suggest you watch the two summary ones first, before you dive in, because it is a good overview of clips. If the above ever goes away, another location of the 2 summary pieces (besides here at SFIMC above) is under video clips section here:
Wow..this lady makes Charles Manson look sane
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