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Open Letter To Boxer: A gift audio clip of Condi
Dear Senator Boxer,
Thanks for standing up for the election challenge, it took a lot of courage to do that, I hope you have more where that came from. I've read that you are gearing up to battle Condi's appointment- if you really want to ask her tough questions, I have a gift for you. This audio excerpt of a speech Condi gave 6 months after 9/11:<br>
After seeing the first plane hit, Condoleeza's "first thought was, what a terrible accident."
Thanks for standing up for the election challenge, it took a lot of courage to do that, I hope you have more where that came from. I've read that you are gearing up to battle Condi's appointment- if you really want to ask her tough questions, I have a gift for you. This audio excerpt of a speech Condi gave 6 months after 9/11:<br>
After seeing the first plane hit, Condoleeza's "first thought was, what a terrible accident."
Ms. Boxer, let's review the facts:
The whole world saw the 2nd plane hit and watched the ensuing tragedy unfold, but our National Security Advisor, who just had received numerous 'set your hair on fire' warnings, thought it was a terrible accident and continued about her day. Why? Based on the evidence, it appears Ms. Rice is either lying, or an incompetent fool.
Ms. Boxer, this evidence is clearly enough to warrant a question at Condi's confirmation hearing. Please find the courage to play this 20 second clip of Ms. Rice at the Senate hearing, then ask her why she thought it was a terrible accident. This admission by Condi exposes her complete failure as 'National Security Advisor' on the morning of September 11th. Why didn't she resign? Why on earth should she be promoted now?
Ms Boxer, it is not only Condi that is on the hot seat, but you. Are you a true democrat that will fight for truth and justice, or just another phony like John F'in Kerry? I will take your answer at the Senate Hearing.
Thank you for your time- I hope you are for real, please prove it.
Don Anderson
- Condoleeza Rice received numerous warnings that something 'spectacular' was going to happen, one warning even mentioned 'hijacked airplanes'. The indications of a pending attack were so numerous and credible that Richard Clarke said his 'hair was on fire'.
- Of course everyone knows about the August 6th memo titled: Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the Us
- Then just 5 days before 9/11, former Senator Gary Hart, Chair of the Hart-Rudman commission on terrorism, told Ms. Rice there was an 'inevitable threat' of a terrorist attack.
The whole world saw the 2nd plane hit and watched the ensuing tragedy unfold, but our National Security Advisor, who just had received numerous 'set your hair on fire' warnings, thought it was a terrible accident and continued about her day. Why? Based on the evidence, it appears Ms. Rice is either lying, or an incompetent fool.
Ms. Boxer, this evidence is clearly enough to warrant a question at Condi's confirmation hearing. Please find the courage to play this 20 second clip of Ms. Rice at the Senate hearing, then ask her why she thought it was a terrible accident. This admission by Condi exposes her complete failure as 'National Security Advisor' on the morning of September 11th. Why didn't she resign? Why on earth should she be promoted now?
Ms Boxer, it is not only Condi that is on the hot seat, but you. Are you a true democrat that will fight for truth and justice, or just another phony like John F'in Kerry? I will take your answer at the Senate Hearing.
Thank you for your time- I hope you are for real, please prove it.
Don Anderson
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Wed, Jan 19, 2005 7:23AM
"you Whites are something else. Killing is in your Nature."
Tue, Jan 18, 2005 10:42AM
Tue, Jan 18, 2005 10:30AM
American and Israel will Fall
Tue, Jan 18, 2005 10:22AM
Ms. Standard Oil Condi Rice Admitted Warning Willie Brown
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 5:29PM
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 3:36PM
another bush mp3
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 3:33PM
f.n Kerry
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 2:55PM
USA and Israel will fall
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 2:37PM
What about Condi's warning Mayor Willie Brown?
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 2:36PM
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