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Challenge the 9-11 Commissioners in San Francisco!

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
The 9-11 Cover-Up Commissioners are coming to town to sell their "conspiracy theory," the pretext for a "War of Terrorism" against Americans and the world and the construction of a Global Police State to protect the Global Elite from the vast majority of humanity whom they are opressing and killing. Time to challenge the Big Lie- and raise questions- they can't answer.
Challenge the 9-11 Commissioners in San Francisco!

While 9-11 has been used to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, shred the Constitution and Bill of Rights, construct a Global Police State, enrich weapons manufacturers, seize oil assets; there have been no convictions in any courts of law supporting the “government conspiracy theory,” particularly the Saddam Hussein/Al Qaeda link. The official 9-11 Cover-Up Commission has ignored and steered questions away from “Who financed the attacks? Who had the means, motive, and ability to carry it out? Who benefited? Who had the ability to destroy evidence, and cover up the crime?” A close examination of the Commissioners reveals striking conflicts of interests, particularly oil interests, and ties to the agencies under investigation.

The 9-11 Commission failed to mention or address the mulitple wargames/exercises that were being conducted that day, out of the White House. As many as five war game drills were in process, some involving hijacked airliners, some involving false blips deliberately inserted onto FAA and military radar screens. One exercise pulled significant fighter resources away from the North Eastern United States on September 11th, 2001. These exercises involved NORAD, the FAA, the Canadian Air Force, the CIA, the National Reconnaissance Office, and, “coincidentally,” in New York City massive preparations were underway for a “biochemical attack drill” involving FEMA, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management, the FBI, US Department of Justice, Weill Medical College of Cornell Medical Center, NY Department of Health, NY Fire Department, NY Police Department, the American Red Cross, the Port Authority. The Secret Service and Cheney’s overseeing role during the events of 9-11 should have been scrutinized.

The 9/11 Commission’s Report and recommendations are highly suspect, if not downright fictitious. (Ominously, they are being used to rush through legislation to create a new powerful overseeing Intelligence Agency.)

Questions and Issues that they completely ignored-

The importance of oil, “Peak Oil,” Cheney’s Secret Energy Task Force meetings, the importance of the illicit drug trade to the US economy (particularly the heroin flow through Afghanistan), money laundering, the strategic importance of the Caspian Sea region, Pakistan’s ISI’s close relationship with the CIA, the Carlyle group, Dave Fresca, Sibel Edmonds, Coleen Rowley, John O’Neill, insider trading, Israel, World Trade Center Building #7, Enron, the Office of National Preparedness…

Questions for the Commissioners-

What did it mean when Commissioner Max Cleland did resign last year, and called the Commission a whitewash and a sequel to the Warren Commission?

Why does "The 9/11 Commission Report" fail to pursue the well-known terror connections of the CIA's client agency, the Pakistani ISI? Why does it ignore reports that the alleged 9/11 plotters received funds from the ISI? Why does it claim that the financing of the 9/11 attacks is of "no practical significance"?

Why does the report fail to ask why the key men in the U.S. military chain of command - Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, Winfield - by their own accounts and by the public record appear to have done nothing to exercise their decision-making authorities during the actual 9/11 attacks, i.e. in the time from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001?

Why does the report omit to mention the advance warnings of attacks on the United States received from foreign intelligence agencies in the weeks prior to Sept. 11?

Why does the report ignore the FBI whistleblowers who decried high-level obstruction of field investigations into potential terrorists in the months before 9/11?

Why did the report arbitrarily change the timeline, in contradiction to public testimony, of U.S. air defense response on Sept. 11?

Why doesn't the report even mention the mysterious collapse of a third skyscraper, 7 WTC, on the afternoon of Sept. 11?

Why doesn't the report condemn Rumsfeld and Rice for their repeated statements that "no one could have imagined planes used as weapons," –demonstrable lies?

Did the Commissioners pursue any of the above lines of questioning in the confidential parts of their 18-month investigation?

Did they have access to relevant information not included in their report, and not covered in the public hearings?

There is no way to tell: the report lacks visible redactions to show the censoring of classified material.

The purpose of the 9/11 Commission was to argue that the US government was not complicit in the attacks of 9/11. They could only make this argument by distorting, or completely omitting, dozens of facts. This is why the Commissioners will not accept 90% of the questions raised by the public; they only respond to the 10% which do not threaten the conspiracy theory that they have contrived and are trying to sell.

The mainstream press is going along with this charade, and it will take all of our creativity, ingenuity, and courage to raise the questions, and state the facts which they cannot respond to or acknowledge without admitting their guilt in the crime and the cover-up.

Bring a whistle, raise your voice, pass out leaflets, carry signs, do whatever you can to reach the public, break the media censorship, shatter the Big Lie which is the pretext for the War of Terrorism that has been launched against us, the American people, the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia, the Phillipines, the world.

Protest Commissioners-
Congressman Timothy Roemer, 9-11 Commissioner
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Jamie Gorelick, 9/11 Commissioner;
November 3, 2004
Both programs at-
World Affairs Council of Northern California,
312 Sutter Street, 2nd
floor Conference Room, San Francisco
Check In: 5:30 PM, Program: 6:00 PM.
Members: free; Non-members: $12; Students: $5; Co-Sponsors: $7
Public Info and reservation: (415) 293-4600,

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