From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

5/1 Mission Accomplished? Procession for Peace

by Code Pink
The Procession will begin at United Nations Plaza at 2 pm and make stops at the
Federal Building and the Veteran's Building before finishing up at City Hall. At
each stop, names of casualties will be read and there will be an observance lead by
a faith leader. We will end with a short vigil at City Hall, with music and the
reading of more names.
Saturday, May 1, 2pm
Procession for Peace

May 1st marks the one year anniversary of George Bush's proclamation: "Mission
Accomplished" in Iraq. Here are but a few of the occupation's accomplishments:
a.. countless thousands of innocent Iraqi civilian casualties, including the
recent massacre in Fallujah
b.. a reconstruction that has slowed to a stop in many places, leaving Iraqis
bereft of dependable electricity and their streets replete with bubbling sewage
c.. an estimated 60% of Iraqis out of work as they watch foreign workers and
Americans, hired by companies such as Halliburton, getting paid on a higher wage
scale than workers from their own country (when Iraqis are lucky enough to get
d.. women's rights in serious jeopardy of being thrown back to pre-1959 status
e.. violence, mayhem, and loss of life as the new norm
Please join CodePink and many other groups as we publicly unite in sorrow and in
solidarity with all those who have lost their lives, family members, and way of life
to the war and occupation in Iraq.

The Procession will begin at United Nations Plaza at 2 pm and make stops at the
Federal Building and the Veteran's Building before finishing up at City Hall. At
each stop, names of casualties will be read and there will be an observance lead by
a faith leader. We will end with a short vigil at City Hall, with music and the
reading of more names.

This is not a political action, but rather an active, visible expression of grief
for all the lives lost and the resultant suffering around the globe.

We are asking CodePink members to create makeshift pink tombstones to carry in the
procession. (Use cardboard, construction paper, or whatever create material you can

CodePink members are known for their creativity, so feel free to come up with your
own tombstone message. Just keep in mind this event is on the anniversary of Bush's
Mission Accomplished statement. An idea to get your creative juices flowing:

Mission Accomplished?
May 1, 2003 - May 1, 2004
584 U.S. Soldiers Killed

UN Plaza, San Francisco, Civic Center BART

Contact: Matthew Van Saun: mvsaun [at] 415.661.5326 or Siri Margerin:
sirim [at] 415.641.0338 if you would like to get involved.

Endorsed by: CODEPINK, American Friends Service Committee, American Muslim Voice,
Berkeley Women in Black, Reverend Michael Yoshi/ Buena Vista United Methodist,
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Reverend Jeffrey Cheifetz/Christ
United Presbyterian Church, Global Exchange, Reverend Paul Chaffee /Interfaith
Center at the Presidio, Interfaith Witness for Peace, Islamic Cultural Center of
Northern California, Islamic Society of San Francisco, Jewish Voice for Peace, the
Reverend Lyle W. Grosjean/Episcopal Church, Reverend John Chamberlin/ East Timor
Religious Outreach, Mother Speak, Pakistan American Alliance, Peoples NonViolent
Response Coalition, Sister Bernie Galvin, Religious Witness with Homeless People,
Reverend John Oda/ Pine United Methodist Church, Father Louis Vitale/ Saint Boniface
Church, Father Labib Kobei/ Saint Thomas Moore Church, Reverend Bob Forsberg /
Peacemaking Task Force, San Francisco Presbytery, San Francisco Chapter of The
Tikkun Community, Reverend Dr. Alan Jones/ San Rafael First United
Methodist Church, Reverend Schuyler Rhodes/ Temple United Methodist Church, United
Muslims of America Interfaith Alliance/ Iftekhar A. Hai, Veterans for Peace Chapter
69, Western States Legal Foundation

Co-sponsored by; Amnesty International USA and United for Peace & Justice Bay Area
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