UNDER ATTACK: Arab, Muslim & South Asian Communities
Under Attack:
Arab, Muslim & South Asian Communities
Since September 11th
First hand accounts by detainees, their families, and immigrant rights advocates.
New Not in Our Name half-hour audio documentary now available. Produced by Sarah Olson. 29:35 min. total. Unrestricted non-commercial distribution and public broadcast encouraged.
Real Media: Listen online
4.5 MBMP3: Listen online
32kbps, mono. 6.77 MBMP3: Broadcast-quality
64kbps, mono. 13.5 MBOrder CD
Cover art pictured right
in order of appearanceBanafsheh Akhlaghi
Immigration attorney with Akhlaghi & Associates, San FranciscoRiva Enteen
Member of the National Lawyers Guild > www.nlg.orgShah (full name withheld)
San Francisco auto shop owner subjected to police brutality in a rural California courthouse in December 2001Sounds of protest: Aimara Lin, Not in Our Name organizer; Yuri Kochiyama, grew up in concentration camp for Japanese-Americans in California during WWII
Lynne Stewart
New York civil rights attorney indicted by John Ashcroft for “materially aiding a terrorist organization” > www.lynnestewart.orgGhassan Khalaf
Dentist visited at his San Francisco office by the FBI, allegedly on an anonymous tip that he was a suicide bomberSamina Faheem
Executive Director of American Muslim Voice > www.amuslimvoice.orgMaher Arar
Canadian citizen detained by US authorities during a New York stopover on his way home from vacation in Tunisia. He was deported to Syria where he was tortured. > www.maherarar.caFarouk Abdel-Muhti
Arrested in New York a month after working regularly at WBAI-FM Radio arranging interviews with Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Farouk was finally released after nearly two years in detention on April 12, 2004. > www.freefarouk.orgPatricia David
Wife of deported Pakistan born Gerald David. Gerald “disappeared” on his way to work near Houston, Texas on March 1, 2002. He was put a secret flight to Pakistan with 130 others—most for simple visa violations.Michele Swensen
Wife of Ashraf Al-Jailani, a Muslim immigrant from Yemen. The INS arrested Ashraf on his way to work in Kent, Ohio on October 22, 2002 based on suspicion of “Al-Qaeda links.” He remains imprisoned without charge. > www.helpashraf.comProducer Sarah Olson is a regular contributing reporter for Free Speech Radio News which is heard daily on 125 radio stations including the five Pacifica stations, and the National Radio Project’s weekly “Making Contact” investigative radio program which airs on nearly 200 community stations across the country.
To help offset the expense of production and distribution of this audio documentary, please send tax-deductible donations to:
"Not in Our Name/Agape Foundation”
3945 Opal Street, Oakland CA 94609
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