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JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (remainder of article)

by Jon Phalen (truthserum9 [at]
Here's the rest of my magnum opus
America, for example, once had a heroic reputation among freedom-seekers around the world. Starting many years ago, the keepers of that legacy grew so arrogant, so artless, that their attempts to disguise their selfish motives became transparent to the average ten-year-old, so now America finds itself becoming an object of generalized hatred. And deservedly: when an elite cult of villains and cowards waylays all the governments of the world by holding a nuclear gun to their heads, they SHOULD be hated, and that's exactly what this government did while its subjects snoozed at the Big Boob these past five decades. The aggrieved parties will of course be deemed "just jealous" by the press, whose pronouncements are both source and product of the tit-feeder mentality.

With Buffoon & Co., the pretenses are now so tissue-thin that even Americans should have no trouble seeing through them. The one thing stopping them is all-determining: they don't want to. This sort of delusion even extends to self-described "liberals," who love to vomit the platitude that "America's PEOPLE can't be held responsible for the excesses of their GOVERNMENT."

I wish one of these nutless wonders would explain to me exactly how this works; from where I sit, ultimate responsibility for the criminal conduct of this government belongs to THEM. After all, thirty years ago most of them were intensely aware of this government's capacity for evil. Since then, they've been seduced by accumulations of property, privilege, and mental lethargy, thereby settling into America's most selfish middle class generation EVER. Watching them recite fatuous denials to themselves, I'm reminded of the French Court under Louis XVI. Their stock concept of 'political involvement' -- filling in a ballot once a year -- hardly seems likely to fix a goddamn thing, since the forces of wealth clearly have both major parties in their pocket. By all indications, they don't even care; the interests of wealth have become their own. If Bush's 2000 installation left any doubt about collusion between the two parties, Schwarzenegger's triumph in California just removed it. The California Democratic Party simply HAD TO KNOW that Gray Davis was history, so why did they fail to put all their marbles behind ONE potent alternative candidate? They can't strategize on their own behalf worth a damn, but they sure do a bang-up job for the repugs. Is it insane to wonder if they both get their marching orders from the same place?

Voting should certainly be part of a larger strategy -- it may not mean as much as we're told, but at least it's something. Real change, however, would seem to require much more from us: open dissent and resistance, civil disobedience, total rejection of bourgeois sensibilities, including careerism, as this is the path taken by most on their journey into apathy and selfishness. It's no wonder, then, that causing each of us to nurture dreams of professional glory has long been this country's most lavish "philanthropic" project. Our unprecedented university system -- is it really about giving us all a leg up, or is it a clever and utterly cynical social engineering program? As they hand out huge endowments, what do the bloodless billionaires really mean with all their malarkey about "investing in the future." The working class is the true home of the political left. Demographically and politically, it once dominated this country, and thoughtful people didn't always have reason to flee from it. Now it's a defeated mass of Bush-boosting, TV-mesmerized morons. When class assignment at birth is an immutable life sentence, intelligent members of an exploited class tend to become revolutionaries. By its very nature, the "classless" careerist ethic solves this problem by identifying the gifted among them as young as possible and reassigning them to a separate social order, where they're supplied with selfish reasons for staying quiet. Added together, their class defections and betrayals make up the aforementioned billionaires' "return on investment." Divide and conquer, divide and conquer...

In so many ways, the true genius of American politics has been in making sure the average slob has far too much to lose by rejecting bourgeois temptations. The tragedy of this design is that it makes us all full partners in the prevailing order of plunder and corruption. During the Great Depression, poverty was so rampant here that this formula began to unravel, prompting our keepers to feign benevolence with an improvised Head Amputation Prevention System, otherwise known as "the New Deal." Given the power of the information technology now at their disposal, they seem to be preparing to let it unravel again, this time to be replaced with an all-seeing electronic security state. This is probably the real reason behind the USAPATRIOT Act, rampant domestic spying, mounting repressive tactics and nationalist propaganda, vast enlargements of prison infrastructure, and so on. Kudos to all the technological utopians out there; far be it from them to realize that those in power always pervert emerging technology into a means of grabbing even more power.

The American political scene is now becoming so ominous that many Americans are finally waking up, achieving real political awareness for the first time in their lives. As they discover reality, they are finding themselves in a horrifying predicament: this country is but a few steps away from becoming an overt dictatorship, and the Neo-cons seem determined to go the distance. All they need to do at this point is arrange another "Pearl Harbor." Anything short of massive, uncompromising civil disobedience seems unlikely to stop them, and the vast majority of Americans are unlikely to engage in any such thing. Incapable of even noticing how bountiful their lives are, what could possibly induce them to reflect on the malevolent work by which that bounty has been concentrated, or to acknowledge the rights of people and other beings, living and dead, from whom it has been stolen? The hopelessness of the situation is deepened by the relentless and all but inescapable onslaught of commercial media, whose role of promoting this exact selfishness and civic apathy is now performed with incredible audacity. Most of these "Good Americans" just trudge along mindlessly in the rut indicated by their message, willfully oblivious to its subtexts.

America's malaise isn't entirely a product of conscious effort, but on the other hand, none of it is accidental. How is this possible? The main thing people use "logic" for is to conceal even from themselves the mediocre nature of their true motives. America's corruption, like that of all nations, is an organic phenomenon, i. e. it is neither orchestrated nor needs to be. It has been advanced not by the lurking efforts of secret circles so much as by the main thrust of American culture. Those frontiersmen in Ohio, for example, scarcely needed the inducements Washington offered them; they were eager to exterminate the Indians and steal their land. And so it goes. By such means, the corruption of our entire civic culture has been advanced by all of us, through habits of thought that lie beneath the level of consciousness -- for example, in the sane and humane alternatives we consistently choose to NOT consider. Again, media's leadership in this area has been inestimable.

My gratitude to those who have protested and been civilly disobedient over the years is beyond measure -- they are the true bearers of Liberty's flame -- but I am doubly contemptuous of those among them, seduced by privilege, who have ended up swinging to the other side. They are the very soul of corruption, and traitors even to their own dreams.

Here's the richest irony of all: Bush's most avid supporters are a puritanical bunch. They attend church. They pray on streetcorners. They bludgeon the unwitting with their sanctimonious talk of God, Family, and the American Way. So convinced are they of their moral superiority, they have no qualms about marching toward even greater material gluttony over a pavement of charred corpses. In fact, they seem to see this as a divine quest. You don't need a doctorate in Theology to know that if Hell is real, its inmost pit has got to be reserved for hypocrites such as these.



1) Even now, the "independent commission" is shot through with incredible conflicts of interest, exemplified by the present chairman's financial ties to members of the Bin Laden Family. Such a panel can hardly be expected to deviate from the gutless pattern of past "investigative commissions": the Warren Commission, the Rockefeller Commission, the Iran-Contra hearings, etc.

Chossudovsky, Michel. Who's Who on the 9/11 "Independent" Commission.

2) Churchill, Ward. A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas, 1492 to the Present. (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997) pp. 209 - 214

3) Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States, 1492 - Present. (New York: Harper Collins, 1999) pp. 149-169

4) ibid, pp. 297-320

5) ibid, pp. 359-376

6) Stinnett, Robert. Day of Deceit: the Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000) See ALL

7) many historical documents support this analysis, including:

United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Summary Report (Pacific War) (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1946) p.26:
"Nevertheless, it seems clear that, even without the atomic bombing attacks, air supremacy over Japan could have exerted sufficient pressure to bring about unconditional surrender and obviate the need for invasion... Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated."

8) Blum, William. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. (Monroe, Maine, USA: Common Courage Press, 1995) pp. 21-23, 39-43, 50, 51, 122-127

9) ibid, pp. 129-145

10) Heller, Jean. Public Doesn't Get Picture With Gulf Satellite Photos. St. Petersburg Times, 1/6/1991

11) MacArthur, John R. Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War. (New York: Hill and Wang, 1992) pp. 37-77.

12) Bamford, James. Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency from the Cold War Through the Dawn of a New Century. (New York: Doubleday, 2001) pp. 82-91

13) Blum. Killing Hope. pp. 106-108

14) A scanned copy of this memo can be seen in -- scroll down

15) Webb, Gary. Dark Alliance. San Jose mercury News, 9/18/1996
available online at:

16) de Grand Pre, Donn; Col. US Army (Ret.). The Enemy is inside the Gates
available online at

17) multiple sources:

Kennedy, Dominic. Suicide Hijackers Hid Behind Stolen Arab Identities. London Times, 9/20/01

MacFarquhar, Neil. A Nation Challenged: The Hijackers; Confusion Over Names Clouds Identities of Attackers on Jets. New York Times, 9/21/01
available online at

Jeffery, Simon. Special Report: Terrorism in the US. The Guardian, 9/21/01
available online at,11209,601550,00.html

Harrison, David. Revealed: the men with stolen identities. The Daily Telegraph, 9/23/01
available online at

Author unknown. Hijack 'Suspects' Alive and Well. British Broadcasting Corporation, 9/23/01
available online at

18) Hepburn, James. Farewell America. (Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Frontiers Publishing, 1968) see ALL.
Available online at

19) The most suspect parties here are Nelson Rockefeller and his demonic lackeys, the Dulles brothers. The threads implicating Rockefeller in Kennedy's death are explored rigorously in:

Colby, Gerard and Charlotte Dennett. Thy Will Be Done -- The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. (New York, USA: HarperCollins, 1995)

Approaching this matter from different directions and supporting their arguments with extraordinary historical documentation, the authors of 'Farewell America' and 'Thy Will Be Done' arrive independently at strikingly similar conclusions.
by it must suck to be you
>>When class assignment at birth is an immutable life sentence, intelligent members of an exploited class tend to become revolutionaries. By its very nature, the "classless" careerist ethic solves this problem by identifying the gifted among them as young as possible and reassigning them to a separate social order, where they're supplied with selfish reasons for staying quiet. Added together, their class defections and betrayals make up the aforementioned billionaires' "return on investment." Divide and conquer, divide and conquer... <<

I have witnessed hundreds of people from all races and backgrounds, escape the 'life sentence' that you describe. And they were not among any 'gifted' class that was singled out for special treatment.

They were just people that woke up and started believing in themselves...that rebuked the lies of people like yourself...that didn't wait around for some government entity to save them....

The old line of the Communist party was "that religion is the opiate of the people" has been replaced with:

"Government entitlements are the opiate of the people"..

heaven help those that are addicted...
by worker
Anyone who works because they have to, is a worker. A high paid worker is a worker. A low paid worker is a worker. An unemployed worker is a worker. A self employed worker is a worker. A retired worker is a worker. A disabled worker is a worker. A houseworker is a worker. And a student is a worker in training.

Anyone who doesn’t work because others work for them, is a boss.

There are two kinds of people, bosses and workers. Bosses are parasites. Workers don’t need bosses. The worker self-owned, worker self-managed workplace is the way of the future. Either work to make it happen or get out of the way.
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