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Bush Selects Zionist U.S. General Jay Gardner To Run Iraq

by Uncensored Internet
While the S.F. Chronicle lauds this general turned "humantarian" the general's past roles as one of the key leaders of JINSA and longtime advocate of using the U.S. military to support Zionism has been removed from the JINSA site
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a cabal of Jewish American military officers who have long advocated putting Israel's security needs before those of the United States, has removed most all links to JINSA positions which may embarass the Bush administrations drive to appoint General Gardner as the U.S. installed dictator of "liberated" Iraq.

Despite the Zionist's attempt to put General Gardner's past down the memory hole, many Arab sources including Al-Quds al-Arabi and Washington Report on Middle East have revealed General Gardner's close ties to the Israeli Likud party. The established media should realize that they may purge and censor their news to constantly rewrite history, but the truth lives forever on the Internet. There are still many sources on what General Gardner actually believes such as this JINSA statement on Palestinian "violence":

JINSA Flag & General Officers Statement on Palestinian Violence

dated October 13th, 2000
Signatures as of October 16th, 2000

We, the undersigned, believe that during the current upheavals in Israel, the Israel Defense Forces have exercised remarkable restraint in the face of lethal violence orchestrated by the leadership of a Palestinian Authority that deliberately pushes civilians and young people to the front lines.

We are appalled by the Palestinian political and military leadership that teaches children the mechanics of war while filling their heads with hate.We are appalled by Palestinian "police" and "military commanders" who place armed adults amid civilian rioters, betting their children's lives on the capabilities and restraint of the IDF and then callously using the inevitable casualties as grist for their propaganda mill.

The behavior of those Palestinians, who use civilians as soldiers in a war, is a perversion of military ethics.

We have traveled to Israel over the years with The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. We do not claim to be experts in the political affairs of Israel and its neighbors. However, in those travels, we brought with us our decades of military experience and came away with the unswerving belief that the security of the State of Israel is a matter of great importance to US policy in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, as well as around the world. A strong Israel is an asset that American military planners and political leaders can rely on.

Israeli military innovations, shared with America, in tanks and tank warfare, ballistic missile defense capabilities, reserve mobilization, the uses of air power and early warning, among others, are astonishing. But what makes the US-Israel security relationship one of mutual benefit is the combination of military capabilities and shared political values - freedom, democracy, personal liberty and the rule of law.

We met in Israel with leaders from left to right on the Israeli political spectrum, and we met with soldiers from privates to generals and Chiefs of Staff. We traveled throughout the north, along the coast, in the Negev, Jerusalem and the territories. We reconfirmed the ageless lessons that every military professional knows - how geography and topography can predict destiny.

Throughout our travels and our talks, the determination of Israelis to protect their country and pursue a fair and workable peace with their neighbors at the same time was evident. It is with this background that we view the current conflict in and around Israel with such dismay. Yitzhak Rabin said at the beginning of this peace effort with the Palestinians that one can only make peace with one's enemies. But what every soldier also knows is that the enemy must have decided to put down his weapons - rocks as well as rifles - and make peace in good faith. The Palestinian-initiated violence in Israel now strongly tells us that the necessary good faith is sorely lacking on the Palestinian side.

America's role as facilitator in this process should never yield to America's responsibility as a friend to Israel, the only country in the Middle East that shares our democratic and humanitarian values. Friends don't leave friends on the battlefield.

Lt. Gen. Marcus Anderson, USAF (ret.) - Inspector General, US Air Force *
Lt. Gen. Robert Baer, USA (ret.) - Deputy Commander, Army Materiel Command
Maj. Gen. Max Baratz, USAR (ret.) - Commander, US Army Reserve
Lt. Gen. Jared Bates, USA (ret.) - Inspector General, US Army
R. Adm. Charles Beers, USN (ret.) - Commander, Submarine Group Ten
Lt. Gen. Arthur C. Blades, USMC (ret.) - Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, Policies, and Operations, Marine HQ
Lt. Gen. Anthony Burshnick, USAF (ret.) - Commander, Military Airlift Command
Adm. James Busey, USN (ret.) - CINC, US Navy Europe
Lt. Gen. Paul Cerjan, USA (ret.) - Deputy Allied Commander, Europe
Adm. Hank Chiles, USN (ret.) - Commander in Chief, US Strategic Command
Gen. J.B. Davis, USAF (ret.) - Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Admiral Bruce DeMars, USN (ret.) - Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion
Maj. Gen. Lee Downer, USAF (ret.) - Director of Operations, Air Combat Command
Admiral Leon Edney, USN (ret.) - Commander US Atlantic Fleet
Gen. John Foss, USA (ret.) - Commanding General, Training and Doctrine Command
Maj. Gen. Donald Gardner, USMC (ret.) - Commander, III Marine Expeditionary Force
Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, USA (ret.) - Assistant Vice Chief of Staff
Maj. Gen. William Garrison, USA (ret.) - Commander, Joint Special Operations Command
Maj. Gen. David Grange, USA (ret.) - Dir., Operations, Readiness, and Mobilization
Lt. Gen. Tom Griffin, USA (ret.) - Chief of Staff, Allied Forces Southern Europe
Gen. Alfred Hansen, USAF (ret.) - Commander, USAF Logistics Command
Admiral Jerome Johnson, USN (ret.) - Vice Chief of Naval Operations
V. Adm. Dennis Jones, USN (ret.) - Deputy Commander in Chief, US Strategic Command
R. Adm. Herbert C. Kaler, USN (ret.) - Dir., Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense Organization
V. Adm. Anthony Less, USN (ret.) - Commander, Naval Air Forces, US Atlantic Fleet
Maj. Gen. Jarvis Lynch, USMC (ret.) - Commander, Eastern Marine Recruiting Depot
Lt. Gen. Charlie May, USAF (ret.) - Vice Chief of Staff, USAF
Lt. Gen. James McCombs, USAF (ret.) - Deputy Commander in Chief, Special Ops Command
R. Adm. William F. Merlin, USCG (ret.) - Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District
Maj. Gen. William C. Moore, USA (ret.) - Director, Operations, Readiness & Mobilization
Maj. Gen. Robert Patterson, USAF (ret.) - Commanding General, 23rd Air Force
V. Adm. James Perkins, USN (ret.) - Deputy Commander in Chief, US Southern Command
Lt. Gen. Everett Pratt, USAF (ret.) - Vice Commander, US Air Forces Europe
Maj. Gen. Milnor Roberts, USA (ret.) - Deputy Chief, US Army Reserve
R. Adm. Norman Saunders, USCG (ret.) - Commander, 7th Coast Guard District
Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, USA (ret.) - Commanding General, JFK Special Forces School
R. Adm. Sumner Shapiro, USN (ret.) - Director, Naval Intelligence
Adm. Leighton Smith, USN (ret.) - Commander, US Forces & NATO, Southern Europe
Maj. Gen. Larry Taylor, USMC(R) (ret.) - Commanding General, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing
Adm. Carlisle A. H. Trost, USN (ret.) - Chief of Naval Operations
V. Adm. Jerome Tuttle, USN (ret.) - Director, Space & Electronic Warfare
Brig. Gen. Thomas E. White, USA (ret.) - Executive to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
R. Adm. Guy Zeller, USN (ret.) - Dir., Surface Warfare OPNAV

General Gardner as humanarian:

by that this war in not about Israel?
Please, everyone. Get out of your denial! The proposed war on Iraq is due to the Zionist agenda on Israel's behalf. Oil is only a secondary issue. There are plenty of other places to get oil and on top of that there is development of alternative energies. This war is Iraq is primarily due to the racist ideology of Zionism. Get over your mental block.
by zionism the euphrates.
by jEsSe
"The proposed war on Iraq is due to the Zionist agenda on Israel's behalf. Oil is only a secondary issue"

Oil, and it's effect on the US dollar's value, is *the* issue. Bush needs to pay off allot of people to get their support for the war, or, in Israel's case, keep them out of the war. So, the general is a zionist. And you know what? There are going to be Sunni's, and Kurds, and, Shiites, and others, in the government that the US cobbles togethe, to. They all want a piece of the pie in exchange for their cooperation. If this was about Israel, Israel would be getting the biggest slice of the pie. But all that oil is going to be sold by US and UK corporations, not Israeli corporations. Is this to say that I think a zionist has any legit right to be governing Iraq? Hell no! But then, I don't think a US general has any right to govern Iraq either.

"There are plenty of other places to get oil..."

Sure, you could probably get oil from my back yard, if you looked hard enough. But how many places have as much oil as Iraq? Iraq's oil reserves are a close second to Saudi Arabia, which already provides us with oil.

"...and on top of that there is development of alternative energies"

And you expect a US administration of petroligarchs to suddenly shift US energy policy to renewable energy? Yeah, and maybe next they'll tie cinder blocks to their ankles and jump in the bay.

by Jbuzz
The warmongers have lots of money. They have lots of oil. What is it they want that they dont have? Control. Total control over everyone and everything. Total control over the earth and outer space is the only thing left on the to-do list.
by tweak
Venezuela. The CIA should have Chaves toppled or murdered any day now, so my enormous SUV can gratify my go for another year or two.
It is neither "about oil" or "about Israel" per se. It is about who controls the holy land at ameggeddon.
Remember Bohemian Grove.
by Truth Agent
The Zionist influence and agenda is essentially proven and established fact.
Oil is merely the convenient cover story.
The backgrounds of Richard Perle and cohorts essentlially demystify this, being that they are the architects of much of the right-wing militancy in Israel as we speak... same Zionists who are now running the US government!!

See Robert Fisk's article:

Richard Perle's Zionist strategy report circa 1996:
Perle (1996):
" Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions."
by NoConspiracy!
YES - Israel is a US ally.
YES - the US is made up partly of Jews.
YES - We (the US) give way too much aid to Israel
YES - Israel will benefit from a friendly Iraq
NO - They are not pulling our strings.

Bush is a Texan, we Texan's think for ourselves and do what's best for the greater good. The Iraqi people will greatly benefit from our prescence. We will deliver them from a cruel dictator.

by Anon.
It helps explain all that has been covered up

Fox News Series on Israeli Spying in the US

by John
the attack on iraq has been planned for over 10 years by the zionist adviser wolfowitz. see article by mark perry in palestine report. brzezenski and scowcroft tried to publish an article about this in february in the wsj but it was censored.
bush is a pawn of zionist blackmail. they presumably got him elected because of the leverage they have on him: his family were the biggest nazis in the usa during the 30's, the bush family fortune was made from the blood of slave labor at auschwitz. see the online book, nazi hydra in fascist america,
if bush doesn't toe the zionist line with all those skeletons (literally) in the closet, they'll hold his feet to the fire.
by Terje Langeland
For more on Garner, visit Click on "archives" and do a search on "garner" and/or "sy technology"
by GreyLmist
From: The US Marines in Lebanon

Washington wanted Israel to delay its withdrawal until the Lebanese government was prepared to assume authority over the Shouf. But the IDF allowed Phalange forces to enter the Shouf's Druze villages in July, triggering bloody clashes.

Israel's sudden withdrawal on August 31 provoked a major battle for control of the mountains. The Marines were exposed to cross-fire

by JINSA Revealed
Israel is our ally, but so are hundreds of other nations, like the U.K., Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, South Korea to name a few nationalities represented in the 217,000 active duty U.S. officers.

Most all of these non-Jewish officers would think it immoral, if not down right treasonous to use their military and retired military positions to agitate for the policies of a foreign nation. There is no comparable cabal of U.S. officers, whatever the nationality, catering to the lobbying of a foreign nation, equal to the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

JINSA' primary mission is to make sure the U.S. militarily, economically and politically remain totally committed to Israel. Their repeated position papers and posturing support the interests of Israel, even if those positions are not in the best interest of the United States.

While all of these currently serving and retired military and civilians have all served the United States honorably, these JINSA leaders continue to be very active in lobbying for Israel, and they publicly and politically support most all of the right wing policies of the Jewish State. Based on JINSA's past alliance with AIPAC and their mutual advocacy of policies, which sometimes conflict with the best interests of the United States, the actions of these people when accepting government appointments bare watching:

David P. Steinmann, Chairman
J. Kenneth Blackwell
Hon. Beau Bolter
Dr. Stephen D. Bryen
Lt. Gen. Anthony Burshnick, USAF (Ret.)
Dr. Anthony Cordesman
General James B. Davis, USAF (ret.)
Maj. Gen. Lee Downer, USAF (ret.)
Major General Robert D. Eaglet, USAF (ret.)
Adm. Leon Edney, USN (Ret.)
Ambassador Harvey Feldman
Gen. John Foss, USA (Ret.)
Lt. Gen. Thomas Griffin, USA (Ret.)
General Jay Garner
Hon. Frank Hoeber
Adm. David Jeremiah, USN (Ret.)
Adm. Jerome Johnson, USN (Ret.)
Phyllis Kaminsky
Amb. Max M. Kampelman
V. Adm. Bernard Kauderer, USN (Ret.)
Lt. Gen. Robert Kelley, USAF (Ret.)
Prof. Michael Ledeen
Vice Admiral Anthony A. Less, USN (ret.)
M. Gen. Jarvis Lynch, USMC (Ret.)
Senator Connie Mack
Lt. Gen. Charles May, USAF (Ret.)
Gen. Jack Merritt, USA (Ret.)
Hon. Dave McCurdy
Dr. Joshua Muravchik
Major General Robert B. Patterson, USAF (ret.)
The Hon. Richard Perle
Lt. Gen. John Pustay, USAF (Ret.)
Ambassador Peter R. Rosenblatt
Prof. Eugene Rostow
Gen. Crosbie Saint, USA (Ret.)
Prof. David Sidorsky
M. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, USA (Ret.)
R. Adm. Sumner Shapiro, USN (Ret.)
Lt. Gen. Ted Stroup, USA (Ret.)
Gen. Lawrence A. Skantze, USAF (Ret.)
Hon. Stephen Solarz
Major General Larry Taylor, USMCR*
Kenneth Timmerman
Jacques Torczyner
Adm. Carlisle Trost, USN (Ret.)
Col. Bruce Williams, USA (Ret.)
by Ucyber2 (ucyber2 [at]
If you don't believe there is an acutual Zionist agenda here, please just look at these 2 incidents of the last few years. After 9/11 President Bush announced that the US would go after those people who profited from puchasing "put" options on American & United Airlines.
Those were people who had purchased these options 2 days before the 9/11 incident - Put options are basically a bet that the stock is going to go down. The President stated that a higher volume of 'put' buying had occurred a couple days before the incident, and that those responsible will be questioned and persecuted. The assumption was that they knew this was going to happen. The premise was that these prople were Bin Laden followers who were out to make a quick buck on a American disaster. For those of us who do remember these statements, what every happened to the inquery? It feel throught the cracks of time, no followup,,,everyone just forgot about it? It appears that the people who made the profit we all Israeli nationals! In addition to that there were a number of Mossad agents who were kicked out of the country a couple days after 9/11 - that white van everyone was looking for in Liberty Park, Jersey City which had the clear view of the event was populated by not Arab but Israeli agents. Time to connect the dots, were is the accountability, were is the media coverage on this, what has hapened ot our country?
by freeman
And my friend can you tell me when is your "Texan" officers private army (mostly gum chewing 18-23 yr's old copying Hollywood movie killings and stunts) will come back from Iraq.
They won't unless they are done with all of the resources or breakeven "oil for war expenses". These shameless and coward army of US won't come back even if Iraqis will spit on their face. They will wipe or wash it with a Iraqi kid's blood and liberating him and "keeping paramilitary" forces under control.
I do not know whom the hell US is teaching in current world. But I know one lesson it is still time to think a little bit-everybody in this world from Nepolean, Alexander, Chagez Khan, BritishersHitler etc. thought they currently have most sophisticated weapons and war machinery but guess what within few years all of them collapsed. Let me give you an example Britain was ruling and exploiting India ("Civilizing and Teachig Mordern Trade Customs") there was one man Gandhi who didn't fire a shot and kicked thier butts off from that whole region. Moreover, Britain after 50 years now even can't imagin to fight with India or China both are capable of blowing Brotain's ass off the planet. So please think a little more that "Freeing Iraqis".
Average Americam himself is not free under "Corporate Rule" and why the hell going to create a mess everywhere.
My friend think longterm there is big difference in Great Power and super power. But Bush being a "C" grade student won't understand it.
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