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Indybay Feature
March Against Bush, Not Just Against War
Go to the root of the problem, not merely the symptom.
Bush is desperate to avert a looming US economic collapse, portended by the $US' 23% sag compared to the Euro that has happened over just the past year. The sag is occurring under the massive weight of a $US6T debt and $1.5B daily trade deficit compounded by the US government's deficit spending budgets and some 30% fall in the US Dow Jones stock market index. More and more nations are fleeing the increasingly devalued and risky $US in favor of the Euro. Of particular importance are those nations, such as Iraq in November 2000, who are switching from the $US to the Euro as the standard exchange for world oil markets. That is, the sag is due to a loss of faith and confidence in the debt-ridden $US as nations flush their coffers of $USs and refill them with Euros, creating a surplus of $USs and shortage of Euros.
The US Oil Mentality had hoped it could obtain relief by acquiring most of the 200 billion barrel Caspian Sea oil reserves via pipeline through Afghanistan, but negotiations with the Taliban for the routing through their territory failed in summer, 2001. A couple of months later, the US blamed Osama for 911, demanded the Taliban surrender him without any evidence, and when they hesitated, the US bombed and grabbed Afghanistan. However, more recent research showed the Caspian reserves were only some 10 to 20 billion barrels instead of 200 billion, and the quality was very poor because of high sulphur content, thereby dousing US hopes. The US' Oil Strategy thus shifted its focus from the unexpectedly unprofitable Afghanistan pipeline, to Iraq with its proven reserves that are second largest in the world. Accordingly, Bush's War on Terror utterly abandoned pursuit of Osama, the alleged architect of the 911 Most Heinous Act of Terror in All of Human History, and
suddenly substituted pursuit of Sadam, some rag tag dictator, impotent of controlling much beyond the borders of a far remote patch of sand.
Iraqi oil is much more than merely a matter of slaking US thirst. By seizing the Iraqi oil reserves, the US will return Iraqi oil to a $US exchange standard, thereby re-establishing and affirming the $US benchmark in the Middle East. A $US oil exchange standard props up the $US by assuring continuing demand for $USs, because any country who wants to purchase oil must first buy $USs with their native currency. And the
US will increase Iraqi production causing OPEC to lose its power to maintain the price of oil at its current level through its practice of constraining production and supply. The US' need to control more and more of the various world's resources will see the Terrorist du Jour's being conveniently fingered wherever else, whatever other resource is located.
There is no shortage of genuine terrorists. Once you identify a terrorist, you can arbitrarily name him as a patsy for anything including ludicrous scenarios of potential attacks, regardless of whether or not he may even have had any foreknowledge or actual capability of the specific event for which he is being blamed. The US has committed unspeakable terrorist atrocities alone, and has compiled an extensive list of terrorists from
the US' acting in concert with a plethora of other terrorist parties including both Osama and Sadam whom it is now betraying in sacrifice upon the altar of the Oil God.
Never forget that it was the US who brought us the only example of using nuclear bombs to incinerate some 127,000 innocent people: grandmothers, infants, and hard-working families, while the embattered Japanese government, reduced to saving pennies with stripped down Kamikaze aircraft that had no landing gear, was frantically attempting to negotiate surrender in Sweden. The US later brought us the Iran-Contra affair in which the US participated in a massive drug pipeline supplying drugs to the US' own school children. The CIA has dosed people with LSD without their consent, the Navy released a cloud of bacteria from ships in San Francisco, the US military released toxic clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Thousands of people were exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii in New York and San Francisco. Mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever were released over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. The US Army dropped light bulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis variant niger into ventilation grates throughout the New York City subway system. In 1987 the Department of Defense admitted that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continued to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation. In 1995 the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (formed by President Clinton in January 1994) concluded that several different agencies of the US government had conducted thousands of human radiation experiments and several hundred intentional releases of radiation. These radiation experiments included marching soldiers into trenchs 2500 yards from a nuclear bomb detonation with nothing on but their regular uniforms, causing them to lose teeth within a couple of weeks and causing their children conceived later to suffer birth defects. Another radiation experiment detonated a nuclear bomb upwind from a small town in Nevada to observe the effect of fallout. Most of the folks there got cancer. There was Waco, where the US gassed almost 100 people, mostly unarmed women and children, and then burned them alive in an inferno. Examples are numerous. Relatively speaking, Osama and Sadam seem like saints.
Other nations' resources over which US gains control in the name of the War on Terror will be denominated in $USs, thus stemming $US flight and propping up the $US's value once again, without the inconvenience of enduring responsible fiscal discipline to reduce US debt. The geography underlying the newly controlled resources will be added to the ever expanding One World Order of the US Empire.
Any "some day real soon now" US proofs against Iraq or anyone else, if they ever materialise, are suspect because US "proofs" to justify Desert Storm in 1991 were faked insofar as certain US "satellite photos" showed Iraqi troops' amassing at the Kuwaiti border where Soviet photos at the same time showed none, and even the eyewitness "Kuwaiti nurse" who stated she saw Iraqi troops in a hospital pulling infants from
incubators and throwing them on the floor, actually turned out to be the daughter of a Saudi ambassador, both living in the US. There is so much deception, we don't even really know who did 911; we don't know why fighter jets were were stood down for 80 minutes after the FAA knew of the first highjacking, when policy dictates they should scramble immediately; we don't know why Bush kept reading to a grammar school class for 20 minutes instead of excusing himself to take action as Commander in Chief when he was told a second plane had hit the WTC; we don't know why the highjackers' names neither show up on the airplanes' passenger lists, nor why the highjackers do not appear on airport surveillance tapes; we don't know why eight of the supposed highjackers have turned out to be alive and well after all, without anything to do with 911; we don't know why the first Osama tape would have his praising martyrs while they turned out to be really still alive; nor do we know who expertly set the apparent demolition charges to bring all three of the WTC 1, 2, and 7 buildings perfectly straight down. All we know is that Bush has obfuscated a full investigation of 911.
And we most assuredly do know that many innocent and beautiful Iraqi people, and our own innocent and beautiful sons and daughters, while believing they are fighting a just cause after being deployed by our own governments as soldiers, would have their blood plowed into foreign soil. "Presumed innocent until proven guilty" non-military US citizens hardly escape the US' oppression. US courts have ruled that the US government may indefinitely detain incommunicado its own citizens. The US intentionally killed one of its citizens without so much as arrest and trial for suspicion, while he was merely riding in a car in Yemen. Invasive surveillance is now routine and widespread, once only permitted by a warrant signed by a judge upon a sworn statement by a witness. Those who peacefully protest against war in Iraq at Bush appearances are
ushered out of sight of TV coverage under threat of, or actual arrest. All this, despite US Constitutional protections precisely prohibiting these very same government actions against citizens. This same fate should be expected to await all those falling under the new One World Order.
Bush's cowardly example to those whom he now orders into deadly combat, is that when he was in the military, he disserted. Nonetheless, one thing he did get right about war was the warning that his approach to the "War on Terror" will be a long war. It will be a Forever War. Like most in the UN, Schwartzkopf, and Mandela, we need to fully consider whether "appeasing" continuing inspections with Sadam is actually
better than appeasing the Bush engineered road to tyranny and imperialism. Then, we need to ask whether a nation with leaders who wage war, against the wishes of those they represent, is truly a republic or is it a dictatorship.
Bush isn't the beginning of all this evil. The US has been doing it ever since 500 years ago when the pre-US Euros arrived on these shores, told the natives the Euros discovered the land the natives were living on, killed most of the natives and stole their land, and then blamed them for living on the land before the Euros discovered it. It's just that Bush has truly achieved a new art form. I'm going to march today. My sign will read, "OUST BUSH."
The US Oil Mentality had hoped it could obtain relief by acquiring most of the 200 billion barrel Caspian Sea oil reserves via pipeline through Afghanistan, but negotiations with the Taliban for the routing through their territory failed in summer, 2001. A couple of months later, the US blamed Osama for 911, demanded the Taliban surrender him without any evidence, and when they hesitated, the US bombed and grabbed Afghanistan. However, more recent research showed the Caspian reserves were only some 10 to 20 billion barrels instead of 200 billion, and the quality was very poor because of high sulphur content, thereby dousing US hopes. The US' Oil Strategy thus shifted its focus from the unexpectedly unprofitable Afghanistan pipeline, to Iraq with its proven reserves that are second largest in the world. Accordingly, Bush's War on Terror utterly abandoned pursuit of Osama, the alleged architect of the 911 Most Heinous Act of Terror in All of Human History, and
suddenly substituted pursuit of Sadam, some rag tag dictator, impotent of controlling much beyond the borders of a far remote patch of sand.
Iraqi oil is much more than merely a matter of slaking US thirst. By seizing the Iraqi oil reserves, the US will return Iraqi oil to a $US exchange standard, thereby re-establishing and affirming the $US benchmark in the Middle East. A $US oil exchange standard props up the $US by assuring continuing demand for $USs, because any country who wants to purchase oil must first buy $USs with their native currency. And the
US will increase Iraqi production causing OPEC to lose its power to maintain the price of oil at its current level through its practice of constraining production and supply. The US' need to control more and more of the various world's resources will see the Terrorist du Jour's being conveniently fingered wherever else, whatever other resource is located.
There is no shortage of genuine terrorists. Once you identify a terrorist, you can arbitrarily name him as a patsy for anything including ludicrous scenarios of potential attacks, regardless of whether or not he may even have had any foreknowledge or actual capability of the specific event for which he is being blamed. The US has committed unspeakable terrorist atrocities alone, and has compiled an extensive list of terrorists from
the US' acting in concert with a plethora of other terrorist parties including both Osama and Sadam whom it is now betraying in sacrifice upon the altar of the Oil God.
Never forget that it was the US who brought us the only example of using nuclear bombs to incinerate some 127,000 innocent people: grandmothers, infants, and hard-working families, while the embattered Japanese government, reduced to saving pennies with stripped down Kamikaze aircraft that had no landing gear, was frantically attempting to negotiate surrender in Sweden. The US later brought us the Iran-Contra affair in which the US participated in a massive drug pipeline supplying drugs to the US' own school children. The CIA has dosed people with LSD without their consent, the Navy released a cloud of bacteria from ships in San Francisco, the US military released toxic clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Thousands of people were exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii in New York and San Francisco. Mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever were released over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. The US Army dropped light bulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis variant niger into ventilation grates throughout the New York City subway system. In 1987 the Department of Defense admitted that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continued to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation. In 1995 the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (formed by President Clinton in January 1994) concluded that several different agencies of the US government had conducted thousands of human radiation experiments and several hundred intentional releases of radiation. These radiation experiments included marching soldiers into trenchs 2500 yards from a nuclear bomb detonation with nothing on but their regular uniforms, causing them to lose teeth within a couple of weeks and causing their children conceived later to suffer birth defects. Another radiation experiment detonated a nuclear bomb upwind from a small town in Nevada to observe the effect of fallout. Most of the folks there got cancer. There was Waco, where the US gassed almost 100 people, mostly unarmed women and children, and then burned them alive in an inferno. Examples are numerous. Relatively speaking, Osama and Sadam seem like saints.
Other nations' resources over which US gains control in the name of the War on Terror will be denominated in $USs, thus stemming $US flight and propping up the $US's value once again, without the inconvenience of enduring responsible fiscal discipline to reduce US debt. The geography underlying the newly controlled resources will be added to the ever expanding One World Order of the US Empire.
Any "some day real soon now" US proofs against Iraq or anyone else, if they ever materialise, are suspect because US "proofs" to justify Desert Storm in 1991 were faked insofar as certain US "satellite photos" showed Iraqi troops' amassing at the Kuwaiti border where Soviet photos at the same time showed none, and even the eyewitness "Kuwaiti nurse" who stated she saw Iraqi troops in a hospital pulling infants from
incubators and throwing them on the floor, actually turned out to be the daughter of a Saudi ambassador, both living in the US. There is so much deception, we don't even really know who did 911; we don't know why fighter jets were were stood down for 80 minutes after the FAA knew of the first highjacking, when policy dictates they should scramble immediately; we don't know why Bush kept reading to a grammar school class for 20 minutes instead of excusing himself to take action as Commander in Chief when he was told a second plane had hit the WTC; we don't know why the highjackers' names neither show up on the airplanes' passenger lists, nor why the highjackers do not appear on airport surveillance tapes; we don't know why eight of the supposed highjackers have turned out to be alive and well after all, without anything to do with 911; we don't know why the first Osama tape would have his praising martyrs while they turned out to be really still alive; nor do we know who expertly set the apparent demolition charges to bring all three of the WTC 1, 2, and 7 buildings perfectly straight down. All we know is that Bush has obfuscated a full investigation of 911.
And we most assuredly do know that many innocent and beautiful Iraqi people, and our own innocent and beautiful sons and daughters, while believing they are fighting a just cause after being deployed by our own governments as soldiers, would have their blood plowed into foreign soil. "Presumed innocent until proven guilty" non-military US citizens hardly escape the US' oppression. US courts have ruled that the US government may indefinitely detain incommunicado its own citizens. The US intentionally killed one of its citizens without so much as arrest and trial for suspicion, while he was merely riding in a car in Yemen. Invasive surveillance is now routine and widespread, once only permitted by a warrant signed by a judge upon a sworn statement by a witness. Those who peacefully protest against war in Iraq at Bush appearances are
ushered out of sight of TV coverage under threat of, or actual arrest. All this, despite US Constitutional protections precisely prohibiting these very same government actions against citizens. This same fate should be expected to await all those falling under the new One World Order.
Bush's cowardly example to those whom he now orders into deadly combat, is that when he was in the military, he disserted. Nonetheless, one thing he did get right about war was the warning that his approach to the "War on Terror" will be a long war. It will be a Forever War. Like most in the UN, Schwartzkopf, and Mandela, we need to fully consider whether "appeasing" continuing inspections with Sadam is actually
better than appeasing the Bush engineered road to tyranny and imperialism. Then, we need to ask whether a nation with leaders who wage war, against the wishes of those they represent, is truly a republic or is it a dictatorship.
Bush isn't the beginning of all this evil. The US has been doing it ever since 500 years ago when the pre-US Euros arrived on these shores, told the natives the Euros discovered the land the natives were living on, killed most of the natives and stole their land, and then blamed them for living on the land before the Euros discovered it. It's just that Bush has truly achieved a new art form. I'm going to march today. My sign will read, "OUST BUSH."
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