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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

9/11 - The Road To Tryanny Realease III

by Alex Jones & Mike Hanson (eric [at]
This movie proves that Geroge Bush planned 9/11 and does an excellent job at explaining why.
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:







It is an absolute imperative that you order this bombshell special report now and show it to every opinion-maker in your community before it's too late. Remember, Hitler seized power by burning the Riechstag, and it's happening again!

(Please note: Alex Jones has released six additional critically acclaimed documentary films in the past exposing the total New World Order system. This seventh film is a special release because Alex knows it's too vital and must get the basic facts out now. An even more elaborate (if that's possible) film covering the entire global takeover plans will be released in two months)
by Eric Rainbolt (eric [at]
For All:

This is also a "must see" video stream that has recently been broadcast to 7 million Canadians. Special guest is Mike Ruppert of

the link is:
by Eric Rainbolt (erainbolt [at]

Here is a letter I sent tot he White House and the media that should have a positive effect on the world:

Sent to:

cymck [at], President [at], First-Lady [at]
oreilly [at], hardball [at], letters [at],
backtalk [at], hannity [at], colmes [at],
letters [at], letters [at], dateline [at],
editor [at], lester.holt [at], brian.williams [at],
dan.abrams [at], stupidwhitemen [at], greg [at],
mike [at], gpoaccess [at], letters [at],
senator [at], senator [at], mmoore [at],
artbell [at], gknapp [at], erainbolt [at],
fred [at], bob [at], david [at],
webmaster [at], letters [at], alex [at],
there4iam [at], chris [at], mkhanson [at],
violet [at], buzzflash [at], webmaster [at],
ashleigh.banfield [at], region [at], letters [at]

Dear Senators: McKinney, Lieberman, and Kennedy, plus the network media and
the entire world at large:

I have considered that I best go public with my identity to protect me from the new Bush SS and other forms of silencing, retaliation that may attempt to consipire against my person or other innocent patriotic individuals.

My name is Eric Rainbolt of Austin Texas. My phone number is 512-280-5835. My website is My e-mail address is
erainbolt [at] . I am in close contact with Alex Jones of, Art Bell of, George Knapp of KLAS TV, Nevada,, and Mike Hanson, candidate for County Commissioner Precinct 4 here in Austin Texas and scores of other high ranking information patriots around America and the world; who also know as much, or more than I know.

I am a non-violent information patriot, holding up my First Amendment right. I have no criminal history. I have chosen to be aware and to help inform all Americans and other world citizens worldwide. I demand our Consitutional Republic be restored. I want Americans to be safe from New World Order sanctioned terrorism.

I want our governments and humanity to find solutions to population control and the depletion of natural energy resources. New solutions must be found that do not violate God's first commandment - MURDER! Plans for release plagues to depopulate and duhumanize humanity must be exposed and entirely scrapped. We must be governed in accordance with God's will and plan for all of us and the cosncent of the governned; not the murderous myopia that greed festers in the souls questing for endless power.

We must restore America to the greatness it once was lastly under the Kennedy administration in 1962. The murders, the assasianations, the lies, the dark conspiracies, the oil wars - this must ALL STOP!

Again, what the Bush administration has enacted since 9/11 is in no way or allowance God's intended plan for us. George Bush Sr - your September 11th, 1990 plans (UN Sppech) for a NEW WORLD ORDER - must be entirely re-envisioned. We can overcome - but not through TYRANNY! There are other better - scientific - technological solutions that can help us achieve the "universal aspirations of mankind". Change your ways, your mind-set, or you will surely be cast into the deepest darkest pits of hell without end by the righteous people, souls, and spirits of our real and spiritual world! (FYI: Milly, your innocent dog, will not be there for you either.) Please keep this very real possibility in mind.

To others who receive this message - please help fight on the information front. There are 300+ millions Americans - more so everyday since George W. Bush has opened the borders fully to illegal immigration and labeled all Americans as potential terrorists in the PATRIOT ACT. Only roughly 10 million are aware today as of April 12th, 2002. Visit and - spread the real news!

May God Bless,
-Eric Rainbolt, a humble 30 year old information patriot.
I firmly stand by the reading of Psalm 35 as our forefathers who spirited the consitution did!


Dear Congresswoman McKinney,

Please make sure you get a copy of the video "9/11 - The Road to Tyranny" which catagorically presents a staggering amount of unmistakable smoking gun proof that George W. Bush was deeply involved in the planning and execution of the 9/11 tragedy in NY. (to simply help out his oil coup corporate friends). Venezuela, Columbia, and Iraq seem to be next. The website again is - don't delay in viewing this documentary for the sake of our Republic. If you can, present this documentary to all of congress as soon as the wind can carry the message. It would be the best two hours spent since our forefathers read Psalm 35 before the first congress. Also, you should see - and see this video also: (Millions of Canadians are now aware and hundreds of thousands of Americans as well with more and more each day. Bush is in trouble. One day he'll have to admit it. One day he'll be in prison under his own will. )

God Bless Congresswoman. Let's expose these seditionists of the Constitution, these bloodthirsty sponosors of phony terror against its own people to advanced their oil coup agenda. The administration knows the oil runs out in 5-10 years which will cause a global collapse. Bush and Cheney are even erecting compounds in Texas and in Wyoming designed to survive a global collapse - where billions are expected to starve and die of exposure without power and other petroleum based necessitites. An Influeza-A "Spanish Flu" plague may be on its way next designed to offset the collapse and cause more pandamonium to jack up the police state in America more.

Again, watch the documentaries. Judge for yourself. Just connect the dots. A new American revolution may arise on its own if the governement cannot cure its own political cancer - all of a sudden - reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party. Most Americans would rather die on their feet then on their knees in a ditch. They know who the real criminals are; they will all know in time. The military will find out like a sponge absorbs water; so will the majority of good local police officers. They will stand silently complicit with the American people; with their families, friends, and fellow patriots until the time of action in beckoned to fruition. The worst thing George W. Bush and his father could ever do again is cultivate another terrorist attack against America. Even a suitcase nuclear bomb will leave enough evidence behind - even if they try and blame it all on Saddaam. Saddaam is fully aware and has been priot to 9/11. Just ask US Navy Officer Mike Vreeland no speaking freely unter refugee status in Canada. Saddaam is waiting for GW Bush and his father and their Bohemian clan to destroy themselves. Fools!

- The true group of consitutional patriots forming at the grassroots level in America - thousands more every day.

Bush, his father, James Baker, etc... and his team are the real terrorists under the cloak of lies. Their assets should be seized. They should be tried on charges of premeditated mass murder. They must reliquish power when the majority of the governed demand it as stated in the constitution.

Be brave congresssoman - you are much more than a flea on an Elephant's behind. If you expose these traitors, you may find yourself the first woman President of our great country. It is going to be a bumpy road ahead regardless. May God Bless.

No need to respond to this message. The truth will set you free.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A letter to the George W. Bush, selected president:

Dear Mr. President and whoever may be monitoring my e-mail activity,

Please know that I do what I do out of great love I have for life and all others, esp human beings - the greatest form of life and God's greatest creation. Please understand this - this is what drives me. I have care and love for all the world. Please will you not hamper my messages to others - I beg mercy from you - please don't let me to ever die in vain.

Please treasure all of us and we will give you are determined support and all the backing all of us can muster together. Know that each of us has the potential to feel this in our hearts to grow and reach the "universal aspirations of all mankind" - only together though and through god's divine gift of love.

There is enough love in all of our hearts for all, without one soul left behind. Let love be the great educator. Let God flow through us all.

I love all life - yes, I love your life as well. All life is good.... I beg you to feel wonderfulness and love swell in your heart. We all can overcome without violating a single one of God's commandments, especially number 1.

With love, understanding, compassion, to the White House and to all, your Father, Dick Cheney, and all lives and souls and hearts who depend so much on you...

-Eric Rainbolt, 30 years old
8401 Steamline Circle
Austin, Texas 78745
TX dl# 18281999
DOB: 5/27/1971, Oak Lawn Illinois





by required
Just want to thank all who are standing up and speaking out. I have no idea if it will be enough, only that it needs to happen. May whatever benevolent spirits out there be with us in what looks to be the struggle of the millennium.
by John Machado (jmach499 [at]
It doesn't take much brain power to be a liberal thinker; just a tiny bit more than to be a conservative.
by Racque (bartcop [at]
My,my, the Kommiczar does need a smoke. The same ole vitriole from the same ole stupid white guy sect . Where's the rat shot when you need it. Good thing they're a dying breed. Keep suckin' those butts and phantasizing about mama. ChikenHawks Unite !

by James Frye (ProudLiberal7 [at]
I don't know if I accept all of the conclusions of this video, but it has some real information that I certainly had never seen or heard before. As for the bashing from the right-wingnuts - Isn't it amazing that the same people who believe
Bill Clinton was a serial killer ("The Clinton Death List"),
sold secrets to the Chinese,
sold drugs through the Mena airport -- and all of those investigations into him MISSED THOSE "CRIMES"
(like, if Clinton did sell secrets to the Chinese, how come that got left off of the articles of impeachment? Did the Republicans just forget?)
now won't even ENTERTAIN the possiblity of the runner-up, installed, pResident did some bad things?

Funny how that works, huh?

If there is nothing to this video and the charges by Representative McKinney....the solution is simple....tell the Bushies to STOP blocking an investigation into the tragedy of 9/11.
Let's find out what really happened or we're going to be seeing conspiracy theories like this forever.

by Eric Rainbolt (erainbolt [at]
Dear Folks everywhere, (in this newsgroup and elsewhere if possible)

Just a reminder for everyone to watch this full disclosure free video of the events before, surrounding, and after 9-II. - Like a Fist from the New World Order (aka. "New World 'Odor'" or "Old Nazi Resurrected World Order") right into the buildings. Watch it late night tonight. Come up to speed and understand why at the top of the Republican Party and Democratic Party - it is a country club - actually, they like to call it a "Bohemian" club!

Listen folks: (and I mean listen)

Well, I'm glad one Congresswoman is finally starting to make a little much needed-racket regarding the unanswered questions surrounding 9-II: house member Cynthia McKinney. ( cymck [at] ) God bless her proclamation of the truth of what must be done - a full congressional investigation and full disclosure into the events that led up to the deaths of over 3000 "New Yorkers" + John O'Neil (former FBI who resigned under pressure from George W. Bush himself to not investigate Al-Quaida, Presidential Executive order 199i and many other entirely innocent souls in the pentagon and in Pensylvania); Mr O'Neil died in the Trade Towers. It was his first day on the job as Director of Security for the tower complex - September 11th, 2001. The documentary reminds exactly 10 years to a speech George H. Bush delivered to the UN regarding his "New World 'Odor'" envisionment. This is a must see to understand the big picture of "Geostrategic Imperatives"- a subject are Al Gore likes to avoid speaking of at all costs - but is detailed through the Brzezinski book "The Grand Chessboard".

This is the movie download stream page: - you can be watching in seconds (juck click!)

p.s. Al Gore should be ashamed of himself for caving into the powers that control him and not exposing new world order elite for the murderous megalomaniacal oil coup that they are. There is only 5-10 years of crude production before they envision global collapse, as the oil - the life-support juice of the world is removed from the landscape while the population burgeons. What do you think is going to happen as the cost of energy skyrockets and eventually prepares for a lunar landing? There is no war on terrorism. This is a war for the last remaining deposits of untapped crude oil and natural gas around the world + a never ending dehumanizing Orwellian war on the people of the globe for power and total control. Every member of the Bush administration has executive connections to big oil corporations. ExxonMobil, major partner in the UNOCAL Cent-Gas pipeline through Afghanistan, recently renamed a tanker ship the SS CONDELEEZA RICE. Bush (Sr. & Jr.), Baker, Quayle and the whole lot, set in action a plan starting in late June executing through Sept 11th (roughly 7 weeks) week plan to have Afghan terrorists strike America for instigate a war for control in the Middle East and the formation of a new world government - a textbook play taken from Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1998 Book - The Grand Chessboard - which I have a copy of right here on my desk in front of me. The original plan was a nuke in Manhattan. Perhaps if they had their scopes and sights on Iraq first that would have been the case - but this event was initially for Afghanistan - and the CIA 'terrorist' assets were prepared and nearly set to go. Follow the Oil. Following the tracks. There is whisps of fascism and imperialistic global tryanny in the air. It's called the New World Odor - and they view deaths of innocent people around the world an innevitability - so why not a few thousand here and there now or a million+ in the works to put the various stages of their agenda in motion while they profit enormously and while they seek unlimited power. We will never know peace if such a New World Odor government takes root. Spread the world, so the grand illusion of this parasitic power pact will be shattered and man will overcome to live out God's plan for us. (see Psalm 35)

by 9-11 worrier, uh, warrior
OK, I just watched the entire 2 hours and 21 minutes.

While I can agree with the overall point, I am so sorry that it has stuff in it I cannot recommend. I believe that the author is a Rush Limbaugh fan, judging from the misinformed opinion about the environmental movement. A touch of racism would follow from the same influence. And probably the UN phobia comes from there as well.

the following comments are examples:

2:12 [said very rapidly] Remember, the environmental movement has nothng to do with saving the environment and everything to do with stealing property, and world government

"read the nightmare Kyoto treaty, which is about global takeover" (UN)

"there is no global warming"

"...while tons of people pour over our borders"

"Whatever you do, never turn in your firearms." (I may be swinging on this one, though -- if I had a firearm.)

HOWEVER, although there are some statements that I would need to investigate further before I start spreading them around, I thought there were lots of interesting things in the video, and I agree with the thrust of it:

"we need Paul Reveres all across this country, black white old young, to fight against these slave masters"

by Michael Rivero
"if you wear a hat covered in tin foil, those space aliens from YerAnus won't bombard you with those godawful ZetaThetaBetaGammaOmegaAlpha rays that sends your corpus callosum into horrific red-line tics.

I remember my uncle, who fought in WW2 in Europe, telling me about all those pathetic Germans who turned informant for the Gestapo, who would run around spying on theit neighbvors and causing as much trouble as they could to help Hitler along. I wondered how anyone woulc be so mean and petty as to whore themselves to obvious dictators either for 30 pieces or just for the cheap thrill of it all.

What a shock to see some Americans willing to play Gestapo disruptor games in this nation.

by Dana
Hey, JoJo baby -- Light 'er up and suck that smoke deep into your toasted lungs for me, buddy -- to your long, healthy life!

Sheesh, what a loser!

Isn't it telling that it's common practice for right wingers to frequent a left wing site for purposes of disruption, but seldom, if ever, do you find a left winger disrupting their sites.


by Eric Rainbolt (erainbolt [at]

Why yes, There surely does seem to disrupters a-plenty in this forum here as you have observed

Well, again you are back so again Welcome to Eric's Palace Forum - enjoy the fruits of the mind, the wine. Stay for a while, learn watch history unfold in the global theatre. There is never a charge. Stay and relax your souls. Let every visitor that cometh and stay leave with a peaceful resolution and nobel solutions in our minds, may our thoughts grow together and we be a country and United with all humankind United Universally. We can overcome together. Love is the most wonderful feeling to experience - and it is a not only just one solution - it is the only solution to restore God's plan for us.

We cannot go one continuously breaking God's First Commandment as a people. Nobody should be thinking about defying the will of our universal God - nobody should be even thinking of it. God has always provided for us, we need never war, simply each live with a just conviction and work hard smart and together. He will one day provide us with Unlimited Electrical Energy. We as a people collectively represent God's hands. God has provided us with technology, right when we always needed it. I must add that I recently, to my great surprise and amazement, a low flying UFO-type craft over US 40 outside Flagstaff Arizona - So what is up with all this governemnt knowledge and coverup of the advanced technology projects out there? We are all part of God's plan. But when we use a bullet to kill rather than to deter, spray chemical agents - see to shorten others lives, "Operation Cloverleaf", jail to deprive, rather than hand a sail to empower, disregard informing the public about the impending oil worldwide shortages, plan deadly outbreaks of bio-engineered viruses from AIDES TO EBOLA TO THE TOP-SECRET N1H1 ARRANGMENT INFLUEZA-A "SPANISH FLU" VIRUS, topped elected democracies, bankrupt entire countries. It's time for R&D into new energy sources, and with that we have the unlimited hope that mankind will never to collapse on itself and we can all be United as one and all under one God. God would want to have 50 billion of us, rather than a handful of 500 million. God is a collective conscience, and he has time for all of us if we need his presense in our lives. We can emulate the actions of God when we forgive. Again, Psalm 35 gives us strength and comfort in these troubled times.
-Eric, this un-moderated forum's information patriot.
by Sly
Obviously JoJo forgot to wear HIS tin hat! The BlahBlah rays have completely gotten to him (or is it her?).

JoJo brings up Daley going to Florida to (theoretically) intimidate, but completely leaves out tom delay's aides who had air fares, motel costs, plus allowances for living PAID until well after the counts had been halted (in large part, by THEM). He accuses Eric of reading from the Democratic fax machine, while attempting (and quite poorly, I might add) to convince US HE isn't reading from a slush slimeball script!

Here's a clue, JoJo; Democrats on the Internet are NOT as stupid as the repukes who constantly shout the right wing wacko mantra would like to think. Democrats on the Internet are some of THE most informed people in the universe. And, WE don't have to 'parrot,' our right wing leaders, 'cause WE can READ!
by Les Souci
I imediately forwarded the link to this page(9/11 Road to Tyranny) to all my family, and suggested that they pass it on.
I put a link to it at the TOP of Restore Democracy, just above the link to Congresswoman McKinney's demand for an investigation of 9/11 to INCLUDE the White House.
I only pray that this site remains up: as new developments get posted, i will eventually move the link to my "Crucial Sites" page of links.
Glad to see that the presentation shows that the "sneak attacks" didn't develop overnight. The "billionaires club" has been propogandizing our Universities, in the US for decades now. With scarecly a handful of "corporatist" groups now controlling virtually all commercial media in the US, we all have a strict RESPNSIBILITY to "PASS IT ON" !
by Les Souci
I imediately forwarded the link to this page(9/11 Road to Tyranny) to all my family, and suggested that they pass it on.
I put a link to it at the TOP of Restore Democracy, just above the link to Congresswoman McKinney's demand for an investigation of 9/11 to INCLUDE the White House.
I only pray that this site remains up: as new developments get posted, i will eventually move the link to my "Crucial Sites" page of links.
Glad to see that the presentation shows that the "sneak attacks" didn't develop overnight. The "billionaires club" has been propogandizing our Universities, in the US for decades now. With scarecly a handful of "corporatist" groups now controlling virtually all commercial media in the US, we all have a strict RESPNSIBILITY to "PASS IT ON" !
by Dana
A note of caution I received from a friend:

Just received the below MISinformation tape today. DO NOT distribute it without warning others that it contains SERIOUS MISinformation, fear-based PROPAGANDA that is pro-gun, second amendment, religious right wing groups, and so on! Check it out first in the very least.

Its tone is fear-based and anti-government, anti-United Nations, anti-environmentalists, and so on. It gives some good coverage of Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma bombing, 1993 attack of World Trade Towers, and 9/11, but includes many lies, which of course aim at discrediting the truth about 9/11.

It includes info incriminating Bush prior knowledge of 9/11, but spends considerable time incriminating Bill Clinton (of course!). There is even an interview with impeachment prosecutor, Shephard, who is allegedly trying to give inside info to FBI about Oklahoma bombing that the FBI refuses. Of course Shephard also takes several swipes at Clinton.

It includes fear-based warnings throughout, but especially in the latter half, of "the Feds" who are after "Christians," "confederates," "homeschoolers," 'those who love Jesus," and people's guns.

You get the picture.

by Dana
Gee, JoJo, looks like somebody definitely got up on the "right" side of the bed... my, my, what a cheery presence you are. Do the other little kids really throw rocks at you? Tell me, does hanging out here pay that well?

C-ya, but wouldn't want to B-ya,
by Eric James Rainbolt (erainbolt [at]

Parody: (As protected under US Supreme Court rulings.)

Hello Citizen,

Welcome to the {Parody} Homeland Security website.

Our web servers have captured your IP address and the last 1000 keystrokes out of your
keyboard buffer. We call it Fishin' for terrorists. You don't mind, do you? We didn't think so.
Most agree that more homeland surveillance and security was long overdue. Now, like our
worn out constitution, the
Patriot Act now gives your government all sorts of new powers
over your life. Why just call one guy or a group of people terrorists, when the new bill makes
it easy to label anyone a terrorist at any time. That cranky neighbor of yours, that neighborhood
conspiracy theorist? No problem - give us a call and a few men in black suits will come clear
it all up for you. Now, if that isn't civil protection in a nutshell - I don't know what it would be.

My name is Tom Dirge and I am your Director of Homeland Security. Before September 11th,
this office did not exist. Yet because of your increased demand for safety and security in
America after the horrible terrorist attacks, this office became officially open to the public.

{Ruff. Ruff. Growl Growl. Sounds of chains being pulled taught.}

At the Federal level, a total of $10.6 billion from the Fiscal Year 2002 Emergency Budget
Supplemental was dedicated to homeland security - providing much needed pay increases and
providing for more government agents on the public payroll then ever before. America has
never been more safe and secure as before. Never has the President and select individuals like
me have so much power to interrogate and destroy human lives on mass scale, especially the

My job is to protect your Homeland Security against the never-ending threat of terror, which
of course is a giant lie, but why don't we just cut to the chase. This is my first time on the job as
well, so why don't I just be honest with you here. Remember, like President George Bush recently
said, "Like Good... evil exists.". So with that said, let's focus on the fomenting scourge of potential
terror here in America.

In order to better protect you from the constant threat of terror that now exists in our world
wherever you may be at any time, we have come up with a security alert system now also being
used at the offices of the CIA [aka: Criminals. Idiots. Assassins] and the FBI [Federal Bureau of
Incompetence]. To us, we call it the HSAS or the
Homeland Security Advisory System. However, it
can be easily viewed by all others as the
HomeLand Insecurity Advisory System as well. We thought
about that long and hard, the definitions are virtually synonymous.

To us, your loving and compassionate government, the advisory system is often interpretted as
suggesting a bad day for us to fly. In fact, government officials are no longer allowed to fly on
"Severe" days - but rather have to travel in military jets instead. However, it is my personal job to
release these threat assessments to the American public at large when the level changes - so you
may be personally aware of the threat level also and alarm others aound you - as it could change
any day - hour to hour.

The system allows us to perceive or conceive threat levels of terrorism at large. Like a thermometer
that measures if if cauldron of water is cold or hot, the scale was designed to resemble a

thermometer of terrorism
. You may wish to think of it like enjoying a big 'ol sauna steam room
together with the HSAS displayed on the wall like a gigantic flexible liquid crystal thermometer poster.
With your help, we are literally going to "boil" these terrorists out of their holes. Remember, there could
be a terrorist living right next door to you - in some cases - without your prior knowledge. It may just
come as a surprise to many of you. That is to be expected.

The HSAS is basically a scale from low to high, with varying "levels" and degress of threat our
President considers the "temperature of terror" to be at the current time. This will help up get a better
handle on the terrorists of the world. When the levels are higher, it means it is time to be more suspicious
of your neighbors. If you are a Republican, it would be time to be more suspicious of the Democrats you
know. Likewise, if you are a Democrat, it is time to start being more suspicious of the Greens in your
neighborhood. If you are a Green, well we specifically designed the thermometer so your favorite color is
never displayed on the HSAS meter ever again.

Here it is folks - the most significant invention to fight terrorism into the future. I am very proud of it.
The President couldn't be happier about it himself. Even Millie, the White House dog, feels more safe from
the terrorists now. She even likes his new higher-protein dog food made out of chunky-style terrorist meat.
Go ahead and give your own dog a hug right now why don't you.

Homeland Insecurity
Advisory System:



- This is the highest level and includes events like the Civil War, Kennedy being shot, the last Presidential election, planes flying into buildings, visas being issued to terror pilots, massive deadly biological flu plagues taking countries including our own by complete surprise, or anything to do with Iraq's Saddaam Hussein.

HIGH - This level is pretty darn high and includes events like VietNam, Watergate, Waco, Contras guns-for-coke deals, Okalhaoma City terror-plot cover-up, NAFTA, Enron's illegitimate bankruptcy, or any day John Ashcroft speaks out over the cable news - especially when the term "fog of war" is mentioned.

ELEVATED - This is the current and most common level, including events like going to work, investing in stocks, breathing the air outside your home, drinking from the public water supplies, buying gasoline from price-gougers, and flying in a commercial airliner.

GUARDED - This is the most desired level and includes events like the Super Bowl, July 4th, Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, and the monitoring over what material civilians are reading over the internet.

LOW - This level is basically an historic reference that includes pretty much all events prior John F. Kennedy's run-in with the CIA and the world power elite after his announcement that the CIA needs to be abolished and we are going to pull out of Vietnam.

Well, I would rather be out defending your homeland security, so that is about it for now. Come back often.

And one more note, remember to cross the street only at the corners of intersections after pressing the
metal crossing button. Let's crack down on all this illegal jaywalking going on while we are at it.

Tom Dirge
Director of Homeland Security
aka. The Office of the Dead

by For Whom The Bell Tolls
"Art Bell's book "The Quickening" is one of the most blatant, in your face, pieces of new world order propaganda that I have ever seen. It shamelessly advocates the formation of a world totalitarian socialist government.

"Will there be a global government with a benevolent dictator, overseeing global law, global police and a global judiciary in an attempt to make the world cleaner, peaceful and prosperous? If that's what it takes to achieve these ends, so be it." -- from The Quickening by Art Bell, page 309

Buy it, read it, recognize it for what it is, and then send it back to Art BULLSHIT Bell as an indictment of his TREASON... and don't hesitate to call his show and tell him exactly what you think of him and his proposed world government.

Art BULLSHIT Bell is successful because he speaks only to and for SHEOPLE. He speaks to and for those who cannot reason, and do not ever think for themselves.

Bell's audience is in the same category as Rush Limbaugh's "Ditto Heads". Can you imagine being proud of being called a "Ditto Head"? If any of these ignorant sheople ever really listened to Art BULLSHIT Bell and if they had the capability to put 2 and 2 together and arrive at 4 instead of 3, they would hang this subversive from the highest Elm tree in the nation.

Art BULLSHIT Bell is a Judas Goat. Follow him and he will lead you to the pens to be sheared and then to the slaughter. That is always the fate of sheep(le)."
by                shift shaft
(The Irony Of It All.MP3)

"The Protocols remain widely sold in the Middle East, are
readily available in Japan, and have lately become quite
popular in the Balkans. In the U.S., reprints can be found
in many Afrocentric bookstores. The Protocols were reprinted
in their entirety in William Cooper's popular 1991
conspiracist work, Behold a Pale Horse, though Cooper
instructed readers that "any reference to 'Jews' should be
replaced with the word 'Illuminati.'""


Why, over 200 years after a war to liberate ourselves from
a half-mad king, have we allowed our lives and health to
come under the rule of a totally mad Tsar? And has this
monstrous tumor destroyed most of the Constitution only "by
accident," or did its creators have that intent all along?
T.S.O.G.___ The Creature That Ate the Constitution
by Eric Rainbolt (eric [at]

Dearest fellow citizens and patriots,

This website can now be loaded with the domain (a free speech video site).

Please pass the link to your family and friends.

Thank you,
-Eric Rainbolt
Fighting for liberty and justice for all.
by Eric James Rainbolt (eric [at]

Dearest Folks,

One important note:

Please help inform all the military personel around the world and all local law enforement agencies countrywide. This is where the tyrannists base their illusions of power, tyranny, and dictatorship. Supply them with access to this site via the link ... (ie. spread via all the four winds - just like Paul Revere would have done today: "They Tyrannists are coming, the Tyrannists are coming..." )

Thank you,
-Eric Rainbolt
by Eric James Rainbolt (eric [at]


Dear Folks, this image came from

by Maggie R.
People like you makes one wonder why mother nature completed the evolution process. Heaven knows you would sound more intelligent as a chimpanze.
by R
Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when nosy JoJo peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky faced youngster was up to, she demanded , "What are you doing there, little Nancy?"
"My goldfish died," replied Nancy tearfully without looking up, "and I've just buried him."

JoJo said, "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?"

Nancy patted down the last heap of dirt, then stifling back more tears replied, "That's because he's inside your f*cking cat."
Published on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 by Common Dreams
A Prayer for America
by US Rep Dennis Kucinich

The following speech was given on February 17, 2002 in Los Angeles, California at an
event sponsored by the Southern California Americans for Democratic Action.

I offer these brief remarks today as a prayer for our country, with love of democracy, as a
celebration of our country. With love for our country. With hope for our country. With a
belief that the light of freedom cannot be extinguished as long as it is inside of us. With a
belief that freedom rings resoundingly in a democracy each time we speak freely. With the
understanding that freedom stirs the human heart and fear stills it. With the belief that a
free people cannot walk in fear and faith at the same time.

With the understanding that there is a deeper truth expressed in the unity of the United
States. That implicit in the union of our country is the union of all people. That all people
are essentially one. That the world is interconnected not only on the material level of
economics, trade, communication, and transportation, but innerconnected through human
consciousness, through the human heart, through the heart of the world, through the
simply expressed impulse and yearning to be and to breathe free.

I offer this prayer for America.

Let us pray that our nation will remember that the unfolding of the promise of democracy in
our nation paralleled the striving for civil rights. That is why we must challenge the
rationale of the Patriot Act. We must ask why should America put aside guarantees of
constitutional justice?

How can we justify in effect canceling the First Amendment and the right of free speech,
the right to peaceably assemble?

How can we justify in effect canceling the Fourth Amendment, probable cause, the
prohibitions against unreasonable search and seizure?

How can we justify in effect canceling the Fifth Amendment, nullifying due process, and
allowing for indefinite incarceration without a trial?

How can we justify in effect canceling the Sixth Amendment, the right to prompt and
public trial?

How can we justify in effect canceling the Eighth Amendment which protects against cruel
and unusual punishment?

We cannot justify widespread wiretaps and internet surveillance without judicial
supervision, let alone with it.

We cannot justify secret searches without a warrant.

We cannot justify giving the Attorney General the ability to designate domestic terror

We cannot justify giving the FBI total access to any type of data which may exist in any
system anywhere such as medical records and financial records.

We cannot justify giving the CIA the ability to target people in this country for intelligence

We cannot justify a government which takes from the people our right to privacy and then
assumes for its own operations a right to total secrecy.

The Attorney General recently covered up a statue of Lady Justice showing her bosom as
if to underscore there is no danger of justice exposing herself at this time, before this

Let us pray that our nation's leaders will not be overcome with fear. Because today there
is great fear in our great Capitol. And this must be understood before we can ask about
the shortcomings of Congress in the current environment.

The great fear began when we had to evacuate the Capitol on September 11.

It continued when we had to leave the Capitol again when a bomb scare occurred as
members were pressing the CIA during a secret briefing.

It continued when we abandoned Washington when anthrax, possibly from a government
lab, arrived in the mail.

It continued when the Attorney General declared a nationwide terror alert and then the
Administration brought the destructive Patriot Bill to the floor of the House.

It continued in the release of the bin Laden tapes at the same time the President was
announcing the withdrawal from the ABM treaty.

It remains present in the cordoning off of the Capitol.

It is present in the camouflaged armed national guardsmen who greet members of
Congress each day we enter the Capitol campus.

It is present in the labyrinth of concrete barriers through which we must pass each time
we go to vote.

The trappings of a state of siege trap us in a state of fear, ill-equipped to deal with the
Patriot Games, the Mind Games, the War Games of an unelected President and his
unelected Vice President.

Let us pray that our country will stop this war. "To promote the common defense" is one of
the formational principles of America.

Our Congress gave the President the ability to respond to the tragedy of September 11.
We licensed a response to those who helped bring the terror of September 11th. But we
the people and our elected representatives must reserve the right to measure the
response, to proportion the response, to challenge the response, and to correct the

Because we did not authorize the invasion of Iraq.

We did not authorize the invasion of Iran.

We did not authorize the invasion of North Korea.

We did not authorize the bombing of civilians in Afghanistan.

We did not authorize permanent detainees in Guantanamo Bay.

We did not authorize the withdrawal from the Geneva Convention.

We did not authorize military tribunals suspending due process and habeas corpus.

We did not authorize assassination squads.

We did not authorize the resurrection of COINTELPRO.

We did not authorize the repeal of the Bill of Rights.

We did not authorize the revocation of the Constitution.

We did not authorize national identity cards.

We did not authorize the eye of Big Brother to peer from cameras throughout our cities.

We did not authorize an eye for an eye.

Nor did we ask that the blood of innocent people, who perished on September 11, be
avenged with the blood of innocent villagers in Afghanistan.

We did not authorize the administration to wage war anytime, anywhere,anyhow it

We did not authorize war without end.

We did not authorize a permanent war economy.

Yet we are upon the threshold of a permanent war economy. The President has requested
a $45.6 billion increase in military spending. All defense-related programs will cost close
to $400 billion.

Consider that the Department of Defense has never passed an independent audit.

Consider that the Inspector General has notified Congress that the Pentagon cannot
properly account for $1.2 trillion in transactions.

Consider that in recent years the Dept. of Defense could not match $22 billion worth of
expenditures to the items it purchased, wrote off, as lost, billions of dollars worth of
in-transit inventory and stored nearly $30 billion worth of spare parts it did not need.

Yet the defense budget grows with more money for weapons systems to fight a cold war
which ended, weapon systems in search of new enemies to create new wars. This has
nothing to do with fighting terror.

This has everything to do with fueling a military industrial machine with the treasure of our
nation, risking the future of our nation, risking democracy itself with the militarization of
thought which follows the militarization of the budget.

Let us pray for our children. Our children deserve a world without end. Not a war without
end. Our children deserve a world free of the terror of hunger, free of the terror of poor
health care, free of the terror of homelessness, free of the terror of ignorance, free of the
terror of hopelessness, free of the terror of policies which are committed to a world view
which is not appropriate for the survival of a free people, not appropriate for the survival of
democratic values, not appropriate for the survival of our nation, and not appropriate for the
survival of the world.

Let us pray that we have the courage and the will as a people and as a nation to shore
ourselves up, to reclaim from the ruins of September 11th our democratic traditions.

Let us declare our love for democracy. Let us declare our intent for peace.

Let us work to make nonviolence an organizing principle in our own society.

Let us recommit ourselves to the slow and painstaking work of statecraft, which sees
peace, not war as being inevitable.

Let us work for a world where someday war becomes archaic.

That is the vision which the proposal to create a Department of Peace envisions.
Forty-three members of Congress are now cosponsoring the legislation.

Let us work for a world where nuclear disarmament is an imperative. That is why we must
begin by insisting on the commitments of the ABM treaty. That is why we must be
steadfast for nonproliferation.

Let us work for a world where America can lead the day in banning weapons of mass
destruction not only from our land and sea and sky but from outer space itself. That is the
vision of HR 3616: A universe free of fear. Where we can look up at God's creation in the
stars and imagine infinite wisdom, infinite peace, infinite possibilities, not infinite war,
because we are taught that the kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.

Let us pray that we have the courage to replace the images of death which haunt us, the
layers of images of September 11th, faded into images of patriotism, spliced into images
of military mobilization, jump-cut into images of our secular celebrations of the World
Series, New Year's Eve, the Superbowl, the Olympics, the strobic flashes which touch our
deepest fears, let us replace those images with the work of human relations, reaching out
to people, helping our own citizens here at home, lifting the plight of the poor everywhere.

That is the America which has the ability to rally the support of the world.

That is the America which stands not in pursuit of an axis of evil, but which is itself at the
axis of hope and faith and peace and freedom. America, America. God shed grace on
thee. Crown thy good, America.

Not with weapons of mass destruction. Not with invocations of an axis of evil. Not through
breaking international treaties. Not through establishing America as king of a unipolar
world. Crown thy good America. America, America. Let us pray for our country. Let us
love our country. Let us defend our country not only from the threats without but from the
threats within.

Crown thy good, America. Crown thy good with brotherhood, and sisterhood. And crown
thy good with compassion and restraint and forbearance and a commitment to peace, to
democracy, to economic justice here at home and throughout the world.

Crown thy good, America. Crown thy good America. Crown thy good.

Thank you.

E-Mail Congressman Kucinich: Dkucinich [at]
by SPACE WEAPONIZATION Protecting Globalization
The other solid international legal instruments to prevent the militarization of space are; the 1963 treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in space and underwater, and the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile(ABM) Treaty have to be particularly mentioned as it initiated the entire process of nuclear arms limitation and reduction. It was meant to established the interrelationship between offensive and defensive strategic systems and of the destabilizing effect of space weapons and clearly and repeatedly prohibited the goals of the Reagan administration's SDI programme

The ABM Treaty is the major legal obstacle for the entrance of space weapons destined to intercept ballistic missiles. Article 5 expressly prohibits the development, test and deployment of such systems or components, which are sea-based, air-based, space-based, or mobile land based.

However, the current Bush administration signified their unilateral intent to abrogate the treaty and declared their official withdrawal from the ABM treaty in December 2001, almost 4 months after 9/11 and PARTICULARLY SPECIFYING IT AS THE MAIN REASON FOR THEIR WITHDRAWALl. Article 15 of the treaty provides that each party has the right to withdraw unilaterally on six months' notice if it decides that "EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS"… have jeopardized its supreme interests".(Daniellsson, 1987) In fact, the withdrawal from the treaty has been contemplated and in his remarks to students and faculty at National Defense University in May 1, 2001, President Bush emphatically stated, "We need a new framework that allows us to build missile defenses to counter the different threats of today's world. To do so, we must move beyond the constraints of the 30 year old ABM Treaty. This treaty does not recognize the present, or point us to the future. It enshrines the past. No treaty that prevents us from addressing today's threats, that prohibits us from pursuing promising technology to defend ourselves, our friends and our allies is in our interests or in the interests of world peace."

Was the 9/11 a coincident or was it pre-meditated by Bush, Military Industrial Complex, the CIA and and all their terrorist cohorts?
by what?
by dictionary
by Eric Rainbolt (eric [at]

Bin Laden Met with the CIA in July and Walked Away


Michael C. Ruppert

[© COPYRIGHT 2001, All Rights Reserved, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications, May be copied and distributed for non-profit purposes only.]

[Expanded and Revised April 18, 2002]

On October 31, the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official - presumably the Chief of Station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and this year's attack on the U.S.S. Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14th he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.

In 1985 Oliver North - the only member of the Reagan-Bush years who doesn't appear to have a hand in the current war - sent the Navy and commandos after terrorists on the cruise ship Achille Lauro. In his 1991 autobiography "Under Fire," while describing terrorist Abu Abbas, North wrote, "I used to wonder: how many dead Americans will it take before we do something?" One could look at the number of Americans Osama bin Laden is alleged to have killed before September 11 and ask the same question.

It gets worse, much worse. A more complete timeline listing crucial events both before and after the September 11th suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin Laden, establishes CIA foreknowledge of them and strongly suggests that there was criminal complicity on the part of the U.S. government in their execution. It also makes clear that the events which have taken place since September 11th are based upon an agenda that has little to do with the attacks.

One wonders how these events could have been ignored by the major media or treated as isolated incidents. Failing that, how could skilled news agencies avoid being outraged, or at least even just a little suspicious?

1. 1991-1997 - Major U.S. oil companies including ExxonMobil, Texaco, Unocal, BP Amoco, Shell and Enron directly invest almost billions in cash bribing heads of state in Kazakhstan to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies further commit to future direct investments in Kazakhstan of $35 billion. Not being willing to pay exorbitant prices to Russia to use Russian pipelines the major oil companies have no way to recoup their investments. ["The Price of Oil," by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 - The Asia Times, "The Roving Eye Part I Jan. 26, 2002.]

2. December 4, 1997 - Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Subsequent reports will indicate that the negotiations failed, allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. [Source: The BBC, Dec. 4, 1997]

3. February 12, 1998 - Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca - later to become a Special Ambassador to Afghanistan - testifies before the House that until a single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan the trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will not be built. [Source: Testimony before the House International Relations Committee.]

4. 1998 - The CIA ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer that Saudi Arabia was harboring an al-Q'aeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more detailed list of known terrorists is offered to Saudi intelligence in August 2001 and refused. [Source: Financial Times 1/12/01; See No Evil by a book by Robert Baer (release date Feb. 2002).

5. April, 1999 - Enron with a $3 billion investment to build an electrical generating plant at Dabhol India loses access to plentiful LNG supplies from Qatar to fuel the plant. Its only remaining option to make the investment profitable is a trans-Afghani gas pipeline to be built by Unocal from Turkmenistan that would terminate near the Indian border at the city of Multan. [Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002.]

6. 1998 and 2000 - Former President George H.W. Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S. While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family. [Source: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27, 2001. See also FTW, Vol. IV, No 7 - "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy," -
members/carlyle.html. ]

7. January, 2001 - The Bush Administration orders the FBI and intelligence agencies to "back off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives (Abdullah and Omar) who were living in Falls Church, VA - right next to CIA headquarters. This followed previous orders dating back to 1996, frustrating efforts to investigate the bin Laden family. [Source: BBC Newsnight, Correspondent Gregg Palast - Nov 7, 2001].

8. Feb 13, 2001 - UPI Terrorism Correspondent Richard Sale - while covering a trial of bin Laden's Al Q'aeda followers - reports that the National Security Agency has broken bin Laden's encrypted communications. Even if this indicates that bin Laden changed systems in February it does not mesh with the fact that the government insists that the attacks had been planned for years.

9. May 2001 - Secretary of State Colin Powell gives $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime, purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are starving since the destruction of their opium crop in January on orders of the Taliban regime. [Source: The Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001].

10. May, 2001 - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a career covert operative and former Navy Seal, travels to India on a publicized tour while CIA Director George Tenet makes a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader General Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has long and deep Pakistani intelligence connections and he is the recipient of the highest civil decoration awarded by Pakistan. It would be reasonable to assume that while in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as "an unusually long meeting," also met with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. General Mahmud Ahmad, head of the ISI. [Source The Indian SAPRA news agency, May 22, 2001.]

11. June 2001 - German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." [Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 14, 2001.]

12. July, 2001 - Three American officials: Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia), meet with Pakistani and Russian intelligence officers in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning military strikes against Afghanistan in October. A French book released in November, "Bin Laden - La Verité Interdite," discloses that Taliban representatives often sat in on the meetings. British papers confirm that the Pakistani ISI relayed the threats to the Taliban. [Source: The Guardian, September 22, 2001; the BBC, September 18, 2001.The Inter Press Service, Nov 16, 2001]

13. Summer, 2001 - The National Security Council convenes a Dabhol working group as revealed in a series of government e-mails obtained by The Washington Post and the New York Daily News. [Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002]

14. Summer 2001 - According to a Sept. 26 story in Britain's The Guardian, correspondent David Leigh reported that, "U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January. The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence established that US Rangers were also training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. There were unconfirmed reports that Tajik and Uzbek special troops were training in Alaska and Montana."

15. Summer 2001 (est.) - Pakistani ISI Chief General Ahmad (see above) orders an aide to wire transfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, who was according to the FBI, the lead terrorist in the suicide hijackings. Ahmad recently resigned after the transfer was disclosed in India and confirmed by the FBI. [Source: The Times of India, October 11, 2001.]

16. Summer 2001 - An Iranian man phones U.S. law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the World Trade Center in the week of September 9th. German police confirm the calls but state that the U.S. Secret Service would not reveal any further information. [Source: German news agency "", September 14, 2001, translation retrieved from in Ireland.]

17. June 26, 2001 - The magazine states that "India and Iran will 'facilitate' US and Russian plans for 'limited military action' against the Taliban." The story indicates that the fighting will be done by US and Russian troops with the help of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. [Source:, June 26, 2001.]

18. August 2001 - The FBI arrests an Islamic militant linked to bin Laden in Boston. French intelligence sources confirm that the man is a key member of bin Laden's network and the FBI learns that he has been taking flying lessons. At the time of his arrest the man is in possession of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals. [Source: Reuters, September 13.]

19. August 11 or 12 - US Navy Lt. Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, jailed in Toronto on U.S. fraud charges and claiming to be an officer in U.S. Naval intelligence, writes details of the pending WTC attacks and seals them in an envelope which he gives to Canadian authorities. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court Records]

20. Summer 2001 - Russian intelligence notifies the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots have been specifically training for suicide missions. This is reported in the Russian press and news stories are translated for FTW by a retired CIA officer.

21. July 4-14, 2001 - Osama bin Laden receives treatments for kidney disease at the American hospital in Dubai and meets with a CIA official who returns to CIA headquarters on July 15th. [Source: Le Figaro, October 31st, 2001.]

22. August 2001 - Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings. [Source: MS-NBC interview with Putin, September 15.]

23. August/September, 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops nearly 900 points in the three weeks prior to the attack. A major stock market crash is imminent.

24. Sept. 3-10, 2001 - MS-NBC reports on September 16 that a caller to a Cayman Islands radio talk show gave several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S. by bin Laden in the week prior to 9/11.

25. September 1-10, 2001 - In an exercise, Operation "Swift Sword" planned for four years, 23, 000 British troops are steaming toward Oman. Although the 9/11 attacks caused a hiccup in the deployment the massive operation was implemented as planned. At the same time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast. Also at the same time, some 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation "Bright Star." All of these forces are in place before the first plane hits the World Trade Center. [Sources: The Guardian, CNN, FOX, The Observer, International Law Professor Francis Boyle, the University of Illinois.]

26. September 7, 2001 - Florida Governor Jeb Bush signs a two-year emergency executive order (01-261) making new provisions for the Florida National Guard to assist law enforcement and emergency-management personnel in the event of large civil disturbances, disaster or acts of terrorism. [Source: State of Florida web site listing of Governor's Executive Orders.]

27. September 6-7, 2001 - 4,744 put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) are purchased on United Air Lines stock as opposed to only 396 call options (speculation that the stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the UAL puts are purchased through Deutschebank/AB Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current Executive Director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. [Source: The Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism,, September 21; The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal.]

28. September 10, 2001 - 4,516 put options are purchased on American Airlines as compared to 748 call options. [Source: ICT - above]

29. September 6-11, 2001 - No other airlines show any similar trading patterns to those experienced by UAL and American. The put option purchases on both airlines were 600% above normal. This at a time when Reuters (September 10) issues a business report stating, "Airline stocks may be poised to take off."

30. September 6-10, 2001 - Highly abnormal levels of put options are purchased in Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re(insurance) which owns 25% of American Airlines, and Munich Re. All of these companies are directly impacted by the September 11 attacks. [Source: ICT, above; FTW, Vol. IV, No.7, October 18, 2001,
members/oct152001.html. ]

31. It has been documented that the CIA, the Israeli Mossad and many other intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time using highly advanced programs reported to be descended from Promis software. This is to alert national intelligence services of just such kinds of attacks. Promis was reported, as recently as June, 2001 to be in Osama bin Laden's possession and, as a result of recent stories by FOX, both the FBI and the Justice Department have confirmed its use for U.S. intelligence gathering through at least this summer. This would confirm that CIA had additional advance warning of imminent attacks. [Sources: The Washington Times, June 15, 2001; FOX News, October 16, 2001; FTW, October 26, 2001, -
members/magic_carpet.html; FTW, Vol. IV, No.6, Sept. 18, 2001 -
members/sept1801.html; FTW, Vol. 3, No 7, 9/30/00 -

32. September 11, 2001 - Gen Mahmud of the ISI (see above), friend of Mohammed Atta, is visiting Washington on behalf of the Taliban. He is meeting with the Chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Porter Goss (R), FL and Bob Graham (D), Fl [Sources: MS-NBC, Oct. 7, The New York Times, Feb. 17, 2002.]

33. September 11, 2002 - Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel, one of the world's largest instant messaging companies, with offices in New York, receive threat warnings of an imminent attack on the WTC less than two hours before the first plane hits the WTC. Law enforcement authorities have gone silent about any investigation of this. The Odigo Research and Development offices in Israel are located in the city of Herzliyya, a ritzy suburb of Tel Aviv which is the same location as the Institute for Counter Terrorism which breaks early details of insider trading on 9-11. [Source: CNN's Daniel Sieberg, 9/28/01; Newsbytes, Brian McWilliams, 9/27/01; Ha'aretz, 9/26/01.].

34. September 11, 2001, For 50 minutes, from 8:15 AM until 9:05 AM, with it widely known within the FAA and the military that four planes have been simultaneously hijacked and taken off course, no one notifies the President of the United States. It is not until 9:30 that any Air Force planes are scrambled to intercept, but by then it is too late. This means that the National Command Authority waited for 75 minutes before scrambling aircraft, even though it was known that four simultaneous hijackings had occurred - an event that has never happened in history. [Sources: CNN, ABC, MS-NBC, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times.]

35. September 13, 2001 - China is admitted to the World Trade Organization quickly, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts. [Source: The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2001.]

36. September 14, 2001 - Canadian jailers open the sealed envelope from Mike Vreeland in Toronto and see that is describes attacks against the WTC and Pentagon. The U.S. Navy subsequently states that Vreeland was discharged as a seaman in 1986 for unsatisfactory performance and has never worked in intelligence. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court records]

37. September 15, 2001 - The New York Times reports that Mayo Shattuck III has resigned, effective immediately, as head of the Alex (A.B) Brown unit of Deutschebank.

38. September 29, 2001 - The San Francisco Chronicle reports that $2.5 million in put options on American Airlines and United Airlines are unclaimed. This is likely the result of the suspension in trading on the NYSE after the attacks which gave the Securities and Exchange Commission time to be waiting when the owners showed up to redeem their put options.

39. October 10, 2001 - The Pakistani newspaper The Frontier Post reports that U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain has paid a call on the Pakistani oil minister. A previously abandoned Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to the Pakistani coast, for the purpose of selling oil and gas to China, is now back on the table "in view of recent geopolitical developments."

40. October 11, 2001 - The Ashcroft Justice Department takes over all terrorist prosecutions from the U.S. Attorneys office in New York which has had a highly successful track record in prosecuting terrorist cases connected to Osama bin Laden. [Source: The New York Times, Oct. 11, 2002.]

41. Mid October, 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after having suffered a precipitous drop has recovered most of its pre-attack losses. Although still weak, and vulnerable to negative earnings reports, a crash has been averted by a massive infusion of government spending on defense programs, subsidies for "affected" industries and planned tax cuts for corporations.

42. November 21, 2001 - The British paper The Independent runs a story headlined, "Opium Farmers Rejoice at the Defeat of the Taliban." The story reports that massive opium planting is underway all over the country.

43. November 25, 2001 - The Observer runs a story headlined "Victorious Warlords Set To Open the Opium Floodgates." It states that farmers are being encouraged by warlords allied with the victorious Americans are "being encouraged to plant "as much opium as possible."

44. December 4, 2001 - Convicted drug lord and opium kingpin Ayub Afridi is recruited by the US government to help establish control in Afghanistan by unifying various Pashtun warlords. The former opium smuggler who was one of the CIA's leading assets in the war against the Russians is released from prison in order to do this. [Source: The Asia Times Online, 12/4/01].

45. December 25, 2001 - Newly appointed afghani Prime Minister Hamid Karzai is revealed as being a former paid consultant for Unocal. [Source: Le Monde.]

46. January 3, 2002 - President Bush appoints Zalamy Khalilzad as a special envoy to Afghanistan. Khalilzad, a former employee of Unocal, also wrote op-eds in the Washington Post in 1997 supporting the Taliban regime. [Source: Pravda, 1/9/02]

47. January 4, 2002 - Florida drug trafficking explodes after 9-11. In a surge of trafficking reminiscent of the 1980s the diversion of resources away from drug enforcement has opened the floodgates for a new surge of cocaine and heroin from South America. [The Christian Science Monitor, January 4, 2002.

48. January 10, 2002 - In a call from a speaker phone in open court, attorneys for "Mike" Vreeland call the Pentagon's switchboard operator who confirms that Vreeland is indeed a Naval Lieutenant on active duty. She provides an office number and a direct dial phone extension to his office in the Pentagon. [Source: Attorney Rocco Galati; court records Toronto Superior Court.]

49. January 10, 2002 - Attorney General John Ashcroft recuses himself from the Enron investigation because Enron had been a major campaign donor in his 2000 Senate race. He fails to recuse himself from involvement in two sitting Federal grand juries investigating bribery and corruption charges against ExxonMobil and BP-Amoco who have massive oil interests in Central Asia. Both were major Ashcroft donors in 2000. [Source: CNN, Jan. 10, 2002 - FTW original investigation, The Elephant in the Living Room, Part I, Apr 4, 2002.]

50. February 9, 2002 - Pakistani leader General Musharraf and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai announce their agreement to "cooperate in all spheres of activity" including the proposed Central Asian pipeline. Pakistan will give $10 million to Afghanistan to help pay Afghani government workers. [Source: The Irish Times, 2/9/02]

51. Feb 18, 2002 - The Financial Times reports that the estimated opium harvest in Afghanistan in the late Spring of 2002 will reach a world record 4500 metric tons.

Now, let's go back to the October 31 story by Le Figaro - the one that has Osama bin Laden meeting with a CIA officer in Dubai this June.

The story says that, "Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from many family members [There goes the story that he's a black sheep!] and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the CIA was seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden's room.

"Several days later the CIA officer bragged to his friends about having visited the Saudi millionaire. From authoritative sources, this CIA agent visited CIA headquarters on July 15th, the day after bin Laden's departure for QuettaÖ

"According to various Arab diplomatic sources and French intelligence itself, precise information was communicated to the CIA concerning terrorist attacks aimed at American interests in the world, including its own territory."Ö

"Extremely bothered, they [American intelligence officers in a meeting with French intelligence officers] requested from their French peers exact details about the Algerian activists [connected to bin Laden through Dubai banking institutions], without explaining the exact nature of their inquiry. When asked the question, "What do you fear in the coming days?' the Americans responded with incomprehensible silence."Ö

"On further investigation, the FBI discovered certain plans that had been put together between the CIA and its "Islamic friends" over the years. The meeting in Dubai is, so it would seem, consistent with 'a certain American policy.'"

Even though Le Figaro reported that it had confirmed with hospital staff that bin Laden had been there as reported, stories printed on November 1 contained quotes from hospital staff that these reports were untrue. On November 1, as reported by the Ananova press agency, the CIA flatly denied that any meeting between any CIA personnel and Osama bin Laden at any time.

FUTURE? - Deadly "Spanish Flu" influenza-A bio-terror realeased on Americans by the CIA to cause pandmonium and another boost and reprieve for Bush - pointing the finger at Saddaam?

Who do you believe?

by some guy
It contains some interesting information but some of it is really awful lies concerning the environement movement. You know what Alex Jones? if you would just stop lying about the environemental movement, and just go a step further into being honest and looking critically at things as i can see in your video you can do, well maybe then youd be more credible. I dont really mind about gun owners since im canadian, but if the gun issue was the only issue dividin the left and what i could call "authentic conservatives" there wouldnt be much to quarrel over really(in my mind). Clean up your act and lets stand together for justice
by Eric Rainbolt (eric [at]
I support this measure 110% as well... as well as any investigation into any plans the CIA may have for unleashing biological diseases on the American or world populous as another forthcoming government bred tyrannist event as a pre-text for a takeover of Iraq... namely the once eradicated European "Spanish Flu" N1H1 or NVH1 Influenza-A virus...

As many other of my fellow Americans would agree, these are important issues to gain an absolute understanding of and not overlook in the least.
To do so could to an incomprehensibly disastrous result - much like how we were struck on 9/11.

-Eric Rainbolt
Austin Texas


Subject: Important 9-11 Investigation information sources, Senator Joe
Lieberman (D-CT) has introduced S 1867 - allegations of the highest form of
grand treason, and information on future potential government sponsored
American biological pandemics involving N1H1 Influenza-A "Spanish Flu" virus
which has apparently been planned to be used directly against American
people in an act of widespread murder - a drastic population reduction in
North America in the near and "unexpected" future. {see information sources
contained below - a must read for every American asap.}

ATTN: Dearest, most noble, Congresswoman Ms. Cynthia McKinney, and others,

Please do not be pressured to cave-in on your very proper stance regarding
absolutely vital investigation of 9-II. "High Treason" may again become the
buzzphrase In America.

"There is no more power political force in Washington than the truth. The
truth shall
haunt the evil ones now and likely forever." - Anonymous

[Global News Wire] A 2 1/2 hour full disclosure documentary video has been
produced this month of April revealing all the suppressed facts and
behind the 9-II tragedy. This documentary has been produced with a very
production value. It should be viewed by every member of Congress and
comments should be heard regarding its content. A RealPlayer video stream
the movie is available for immediate download from
VHS quality cassettes of the documentary can be ordered via

There is a staggering amount of unmistakable evidence in terms of absolute
documented facts in the collective that George Bush Jr. and close members of
administration and family, namely George Bush Sr., had detailed and intimate
knowledge of the planning of the terrorist hijackings of the four airliners
that struck
NY, PA, and DC - knowledge extending at least 7 weeks prior to September
11th, 2001.

Please download it immediately for viewing from this web site:
( a free speech video website )

The President, now faced with allegations of the highest form of grand
treason witnessed by his
own country, previously had signed document 199I-WF-213589 barring the FBI
from any
investigation into the Al-Queda terrorist network for several weeks prior to
the tyrranist event.
The BBC UK has a copy of this formerly Top Secret document. Greg Palast of
the BBC UK

Millions of Americans are now waking up to the big picture of government
sponsored, planned, and
staged terrorism against its own people - as hard it is for the average
American to currently accept,
generally for the generation of more profit and power for the world power
elite. George Bush Sr
has often referred to it as the "New World Order". Many other refer to it
as the "New World Odor."

Dear Congresswoman McKinney, there is certainly enough existing evidence and
unanswered questions to justify a full congressional investigation into the
events surrounding 9-II -
with a particular focus on the numerous facts linking the White House to the

The quagmire of corruption continues to unfold. When will congress reclaim
its soul?
(Please reference Psalm 35)

911 Investigation

The 911 attack was the worst act of terrorism in US history.

Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) has introduced S 1867, a bill "To establish the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, and for
other purposes."

The purposes of the Commission are to--

(1) examine and report upon the facts and causes relating to the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001, occurring at the World Trade Center in New
York, New York and at the Pentagon in Virginia;


(2) ascertain, evaluate, and report on the evidence developed by all
relevant governmental agencies regarding the facts and circumstances
surrounding the attacks;


(3) make a full and complete accounting of the circumstances surrounding the
attacks, and the extent of the United States' preparedness for, and response
to, the attacks; and


(4) investigate and report to the President and Congress on its findings,
conclusions, and recommendations for corrective measures that can be taken
to prevent acts of terrorism.

S 1867 is cosponsored by Max Cleland (D-GA), Byron Dorgan (D-ND), John
McCain (R-AZ), Zell Miller (D-GA), and Robert Torricelli (D-NJ).

But George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Republican leadership in Congress
adamantly refuse to conduct a public investigation.

These leaves Americans wondering: why won't the Bush administration
investigate 911? Do they have something to hide?

A growing number of independent researchers have attempted to investigate
9-II, relying on publicly available information. This page contains links to
the most comprehensive efforts.

Bill Weinberg:
Emperor's Clothes:
Freeword dot com
Human Rights Interactive Network: (See comprehensive documentary 9-II -
The Road to Tyranny. )
Make Them Accountable:
Michael Rowbotham:
Michael Ruppert (Timeline):
Michael Ruppert (Analysis):
Patrick Martin:
Peter Dale Scott:
That Son Of a Bush

These pages raise many serious questions. There is only one way to determine
the truth: there must be a thorough, credible, and public investigation as
proposed in S. 1867.

During a Tuesday morning radio interview, Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn.,
declined to dismiss allegations by his colleague, Georgia Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney, that President Bush may have had advance warning about the
9-11 attacks, saying he might inquire about details of the charge when he
meets with her later this week.

Ford praised McKinney as "another independent voice in the Congress," but
told nationally syndicated radio host Don Imus, "What might have motivated
her to make that comment, I don't know."

The Tennessee Democrat continued:

"I hope that [the 9-11 accusation] is not true. I would imagine that's not
true. I don't even want to get - to suggest that this White House had
advanced knowledge and might have allowed it to occur. So I have no reason
to believe that any of that is true."

But then Ford added, "I hope to see her this week and maybe even inquire
about it."

Imus said he thought McKinney's comments about 9-11, coupled with her charge
that former Vice President Al Gore discriminated against blacks, "bordered
on being insane."

Disagreeing, the Tennessee Democrat responded, "I don't think that's true at

Here's his website:

email: [at]

325 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

The Federal Building 167 North Main, Suite #369
Memphis, Tennessee 38103

Call or Fax
Washington, D.C. phone: (202) 225-3265
Washington, D.C. fax: (202) 225-5663

Memphis phone: (901) 544-4131
Memphis fax: (901) 544-4329

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the
major media."
- William Colby
former Director of the CIA

A War in the Planning for Four Years


Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A
Blueprint for World Dictatorship,"
Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global
Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

David Shippers: Government Had Prior Knowledge

Key Points:

(1) The FBI knows another terrorist attack is being planned, right now, for
somewhere in Oklahoma City (site unknown)

(2) The FBI has been, and still is, prohibiting their agents or local police
from taking known terrorists into custody.

(3) An Iraqi terrorist cell was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing,
and is still involved.

(4) Ashcroft and members of Congress are not listening.

(5) Contact your members of Congress and ask them WHY?
In this interview, "Iraqi Terrorists" refers to the Iraqi Republican Guard,
resettled after the Gulf War, near Oklahoma City by former Pres. Bush.

David Shippers Interview
Alex Jones Radio Show
October 10, 2001 (in progress)

DS: Oklahoma City and, frankly, when I first heard the information, I
just poo-pooed it, as did everybody else - they thought here comes another
one of those crazy conspiracy theories, you know. The woman who is a former
investigative reporter down in Oklahoma City wrote to me after I came back
from Washington and just, you know - congratulations - you did a hell of a
job. I wrote back and the next thing you know she wrote back again and told
me that she had information indicating a middle eastern connection. I called
her at that point and just for my own conscious if there was something out
there I'd want to find out about it - she began to tell me what she had and
she sent me a short summary - a couple of pages - laying out what she had
garnered during her investigations. It really piqued by interest. So I asked
her if she had more. She said yes she had an awful lot of stuff, but she
wouldn't want to send it up through the mail or any other way. So she and
her husband flew up to Chicago and brought a mass of information - I mean
affidavits, all kinds of things.

AJ: And we've had Col. Craig Roberts, who was a detective working the case
on this show many times, a month before attack, predicting one was imminent.
He has all that same information. They actually arrested some of these guys
and the Justice Dept. in 1995 said to release them.

DS: That's right - and the words out today that they are not even allowed to
touch them, the Oklahoma City police are not allowed to touch these people.
And from what I'm understanding, they are up to something again in Oklahoma
City. I don't know what it is or what their target is but these same people
are at it again. The terrible thing here else, something that few people
know that there was a warning sent out. Have you ever heard of Ysolf
Bodansky (sp)?

AJ: Yes. DA: He is the guy that wrote the book about Bin Laden. He was
hooked up with some Congressional leaders in the House - kind of an
unofficial, for lack of a better word, a strike force, a task force on
terrorism. They sent out a warning on February 19, 1995, saying there was
going to be a massive attack by the terrorists in the heartland of the
United States and it was going to be a federal facility. Everybody ignored
it. By the way, I have seen that warning, I have seen that warning. I don't
have it in front of me so I can't go into the specifics of it too heavily
but at the same time, there was in that warning that there was going to be a
massive attack in Washington - it took them six years to do it. The targets
were going to be Washington, the White House and the Capitol Building. - And
that they were going to use airliners to attack them.

AJ: Now later you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there
was going to an attack on lower Manhattan.

DS: Yea - and that's what started me calling. I started calling out there.
First of all, I tried to see if I could get a Congressman to go to bat for
me and at least bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them
information and nobody cared. It was always, "We'll get back to you", "we'll
get back to you", "we'll get back to you." Then I reached out and tried to
get to the Attorney General, when finally we got an attorney general in
there that I would be willing to talk to. And, again, I used people who were
personal friends of John Ashcroft to try to get him. One of them called me
back and said, "Alright I have talked to him. He will call you tomorrow
morning." This was like a month before the bombing. The next morning I got a
call. It wasn't from Ashcroft. It was from somebody in the Justice Dept.

AJ: One of his handlers.

DS: Yea, and I started telling him the situation and he said, "You know we
don't start our investigations at the top." I said I would like to talk to
the Attorney General because this is vital. He said, "We don't start our
investigations at the top. Let me look into this and I will get back to
you." As I sit here today, I have never heard from him.

AJ: Again, David Shippers, you are big in Washington, you were the top
lawyer that got Clinton impeached, you are highly respected, you know the
Senators, the Congressmen. You're calling up. You've got these FBI agents
and others feeding you this information. They're being pulled off the cases,
they're angry. That's even been in the news now, from Minnesota and Florida
and Illinois. They know what's going to happen. The Sudanese in '96 and '98
tried to arrest Bin Laden for Clinton, tried to give us the names of Al
Qaeda, Clinton wouldn't take it.

DS: Didn't want any part of it.

AJ: Wouldn't touch it. So we've got all this developing. We've got police
officers and FBI on the ground who know who bombed Oklahoma City. They've
got them in custody with blue jogging suits and bomb-making components. They
are ordered to release them. All of this is unfolding - 3500 to 5000 Iraqi
Republican Guard (living near OKC), we know there is a Saddam/Iraqi
connection here - I mean they knew this. Why in the world, David Shippers,
did they allow this to take place?

DS: I'll tell you something. This one of the things that, to me, it is
almost inconceivable, inconceivable that with the knowledge they had that
they would turn their back. Just assume that they had investigated and gone
in after the Oklahoma City bombing, as they are doing now. There never would
have been an attack on the Trade Towers. If they had done, 5 to 6 years ago
what they are doing now, they probably would have had Bin Laden and that
gang all stopped by now. But, I don't know, as a human being, as a former
prosecutor, as a lawyer and a guy who represents police and agents all over
the United States, it is inconceivable to me that those bureaucrats in
Washington would turn their back on the obvious for their own purposes.

AJ: And now the World Trade Center Complex is absolutely destroyed.

DS: Yes, 6000 people are dead. And there is more coming. There is more

AJ: Now you say, from your sources, I know you represent a bunch of FBI
agents who are hopping mad, you probably can't talk about the specifics, you
say you are representing them. Are they getting ready to sue or something?

DS: Well they are hoping to, but what do you sue for? What I'm trying to do
is get the people in Washington - you see these agents can't come out. The
only information that I have is information that is public knowledge. They
can't tell me anything that is confidential or anything that is secret, or
anything like that. I'm talking about what is public knowledge and these
guys can't say anything unless they are subpoenaed.

AJ: That's why you want to get into a court.

DS: I don't want to get into a court. I want to get them into the
intelligence committee. I want to get them to talk to the Attorney General,
to Gov. Ridge, to General Downing or to somebody who has the ability or the
authority to go to the FBI bureaucrats and say "Butt out!" - we are going to
do this right.

AJ: I'm sure you are aware that on the History Channel, they are reporting
that we had prior knowledge of the Japanese attack and they allowed that to
take place.

DS: Sure.

AJ: And now you see the UN empowered, the World Court empowered. It looks
like the UN is going to get to take over that oil supply in Central Asia.
The face scanning cameras - now they are on the fast track. This has sure
brought the police state into a lot more focus.

DS: It sure has. I've been saying for years that once you have license, the
next step is tyranny. It really is scary. The whole thing is scary. Remember
the Palmer raids when they had the Reds scare in the early twentieth century
and they just went out and rounded up everybody and threw them in jails and
deported them. Our freedoms took a real hit. I hope to God that we don't run
into the same thing this time. The people are saying, "I want to be safe."
Who was it, Ben Franklin said if you give up your liberties for security,
you will eventually lose both your liberties and your security.

AJ: Absolutely.

AJ: We're talking to David Shippers. We're discussing FBI agents across the
country having prior knowledge of the attacks, trying to get these guys
arrested or even to get a warrant, knowing they were associates of Bin
Laden, others being trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Clinton not
wanting the names of Al Queda when they had the chance, there is so much
evidence of prior knowledge. How did this happen with the Bush
administration, when you are trying to get to Ashcroft and telling them that
they is a plan to attack lower Manhattan very soon and what was the intel
you were getting from these agents?

DS: Well, a lot of this wasn't coming from the agents. When the bomb hit
(WTC attack) and everybody said we have to find the money (trail) and stop
the money. The only place the money was actually identified and stopped was
in Chicago. There was actually a lawsuit, a case filed here in Chicago, in
which money that had been earmarked for Hamas, to be used for terrorism, was
grabbed by the United States government - and seized and forfeited, and that
was here in Chicago.

AJ: But that agent had to go through a lot of grief to get that done.

DS: An agent actually filed the affidavit. I'm not talking about anything
that is confidential. This agent here in Chicago filed the affidavit where
he laid out the whole way that the money moves, the way that it is handled,
how it comes out of the middle east into Chicago area and into the United
States, how it is covered, how the operatives are covered, how the money is
transferred back and where it's kept while its here. And that affidavit ran
like 30 pages - laying it out. And he had to go through hell on earth in
Washington, he had to fight like a tiger - everybody in his own bureau and
in the Dept. of Justice was against him - and still is.

AJ: Now the FBI agents in Minnesota knew about this and had the evidence but
they couldn't even get a wiretap or a warrant to search these guys.

DS: Exactly.

AJ: We're talking about some of the actual hijackers.

DS: Exactly. And this woman who was talking to me, she had other contacts,
who were in Naval Intelligence and other areas, and she was reporting that
there was one of these terrorists who was involved in the bombing in
Oklahoma City - was working at the Boston airport. A friend of mine who
happens to be an agent had information that there were Hamas operatives
working in baggage and areas at O'Hare Airport with free access to any part
of the airport. But no one would listen. They just said it's not true, it
can't happen that way. I'll tell you something. I don't know if it was
because Clinton and his boys didn't want the United States to realize that
Flight 800 was a terrorist attack and that Oklahoma City was a terrorist
attack because they didn't want to admit that the intelligence of the United
States was totally destroyed.

AJ: Well Craig Roberts says it best. They wanted to demonized the patiot
organizations and create this internal security force to watch Americans....

DS: Exactly.

AJ: because the "precious Arabs", they can't do anything wrong.

DS: And that's exactly what they started. I forget which nitwit it was that
came out and said you can blame the Russ Limbaugh's and the talk show hosts
who are fomenting this terror.

AJ: That was Bill Clinton.

DS: Yea, Clinton made that statement. And they had a handy guy in McVeigh. I
also know from affidavits that I have read that there were eyewitnesses who
saw the middle eastern man running from the scene (OKC bombing) along side

AJ: And why don't the feds just release those 12 surveillance camera tapes
if it is just McVeigh alone?

DS: Those surveillance camera tapes are going to show that there was a
middle eastern man running with him. Some of these people who gave
affidavits were interviewed by the FBI during the course of the
investigation. They were interviewed about the second person that they saw
and the agents tried to make them say or suggested to them that the second
person was Nichols. Every single one of these people said absolutely not, it
was a middle-eastern type individual.

AJ: Al Hussani (sp)

DS: Now, listen to this. None of those investigative reports; none of those
302s have ever surfaced. So the FBI comes up with all these thousands of
documents which they claimed they overlooked but the key ones where they
tried to get them to say it was Nichols never surfaced.

AJ: It is so important that all of you out there contact your
representatives, contact the White House, contact the Justice Dept. and say
talk to David Shippers. He's a man we can trust who helped get Clinton
impeached. Talk about a dangerous job - who then wrote a book detailing the
black mail, the intimidation by Clinton in the Senate. And now we find out
that weeks and months before he had the news, the feds, the investigators
telling him these terrorists are all over the place ... Now David Shippers,
the knowledge, the information, you told me yesterday on the phone that it
was lower Manhattan, months before, you are trying to get into see Ashcroft,
they wouldn't let you do it. What were the reports you were getting about
the attack on lower Manhattan?

DS: The original report that I got was that they had arranged for three
attacks on the United States - one, they were going to take down an airline;
two, they were going to attack a federal facility in the heartland of the
United States; and the third one was going to be a massive attack in lower

AJ: The first was TWA 800, then Oklahoma City...

DS: The original intelligence that was reported to me, and this was not
first hand obviously, that the original plan was a suitcase nuclear weapon.

AJ: Now we gotten that from Col. Roberts and a bunch of other people...

DS: I've ran into a lot of nuts who came up with a not of strange theories,
outer space, and things like that. But these people who I was talking to
were very, very credible people. For example, Jayna Davis took everything
she had ...

AJ: Tell us who she is, one more time...for those who just tuned in

DS: She was an investigative reporter working for a TV station in Oklahoma
City at the time of the bombing.

AJ: And they had these very middle-eastern Bin Laden, Saddam minions,
interviewing these guys.

DS: Yes, absolutely. She identified by the name the guy who was the one.
Recently, she came up with some evidence that another guy there actually
admitted that he was part of the World Trade Center bombing. He's still
walking around. I mean they are taking people into custody, they are
offering rewards, but these guys are still there and still doing their
little thing.

AJ: That's the point I'm trying to make. The government has their names,
knows who the cells are, the 3500 Iraqi....

DS: I don't know if they do because when Jayna had all this material.. I'm
talking about 3 giant loose-leaf binders full of affidavits and other
material. This woman did a job of investigating that would make the Massad
look bad.

AJ: The New York Times came in and bought up her TV station and got rid of

DS: Well, they bought up the TV station and got rid of her and also tried to
make her turn over notes and films and stuff like that but she beat them
court. She's still got them.

AJ: Here's the bottom line question. The attack on lower Manhattan, the
third big attack. We know you tried to get to the Attorney General. What did
you say?

DS: My first move was to go through some of the people that I knew in
Congress because I was working on two fronts. On the one hand I wanted to
get someone to listen to Jayna about Oklahoma City; on the other hand, I was
trying to get someone to understand that Hamas has infiltrated the United
States so thoroughly that I don't how long it will take to run them out. All
over the United States. They had a training camp for terrorism at Chicago.

AJ: There is a mosque at UT for the young Islamics, they raise money for
terrorism right there. And nothing is being done.

DS: Bill O'Reilly had that guy from southern Florida University that raised
money for Hamas. And whenever you mention Hamas, everybody says it's a
humanitarian organization.

AJ: No, they're not.

DS: They're humanitarian like Hitler was humanitarian. They are terrorists
and they will never be anything but terrorists.

AJ: And we are not supposed to criticize these people.

DS: No, you can't say anything. I just heard about the young man whose
sister was injured in the World Trade Center and he put up an American flag
and some American slogans on his locker at school. They gave him a ten-day
suspension because they said it might be offensive to some of the Arab

AJ: They are saying the American flag is racist.

DS: Isn't that lovely.

AJ: Let's stop the evil American flag from being flown at your business or
at your university, but let's leave the Hamas people alone.

DS: You know the guy that cut the throat of that bus driver in Tennessee was
here on a one-month visa and he had overstayed his visa by what - a year and
a half, two years. Until somebody starts listening, I'm telling you, I see
on television, I see them saying that the president has said that these
tapes that are coming from Bin Laden may very well be signals or codes to
terrorists in the United States.

AJ: And why is every network running them?

DS: Bingo. You tell me. When they say that they may very well be signals, he
can give all the signals he wants in Pakistan and Afghanistan but if the
American networks don't carry it, then they won't out. But the American
networks are saying that people have a right to know.

AJ: And they are calling for more attacks on the tapes.

DS: Yea, the latest tape specifically made reference to the heart of the
United States.

AJ: Yea, attack the heartland - you said your intel or your sources....

DS: They are doing something down there in Oklahoma City. The folks in
Oklahoma City tell me they are up to something. There are deliveries being
made, there is material being moved and places being opened... One of the
methods they use to cover their operatives while in the States is they set
up some garbage or a pretend garage - or a filling station where they can
all allegedly work. But they're not working there, it's not really a garage,
it's just a location to cover them. I tried the House, I tried the Senate, I
tried the Dept. of Justice, I didn't go to the FBI because I know there is a
roadblock there and I didn't go to the Justice Dept. until Ashcroft got in
there because I know there's roadblocks out there. These are the very people
who put up roadblocks on the attack against the terrorists under Clinton,
they are still there. They still constitute, almost like moat, between the
people with information and the people who should hear the information.

AJ: Well we know that Clinton released 16 members of the FALN.

DS: Sure. Well he had to win New York didn't he? He had to win New York for

AJ: So when you are talking to these people at the Dept. of Justice, folks
at Congress, what do they say?

DS: They say, that's wonderful, we'll get right back to you. I have never
got a call back. I was on a radio program out east, Pittsburgh, and I just
hinted that the FBI was sitting on information when they should have been
sharing it with others and, as a result, there was a breakdown in
intelligence. And the next morning, I got a call from the office of the
Speaker of the House, who happens to be an Illinois Republican.

AJ: Hastert.

DS: Yes, Hastert. They hadn't heard the show but they said we understand
you've got some information, etc. I said, yes I do, I would really like to
share it with somebody. I have at least two and maybe three witnesses that
should be subpoenaed to come out there and testify in executive session and
tell you what I was talking about. Ok. We'll get back to you. Never heard
from them. Couple of days later, I got a call from the Senate Intelligence
Committee. We hear that you've got information, etc. Yes, I have information
and I'd be perfectly willing to bring it out to you. I'd be perfectly
willing to have my witnesses go in there and testify but they have to be
subpoenaed. And by the way, I will not talk to staffers because the staffers
don't tell the Congressman what they found out. Ok, we'll get back to you.
That was last week, I still haven't heard from them.

AJ: So bottom line - and my intelligence sources who were police officers
who actually worked the case, FBI who worked the OKC bombing case, grand
jury witnesses, are saying they are getting ready for something big, not
just in Oklahoma, but out on the West Coast as well. That's the intel I'm
getting and nothing is being done. They are just talking about national ID
cards, face scanning, troops with no bullets in the airports, they are not
going to arm the pilots, this is sick!

DS: The whole thing is unbelievable. You know, I talk to people who are in
the media, people who are well aware of what is going on and they cannot
believe that this is happening.

AJ: Can we get you on the O'Reilly factor to talk about this?

DS: I've been on O'Reilly but not to talk about this. You know Jayna was on
twice and she laid it out. She got a call and she said that Dave Shippers
was representing her - so I think that might have precipitated a call from
someone in Washington who immediately said I'll get back to you and that was
the end of it. Strangely enough, the one group I haven't heard from is the
FBI intelligence people. Of course, if I did hear from them I wouldn't talk
to them anyhow, because they are totally incompetent. >

AJ: They got their funding tripled after OKC bombing....

DS: Sure, that's great and they can all sit around and tell everybody that
their informants told them this or that. They are running around grabbing
people they should have grabbed 5 years ago.

AJ: What are your sources saying about the Oklahoma City area?

DS: That somebody is up to something down there. I know of phone calls going
to Iraq from some of these guys. I know of phone calls from one of the
known, one of the named terrorists by the FBI, he is making calls to a place
that is identical to one of the people that I am talking about. In other
words, same place...

AJ: Did you see Bush show pictures of Bin Laden's minions?

DS: Yes, the most wanted.

AJ: But we have people involved, fingered, witnesses on tape there at the
Oklahoma City bombing at the scene, later apprehended with the jogging
suits, with the materials, then told to be released by the Justice Dept.
back in '95.

DS: They don't want any part of it. Jayna's got the original police radio
calls. And in the original calls, it said to be on the lookout for this
truck that was being driven by a middle-eastern type individual. That was
the original one and I remember, at one point, one police officer called in
and said by whose authority do we stop this guy. And they said: authority
FBI, Oklahoma City. Then shortly thereafter, the all-points-bulletins
stopped and there was never another word. Remember how they said that he
(McVeigh) had been with a militant group in Michigan and how we all have to
hunker down because they crazy right wing maniacs are liable to do anything.
Nobody wanted to tell it like it was because it would turn out that the
crazy rightwing maniacs were right all along.

AJ: And had been warning people about the threat.

DS: Yea.

AJ: So where does it go from here?

DS: Well, I'm still trying, I'm still trying to get somebody to listen to me
out there and to listen to my witnesses - and to, at least, take the
material. You know, Jayna Davis, took the same stuff she showed me and
walked into the FBI at Oklahoma City and said here, I have all this
material, it may be of some assistance to you. They said, we don't want it.
They refused to even take it.

AJ: You can see the motive. I see more intelligence funding, I see the
cashless society with biometrics, I see an expanded UN, I see NATO planes
patrolling our skies, I see global government being empowered and a takeover
of the middle east and central asia. I see great dividends for them by
allowing this to happen.

DS: I hope to God that you're wrong, I do. I can't fight or argue with you
because it does seem to be heading that way. However, I think the problem is
that they covered up the TWA 800 bombing, they covered up the Oklahoma City
bombing, but when the whole world watched those two planes hit the Towers,
there is no way they could blame that on a local group. They have to get
into it now and I think - I'm not talking about Ashcroft or the president,
I'm not talking about the street agent. They are the greatest men on the
face of the earth, as far as I'm concerned - the FBI street agent, the guys
out there going door to door. AJ: Yea, but in Minnesota they did they job...

DS: Sure and they got hurt for it. AJ: and they got pulled off the case.

DS: And in Chicago, they did their job and they got pulled off the case. And
down in Oklahoma City, you've got those three agents. And what did they do?
The method by which they stopped them. They bring some garbage charge
against them and then say well they are dissidents. They try to affect their
credibility by that.

AJ: For trying to protect their country, the heroes get crucified.

DS: The heroes get crucified and the bureaucrats sit out there and tell each
other what a great job they are doing until another city blows up. And then
they say, they need more tools. They have all the tools in the world. They
could have found the money (trail) years ago if they had just listened.
Sorry, if I sound mad, I am.

AJ: No, I'm angry too. They've got biologicals, they've got chemicals.
They've got suitcase nukes. As you said, that was the original plan. It
could happen any time - from the same sources that you have that I have.
David Shippers, I can only commend you for going public with this because
you do have so much credibility.

DS: We've got to go public. We tried to do it the right way, we tried to do
it by going to the people in whom you would normally repose your confidence
and trust. It didn't work. Nobody cares.


Points to ponder:

When is it the domain of the CIA rather than the FBI to report on
inadequate safety at domestic airports; specifically when each flight
becomes airborne - as aired on MSNBC on 04/17 at 10:30pm CST?

It struck me oddly, and probably scores of others, that the assistant
director to the CIA also part of the public conference mentioned above -
speaks of the difficulting in sorting out cases of the flu from cases of
Anthrax. It seemed to be a bit of foreshadowing regarding a potential
deadly flue pandemic. This sort of event is also forecasted in the CIA's
own paperwork:

Although multidrug therapies have cut HIV/AIDS deaths by two-thirds to
17,000 annually since 1995, emerging microbial resistance to such drugs and
continued new infections will sustain the threat.
Some 4 million Americans are chronic carriers of the hepatitis C virus, a
significant cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis. The US death toll from the
virus may surpass that of HIV/AIDS in the next five years.
TB, exacerbated by multidrug resistant strains and HIV/AIDS co-infection,
has made a comeback. Although a massive and costly control effort is
achieving considerable success, the threat will be sustained by the spread
of HIV and the growing number of new, particularly illegal, immigrants
infected with TB.
****===> Influenza now kills some 30,000 Americans annually, and
epidemiologists generally agree that it is not a question of whether, but
when, the next killer pandemic will occur.
Highly virulent and increasingly antimicrobial resistant pathogens, such as
Staphylococcus aureus, are major sources of hospital-acquired infections
that kill some 14,000 patients annually.
The doubling of US food imports over the last five years is one of the
factors contributing to tens of millions of foodborne illnesses and 9,000
deaths that occur annually, and the trend is up.
****===>Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, many of which are
likely to continue to originate overseas, will continue to kill at least
170,000 Americans annually. Many more could perish in an epidemic of
influenza or yet-unknown disease or if there is a substantial decline in the
effectiveness of available HIV/AIDS drugs.
International Travel and Commerce
The increase in international air travel, trade, and tourism will
dramatically increase the prospects that infectious disease pathogens such
as ***influenza***--and vectors such as mosquitoes and rodents--will spread
quickly around the globe, often in less time than the incubation period of
most diseases. Earlier in the decade, for example, a multidrug resistant
strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae originating in Spain spread throughout
the world in a matter of weeks, according to the director of WHO's
infectious disease division. The cross-border movement of some 2 million
people each day, including 1 million between developed and developing
countries each week, and surging global trade ensure that travel and
commerce will remain key factors in the spread of infectious diseases.
****===> Influenza. Although the deadly 1918 influenza pandemic that caused
more than 0.5 million US deaths appears to have started in the United
States, almost all others have originated in China and Southeast Asia.
Epidemiologists generally agree that the threat of another "killer"
influenza pandemic is high and that it is not a question of whether, but
when, it will occur. Even in the absence of a widespread "killer" pandemic,
influenza has caused 30,000 US deaths annually in recent years--nearly
double the annual average in the 1972-84 period, owing in part to the high
vulnerability to the disease of the growing cohort of older Americans and
HIV-infected persons. Influenza will remain essentially an uncontrolled
disease because the viruses are highly efficient in their ability to survive
and change into more virulent strains. USCDC researchers predict that, in an
influenza epidemic infecting 15 percent of the US population, the mean
number of expected deaths would be approximately 97,000 in one year,
regardless of immunization status. The number of hospitalizations would
total 314,000, and the number of outpatient cases would reach 18 million. If
the attack rate were 35 percent, the number of expected deaths would be
227,000 in one year and all other illness rates would be correspondingly

So you haven't yet figured out the airborne conditioning-agent release
program that is being operated by the government. I'll give you some hints,
but first I'll give you a little information about myself. I'm a retired
government scientist with an advanced degree in one of the health-related
disciplines. I do not use my real name for fear of retaliation, either
against me, or against members of my family. I always try to route my e-mail
communications so that they appear to come from another source, usually from
one somewhere within the government. Sometimes I use the internet resources
of the public library - whatever it takes to hide my true identity and
confuse those who don't want the sort of information I possess to fall into
the public's hands.

This information alludes to a period of time that Americans will be exposed
to and suffer a massive pandemic a deadly form of flu know as Influenza-A,
or the "Spanish Flu" - planned by US government CIA operatives and the world
elite - namely both the N1H1 and NVH1 Influenza-A deadly viral bio-diseases
that represents a massive scale population reduction plan in the works over
recent years due to a horrible and paranoid group-think amongst the world
power elite, prompted by the ineveitable depletion of the Earth's
hydrocarbon deposits. {However this is far from God's intended plan for us -
and a hellishly blatant violation of God's First Commandment - Thou shall
not kill {nor enable, create, or foster a massive world-wide deadly pandemic
of Influeza-A. Thousands believe is it the basis for the Top Secret
military program "Operation Cloverleaf" - a spraying of desensitizing
chemicals directly on top of mass populations of Americans. { see }

Excerpted from link :

I have a small circle of friends who are, or were, in key positions within
our military and several government agencies. These are not the very top
level personnel, but mid to upper mid-level people, scientists and analysts,
who are in positions where they can see the day-to-day activities of what's
going on, who are charged with implementing the details, but who are never
quite privy to the schemes behind the work they do. Each of my contacts has
been able to supply me with a portion of the puzzle, but separately, none of
them understands the whole story. I'll tell you what I've pieced together so
far. But I have to admit that this information frightens me because there is
no place I can go with it. What am I supposed to do - write my congressman?
I believe that would be like signing my own death warrant.

This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world
population to around 450-500 million -- and starting with the US first. Why?
The people of the US are the only ones with even the remotest chance of
stopping this. That is, if they knew about it. That's why the US has to be
the first to go. You have to understand that the world's elite covet the US
for its geographic diversity - and they would love to return this country to
its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot here, but without
the Native Americans this time of course.

You may have already heard how several national parks have been designated
as world biospheres - that's the plan for all of North America, a giant
nature park and playground that will be devoid of annoying human beings
(that would be us). And the people actually involved in doing the spraying,
as well as those who will take part in the rest of the plans, are being
duped into believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to live and
remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this vast
nature preserve. I understand that about 150 to 200 thousand people are
projected as necessary for maintenance purposes. But it's likely these
people will not be Americans. Those in charge wouldn't want to risk the
possibility of some sort of revolt, so the workers will probably be brought
in from Europe and Asia.

There are rumors floating about the internet that the chemtrails are part of
some sort of secret program the government is doing to protect the US from
future biological attacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. The plan
is to sensitize, or condition, the US population to being wiped out by
influenza A. Over the past few years, people have been encouraged to get flu
shots to protect them against the generally non-lethal strains that
circulate through the population during flu season.

Each year the US government has guessed which strains were most likely to
spread. They seem to always guess right - don't they? This flu season, the
government protected people with a trivalent vaccine that included the
A/Beijing/262/95-like (H1N1) and the A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N2). It also
contained the B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens. For those not
familiar with virology, the H and N refer to proteins on the outside of the
virus, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which are responsible for the
virus attaching to, and then invading, a host cell. The public has been
quite pleased with the success of the vaccines offered so far. But that will
change in the future.

Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
(or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD have reconstructed and
modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus, making it far more deadly than it ever
was back when it was responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed
over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US. Consider that it
could have killed many more, but back then, people couldn't hop on a jet and
travel from New York to L.A. in five hours. Now, our ability to travel will
increase the spread and will be our downfall.

The flu vaccines contain killed virus and protect the body well against
challenge by that particular strain, but work poorly against other strains
not included in the inoculation. At some point, the vaccine stockpile will
include the more lethal modification of the 1918 H1N1 in its live form. Most
people receiving this vaccine will simply be renewing their annual flu shot,
and the vaccine will still include the inactivated version of the more
benign form of H1N1 (as was included in this year's vaccine). The presence
of the milder strain in the inoculum will slow down the progression of the
more lethal H1N1 form, so people will become sick more slowly - but they
will still eventually die. It will just take a few weeks longer.

In the meantime, they will be carriers for the lethal form of the virus,
passing it on to everyone with whom they make contact. And as people hear
that others are dropping dead from the flu, they will flock to get their own
vaccination. And the entire population will be more receptive to infection
because their lungs will have been pre-conditioned to guarantee it.

If you will remember back to 1968 and '69, the Hong Kong flu, which was
influenza A type H3N2, killed over 30,000 people in the U.S. alone. That was
a fortuitous learning event for some because it taught them that the flu
could still conceivably be used to wipe out a population. But at the same
time, it pointed out the need to precondition the populace so that those who
might normally be resistant could be rendered susceptible. Hence the
development of the vaccine program and the aerial spraying procedures to
condition the population. The purpose of the chemicals in the chemtrails is
to help the viral envelope fuse with lung cells, permitting easier
penetration and infection.

But what about those few individuals who don't succumb to the flu?
Probability alone demands that there will be some who survive - pockets of
the population that are either not reached or somehow (and this is less
likely) are resistant to the lethal H1N1 strain. At this point you must also
remember that our military personnel have been immunized against a variety
of pathogens, including the anthrax bacillus.

For those geographically isolated areas where the flu doesn't do its job,
it's a fairly simple matter to lay down anthrax spores and then send in
what's left of the military to take care of anyone still breathing. The
anthrax spraying will probably come under the guise of a flu protection
program to save those still alive after the epidemic. And the military,
having been exposed to civilians with the flu, will eagerly await their own
flu shots. I should emphasize that this is a last resort scenario. Those
orchestrating the plan will not want to use anthrax until all other
possibilities are exhausted - this because of the long-term viability of
anthrax spores. To scatter them over the countryside would mean the area
would be dangerous for use by humans, at least those not vaccinated against
the bacteria.

And think about this for a moment. Why do you suppose agencies like Fish and
Wildlife are so eager to reintroduce wolves and other species into areas of
the country which haven't seen these animals for generations. It's all part
of the plan to restore this land to what the elite envision as its early
paradise-like state, with wild animals freely roaming the uninhabited plains
and forests. Granted, it will take some time to clean up the place and to
maybe destroy a lot of small towns that might otherwise be considered a
blight on the landscape. But for the global elite it will be a small price
for us to pay for their enjoyment.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes
me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war,
corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places
will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong
its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is
aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

- Abraham Lincoln - 1865

" The major function of secrecy in Washington is to keep the U.S. people ...
from knowing what the nation's leaders are doing. "
John Stockwell, former CIA official and author of CIA Diary: Inside the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tennessee Gal" <tennessee_gal655 [at]>
To: <Al-Gore-2004-Community [at]>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Al-Gore-2004-Community] Re: Lieberman Bill to Investigate 9/11

LOL - I would appear to be so!

tls121766 <tschrage [at]> wrote: Ye Gods! Do mine eyes deceive
me? Even Zell-Out wants 9/11

In Al-Gore-2004-Community@y..., Tennessee Gal <tennessee_gal655@y...>
> S 1867 is cosponsored by Max Cleland (D-GA), Byron Dorgan (D-ND),
> McCain (R-AZ), Zell Miller (D-GA), and Robert Torricelli (D-NJ).

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by Sanders
"Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government,no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.... The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America but which historically has proven to be always possible."
- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey

22 December 2000:
As Darkness Falls....

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

      - George W Bush (See CNN transcript from 12/18/2000)

After that, the NRA has finally won me over -- we all need guns now.

      - R.A. Wilson

by trey red
they are smokin some KILLER FUCKING WEED in austin texas. who would have thought austin texas for the best drugs around. gotta find me a contact there.
by Kalar Walters
Along with all of the other covert activities we need to keep Mind Control in the scenario. People are so blasted lazy and they've been taught to think only ways that are approved. They are not taught critical thinking. This is social engineering refined to nightmarish proportions by virtue of the fact that it is so subtle that it is not easy to spot. It's the 'frog in the sauce pan' trick. Put a frog in tepid water over a low flame and he won't know he's cooking until he's dead.
by Horace Pump
At MIT, they can out words in our mouths
by Horace Pump
At MIT, they can put words in our mouths
White supremacists are responisble for this (english)
kilo 9:13pm Sun Sep 15 '02

The world curch of the creator and other hate groups have tons of fliers and "reports" filled with this garbage. They want to instigate a "revolution". Any sicko can go to their sites and read up on how to be a lone wolf and what crap to peddle.

You can just smell the stink of their burning crosses through the net.

Hey kilo, test your hypothesis (english)
yoda 9:36pm Sun Sep 15 '02

I just visited the World Church of the Creator website and I didn't find much about 911 conspiracies, in fact the only stuff I could find on the subject were very mainstream, conventional interpretations of the event.

They apparently believe Osama bin Laden was behind the attack, and that he did it to punish the US for backing the damn jews in Israel, etc etc. That's virtually the exact same shit you'd hear on CNN, FOX News, The New York Times, etc.

Give it a look:

Can't find your way out of a white hood? (english)
kilo 1:32am Mon Sep 16 '02

You mean you didn't find this?

9-11 The date will be remembered throughout American history
What really happened? -

You'll be shocked to find out!
Now, one book tells all the dirt about what took place behind the scenes.

Rev. Dr. Matt Hale presents (Pontifex Maximus of the WCOTC)
The Truth about 9-11: How Jewish Manipulation Killed Thousands

The following are just three of the dozens of Subject Headings of the book followed by a brief description of each of these subjects:

...Remote Controlled Jets? - tells of one idea out there

Earth, Wind, and Fire - Did the fuel burning really cause the collapse?

The Implosion Conspiracy - Some might be inclined to believe that the buildings were imploded...

Or this?

Racial Activism -

Strategy and Tactics
Lone wolf or led wolves? - By an anonymous Creator from Florida
A follow-up on leaderless resistance - By David Pringle of the National Alliance
A revolution of the soul - By N.B. Forrest
Let us have unbridled enthusiasm - By Rev. Matt Hale, P.M.
In Defense of the White Race - By Rev. Matt Hayhow
by popeye
I agree.
Hitler also believed the world was round. If arguments are to be rejected on the basis of the people who profess them, we had all better become flat earthers.
by Ed Steinwender
What are you totally nuts? The global conspircy you speak of comes right out of science fiction.
by Ed Steinwender
What are you totally nuts? The global conspircy you speak of comes right out of science fiction.
by Ed Steinwender
What are you totally nuts? The global conspircy you speak of comes right out of science fiction.
by Ed Steinwender
What are you totally nuts? The global conspircy you speak of comes right out of science fiction.
by ........
oh science fiction .. you mean the genre that predicted everything from the moon landings to helicopters to just about everything else that was ever invented since H.G. Wells first started writing ... oh yah ... that's all bunk, there's no such thing as a helicopter.
by Alex Smith
Thank you, thank you for releasing the video [emergency free re;ease online]!
For the 100's of millions of us who aren't able to view online videos, please, please release an emergeny online text [full length] of the book 9-11 The Road To Tyranny

Dave Dunlop ourlaugh [at]
Family Law: He just needs a little horse sense knocked into him

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

By Eli El

I hope that someday the justice system would be fair. Would most of us be happy if this was true? When we take time out to think about it, there will always be a party whom believes that the judge ruled fairly and another whom believes that they have been wronged. There are some cases where all parties do agree with the outcome. By definition “Fair” is that which is free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming to established standards or rules. For me fairness is what makes good common sense. Back in the day, when someone would do something stupid, some wise elder would say something similar to, “he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples” or “he just needs a little horse sense knocked into him.” As rational and logical citizens, we have some understanding as to what makes up common sense. Four years ago, I held the position of truck loader and unloader. I drove a 1985 Cutlass Supreme that barely ran. I also had a 2-year old Mazda that my ex-wife generally drove. Although the car note, registration, and insurance were in my name, I let her have that Mazda. She sold the car a year later and did not finish making the payments. Would it have been fair for me to have sold the car and split the little equity remaining leaving her and my child without a car? I believe that I acted fairly, although she reaped the benefit. My decision was not based on greed or emotions; it was based on “common sense.” I acted on what seemed reasonable. It was not fair for her to sell the car and not make payments on the vehicle. I was raised in The Church of God in Christ ( and my religion teaches that I should always treat people fairly. On that note, there is a huge gap between Church and State. And you wonder why so many politicians fight hard to maintain this ever widening gap between Church and State. There are generally negative aspects of human existence that causes us not to be “fair” such as greed, hatred, voracity, lust, spite, nepotism, immorality, revenge, and even fear. Most religions teach us how to overcome these. Some of us believe that when our political system is not conducted fairly, that politicians benefit. As I listened to NPR last week, I heard of a report that expressed how a group of airline employees voted to take reductions in pay so that the airline would not go bankrupt. For those airline participants and stakeholders understood that this made good and logical common-sense. I have never heard of any group of politicians to have ever done the same.
Most Americans work for a living. Many of us live from paycheck to paycheck. Politicians work for there pay as well. Churches, hospitals, and the political and justice systems are all service organizations. They serve in different ways, but each has an objective that includes service. Some of these have adapted strong business practices. These business practices have made some individuals wealthy. Whenever there is a fusion of money making endeavors with service to The People, there is a strong likelihood that the main focus may be compromised.
“I’m going to rule in her favor so that I don’t upset…”
“His company gives a lot to my campaign…”
“Senator James is here so I am not going to say that…he is a strong contributor to our…”
“I know her dad, so I’m going to rule in her favor.”
“I’m getting a kickback from each Medicaid patient, so I’m voting yes on proposition 49.”
“I’m going to institute more harsh penalties on them, because I’m about to run for District Judge.”

Well, you get the point. What influence does the average American have in legislation? Can we truly impact the justice system? Why don’t we simply nominate and support individuals with common-sense as their focus? It’s almost impossible to convince a politician to sponsor bills and legislation that makes wholesome common-sense if she or he is already in office. Money is generally the only motivator…and you know what they say about money and root. Now, that is not fair. Family Law is really unfair, but what can motivate politicians to develop fair rules for Family Law? I am divorced with one child. Whenever my attorney conveys my argument (that seems to make common-sense), the judge in not impacted by this logical line of reasoning.

I recently read a column by Tresa McBee. She wrote about a professional basketball player whom as not forced to pay $25,000 (15% of his income) each month to the mother of his child. Situation: Steve has a child whom resides in Arkansas. Steve makes $61,000 per year and lives in New York City. For anyone making 60K in NYC is barely making it living in a studio apartment. For someone making 61K in Arkansas, they are living “high on the hog.” They both are forced to pay the same amount of child support and not considering what is in the best interest of the child. The custodial parent can simply give 80% of the tax-free money to a boyfriend and not held accountable this selfish act of immorality. Is this fair? Again, as a Christian, I have been taught to treat people fairly. Some fathers can’t pay their own living expenses due to the high costs of child support. Many women are getting paid multiple kings’ ransoms for having children out of wedlock. Again I ask you, why do so many politicians want to widen the gap between Church and State? We can all do this… Immediately call 501-340-8530 and simply say,” I support equal and fair parenting." If you reach a recording, please leave a message. I went back to school as an adult to complete my degree in Computer Science. I have no aspirations nor time to fight the system…I just want to be treated fair…and yourself?

© 2005 Eli El. Republished by permission of the author.

Eli El is an amateur columnist.
Comments may be sent to: eli_el [at]
by Alex Jones and Mike Hanson (wareham [at]
Please do not insult my intellience with absolute rubbish like this movie as it was so terrible it made me want to throw up, cetainly not because of it's contents and idea's which were the lowest of the low. Anyone who believes this fairytale is in my opinion crazier than the people who thought the story up in the first place. Surely it must rate as one of the worst of all times
by eric

Anybody watch Police State 2000 by Alex Jones? It'll blow you're ass away. The guy might sound crazy but if you look into most of his findings you'll find the guy is no bullshiter. I own both video's. This man is for real. Go type in Operation Northwoods on you're computer and come back and try to tell me that this government didn't allow 911 to happen or worse had intimate involvement. cnn did a poll to see how many americans believe that there was a cover-up. The results came back for 90% of americans believe the government is lying to us. That was last year. Just last week cnn did another poll and it had 81% turn out believing the same thing. All the polls are the same everywhere you go still to this day. what happened to the wing marks on pentagon wall from the 757 plane? what happened to the passengers? what happned to the remains from the plane? things aren't adding up here. we are not stupid. we know what's going. don't look at alex or chalie sheen. look at the facts for you're self.
got to go to bed now.
by Busrip Facebook Posts (earl_kjr17 [at]
This information validates all I have ever written down for public scrutiny and yes I'm a Wikipedia editor with two priority edits for the missing page, people pardoned by gorge w bush?
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