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I Hate Israel - Bakrah Israel
Bakrah Israel, I Hate Israel, is a hiphop/pop song that started as a working class anthem and has become the best selling single in Egypt's history. Listen to it here!!
Shaaban Abdel-Rehim is a singer whose popularity has swept the Arab world. Shaaban is part of a music scene called sha'bi pop, which is sort of a mix with western hip-hop styles. Currently, sha'bi pop is very much like the western hip-hop scene in that there is an "underground" scene and an aboveground commercial scene. Shaaban is rising up through the underground, and could be moving for the commercial world. But according to James Lileks, writing in Jewish World Review, Shaaban is an "illiterate worker" who yells "trenchant political commentary."
But there is trouble in paradise for Shaaban and his political commentary. McDonald's retained Shaaban to help introduce the new line of McFalafel. After a complaint from the American Jewish Committee, Shaaban lost his McDonald's contract. Why? Shaaban's most popular hit, "I Hate Israel," has created controversy because of its popularity and straightforward message.
Ayellat Yehiav, spokeswoman for the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, dismisses Shabaan as "a 'third-rate singer'
who has 'ridden a wave of hatred.'" But for many people in the Arab world, who sympathize with the Palestinian cause, the song evokes deep feelings that go beyond the simplicity of the lyrics ("I hate Israel even if you ask and I hate Ehud Barak because you are repulsive and because all people hate you").
Shabaan has defended his song as an expression of how he feels. "Personally I don't care about politics. I sing about life," he said. "I sing about whatever's happening. If there's an earthquake, I'll do a song about that."
"I don't just hate Israel. I hate all oppression from Israelis and Arabs," he said.
"Bakrah Israel" has become Egypt's biggest-selling single ever. Shaaban's other songs attack American foreign policy and Israeli military policy. "I hate Israel, I don't even care if you arrest me, I'm not afraid," he sings.
Americans who think they know "what is going on" in the Middle East and Central Asia have a lot to learn about a culture that is just as old and expansive as western culture.
But there is trouble in paradise for Shaaban and his political commentary. McDonald's retained Shaaban to help introduce the new line of McFalafel. After a complaint from the American Jewish Committee, Shaaban lost his McDonald's contract. Why? Shaaban's most popular hit, "I Hate Israel," has created controversy because of its popularity and straightforward message.
Ayellat Yehiav, spokeswoman for the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, dismisses Shabaan as "a 'third-rate singer'
who has 'ridden a wave of hatred.'" But for many people in the Arab world, who sympathize with the Palestinian cause, the song evokes deep feelings that go beyond the simplicity of the lyrics ("I hate Israel even if you ask and I hate Ehud Barak because you are repulsive and because all people hate you").
Shabaan has defended his song as an expression of how he feels. "Personally I don't care about politics. I sing about life," he said. "I sing about whatever's happening. If there's an earthquake, I'll do a song about that."
"I don't just hate Israel. I hate all oppression from Israelis and Arabs," he said.
"Bakrah Israel" has become Egypt's biggest-selling single ever. Shaaban's other songs attack American foreign policy and Israeli military policy. "I hate Israel, I don't even care if you arrest me, I'm not afraid," he sings.
Americans who think they know "what is going on" in the Middle East and Central Asia have a lot to learn about a culture that is just as old and expansive as western culture.
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Read your history. The Arab world never gave a sh*t about the Arabs in Palestine before 1948. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were only interested in grabbing the land after the British left.
The idea that now the 'Arab street' cares about the Palestiniass is a farce, and you all should be ashamed of yourselves for your intellectual dishonesty. The 'Arab street' is angry because there is a JEWISH state in what they see as Arab lands. how dare the dhimmi rise up and be uppity as the Jews have dared to do.
That is where the true racism is, but that doesn't fit your political agenda, so you fudge your way around it. How many of you protest the fact that there are even 'Arab' states? Not everyone who lives there are Arabs. What about Pakistan? A 'Muslim' state? Who here hates Syria, Egypt, Iraq, etc. for those countries' treatment of their non-muslim or non-Arab minorities? But lots of you sure do hate Israel. How interesting.
Hypocricy, Hypocricy, Hypocricy thy name is "Bay Area Progressive"
Prove that the Palestinians actually hate Jews, and not just the oppressive israeli government. Prove it by stopping illegal settlements. Prove it by the end of boobytraps in the west bank. Prove it by committing to the peace process for real.
You cannot expect people to have sympathy for what you are saying when the Israeli government is basically operating in apartheid conditions.
Please do not insist on appearing ignorant by repeating trite slogans. Arab racism of Jews did not start after June 1967. Jews have been shimmi in Muslim lands for centuries. Ask the Jews of Yemen how they were treated over the years...
And why didn;t you answer to the fact that 'Arab lands' and 'Muslim lands' are just as racist, yet no progressive EVER speaks out against that.
Do not forget that before that 1967, initiated by Nasser's belligerence, Jordan occupied the West Bank after the British Mandate ended. Why no Palestinian State then? Why no animosity towrds those occupiers? Because Jordan was a 'benevolant occupational force'?
Please answer to why it took until the late 1970's for Egypt to formally recognize Israel. Explain the 3 'no's' from the Khartoum conference after the 6 day war.
Explain why the corrupt Arafat allowed the horrible Hamas terrorist bombings of the mid-90's that killed dozens of Israeli civilians.
Israel is not perfect, far from it. But the progressives here like you see in this conflict an opportunity to begin with a political agenda, and then fill in the facts that you choose to in order to make everything fit nicely. Why is the progressive world aligned against the 5 million Jews in the Jewish state, but ignores the dozens of millions of Muslims in the Muslim state of Pakistan? But heck, there's no anti-semitism is there, I mean after all, there are Jews who are against Israel aren't there? That makes it ok doesn't it?
Do you just repeat slogans or do you read? Benny Morris, Ephraim Karsh, Tom Segev, Howard Sachar...
But cognitive dissonance is painful. Putting a bumper sticker on your car that says "Free Palestine" is easy.
try again Sheesh, think before you write this time.
"Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were only interested in grabbing the land"
Here, you are saying that Arabs have only one motivation in supporting Palestinians: greed. You can sum up the entire motivation of every Arab in that region as one simple conception ... greed. Certainly, you must just be talking about the governments. And even then, it is questionable. Tell me, why does the US support the state of Israel so much? It has nothing to do with greed, does it?
"But lots of you sure do hate Israel etc"
You would be hard-pressed to find many American radicals who are in favor of oppression by Arab or Muslim governments. Certainly, the attention given to RAWA and similar organizations show this. This does not change the fact that the policy of the Israeli government is nothing short of apartheid, it is wrong, and it must be changed.
And, let me just say this to all the other people on here complaining and saying that "the left" has lost Jewish supporters. I do not, and most of the people I know do *not* consider themselves part of the left. They oppose authoritarianism, militarism, racism, exploitation, etc. If the state of Israel is committing these things --- and I think it is pretty fucking obvious that they are --- then whatever you think is the "new left" is going to fucking call it out. If you think something is anti-semitic, then by all means say you think so, but at least explain why, dont just sit there and say "hypocrite" ... but if you think that it will be as easy as saying something is tautologically anti-semitic you should think again. Israel has shown itself to be a murderous, oppressive regime hell-bent on wiping out Palestinian people at whatever cost. The illegal settlements have to go. They are supported by the US Government. Their "security state" is the exact opposite of what we are fighting for. We should refuse to call Palestinians "terrorists" while at the same time calling IDF "defenders of freedom" ...
I *hate* Israel. And for that matter I pretty much hate the palestinian authority ... or any group who prolongs this sick and disgusting apartheid conflict. There needs to be social justice right fucking now.
It is racist to single out Israel as being the only coutry in the region, or the world for that matter when all of Israel's neighbors are more than guilty of brutality and oppression. Israel is just an easier target. No one ever talks about what Syria did in the city of Hama, or Jordan's Black September, or Iraq, etc. etc.
It is racist to deny the Jews the right of self determination.
I have never claimed israel is perfect. Your arguments don;t hold up. And you ask why the US Governemt supports Israel so much? A variety of reasons, most noatbly that all governemts act intheir perceived self interest. No fancy thinkin' needed to figure it out.
the reality is you are starting with an ideology and then twisting facts to conform to the worldview you have chosen. It's a popular tactic of the 'progressives' here in the Bay Area. Pick and choose the conflicts in the world that fit pre-conceived notions, and go from there. That is why no one protests Syria. The governemtn there killed off all its opposition, it's just not as sexy as the Palestinians' cause.
Adn yet another 3 Israeli civilians die today at the hands of Palestinain suicide bomber, but i guess in your mind they had it coming. What a noble set of values 'progressives' have.
Her in NYC, I have to say most folks I know who aren't Israelis or Jews hate Israel. And most of them are intelligent enough to not hate Jews. Just as fools couldn't separate Germans from Nazis, so there are some who can't do likewise with Jews and Israel.
But Zionists don't get the luxury of telling those who believe in human rights what it means to stand against the wholesale slaughter of the Israeli state.
And this song is so much catchier than you jackasses can come up with.
Jews are a leading part of the American culture. Great movies, interesting in the music industry and with great contributions to literature. Israelis suck. Nothing. They have become a nation of thugs. Jews will thrive when we finally get past the degredations of Zionism.
By Joel Bainerman
Zichron Yaacov, Israel--The Internet has done wonders for one group of people. The anti-Israel crowd. They believe it is legitimate to hate Israel and to charge Israel with committing "acts of genocide and massacre against the Palestinians."
This group is comprised of a mixture of Arabs and Americans from the far right and from the far Left, and are all united in their belief that "Israel has stolen the Palestinians lands and deprived them of their right to nationhood." They claim the Israeli government has had a "secret policy to destroy the Palestinian people going back 50 years." They charge that the state of Israel is illegitimate and should be expelled from the family of nations.
Throughout the Internet there are various discussion groups and press services catering to anti-Israel views. Arab and Palestinians intellectual along with Lefties rule these sites and bulletin boards. The norm is condemnation of Israel. The moment they don't hear that you as a contributor to the discussion aren't prepared to immediately condemn Israel for "mass brutality" and "genocide perpetrated against the Palestinians" you are immediately branded as an apologist for Israel. In other words, in their minds, Israel isassumed guilty. This is anti-Israelism.
Anti-Israelism is widespread on college campuses. The extreme Left-wingers join forces with the Arab student societies and the other Third World groups to systematically condemn Israel in university sponsored and funded forums and lectures. Year-in and year-out on US college campuses, Israel is accused of "crimes against the Palestinian people."
The yearly ritual is repeated without any complaint by even the Jewish community or the Israeli government. What if it was France that was being charged with the crime of "genocide?" The French government would immediately demand these attacks end. Unlike other Western countries, it is permissible to publicly hate Israel. Arabs and Americans who espouse anti-Israelism claim that they are not against Jews, only Israel. They don't hate Jews, they point out, they just hate Israel. These are there own words. They admit that are "anti" Israel.
Why is it okay to hate Israel? In a civilized society can it be permitted to publicly hate another country and charge its people with "genocide" and "massacres"? If such hatred was directed against the UK, Germany, Finland, Belgium or Italy these country's ambassador's would be in Washington demanding and end to the campaign of hate against the good name and reputation of their country.
Unfortunately, however, anti-Israelism has become accepted as a legitimate political expression. Forget anti-Semitism. Being anti-Israel is accepted as a legitimate political expression. In most civil societies anti-Jewish sentiments are frowned upon. Yet in those same countries it is perfectly acceptable for Arabs to express hatred of Israel.
Why is such hatred of Israel allowed to continue unconfronted?
Anti-Israel people who claim they are anti-Israel but not anti-Semitic believe they have a right to reserve their hatred just for Israel. Yet if you identify yourself as being anti-Egyptian it means you don't like the Egyptian people or the Egyptian state or both. Israel is the Jewish state and the majority of its inhabitants are Jews. Being anti-Israel means being anti-Jewish in the same way being anti the political state of India means being anti Indian people. If I am anti-France I am anti the French people. Would it be morally acceptable to say: "I don't hate the Italians, I just hate Italy?"
A public expression of hatred against another country must be confronted in the courts with libel and slander suits. The next time an article appears on an Internet site propagating anti-Israel hatred it should be the basis for legal action. No one has a right to use the public airwaves to incite hatred against another country or its people.
These expressions of anti-Israelism must be confronted. The normalization and legitimization of hatred of Israel must be arrested. It isn't permissible to hate Israel anymore than it is permissible to hate Greece, Nambia, Denmark, Japan or Brazil. Anti-Israel forums and organizations should not be allowed to so freely preach hatred against Israel. It should be a crime to preach hatred against another country or its people.
People can think anything they want. They should be able to discuss these views in a private setting. What they should not be allowed to do is to publicly express hatred towards another people or country and use a university or other public institution as arenas to spread hatred against Israel. If specific accusations are made then proof must be presented. Anytime a group or organization makes a public condemnation of another people or country they should risk facing libel and slander charges in the courts.
The right to free speech doesn't mean one can scream "fire" in a crowded theater. Accusations against another country can still be made. But they must be backed up by a reasonable amount of proof. If none is presented then those making the accusations should be sued for libel and slander and risk facing a civil suit.
This is the only way to combat the phenomenon known as "anti-Israelism." Jewish and Israeli groups throughout America need to hire lawyers to initiate legal proceedings against these anti-Israel voices. Publishing an article on the public Internet accusing Israel of charges of "massacres and genocide against the Palestinian people" would be met with an expensive court case.
This is how to confront anti-Israelism.
Joel Bainerman, The Israel Technology Letter
POB 387, Zichron Yaacov, Israel, 30900
Voice: 972-6-639-6673 Fax: 972-6-639-8880
Email: isratech [at]
Thousands were murdered in days during what can only be called super-pogroms. So, if the above poster is down for a legal action, let's make sure the American government veto is removed and we'll let the World Court take Israel on.
It's amazing how apologists for that horror think telling the truth about Israel is a worse crime that their murder, imprisonment, torture, exile and humiliation of the original inhabitants.
Israel is occupying the West Bank and Gaza and packing it full of Russians who claim to be Jews and are desperate to leave the poverty and devestation of their nation.
Israel is assassinating, bombing and murdering the citizens of Palestine. Israel openly admits using torture and assassination as "tools" of state.
Israel uses F-16 fighter jets to bomb Jerusalem. They have killed hundreds in a campaign of terror. They have locked hundreds of thousands into their houses while terrorizing individual families.
Israel targets the industries of Palestine, uproots trees and destoys family houses in the land it occupies against international law.
Israel is aggression, yet claims to be defending itself. Imagine a burglar in your house claiming it was his because his great great great great (50 more greats) grandmother MAY HAVE lived in the house. You try to throw him out so he breaks the arms of your children and calls you a criminal. Unfortunately, the Sherriff is his patron. So you are homeless while the criminal makes you do his dishes.
Israel is by it's very nature a criminal enterprise and the whole world knows it.Notice how ONLY ZIONISTS defend Israel, while every human rights organization in the world not directly run by Zionists sees them as a racist state. The UN General Council, representing all the nations of the world opposes Israel.
You are alone and you will fall. All tyrannies end.
Sharon himself is a war criminal and has innumerable human rights violations on his record.
Poeple like him are not Jewish at all. there is nothing particularly orthodox about Zionism and yes has an elaborate and very cruel rascist discourse and language in it that is comperable to Hitlers own metaphore against us Jews
Israels government is criminal and for Jewish pesons can have a civic responsibility against that.
So to you jewish americans out there...perhaps you are so ashamed by what Israel is doing to speak out and are playing the victim.
If you really cared about other jews you would not hide this lie and you would work for change. I find that American Zionist in largely responsible for what goes on here. They fund much of the violence here but they don't actually have to live with it's consequences like i do.
This is how to confront anti-Israelism. """
But Israel does does conduct genocide...need more proof?
Israeli attack kills baby girl
A baby has been killed and dozens of others injured by Israeli fire in Gaza and the West Bank after Israel rejected American ideas for ending seven months of violence.
Medical officials said the four-month-old girl, Iman Hajo, died as Israeli forces shelled Khan Younis town and refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip.
Shrapnel went into [the baby's] abdomen and came out of her back
Hospital official in Gaza
"Shrapnel went into her abdomen and came out of her back," a doctor at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis told Reuters news agency.
The baby's mother Suzanne Hajo, was seriously wounded in the attack and 24 others were slightly injured.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he was sorry and that Israel troops did not intend to harm children.
The death brings the number killed since September, according to some reports, to 513, of which 425 - a considerable have been on the Palestinian side.
Iman was killed by shrapnel from shell which hit her building
Meanwhile, the Israeli army kept up pressure in the West Bank, entering two more Palestinian-controlled areas and destroying a Palestinian police post at Tulkarm with bulldozers.
Eleven Palestinians were injured during an exchange of machine-gun fire.
On Sunday, Mr Sharon flatly rejected a US-led commission's plea to end building Jewish settlements on occupied land.
Mr Sharon was responding at a cabinet meeting to an unpublished report into the seven months of violence by an international team led by former American senator George Mitchell.
The Mitchell report was handed to the Israelis and the Palestinians on Friday and they were asked not to make any public comment on it for a fortnight.
But there have been several leaks: One extract says that it will be hard to stop the violence unless all settlement building in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is frozen.
Mr Sharon said on Sunday that settlements should only be discussed "within the framework of the final status negotiations," according to Israeli radio.
Palestinians have broadly welcomed the report because of its recommendation on settlement building.
But their most often repeated demand - for a peacekeeping force to be sent to the region - is not echoed in the report, according to sources.
Israel has rebuffed a call by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for a summit to discuss the findings of the Mitchell report.
Smoke rises over Beit Jala after Israeli bombardment
Responding to Mr Arafat's initiative, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said on Saturday that such a meeting would be possible only if it was clear "what its outcome will be and how it will start".
"It cannot start while the shooting continues... Either you shoot or you talk," he told Israeli television.
Mr Arafat called for an international summit in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to discuss the report.
Show some civility...people are dying
I think things could be better!!
I mean these words only for people with good education backgrounds, not those fresh "bio-headed" directed by media...
Unfortunately, it gives big ups to the head of Egypt, the US government's biggest regional toady after Israel.
But still, the people love it because they are sick of the tyranny that is killing the middle east. Israel, dictators and Islam. Horrible times for really decent people.
(By the way, the opening to the song features an Egyptian girl who sounds so "valley." It's crazy funny.
"I Hate Egypt" No. 1 in Israel
"Big Ol' Jet Airliner" No. 1 in Tora Bora
I was there. I lived in the neighborhood where the towers once stood and read the many "missing" posters up around the city. The names were heavily Jewish. The firm Cantor Fitzgerald that was most heavily hit was fairly Jewish. It is pure bunk of the most evil kind.
The Palestinian movement has refused to succumb to anti-Jewish rhetoric. I would hope that should teach fools like the fellow above that they are struggling for freedom, not to kill Jews.
I am also quite disapointed that President Bush has not taken a stronger stance or speaks louder against Prime Minister Sharon and continues to let him escalate this barbarism.
I believe Palestinians are pissed for a reason, and actions are taken by individuals to attack israel, and Israel attacks with brut force almost directly against civillian areas, thus inflecting casualties caused by the millitary. In any book I've read that constitutes terrorism as well. Israel is has is a very opressive governemt, just look at the map and look how the country is shaped. I hope my fellow Americans can realize that other than an nice outward modern appreance, they are nothing more than modern day nazi's.
Why should a bunch of European Jews living in Israel be allowed to decide who gets to live in Palestine? That's the core of the problem nessie.
I believe in democracy of the inhabitants of a region, not a blood and land state that claims to represent one people only. The Palesinian population includes Jews, Muslims, Christians and some Druze. One person, one vote. (Unless that's too "authoritarian" for you.)
The Zionists are importing Russians to push out the Arabs. Look at the 100,000 "Jews" who've moved onto the West Bank in the last 10 years. Sharon is bombing refugees to make them leave. It's called terror. And those Russians, who have absolutely no connection imaginable to the region, are going to move in.
You are dead wrong on this one. Palesine is our Spain. We need to help. No Pasaran!
Israel cannot truly call itself a democracy while it does offer ANY rights for 3 million people living within its borders. Furthermore, their blood-thirsty policies are not that of a egalatarian state but one of a state run by butchers. Aside from Sharon clearly being a war criminal, the policy seems to be clearly and overtly to simply inflict more casualties on the "Palestinians" than are being inflicted on Jews in Israel. They care not for children, women, or anything. It is such a disgusting state of affairs, to see a modern sovereign nation treat people on its land like animals. They have no regard for Palestinian life.
Of course the Isrealis, and their sympathisers here in the US will say the exact same thing about the Palestinians. And they have a point, except for one difference. The Palestinians are living packed together like sardines, in ghettos and slums created by the takeover of their land 50 years ago, surrouned on all sides by the Israel army. 3 million people liviing in a densely packed area with no jobs, no opportunity, no nothing. It is not the Palestinian Authority that is carrying out suicide bombings, but the disaffected and hopeless citizens. Not that it matters, the PA is not a national or sovereign government. Israel is the only government there and they act exactly like the Palestinian sucide bombers do. Isreal is like a whole nation of suicide bombers. It makes me sick to think that my tax dollars and my money goes to support this ridiculous injustice.
It is a basic case of David and Goliath. And we know who is who here.
Here's an excercise for all you Israeli sympathizers. Go get the NY Times and read one of the articles on some recent violent eruption. Now cross-out all the words "Israeli" and "Palestinian." Now, can you even tell which side is which by the content of the article? Probably not, because they're both committing the same attrocities...."______ forces killed 13 _________, including 3 children in a midnight raid today. In retaliation, _______ forces killed 18 _______, including 2 children, an infant and a grandmother. _______'s leader said "we will continue to kill them as they kill our children, in response to _____'s comment that "we will not give up until they stop killing our families, etc. etc."
The whole situation is so disgusting. My only consolation every night as I tuck myself warmly, cozily, comfortably in to bed is that Israel will not know peace until it ceases its injustice. As long as it immiserates 3 million people, runs their lives via an apartheid system, steals their water and land to build more settlements for Israeli Jews, and continues to try to colonize land that is not theirs, it will simply not know peace. Israel will suffer through the fear of suicide bombings, and rogue gunmen/snipers until it changes its way. That, is in essence, its punishment for its treatment of the Palestinians, whose land, I might add, they stole. There is almost a justice to it. The Intifada should continue until Israel starts acting like a country run by human beings. Until then, the Israelis should suffer in equal proportion to the Palestinian suffering. And this is, I think, happening now.
You should tell your mom that you sound progressive exactly because you are acting out of moral principle and not ethnic/religious loyalty.
You make the assertion that the Israelis invaded the Palestinians and drove them off their land.
But you don't mention, you don;t even seem to question who the Palestinians invaded and drove off when they showed up in that little corner of the universe. You posted a great artice yesterday about the neanderthals who were there many years ago. The Palestinians are not the original inhabitants it seems.
But what is odd to me is that an obviously bright character like yourself couldn;t allow himself to accept that the plane that hit the pentagon disintegrated, u needed 'scientific proof', 9th grade physics be damned, yet you seem to unquestioningly swallow the 'Palestinians are natives' line that fuels the progressive line. I don;t get it.
-- Fair 'nuff, my bad.
>you don;t even seem to question who the Palestinians invaded and drove off when they showed up in that little corner of the universe.
They’re long dead. The Palestinians who were driven off by the Israelis are still alive, and still suffering terribly.
--Ok, so if the Israelis hold on for 100 years, drive off the palis, then no worries once they are all gone? justice as a concept only applies to what is in front of our faces?
>The Palestinians are not the original inhabitants it seems.
Neither were the Israelis. Neither were the Neanderthals. The “original” inhabitants were single celled organisms.
--hehehe. right you are.
>But what is odd to me is that an obviously bright character like yourself couldn;t allow himself to accept that the plane that hit the pentagon disintegrated, u needed 'scientific proof', 9th grade physics be damned,
I never questioned that the plane disintegrated. I questioned where it was in the security camera tape. I questioned, and still question, the enormous disparity in the degree of destruction caused by the Pentagon plane and the WTC planes. I also question the timing of the release of these films.
But mostly, I was trying to coax somebody into citing as a source for the debunking of a conspiracy theory. It worked swimmingly. What people here have to learn to understand is that not all conspiracy theories are the same. The official version of what really happened is also a conspiracy theory. It merits every bit as critical an analysis as does any other.
-- Ok, that works for me.
>yet you seem to unquestioningly swallow the 'Palestinians are natives' line that fuels the progressive line. I don;t get it.
They were there first. Could it be simpler? Let’s ignore ancient history and confine ourselves to the claims of people alive today.
--I disagree with you here. You are saying justice has a statute of limitations. You are saying justice extends only to those who are in front of our faces and can be elevated to 'a cause.' Who was there first Nessie? Who? The Jews and Arabs have similar genetic features. The ARabs didn;t show up until the 600's at the earliest. The Jews have historical sites and artifacts all over israel as proof they were there. Who wasa there first Nessie? The one cell creatures were. How can you claim the palis were there 'first'? What kind of definition of time are you working with here?
The Zionists came from outside, primarily from Europe and more recently Russia and America.
--And where did the Arabs come from Nessie? Your logic is skewed big time. How did Arabs get to be in Morroco..Sudan..etc. etc. There have been Jews living in Israel (what is now israel) since before JC. Many Arabs migrated into Palestine during last 150 years. Who came first, the chicken or the egg? The Jew or the Arab? The one cell creature or the 6th day?
If a bunch of foreigners invaded your homeland, slaughtered your relatives, herded you into virtual Bantustans, and treated you like dirt, what would you do?
--Since that how the Arabs got there, does it really matter, or is what matters only that one group can hold off until others' historical statute of limitations run out? Starnge principles you seem to be relying on, i don;t get it.
Rabbis are not speaking out against the crimes of the current Israeli government. They are not standing up en masse to Sharon and demanding that he listen to the just cries of protest from the rest of the world. They are blinded by fear..
Muslic clerics are not standing up to Islamic fundamentalists and condemning violence in the name of Islam. This is a relatively recent phenomenon. The idea that Muslims could kill in the name of Islam and accuse others who refused to kill as being non-Islamic is outrageous. Yet where are the voices of a unified Muslic clergy who will speak out against blood-soaked jihad? Where are the clerics who will finally admit that Islam's current treatment of women is fundamentally sick and cruel?
Now we see our own Roman Catholic bishops called to account for crimes of sex abuse against American children, all across the nation. In reply, we hear tepid apologies from the sweating bishops, and all the while they busily try to sweep these horrific sex crimes under the carpet. Hardly anyone speaks against the Vatican's medieval repression of women and gays, its obscenely criminal opposition to using condoms in an age of AIDS, it's long violent history which continues even today wielded in its strange sexual repression of men and women alike. No one speaks out -- everyone is afraid.
I recently read an impassioned attack on Islam from an articulate Hindi here on indymedia. He called Muslims to account for their violence and said that Islamic fundamentalism had to be fought very violently; that the only way to match their virulence was to be even more virulent in response. I thought about this, and realized that. India has been living with Islamic violence for a long time, and has a pragmatic philosophy. Yet I couldn't help thinking that as much as I admire Hinduism, hardly any Hindi leader speaks out against the atrocious caste system, or the unbelieveable repression of women. In its brutal treatment of women and its silent justification of it, the Hindis are as bad as the Muslims and the Vatican.
The silence of the rabbis and the clerics and the bishops is obscene. So too is the silence of all those who consider themselves members of these once great religions. Every Catholic who refuses to speak out against the Vatican's sexual violence, every Muslim who refuses to speak out against death in the name of Islam, every Jew who refuses to speak out against the horrible violence of Sharon's government, they, too, are all complicit.
Just because it is convenient for Palestinian propagandists to claim that the Palestinians are suffering "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" doesn't make it true.
There is no Israeli policy of ethnic cleansing of genocide. The Palestinians are vastly exaggerating their casualty figures. Israel has never deliberately targeted any Palestinian civilians and yet the Palestinian homicide bombers do just that. On the contrary, it is the Palestinians whose real aim is to commit genocide on the Jews and drive them into the sea. Israel's military actions have only ever been defensive. The Palestinian atrocities against Israeli civilians have been occurring for well over 100 years. In fact there were Palestinian pogroms of Jews in 1921, 1929 and in the 30s. It was these attacks against Jews that forced Jews to arm themselves and fight back. Since these Palestinian atrocities have been ongoing for so long, it is obvious that the root cause of the conflict is Palestinian attempts to destroy any Jewish presence in the region and not any notion of "occupation" of Arab lands.
Most "progressives" on this board would support the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Westbank which would be completely immoral. The Westbank is the cradle of Jewish culture and Jews have more of a right to live there than anyone else.
The Palestinian
Honestly telling you that suicide attacks are really alrming for the whole world as the sucide bombers have lost the hope for their lives.
When i see a palestinian kid walking under the heavy firing and seeing people being killed infront of him, i really think what this child will do in future, as these things will make a permanent impression on his mind
An article in Slate documents that the Palestinian Security forces legally have 12,000 Kalashnikov rifles. Yet thousands of M-16s which were not legal under Oslo, machine guns and Stinger missles have turned up which certainly were not covered under the Oslo agreement. The Palestinans also have a seemingly endless stash of explosives as demonstrated by their killing power at the Passover Seder, at Sbarro, the Dolphinarium, and YES also in Jenin.
SO don't claim this is genocide -- It isn't. The Palestinians are attacking unarmed Israeli kids and senior citizens. Israel is striking back militarily against Palestinian terrorist and paramilitary forces. Big difference from the Nazis exterminating the Jews systematically and the Jews only fighting back against Nazi soldiers in the last extremity.
I guess it needs to be repeated that pro-Palestinian supporters should stop shutting down history classes and start learning from them!
" And I will give to you and your prosterity after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan(Palestine) for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God.( Genesis 17:8) "
That the descendants of Abraham include Muslims as well as Jews is incontestable; therefore if the issue had really been related to and determined by God's promise reffered to in this passage from the scripture of the Jews themselves, there would be no problem. As is well known, Jews and Muslims have been living peacefully side by side for centuries in the land which God promised to the prosterity of Abraham until the Muslims were dispossessed in recent times by the establishment of Israel. Hence this claim of Zionism is simply a cover for naked aggression and the unconcealed desire for territorial expansion and conquest.
What is the meaning of Zionism exactly?
I think people (if they are brave and smart) are protesting without killing kids on the discos, without blowing up their own children. Don't you think so?
Palestinians started this war - that's also a FACT - you may not like what is happening in the west bank, but that is your fault. The IDF was forced to take these (rather mild, imho) actions AFTER the renewal of suicide bombing by the 'peace loving', 'helpless' Palestinians.
Are not all Muslims terrorists?
Do we not live by a code that is backwards?
From the time it bloomed onto history, it's single objective was to eradicate the jews. You obviously are well informed. You should write a book.
But let me ask you this. If God chose the jews to be the promised people , wouldn't that make Him a racist ? Is that what jews imply, that God is a racist?
Where are the jews that openly oppose the state of Israel? Where are the jews, who do not believe they are the chosen of God ?
Ya , i thought so !
Israel was created in 1947 based upon the seminal pamphlet, "Der Judenstaat ", by Theodore Herzl in 1896.
Zionism , at it's heart, rejects assimilation. Zionisms' fundamentalist warped rationale is a "profound despair that anti-semitism could not be eradicated as long as jews lived among gentiles." -Herzl's own words. Out of this dark vision came the belief that the only hope for the survival of the jews lay in the foundation of their own state.
In 1918, David Lloyd George became prime minister of Great Britain and Arthur James Balfour, foreign secretary. Both were friends of Louis Dembitz Brandeis, who was an American and a jew, who favoured Herzls' zionist view and joined with his own understanding of early America , linked zionism with the early New England Puritans, declaring that " zionism is the Pilgrim inspiration and impulse all over again. The decendants of the Pilgrim fathers should not find it hard to understand and sympathize with it." To the jewish audiences he said: " To be good Americans, we must be better jews, and to be better jews, we must become zionists." ( So the Mitzvot ,is really about what it is to be a jew.)( Did Abraham, Isaac, Moses or Joshua ever perform the Mitzvot ?)
( Brandeis was appointed to the Supreme Court, 28 - Jan. 1917 )
At this point ,behind the scene actions ( it always is ) of a Russian born jewish chemist living in Britain became pivotal. He was Chaim Weizmann, who enjoyed easy access to both Lloyd George and Balfour, sought a backdoor ,past the State Department to the White House via Brandeis. On the 8th of April 1917, Weizmann cabled Brandeis. One month later, following America's entry into WW 1, Brandeis had a 45 minute meeting with Pres. Wilson.
Lloyd George, Balfour,Weizmann and Brandeis, used their position during WW1 to influence a pre -occupied Wilson, to declare through a drafted statement, endorsing a homeland in Palestine. Wilson declined.
A second letter was sent ( from the British Foreign Office) to Wilson and was turned over to Brandeis for his comments . The Justice ,and his aids redrafted it in slightly stronger and cleaner language, substituting " the jewish people" to " for the jewish people ". Colonel House sent the revision onto Wilson. Thus , in the most off-handed way, Wilson lent the enormous weight of the United States to supporting the zionist cause.
Palestine, it turned out ,was not even the first choice for this new state. Britain's post war goals in dividing up the Ottoman Empire, including the ambition of taking over Palestine as part of Britain's security zone for protecting the Suez Canal, the lifeline to it's colony in India. The jews ,used Britain's desperation and America's distracted predicament ,to issue a supported statement to help their situations.
It came on 2nd of November 1917, when Britain issued the fatefull statement that was to become known as the Balfour Declaration. It was infact ,a personal letter from Foreign Secretary Balfour to a prominant British jew, Lionel Walter, the second Lord Of Rothchild.
The rest, is history.
So , zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, but jews are told to believe that to be a better jew, you have to support zionism. Hmmmmmmm!!!!
David Lloyd George and Arthur James Balfour gained their posts in 1916.
Brandeis was appointed on Jan. 28 1916.
Genesis 17 : 1 - 10
Deuteronomy 21 : 15 - 17
Galatians 3 : 16 - 23
Galatians 4 : 30 - 31
Are you all so blind ? Or do you just , not want to admit to it and continue to propogate lies ?
Long live the Earth and the human race.
We will love only what we understand,
We will understand only what we have been taught.
Here is one:
"I hate Israel and I'll say so if I'm asked even if it costs me my life or I get arrested."
A person can put it in a personals ad:
32 white, christian, female, I enjoy the night life, dancing the night away....I don't smoke.... i'm against abortion.... oh yeah I am devoutly antisemetic. call me :)
I simply I can't wait to see what happends to the israelis next... Praise God the vanquisher of the synagouge of satan and his bloodthirsty seed!
Is this the most absurd thing written or what? Maybe ten year olds should be taken to juvenile court everytime the yell "I hate you mommy!" too.
“Iraq has been under attack for ten years with genocidal sanctions on it that have resulted in the deaths of around two million people (700,000 of which were children).”
In its oil for food program the UN enables Iraq to purchase any medication and food existing on the face of this earth. It is the Iraqi “peaceful”, man loving, democratic, for the people by the people, regime that is making the choices of what and where they put these Millions of dollars they daily receive. And after all this Iraqi regime is perfectly legal and who are we, none Iraqis to criticize such a perfectly “elected” president, (100% of qualified voters voted to his excellency your most beloved, modern days Mahatma' Gandhi, Saddam Hussein), for his choices of what to purchase abroad, Weapon Grade Enriched Uranium or food and medicine to its faithful loyal citizens.
- Cause by now we have to admit to the truth, everything that has happened in Iraq in the last 10 years was the fault of Zionism and the Jews, these maggots (maggots - legless, soft-bodied, wormlike larva of any of various flies of the order Diptera, often found in decaying matter - Moshe) completely influenced his foreign policy and made him invade Kuwait.
- Moreover it is well known in the entire Arab world and in this forum that the same Zionists Jews, and Israelis are also responsible to his 9 years war with the other Jewel in the crown of democracy Iran.
Documented Iraqi Use of Chemical Weapons
Date Area Used Type of Agent Approximate Casualties Target Population
Aug 1983 Hajj Umran Mustard fewer than 100 Iranians/Kurds
Oct-Nov 1983 Panjwin Mustard 3,000 Iranian/Kurds
Feb-Mar 1984 Majnoon Island Mustard 2,500 Iranians
Mar 1984 al-Basrah Tabun 50 to 100 Iranians
Mar 1985 Hawizah Marsh Mustard/Tabun 3,000 Iranians
Feb 1986 al-Faw Mustard/Tabun 8,000 to 10,000 Iranians
Dec 1986 Umm ar Rasas Mustard thousands Iranians
Apr 1987 al-Basrah Mustard/Tabun 5,000 Iranians
Oct 1987 Sumar/Mehran Mustard/nerve agents 3,000 Iranians
Mar 1988 Halabjah Mustard/nerve agents hundreds Iranians/Kurds
Source CIA Document: “Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs” October 2002
2. “As far as rogue states go, Israel has by far the greatest number of UN resolutions against it.”
Definitely true, no doubt about it, Israel has by far the greatest number of UN resolutions against it...
With hundreds of bloody conflicts on this planet with millions of innocent victims:
Chechnya – 50,000 deaths, Macedonia, Ivory coast, Somalia, the massacres in Algeria, Philippines, Angola, Burundi ca. 300,000 deaths, Congo, Ethiopia / Eritrea War, Georgia, Korea, Peru - Shining Path 40,000 deaths, Rwanda 1 million deaths, Sierra Leone – 50,000deaths, Sri Lanka - Tamil Uprising, Sudan – 600,000 deaths, Turkey Kurds - the largest stateless people in the Middle East, Albania, Cambodia, Chad, Ghana etc, etc, etc
Taking into consideration the more than 86 million dead people in these conflicts since WW2.
Also considering State terrorism and Charity organizations like Hezbollah (see above Iran and Syria).
And not forgetting Famine and diseases that killed 100’s of millions around this cruel planet…
In light of all of the above conflicts, one should not wander why the U.N. perceives Israel as perhaps the greatest threat to peace in the world.
Just look at the facts. Of 175 Security Council resolutions passed by the U.N. before 1990, 97 of them were directed against Israel. Of 690 General Assembly resolutions before 1990, 429 condemned Israel.
The U.N. is obsessed with Israel and Zionism (as you and most of the people on this board)
The U.N. hates Israel. It has been so almost from the moment the U.N. voted to approve the creation of the state in 1948.
Emergency Special Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly are rare. No such session has ever been convened with respect to the Chinese occupation of Tibet, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the slaughters in Rwanda, the disappearances in Zaire or the horrors of Bosnia. In fact, during the last 15 years they have been called only to condemn Israel.
It is not just an issue of anti-Israel bias; it is difficult to ignore an anti-Jewish bent in many instances. For 50 years the UN has condemned virtually every conceivable form of racism. It has established programs to combat racism and its multiple facets -- including xenophobia -- but had consistently refused to do the same against anti-Semitism until 1993, and then, only under intense US pressure.
Instead, the General Assembly established two Special Committees and two "special units" in the Secretariat devoted exclusively to Israeli practices, costing millions of dollars yearly. These produce anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist pamphlets, booklets, papers and films, which are even distributed in the UN's six official languages to schoolchildren around the world.
During the 1991 session, the Syrian Ambassador repeated the Damascus Blood Libel that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood to make Matzoth. The Western democracies could not be stirred to challenge this age-old anti-Semitic libel (which the Ottoman Sultan as the ruler of Syria, denounced when it surfaced in the 1840s). It took intense US pressure to procure a challenge to this libel in the record, and then only months after the Syrian representative emphasized to the Commission, "it's true, it's true, it's true."
On 11 March 1997, the Palestinian representative charged, in a chamber packed with 500 people including the representatives of 53 states and hundreds of non-governmental organizations, that the Israeli Government had injected 300 Palestinian children with the HIV virus. Despite the repeated interventions of the Governments of Israel and the US, and UN Watch, this modern Blood Libel stands unchallenged and unrefuted on the UN record. No appropriate action by any UN body or official has been taken to date.
The Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, a Czech, agreed to place on the record his letter to the Ambassador of Israel, sharing his "concern as to the charge made" against Israel -- "an allegation made without evidence, on the basis of a newspaper article ... proved completely false." The Chairman reneged on his agreement after he was called to task by a delegation of Arab Ambassadors and received no support from other regional groups -- including Western Europe.
The latest PLO Blood Libel bears the imprimatur of the UN record and has yet to be removed by consolidated action of the Commission or by any UN agency or official on the public record. (Nor was there any rebuke in 1992 to a UN document circulated in the Commission by the PLO observer, which stated that Israelis "celebrating ...Yom Kippur, are never fully happy even on religious occasions unless their celebrations, as usual, are marked by Palestinian blood.")
The treatment of Israel in the UN is often dismissed as realpolitik -- the power of Arab numbers -- and recently, as a reaction to Israel's Likud government and Prime Minister Sharon. Yet even during the hopeful days of the Rabin/Peres peace negotiations there were the usual anti-Israel resolutions passed each year in the UN General Assembly and 5 in the Commission on Human Rights.
In the midst of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, in the period of 1994 to 1996, more than 250 Israelis have been killed and 5000 injured by Palestinian terror attacks. During the same period, 34 resolutions deploring Israel were passed at the UN, but not one against the terror attacks. The unique treatment of Israel cannot be explained on purely political grounds. Though anti-Semitic canards can go unchallenged in the UN, the mere reference in the 1997 Commission on Human Rights to an allegedly blasphemous reference to Islam, by a UN expert and from an academic source, brought a rebuff by consensus by the Chair, and the deletion of the offending sentence.
The viciousness with which Israel is attacked, and the reluctance of even democratic states to defend Israel or to accord it the same latitude for mistakes and wrongs that it freely and reciprocally accords other states, has a special quality and origin.
There is ample justification for the conclusion of Professor Anne Bayefsky of York University, Canada, writing of the UN Human Rights system: "It is the tool of those who would make Israel the archetypal human rights violator in the world today. It is a breeding ground for anti-Semitism. It is a sanctuary for moral relativists. In short, it is a scandal."
The existence of the state of Israel permits anti-Semitism to assume a political form, safe from challenge as intolerance or racism. Sentences such as: "I like Jews but I can't stand Zionism," or "I have nothing against Jews, but I don't like Israel." Are treated as merely political views. But it is clear that the existence and achievements of Israel offer a visible and irresistible target for dormant anti-Semitic feelings aroused by a focus on Israel's mistakes and misdeeds, which are characteristic of every state including the US.
In conclusion I might say that you are right Israel has by far the greatest number of UN resolutions against it.
And I rest my case, since the Examples of the UN biased and prejudiced attitude toward Israel are countless.
3. “Why should Israel be treated any differently from South Africa? Israel is a real democracy for Jews and Jews only just like South Africa was a real democracy for whites and whites only. Why shouldn't Palestinians there be treated as equals? Why should only Jews have a "right of return" to a land they've never been to while Palestinians kicked out cannot step foot in that country? “….
Israel parliament has 120 members, which are being elected every 4 years. Only twice throughout the Israeli history were political parties banned from the elections.
One of these parties was Kach a racist group led by Rabbi Meir Kahana, and a Palestinian group that called for the destruction of Israel.
10 percent of the Parliament members are Israeli Arabs.
13 Percent of the members of the parliament are religious.
A few hundreds Israeli soldiers were criminally charged during the last Intifada, with misconduct, illegal use of force, murder, etc.
(I will verify later on the percentage of them, which have been found guilty).
Freedom of Speech concept in Israel is as close as you can get to the American concept of it.
Israeli Arabs should be treated as equals and when not it is against the law.
In the latest budget Arab issues (towns development, education, etc), were given a percentage in the budgeted, far greater than their percentage in the population, but even when not being budgeted correctly this is merely a political issue, which is solved in a democratic manner in the parliament.
A religious authority comprised by Muslims is conducting all Muslim religious issues separately from the civil judicial system.
And in conclusion to your political analysis of the problem and its solution:
Israelis, Jews and Zionists are to be blamed for Palestinian suicide bombings the same way English are to be blamed for the IRA terrorism or Americans for 9/11 atrocities.
There are plenty of intelligent people, in Israel as well as in the Palestinian society, who are for years trying to find some kind of a solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
However, Foreigners, (mainly Europeans, but now I can see that also the American extreme left and right) when relating to the the situation in the Middle East, tend to come, with a ready, home made solution...
Eureka… we have fond the solution, and it is so simple
– It is just that these stupid natives are coming between this perfect solution and us.
I hate to disappoint you, but the situation is difficult and solution, if there is one, is not simple at all.
Some problems cannot be solved,
- Two peoples fighting over the same, very small piece of land – with hundred years of bad blood, just might be one of these problems that are impossible to solve.
The blame does not lie in one side or another, and even if it is, you are neither the Jury not the judge to give a verdict.
You are in no way entitled to look at this problem from some, non- existent higher moral grounds, not in this century not in this millennium and not even in this history.
It is a pretty easy way out (as people in this site normally do), to put the blame on the Israeli side.
It is a good familiar picture with the lowest possible denominator:
The poor against the reach, the defenseless small David against the Giant mighty Goliath and last but in no way the least it is good remedy to sooth the akin European conscious.
Suddenly the Jews are mighty, blood thirsty, coveting people, feet their good old description, than maybe we as Europeans were never that bad.
You are probably smiling thinking Yes, this stupid ass does not realize that we are Americans…
Same old story…
The roots for the hatered are just the same, lie within two main motives:
Extreme right and extreme left.
As for the extreme right I do not have to explain racism Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism.
The extreme left easy as well: Israel as an historical ally to the US was always treated by the European left as the negative of all good, the source for American imperialism in the back yard of Communism.
The US backed up Israel while the USSR backed up the Arabs, immediately all the left Intelligentsia was able to identify its rival: The little devil Israel, helped by the big Satan the US, whose nuclear missiles are in the back yard of Europe.
All left wing demonstrations, some of which extremely violent against the presence of American Nuclear missiles in Europe, quickly turned to Anti-Israeli / Pro- Palestinian demonstrations. It was an immediate linkage; WW2 was quickly forgotten the liberating American troops and missiles were now seen as a colonialisation attempt by the US of Western Europe. Israel the American ally was the colonial force in the Middle East. Hatred towards the “Jewish State” was the Bon Ton of the left Aristocracy and academicals circles.
The very quick to forget, European left stream movements, were using this new hatred subject, Israel, as the remedy to there aching Holocaust conscious. This was the missing link the proof that the Jews are not that innocent. The none-existing higher moral ground was found, the left was once again feeling good about itself, and was able to go on with its life peacefully… These are the roots of Left wing European hatred towards Israel, plain and simple.
And you all are nothing but American fools, citing like a quire of parrots the opinions of the Europeans without even knowing why…
By the way in the last sentence of yours you have reviled the true nature and source for your opinions:
“Do Israelis understand the concept of "his", "hers", "theirs"? Because I'm beginning to believe all they understand is "mine", "ours", and "gimme".
Such an opinion phrased so well and written so clear, makes my argument so much more valid, this is plain good old Anti-Semitism, it took you some time to reveal your true anti-Semitic raciest self. I do not understand why to waist all this energy on all these other arguments, when having such a blast of an argument as the last sentence.
Wake up and smell the coffee – you are on the losing side…
Anti-Semitism will not die… but thanks to the state of Israel, it is irrelevant to the subject.
Your beloved Muslim partners are doing the work thousands of Israeli ambassadors were not capable of…
“Prince Naif the Saudi Foreign Secretary has declared in an interview held last month for a Kuwaiti news paper that: “ we know that the Jews were the ones behind the 9/11 attack in order to turn world public opinion against the Arab world.”
History is about to shove your opinions down the drain.
You who use anti-semitism so casually and use it as a tool, you who pimp the dead to advance yourselves, you are a cancer on humanity and SHOULD BE REMOVED OR HEALED IMMEDIATLY
im not saying that killing innocent poeple is right, it is wrong, and i resent it., but have you ever wondered why the palestinean people tend to bomb themselves up? its cuz they got nothing to lose , all these people lost their loveones, all the people they cared about were wached, now do you say that this is right???
and have you ever seen a soldier kill an innocent child and say they didnt shoot him? all you americans are saying that the palestineans are terrorists, well, why dont you come live here in palestine one day? and we`ll see if you could live it without being humiliated or beaten up by the israeli soldiers for no reason at all. how would you feel if you wife and kids were beaten up and you could not help them?
i swear to you, you can never survive living here just five minutes. im not saying that all the jews in israel should be killed, there are many good jew people i know, and im like best friends with them.
im just trying to clear the picture up for you, you know how many people were brutally killed in the 2nd intifada? you know how many children have been killed just because they were walking on the street?
i wish you could see the horrible things i saw, and you will never say that we are racists. i agree with you about one thing though, it is that the arab countries didnt care about palestine.
thats all i have to say, i hope you got the picture better.
and this message is for all people who are willing to listen and open their hearts and clear up their minds about the situation in the middle east.
The guy who devised this version of history needs to get his head out of the 'Golden Book of Israel' and try reseach instead. He might start by finding out which group actually held the deeds to most of pre '48 Palestine. The same ones who still cling to them along with their old doorkeys in the refugee camps of Lebanon, Jordan and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
We must think clearly, and not be racist. I understand that if people of your family is killed you will hate those responsible for it. But those of us who are not directly affected by it must not start being antisemitic or anti-muslim or anything.
They claim to not have nuclear weapons when clearly they do. They jail anyone who says otherwise.
The powerful Jewish community in the US controls the media and the US policy towards Israel. Not even the president can do anything about it, because to speak out against Israel is considered "political suicide". When someone speaks out against Israeli policy they are boycotted and called an anti-semite. Remember Ted Turner?
It is clear that Israel doesn't want peace with the Palestinians. They definitely don't want a Palestinian state and they will continue to oppress and kill the Palestinians until they are all exterminated, all the while claiming that these Palestinians are terrorists.
Tragically, they do this with the support and backing of the US and now Australia, where there is also a powerful Jewish community who determine foreign policy by proxy.
While Israel are calling the Palestinians terrorists, consider this: If the Canadians or Mexicans started building settlements in say, Washington State or even Michigan, and then calling it their own land, and then started building a wall around it, wouldn't you be pissed off? Well thats what the Israelis are doing to Palestine.
The Palestinians have made many mistakes too, but the Israelis are wrong and its up to the people of America to do something about it.
It's probably true that most Arabs feel that way.
>>>"Many in countries neigboring Israel hate Israel because of the clear injustice of the Occupation, images of people being killed by the IDF on their local media stations"<<<
There's a bountyof disinformation on this topic. Everything is being portrayed as the fault of the "Zionist entity".
>>>"and [Many in countries neigboring Israel hate Israel] because of Israeli exceptionalism (with it constantly acting as teachers pet and getting favors from the US like the ability to have nuclear weapons without complaint)"<<<
Firstly, Israel isn't an NPT signatory, so it isn't bound by the same commitments that signatory states must adhere to. Secondly, no matter how you slice it, Israel is infinitely more democratic than the other states in its neighborhood. Thirdly, Israel is in a sense a Jew-favoring affirmative action project, and deservedly so, after millennia of Jew persecution. Therefore, it's not all that hard to make a case for Israeli exceptionalism.
>>>"AntiSemitism is used as an expression of hatred for Israel but its a symptom not a cause. The same is true of antiArab racism in Israel."<<<
While it's true some Jews have conflated hatred directed solely at Israel with antisemitism, the two almost always go hand in hand or are indistinguishable in the Arabs' attitude toward Israel.
This attitude *is* the cause rather than a symptom, which isn't so with Israeli anti-Arab racism, except in a minority of cases.
I hate it because it is an illegitimate state, founded on land stolen from the Palestinians, and now attacking those whom it stole the land from.
Please do not confuse hatred of Israel with anti-Semitism.
I do not hate Jews. However, I do hate Jews that align themselves with the State of Israel, as much as I hate non-Jews who align themselves with the state of Israel.
Israel will be the cause of World War III and will disappear. Israel and all who support the state of Israel will die agonising deaths and I will not feel sadness.
This will then impact American, where the problem really lies. Let all USA Israeli fanatics go to the ruins of Israel, see their dead relatives and shit blood.
I have came to understand that clearly muslim blood is considered cheaper than that of jews or christians or anyother faith
What Israel is doing
There is a time
There is a place
You did the crime
To my race
Not to catch Hamas
To be the boss
Of Palestinian land
Your red hand
Was in the shadows
Now unveiled
Shows that you failed
How can you cruel us
After your Holocaust
You should feel
How its like to be tossed
You can share my land
Why would you claim it yours
You intruded after the Holocaust
Wich is no excuse to break our doors
You starve us
You dehydrate us
You bombard us
You blame us
You bomb us
You shoot us
You blind us
You kill our children
They’re harmless angels
But a devil like you
Will sacrifice them in a second
With a heart as black as coal
You have no set goal
Your lies are in the media
They show you innocent on tv
Just because your ally owns Americas encyclopedia
But life outside these walls
We see all your trips and falls
We see through you like x-rays
Because we see through the haze
Don’t say a peep
I know what you’d do
You’d lie once more
But no longer we will listen anymore
By Sarah
Hatred is wrong, but righteous anger with betrayal... will always be valid.