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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Sewer main collapse destroys Muwekma Ohlone Park, Islais Creek near Hunter's Point

by Kaye (kaye [at]
San Francisco Muni Light Rail construction breaks a sewage main which normally delivers eighty million gallon per day of secondary effluent to the Bay. A disasterous mess results: The park floods, a sinkhole appears and gobbles trees and backhoes, sewage pours into the channel, the community is devastated, and some serious questions are exposed regarding development in the Southeast quadrant of our city.
Construction crews for San Francisco PUC have been working for months on installing "duct banks" under Islais Creek to bring power, communication, and data cables to the north side of the creek east of Third Street. as part of the preparation for the future Muni Third Street light rail project. The Muni maintenance yard is being built near Pier 80, between 25th and Cesar Chavez east of Illinois. For some reason the Hunter's Point Power Plant is the source of electricity. As construction worked northward, on Sunday or Monday, inside the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary park Muni subcontractors drilled crosswise under a 5 or 6 ft. sewer main that heads toward the Bay to place a black tube which will hold the lines. Then they went home.

On Monday or Tuesday, a local resident saw spurts of muck shooting out of the earth leaving volcano-like one or two foot mounds of earth over the area. Neighbors called in reports. Following the complaints, emergency repair crews arrived and have been working day and night since Tuesday. The PUC, DPW, Water Dept, Port of San Francisco, Sewage Department, SF Muni, welders, laborers, consultants, insurance reps, and several permits officers came as well. The sluice gate on the Bay was closed to prevent backflow. They shut off the sewage pump and the flow which normally empties underwater several hundred yards out into the Bay where it is diffused and mixed with bay water was diverted to another line that outflows the eighty million gallons of sewage into Islais Creek west of Third. (This is their emergency backup plan!) A diver who went into the damaged pipe for inside repairs on Tuesday discovered the tunnel had collapsed. Removal of the land supporting the huge sewer main had cause shifting, then a crack and leakage. The bay fill land had liquefied and sewage spilled out. A worker who parked on the pavement toppled down into the hole atop his backhoe, nearly losing his life. Park activists converged and attempted to save their tools and plants.

The leak has hopefully stopped, but the toxic spill has ruined the Muwekma Ohlone Park that the Islais Creek activists had spent so much time and effort and love developing. A 20 ft. deep by 60 ft. long by 50 ft. wide sinkhole and a field of mud now replaces what was flowers, trees, creatures and community.

The park was the result of years of work on land traditionally occupied by the Ohlone tribe. It had become a sanctuary of native plants, birds, and community groups, a refuge of green surrounded by the ships and towering industrial machinery of the Port of San Francisco. The "guerilla gardeners" have maintained the site for eight years with the permission of the port. With a USDA urban partnership grant they won a year ago, they master-planned habitat restoration of the land and intertidal areas, and environmental education programs. This past year groups such as the SF Conservation Corps, SLUG, Wildlife Habitat Council, the Living Art Community and many Bayview and Islais groups and individuals had done a massive cleanup, restoration and support. Four or five protected species have been found during the habitat survey, plus one unique vertebrate never before found. It was enthusiatically documented by the California Academy of Sciences. In an August ceremony special earth had been donated by indigenous residents of San Francisco. Art and cultural events were held this summer including a Native American film festival in May. A healing pole and history placard were planned. Two other significant grants have since been awarded.

Emergency cleanup crews are still frantically working day and night to remediate the situation. Eighty million gallons of secondary (post treatment plant) effluent went through the main and now goes into Islais Creek. There is a $15/gallon fine on the books, reflecting the seriousness of this type of spill. The cost of the work may pale next to the impending fine. On Thursday, Thanksgiving day, they welded bands on the sewer pipe as a custom gasket was being flown out from the east coast to enable re-pressurize and testing the main. Muni talked of putting concrete around the pipe next Monday.

What will happen now, what should happen? Who is going to pay, who will restore the park? "How do you put a value on life?" says David Erickson, project facilitator for the sanctuary and eight year participant. He contemplated the displaced frogs hopping around the upheaved earth and equipment, the birds, the earthworms. "It takes a lifetime to watch a tree grow," he said of the uprooted eight year old trees. "It looks like Khandahar (Afghanistan)--a huge hole in the ground." The city crew said they would try to save some of the trees. A Muni engineering supervisor assured him that they're "not going to walk away from this" and promised nice topsoil. "First I felt shock, then anger." said David, "Now I hope some good will come out of it."

And the disaster opened up a whole new set of ominous questions. Why were the transmission lines being run to the Hunter's Point power plant that supposedly is to be closed instead of the much closer Potrero plant? Why was the city drilling under a sewage main on fill with a high risk of liquefaction. Where are the Environment Impact Reports for this work and for the duct banks for the line under the creek. There is even a possibility that they weren't sure there was a sewage outfall above the drilling. Perhaps Sophie Maxwell and City Hall should call for hearings to bring some sunshine to bear on what's going on.

And at the same time, in the same area, why is the Illinois Street railroad bridge suddenly (via pressure and money from Catellus) being transformed into a 2-lane or 4-lane intermodal (with rail)? A north-south corridor for huge trucks from the asphalt and concrete plant across the channel at the Pier 90s to serve Mission Bay developments? Threatening to cut through Illinois Street alongside the residents and the sanctuary, it will destroy the loading docks, the outrigger canoe club, the shoreline and intertidal habitat. Neighbors are organizing and having meetings to stop this looming threat of traffic and pollution to this unique corner of the city. To get involved contact david [at]

Photos by David Erickson and Maurice Campbell: (photos in chronological order from just before the damage to newest at bottom)
Before damage photos:

More information on the park and pictures at and at the link below.
by Maurice Campbell (mecsoft [at]
An outstanding recapturing of the unfolding of events at Islais Creek. It is a major story that the mainstream press failed to pick up. If this was covering Ocean Beach, or any other sector of the city, the residents would have been informed immediatly. But since it was the South East Sector of San Franciso, where mostly minority people live it was not covered, all thought it may like many other things negativly impact the environment, and the people. Where are the regulators? Where are the watchdogs? Where are the statements of responsibility? How is this to be avoided in the future?
Is the present minority population to pay the price of so called development? Hasn't the South East Sector residents allready paid a high price for their health?
When is the rest of the city going to take up the plight of the South East Sector?
Kaye hopefully your article will inspire more investigative reporting on the South East Sector where they are many stories waiting to be told.
by a neighbor
Patricia Martel, the new PUC director will be at this wednesday's Nov 28 Campus Commission meeting at the SE Community College on Oakdale. There's a Reception at 6pm and the meeting at 7pm.

On the agenda: PUC update on proposed plans to expand the sewage plant, and to install digester towers in Islais Channel. A good opportunity to air your concerns about what stinks in the city. Like, why are all the toxic facilities in this neighborhood? And what is going on with Islais Creek?
by Francisco Da Costa
Ttuesday a huge sewer pipe carrying secondary sewage collapsed and caused extensive damage to the Muwekma Ohlone Park. David Erikson, the neighbors, hundreds of volunteers maintained this Park for over 9 years. It is shame that to date no one is taking responsibility. The so called main media has chosen to look the other way. Kudos to indymedia for bringing this incident affecting the community at large to the attention of the world. This story once it was posted could be e-mailed to all the City agencies and the Board of Supervisors. Most of them knew nothing about the sewage leak and the millions of gallons that was pumped into Islais Creek a by product of this emergency. I am sure DA MAYOR knows nothing. I have contacted Yolanda Harris and Bill Lee who work for the Mayor and I have asked for some one to take responsibility for the Park.

Last night we received a fax and some one from MUNI promised to meet with David Erikson to mitigate some of the damage caused to the Park. This is good. Now we all would like to know if any plans are in the offing to mitigate Islais Creek? Who will vouch for all the damage caused to the fish, the plants, the animals, the air, the land, and all those two legged human beings?

There are plans to pump even more sewage through the same pipes. Sewage comes all the way from the Presidio of San Francisco to the South East Sewage Plant. The Presidio hopes to increase its population by 7000. Near by Mission Bay hopes to increase its population by 30,000 and all this sewage will flow through the same old sewage system. There will be serious leaks not only at this site but others as well.

No money has been set aside to up grade the infrastructure that carries the sewage. The Mayor feels that it is fine to increase the population of San Francisco. He thinks it is fine to back the redevelopers. He thinks some how the added sewage will flow from point A to B - just as easy as money flows into the pockets of the corrupt.
by David Erickson (zabudam [at]
We would like to express deep gratitude to Kaye and to and many others for their incredible dedication and fast response to issues of community, human rights, globally and locally, and of course, to our local tradegy here at the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary on Islais Creek in San Francisco.
Furthermore, I encourage all readers to sign the responses to articles, as many of the staff of indymedia work who work for little or no salaries, and it is the responses, or "guestbook" that provides intellectual and spiritual nutrition for the staff of indymedia and their comrades.

Futhermore, let it be known, that it is indymedia news that is now providing the needs of mainstream media in America for alternative media coverage worldwide, which is quite possibly "evaporating" during the current administrations, both here and globally.

Many thanks to all from all of God(dess)'s creatures and many moons of endless magnitudes of "Love to All You Love."

by Friend
RE: Request to reconsider the Board staff’s proposed list of impaired waters

Dear Ms. Barsamian,

On behalf of our collective members, we are writing to urge that your staff reconsider its recently circulated revisions to the 303(d) List of impaired waters (“Draft 303(d) List”) . We are concerned that the proposed list effectively ignores dozens of waterbodies that are clearly polluted and will delay essential cleanup action for years, if not indefinitely.

As you know, Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires your agency to list any waterbodies for which best-available-technology regulatory schemes have failed to ensure compliance with water quality standards. Such listing triggers a mandatory duty by your agency to ensure that all sources of impairing pollutants are reduced to a level that will not result in water quality violations. In addition, listing provides additional regulatory protection from new or increased discharges of problem pollutants.

Unfortunately, the Draft 303(d) List proposed by your staff ignores many highly polluted creeks, stretches of shoreline and San Francisco Bay segments. Of more than seventy waterways submitted to the Board with evidence for listing, only about a half dozen appear on the proposed list (though we support the Board’s proposal to list several additional beaches that were not submitted). We also urge the Board not to delist the San Francisco Bay North of the Dumbarton Bridge for copper and nickel, at least until a thorough assessment is complete. These concerns are discussed in more detail below:

The proposal to delist the San Francisco Bay, North of Dumbarton Bridge, for copper and nickel is premature.
Last year the Board embarked upon a process to evaluate copper and nickel toxicity in the San Francisco Bay, North of the Dumbarton Bridge. This process was to include several rounds of water quality monitoring and a peer reviewed data analysis. Board staff also committed to accommodating public input as the process evolved and pledged to develop an “Action Plan” to ensure that a delisting decision does not result in further degradation of the Bay. Unfortunately, this process seems to have stalled. To date, there has been no stakeholder meeting since April; there has been no peer reviewed data analysis; and there has been no proposal for an Action Plan. Until this process is complete, there should be no proposal to take the San Francisco Bay North of the Dumbarton Bridge off the 303(d) List for copper and nickel.

No rationale is given for ignoring many studies submitted to the Board in support of listing.
The Draft 303(d) List Report acknowledges that numerous scientific studies were received by the Water Board in support of consideration for listing but were not recommended for listing by the Board. Unfortunately, for many of these waterways, no explanation for the Board’s decision against listing is evident in the Draft 303(d) List Report. We are particularly concerned that the Board has not listed any of the waterways identified in its own Regional Toxic Hotspot Cleanup Plan and that no explanation was provided for this decision. The Plan indicates that eight waterways in the Bay Area are polluted by various combinations of heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides and other contaminants. Failure to list waterbodies such as Islais Creek and Mission Creek, which are recognized Toxic Hotspots, not only deprives these waterways of needed protection, but deprives heavily impacted surrounding communities of a critical tool for reducing pollution their neighborhoods.

Water Board staff propose to arbitrarily exclude wet weather data when evaluating coliform and E. coli contamination.
Water Board staff argue that there is less frequency of water contact recreation during the winter wet season and that “naturally occurring bacteria” can skew data during wet weather flows. This reasoning is unacceptable. The data show that contamination by coliform bacteria is highest during wet weather when urban runoff washes pathogens off the urban landscape, overwhelms sewage treatment plants, floods septic system leach fields and washes animal waste into our waterways. Furthermore, many water users, such as surfers, spend more time in contaminated waterways during wet weather. The Clean Water Act requires listing of the waterway on the 303(d) List if it is not meeting water quality standards, regardless of the source.

The Draft 303(d) List fails to list any waterways for trash, in spite of overwhelming evidence that many Bay Area creeks are full of garbage.
The Draft 303(d) List Report confirms that evidence submitted by the public and its own data indicate that "there are excessive levels of trash in virtually all urbanized waterways of the San Francisco Bay Region.” The Report also acknowledges that not enough is currently being done to comply with water quality standards for trash. Yet, the report fails to propose any waterbodies for listing due to trash, recommending instead to wait several more years to see if other efforts correct the problem, and suggesting that more study be conducted to evaluate the "types" of trash now strewn in Bay Area creeks.

We find these arguments lacking. In fact, where previous or existing management efforts have failed to keep trash out of our creeks, listing is now explicitly required by the Clean Water Act. We are also alarmed by staff’s speculation that some types of trash are more harmful than others, which seems to imply that creeks full of certain types of garbage are acceptable.

The Draft 303(d) List fails to include Bay Area creeks that are impaired by sediment pollution.
Sedimentation and erosion processes are known to destroy fish habitat and are recognized by the Board to threaten numerous waterways around the Bay Area. The Draft 303(d) List itself notes that "all larger streams in the San Francisco Bay Region, without exception, have sediment-related impacts such a down-cutting, bank erosion and sediment delivery from the hill slopes due to 150 years of intensive urban and agricultural land use.” Yet the report proposes to avoid listing these waterbodies because of existing management efforts, lack of knowledge about sediment sources or lack of knowledge about more specific impacts. These concerns are irrelevant to the Board's mandate to list. The Board’s water quality standard for sediment is to prohibit sediment discharges that “cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses." . Beneficial uses include habitat for aquatic life in Bay Area creeks, including many threatened or endangered species. Evidence of adverse effects on that habitat by sediment requires a waterway to be listed.

Regional Board staff claim that data are too “old” to list numerous Bay Area creeks which are contaminated with toxic heavy metals.
Nine Bay Area creeks received comprehensive water quality monitoring scrutiny in the mid-1990s and were found to routinely violate water quality standards for cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, mercury and nickel. The myriad of sources of heavy metals that existed in the mid-1990s (runoff from industrial facilities, vehicle emissions, and atmospheric deposition, among others) exist today and no evidence has been presented which suggests that these waterways have improved. In fact, a Coyote Creek study published in 2000 documents water quality standard violations of the same toxic heavy metals that were documented in 1996, yet Board staff inexplicably do not propose to list this waterway. Faced with compelling evidence that creeks were routinely violating water quality standards and no evidence of improvement, this data warrants listing by the Board.

Your consideration of these concerns is greatly appreciated.


Olin Webb
Bayview-Hunters Point Community Advocates

Russel Long
Bluewater Network

Teresa Olle
California Public Interest Research Group

Kate Silberman
Center for Environmental Health

Jeff Marmar
Coalition for Better Wastewater Solutions

Marguerite Young
Clean Water Action

Michael Warburton
Community Water Rights Project

Arthur Feinstein
Golden Gate Audubon

Alex Lantsberg
India Basin Neighborhood Association

Jean Choi
The Ocean Conservancy (formerly Center for Marine Conservation)

W.F. “Zeke” Grader, Jr.
Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Associations

Jonathan Kaplan
San Francisco BayKeeper, a project of WaterKeepers Northern California

Michael Paquet
San Francisco Chapter Surfrider Foundation

Jane Morrison
San Francisco Tomorrow

David Lewis
Save the Bay

Marylia Kelley
Tri-Valley CAREs

Josh Bradt
Urban Creeks Council

Henry Clark
West County Toxics Coalition

the meeting will be at the state building at 1515 clay street just north of the 12st street bart station. we're expected to come on a bit after lunch, though some people will be there by 11 am. please come if you can!

regarding tomorrow's hearing at the regional water quality control board for putting islais and mission creeks (among others) on the board's list of impaired water bodies. this designation is important because it gives us a great deal of leverage in improving san francisco's stormwater and sewage system and getting real environmental improvements for the bay and its adjoining communities.

by David
New URL for PUC Sewage Digestor Towers:(from Public Utilitlites Commission (PUC) meeting Wednesday night at SECC

and Updated Sewer Pipe Collapse URL, with comments link added:
by neighbor
the sewer break at the muwekma park on islais creek is a criminal act.

there are a number of important issues raised, but i wanted to just share some of the perspectives from the local community in a relatively unstructured fashion.

over the past decade, local businesses, residents and nonprofit organizations (such as SLUG) have transformed the illinois street islais creek area from a garbage strewn disaster area, to a vibrant community with:

- numerous arts organizations/events

- extensive greening from small gardens to the muwekma park

- cleared out itenerant drug dealers with the help of the police department

- a diverse group of businesses with continue to provide jobs after the e-pocalypse

all of this work was undertaken and completed without a single dollar of government aid (in fact, the city doesn't even bother to pave the street, the port of sf occasionally uses extra blacktop to fill the holes that develop.)

the amount of volunteer work and materials is hard to convey to folks who have the city sweep their street, plant trees and maintain their parks, etc.

the magnitude of the achievement was such that local, state and federal agencies had just in the past year begun awarding grants and official status to the pocket park in order to continue and sustains its natural re-developent.

this was not simply a park used by the community (which it was - from local employees to grade school classes on science field trips) it also was a restoration of lost san francisco intertidal zone with concomitant flora and fauna which was documented by california academy of science studies and includes several endangered species.

during this whole period, the city was facilitating in ill-conceived dot-com boom, with little regard for underserved areas like bayview and islais creek (not to mention alternative industry, arts and openspace.)

recently, the city's agenda *has* begun to affect this area.

but instead of helpful development, the city has instead decided to willfully dump on islais creek / illinois st for the benefit of other richer (and likely paler) consituencies.

the catastrophic destruction of the muwkema park is just the start (and as others have pointed out, it is hard to believe that the tepid response to this environmental and neighborhood disaster would be tolerated elsewhere in the city.)

in parallel with the 3rd street lightrail infrastructure work that caused this cave-in, the port of san francisco is in the process of trying to 'fast track' a truck and train bridge that will further degrade the illinois st / islais creek area.

this project was a long term goal of the port of sf (in order to give rail service to port 80), but its recent momentum was initiated by catellus corporation. catellus offered the port several million dollars to quickly put in a new rail line so that the more affluent mission bay development would not be burdened with freight rail.

it is interesting to compare the attitude espoused at a recent BCDC committee meeting with the current state of the islais creek [park destroyed the sewer collapse (from

"Moreover, it is going to be in a gorgeous public park, on the waterfront, next to a new University of California Campus, new high tech office buildings and those people who are renting and using that space are not going to take lightly of having rail there. There would be a great deal of public opposition to it and if it does get built, it will be removed as fast as possible. For all of those reasons, staff thinks that even if the Commission would authorize it, it is highly unlikely it will be built. "

in any case, local residents have been trying to modify and/or oppose the bridge design with little help from their elected officials (which if nothing else has caused an renewed interest in finding/supporting alternatives to sophie maxwell for the next election.)

one of the most important sticking points is the additional truck traffic, which even the flawed SEIR (environmental impact review) quantifies as hundreds or even thousands of additional trucks per day in an area already suffering from some of the highest cluster cancer rates in the nation. attempts to get the port to install a train only bridge have been rebuffed (the community strongly supports the port of sf and wants to see effective train access to port 80 in order to keep the maritime heritage of the area intact and thriving with the quality jobs this entails.)

an illinois st intermodal (truck and train) bridge would cause significant environmental damage (damage not touched upon by the seriously and obviously flawed SEIR - which will soon be challenged in court.)

in the process of putting in an illinois st bridge, the port and its engineers and contractors would blithely dismiss community concerns that local gardens and greening will have to be removed and replaced with new roadway for idling semis. thus the unassisted community efforts of a decade are wiped out by a footnote in a catellus contract.

the community will work to keep this from coming to pass, but it is an upohill battle and this sewer collapse demonstrates again that the city government (along with the port of sf, catellus, and major media outlets) are clearly disinterested in the health, beauty and livelihood of the bayview, islais creek and illinois street neighborhoods.
by kaye
This article and additional information have been published in the San Francisco Bayview newspaper, available around the city in print each wednesday or online at Next week it will be covered by the San Francisco Call which has city-wide distribution in print on mondays, or on the web at
by Holy Hannah Arendt
The Dead Canary Action Front Expose

Your government doesn't care!

The Shit flood could last for years! It has lasted for years!

Clean your eyes, cover your noses and Seak the fuck up!

Flushing the toilet on the issue destroys lives! Your dreams are floating at the bottom of the bowl

Rise up and create a larger flood. They can ignore shit, but not your voice!

Act now or forever regulate yourself to pipe dreams!

Seymore Butts
Supervisor of Dystenteric Politics!
Live report from the bowels of every day life

by Steven Bodzin (bodzin [at]
This article is really unclear about some items. It does not say until the end that the effluent that is leaking is secondary effluent, not "sewage." Secondary effluent isn't exactly drinking water, but it's been cleaned of everything except heavy metals and other molecular contaminants. Bulk solids (shit) and biological contaminants (e coli, etc) have already been removed.

So far as the damage to the park, of course it's tragic, and MUNI should fix the park. But I'm afraid I can't get too upset about the little frogs here. The whole point of having a park there rather than a house is that it's a high risk area. The people building the park should have known that they were building on top of existing infrastructure. Even without this accident, the pipe would have needed replacement at some point. The park would have been disrupted then, rather than now.

The stuff at the end of the article about the Illinois Street bridge is illogical. It fails to explain how that bridge could displace the outrigger canoe club, which is on the other side of Third Street -- 2 blocks away from the bridge site. It is also unnecessarily sensationalistic. It makes no sense to be anti-growth in that part of town. There is a lot of development opportunity in the Southeast, and like it or not, California will have 10 million more residents in 20 years. Would you rather have a bridge built over Illinois Street and some dense San Francisco neighborhoods built around that area? Or would you prefer that the 10 million live in the current big growth area -- the sprawl of the Central Valley? Sure, we need to take care of our rare species and we should protect our cultural assets like the canoe club. But don't stop this bridge. It is a very good project that will help connect the notoriously isolated Southeast with the rest of the city. It is a clear example of smart growth. It HELPS environmental justice, by providing a rail and truck route off of the main boulevard. It will reduce urban sprawl.

In short, this article shows that an unfortunate construction accident happened. I think we should all be happy that no people were hurt, and we should do what we can to restore the creek.
by Francisco Da Costa
I do not know if Steven Bodzin is talking about some other Park on a different planet. The Muwekma Ohlone Park at one time was barren and an area used by Drug Addicts. Park volunteers cleaned it and fenced it and made it what it was - before the sewer pipe incident. There are really NO homes or houses in the immediate area. It is strictly in an industrial area next to Pier 80 which MUNI is using to house its buses in the interim.

The proposed bridge cannot be built without a proper environmental study. The bridge cannot be built without getting the OK from the Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard, BCDC, and some more entities. None of this has been done. It is very important to understand that there are many "protective" and one or two endangered species in this area. This factor alone prohibits any building - and more a bridge with foundations that will harm and may be destroy the protective and endangered species.

The Sewage Treatment Plant situated in the BayView area takes in 80% of the raw sewage of the whole city. The authorities say that the said sewage that leaked is "secondary" sewage. Others do not agree - they say the over 60 year old Sewage Plant discharges more "raw sewage" better known to the educated as primary sewage into the Bay. This is because the old pumps, the filter system, and the generally 60 year old Sewage Treatment Plant - cannot funtion as it is suppose to. The area around the Sewage Plant stinks for miles - coverings that are meant to cover the spetic tanks have collasped and have been in disrepair for years. The infrastruture is over 80 years old and leaks.

When asked what emergency plan was in place if the authorities had to deal with the sewer pipe that collasped and leaked on the Muwekma Ohlone site or Park - the authorities had NO answer. Their stupid plan was discharging over 80 million gallons per day into Islais Creek. I have never heard of such a PLAN before. Now the million dollar question is if a huge portion of the so called "secondary" sewage was "primary" sewage - who takes blame for this fiasco? The fine is $15 per gallon.

The sane question anyone would ask if why divert the sewage into the Islais Creek at all?

The community that now lives in District 10 and the affected area do not want the proposed bridge. They do not like the idea that Islais Creek is used as a "cesspool". Some years ago the constituents voted to remove the BayView Sewage Plant from BayView. This in a City and County wide poll. Mayor Willie Brown to remove the Sewage Plant - now he is more interested in removing himself from the affairs of the City and County of San Francisco and establishing himself to cause more damage as a State Senator.

The fact is there is there is too much pollution is the BayView area. Too many cases of cancer and other high risk ailments. The pollution of Islais Creek does not make things better. Huge trucks polluting the residential area does NO justice to the suffering population. Da Mayor and his corrupt redevelopers are the only ones cashing on the various projects. But this time the community will fight tooth and nail.
by michael sgambellone
Mr. bodzin, get a clue. that park isn't there by default, it is there because some body(obviosly not somebody like you) took the time to clean the area of its 2 five gallon buckets worth of syringes. loads of garbage, invest years of time, involve thousands of people aquire tens of thousands of dollars in grants. thats why there is a park there. this accident is more than it seems on paper, it is an example of how city planning works in sanfrancisco, poorly. the whole southern waterfront devolopment is poorly planned. if there weren't people to create parks and get upset about little frogs, then this world would be a paved shithole,give the park a little more credit than you do.
by michael sgambellone
Mr. bodzin, get a clue. that park isn't there by default, it is there because some body(obviosly not somebody like you) took the time to clean the area of its 2 five gallon buckets worth of syringes. loads and loads of garbage, invest years of time, involve thousands of people, aquire tens of thousands of dollars in grants. That's why there is a park there. This accident is more than it seems on paper, it is an example of how city planning works in sanfrancisco, poorly. The whole southern waterfront devolopment is poorly planned. The growth in this city has been severly flawd for the past 6 or 7 years.
If there weren't people to create parks and get upset about little frogs, then this world would be a paved shithole, give the park a little more credit than you do. Heavy metals aren't good for any body of water. They cause all sort of disease and deformation to living things, including humans.
About the connectiveness of the southeast sector, i've never had a problem getting there. I've had problems getting on the bridge, so the city thought it was a good idea to put a ball park at the foot of it, and clog down town every time there's a game. Another example of poor city planning, ask any one who commutes. Any non connectiveness to the southeast sector of town isn't from not having enough roads leading to it, it's more of a social and political problem.
controlled growth and sound city planning is a good thing. I don't think every corner of every part of this city should have to be developed. why must every thing be conquered? People are leaving this city more than they are moving to this city. why can't city planning be flexable with that?
The proposed illinois st. bridge isn't such a good idea. It will be nothing but another third st. It's more a part of changing every last square inch of sanfrancisco into catellusville, and getting those evil r.r. tracks out of mission bay and into some other neighborhood. This whole southeast waterfront project including the bridge wreaks or corruption and general corporate grossness.
Have a nice day.
by Kal Spelletich (Kal [at]
well, well, the bike coalition essentially wants more roads it appears to me, not much different than truckers. You all are a bunch of self-centered brats.

The saddest thing is as of RIGHT NOW, Sat. Dec. 1, 2001, the tide is very high and the sewage appears to still be leaking, that stuff is green and foamy and it STINKS. Maybe we could fill some 50 gallon drums of this shit and dump them in your neighborhood and you see how not-so-bad it is??

The hole is still there, a high tid (they are highest this time of year, brings the water right up to the sewage line hole and the rape of the earth continues, all in the name of progress. How much of this "progress" does the city need? or the world for that matter?
And who cares?
well, we do
And we are not going away, so keep pedalling when you cross that new bridge you are so in love with for there will be nothing to pause and gaze at in awe, except shit spewing towers.

Take your bike tours to Marin, so you don't have to see or smell the filth that you aren't willing to try and stop, you fucking creep.
by vaclav kalishnikov
the canary is dead!
and yet
the canary is the hope for the revolution
we are the dead canary actoin front!
we feed on the packaged dreams of dorritos and
we drink off the spilled rings of drinks at the bar
other may have revolved more
but we have drank more!
we are here, and we are leaving
we are gone!
we're ALL about the little r. little a.
don't fuck with texas!

vaclav kalishnikov
commander in briefs
--dead canary action front--

thats fucking lavish!
by oleg vorochovich
If ridalin is the opiate of the masses,
we are the psychoanalysts prescribing it
poop and porn
a beautiful idea indeed
the revolution will be sexy and TURDs will be there!
all hail aieris, all hail disforia
don\\\\\\\'t fuck with texas!

Oleg Vorchovovich
Ministry of the Inferior
--TURD ent--
thats fucking extravagent!
by vaclacv kalishnikov, Commander in Briefs,DCAF
the only things worth writing can be spelled in poop.
poop will be the eau de toilette of the revolution.
we are the dead canary action front!
DCAF for short.
don't fuck with texas!

vaclav kalishnikov
commander in briefs
--dead canary action front--

thats fucking lavish!
by A CITIZEN (ctz [at]
As project facilitator of the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary on Islais Creek, here in San Francisco, and comprehensively involved and aware of my community here and in the BayView, DogPatch, ButcherTown, Potrero Hill, Visitacion Valley and other local communities, I and "we" are insulted by the entries of vaclav kalishnikov v and oleg vorochovich in the comments section of this sf.indymedia article.

Furthermore, I personally feel that these entries are counterproductive to the issues and public process that we have been fighting "tooth and nail" for many,many years.

In conclusion, it is also my opinion that the entries by vaclav kalishnikov v and oleg vorochovich are examples of misinformed, uninvolved, unconcerned responses to our issues, and certainly examples of digital opportunists, that bring us, the community, nothing more than examples of intellectually and spiritually insecure beings.

Truely, if you had the cajones to match your internet exhibitionism, you would have left your names and return email addresses.

We, the community, would implore you to respond with integrity and truth to this letter- David and Friends
by Francisco Da Costa
David Erikson and hundreds of others have done what few have done - they not only talk the talk but they walk the walk. The Muwekma Ohlone Park was once beautiful and bustling wih life. The sewer collaspe has destroyed part of the Park - but with a little help from our friends - this Park will be restored - it is just a matter of time. MUNII, the Board of Supervirsors, the S.F. Port Authority, San Francisco P.U.C. and many more - now know a lot more then they would have ever known. So , in a way much good has come out of this short term - human failure.

As to the "pooh poems" what can I say. There is "freedom" and there is "license" - they say abuse of freedom is license. This is a free country and this is California - why would some one from Texas dare challenge us! That says it all - you will always have immature knooks wanting to swim in the cesspool. Let them swim - hopefully they will stay there forever!

On a positve note many agencies have noted the "environmental concerns" facing the people of BayView and Hunters Point. Nothing will be the same anymore. Now on to addressing MUNI light rail, the proposed stupid bridge, the so called "digestors" linked to the Sewage Plant, the trucks and traffic on 3rd Street, the pollution of Islais Creek, the Mission Bay expansion with all its pollution and traffic, saving the "protective and endangered species", SAVING THE ARTISTS OF SAN FRANCISCO - we have just begun, the journey is long. So far we have done great things, greater things are in the offing!
by Maureen
I'm not so opposed to the "pooh poems" as you put them. At the least I don't see them as a challenge to your position. I see them as being a poetically challenging call to stand up for what you see as being wrong. Or something, admittedly they are a little extravagently worded, but I think in some ways it is refreshing, it seems they know what they are talking about.

The dead canary itself is a pretty powerful image when thinking about our problems here in San Francisco you know?

Interesting for sure.

by Francisco Da CostaI
I am trying to follow you Maureen in a round about way. The "Pooh Poems" indeed are inspiring you say and addresses our concerns. The Muwekma Ohlone Park destroyed by a collasped sewer - I guess the pooh poems addressed in detail. I tried reading them again and again and saw no much mention of the environs and red tape. I guess when some one surfs over the pooh poems - no tidal wave in sight - they will land on the same beach of insanity.
by Nikita Khrushchev (nk [at]
Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges, even where there are no rivers.
- Nikita Khrushchev
by Vaclav Kalishnikov
Texas smells like shit!
I hate it there!
The Carays are alive, and kicking!
not here, here they are dead!
without canned laughter,
how do you know when to laugh!
is the canned laughter of the
don't get caught with a smile!
They'll ShiT in yer eye!
Kompressa does not sing
Yankee Doodle Dandee!
The revolution haS no
and no
Vaclav Kalishnikov is not ReaL
she is nowhere to be found!

we cannot be found and cannot be tracked!
we are everywhere and

reality is fake! foucault is dead!
poop is swimmingly shitty

parks are nice, but life is better!

the Dead Canary Front has nothing to do with hurt feelings, diverted attentions, or missing orgasms!

the Canary is Dead, she died from poo-fumes! sad?

Don'T Fuck with teXas!

vaclav kalishnikoV
--Commander in Briefs--
Dead Canary Action Front

Thats Fucking Lavish!
by Zachary A. Bowden
I'm with "Mo" on this one (if thats his real name). anyone remember the Orange Alternative?

D.H. Laurence once said:
"If you make a revolution
make it for fun.
Don't do it in ghastly seriousness,
do it for fun.
Don't do it because you hate people
do it just to

anybody remember or appreciate PT and HUMOR!?

you folks should be stoked that people in Texas are reading your news, and taking the TIME to respond, no matter if you think their response is valid or not.
why is there such an obbsession with uniformity in today's world? I find it inconcievable that you would be INSULTED by somebody else's words, especially in this case in which no attacks were made!
We need to realise that stability, uniformity and agreement do nothing but serve elite and state powers whose vested interests are in maintaining the social order, and need to come to terms and embrace the fact that any radical democracy, or anarchist existance would be tumultous, chaotic, fun, crazy, hard, dirty, and UNSTABLE.

all in all, how can folks have dialogue if you're all worried about hurting each others' feelings? where's the constructiveness in that?

hope all goes well in san fran.

Zachary A. Bowden.
by David Erickson (zabudam [at]
Dear Zachary A. Bowden-
It is a most curious thing that "Texas" is involved and concerned with the current affairs in San Francisco to the degree and intensity that that they must upload comments to\
Just How Did You Come to Be So Involved with the Community Issues of the Ghettos of the SouthEast Sector of San Francisco?
Did you live in San Antonio, Brownsville, or Border Towns?
Are you a minority?
Please Respond
by Maureen
David Erikson,

Are you a minority? Do only minorities live in the sector of San Francisco involved? Should only minorities care? That seems to be a defeating question you ask.

And how does that matter? If Zachary is interested in the affairs of southeast San Francisco, it shouldn't matter where he lives or what his skin tone is. And since "white" as a skin shade is nearing minority status in California, what exactly do you mean by minority?

I don't know who Oleg, or Vaclov, or Zachary are, but the very fact that they are commenting is important to me. To decide right or wrong, is useless. To debate, and to debate openly is the key it seems to me.

I know that I am not living in San Francisco right now, I know I was born there. This is still a matter of importance to me.

It seems with this whole new wave of patriotism sweeping the country, one would be willing to embrace any and all who choose to show affinity for the issue at hand in San Francisco.

by Francisco Da Costa
The issue - a sewer piper collasped and destroyed a Park that was built and created totally by volunteers.
Most of the comments prior to the "pooh poems" made sense. So - the pooh poems led us to the cesspool? Some sewer sense of reality!
We clinched our noses and tried to make light of it.

Some sense of humor! The South East sector of San Francisco takes in 80 % of the raw sewage. The S.E. sector also has the highest number of breast cancer and other ailments serious enough to put a stop to any type of pollution. So some of us are bringing these facts to the attention of the authorities - revealing thru' indymedia - people power. Now tell me how have you, Maureen or the "pooh nooks" contributed to the present state of affairs? I see you once lived in San Francisco? Why don't you commnet on the planet Jupiter? You seem qualifed to address issues so far away and remote - having not an iota of information - and yet as would any arm chair critic - trying to impress some audience!
by golum
the part those bastard texans took must have been shitting in the bay!
i'm sure that made it here to OUR neighborhood!
by Maureen
I live less than 2 hours away from San Francisco, I am in the city on a regular basis. I have
been to the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary on more than one occasion, including the Native American Film Festival that was up there in May. I know there is little else as beautiful in San Francisco as the creek in the summer. I know that i have felt strong experience at the Healing pole.

But none of this is the issue. The flooded park is the issue. But what lies beneath? What is the real issue? An area of land and a group of people, all minorities in that the dominant political voices in the city do not address their concerns. That sense of minority is not limited only to the South East Sector of San Francisco, that sense of minority is unfortunately the sad majority in our country. Any form of voice in that struggle is crucial. I do not aim to justify the words of people. I simply see meaning in them. I also know that you as well others involved with the Sanctuary have put your self into the project, and have had some sense of yourself raped as a result of these recent events. I also know that all of your words and conferences with MUNI will not prevent a situation like this from reoccuring in the Sanctuary or anywhere else in the city. Is financial compensation enough? Short term, perhaps. But what about nine years from now and countless more selfless labour and struggle, when another sewer line collapses. What then?

The real issue will not go away.
Perhaps the only point is that your words address them as little as "poo-poems"
by Zach
Who said i was from texas!?
i think you're confused.
keep up the fight.
by Friend
From: <Renee_Dunn [at]>

To: <L_brown123 [at]>

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 3:50 PM

Subject: Incident at Islais Creek

Dear Mr. Lynne Brown-

It was good speaking with you yesterday afternoon. Here's what I've been

Able to find out from the Port's Harbor Engineer, Nita Mizushima and through an

Email from Ben Leung of Muni about the recent incident at Islais Creek. I will

forward any additional information to you as it becomes available. In the

meantime, if you need to contact me, please reply by email or call me at

(415) 274-0488.

Renee Dunn

Manager, Public Relations

Port of San Francisco

Yes, it is a muni project. the project manager is Ben Leung and he can

be reached at 554 -2463. The contractor, I believe is Proven Management with

a subcontractor doing the tunnel boring work.

ProVen Management, Inc.

501 Cesar Chavez Blvd, Ste # 204 E

SF, CA, 94124

Phone 415-642-3366

Fax: 415-642-3361

Mobile: 415-559-5522

They are doing 3 ductbanks (I don't recall the diameter, but something in the order of magnitude of 48") called "trenchless technology". It allows them to install ductbanks without excavating a huge area (in order to go so deep). I believe that they were to be 10

meters below the bottom of the creek at the lowest point. The object was to

create a crossing of the creek for power needs. (115kv). MUNI's involvement is

simply because they need traction power crossing the creek for the future

Third Street Light Rail. They had also used the same technology to cross the

Mission Creek with no problems that I'm aware of.

The pavement subsidence (cave-in) at the north and south shore occurred

prior to the week of 11/19. There was a site visit w/ Phil Williamson and George

Roger to examine the subsidence. This subsidence occurred directly adjacent to the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary, at Islais Creek,

The SF Muni Third Street Light Rail Duct Bank Drilling site is currently staged at the Pier 80 Yard, and Amador Street on the North Side of Islais Creek.

There were only a few small 1 or 2 foot sinkholes at the sewer leak and quite a few sand spouts of secondary effluent outfall liquids bubbling up into the Muwekma Oholone Sanctuary.

When we excavated down to expose the pipe, for the record, there were no tests conducted to justify or conclude that underneath the outfall pipe, that the drilling of the duct banks were the primary cause of of the collapse of the outfall lines, although, the current analysis and opinions of the SF PUC SF DPW, and many of the Project Managers from the various Agencies associated with the accident, was in fact directly associated with the Muni Third Street Light Rail Duct Bank Drilling Project at Pier 80.

We did find some evidence that the leak at the joint may be due to a weak

joint. We are still examining the evidence and trying to determine the

cause of the leak., although current data does not support this theory.

They realized a bit later that they had ruptured the 60" force main

sewer that runs under the water along the north shoreline. Once they sent

divers down, they found that there was a void underneath the supports for the

main and that when this settled, the main moved and ruptured. They diverted the

flows the outfall end of the main to keep tides from washing back into their work started excavation to expose the area on Wednesday (and i believe they continued

round the clock to arrest the problem). MUNI was aware of the main and had

thought they had taken appropriate measures to avoid it.

The Port has remained on the side to offer assistance and to relocate

Equipment in the corporation yard, etc. The maintenance team has been checking in

with the on-site folks regularly to ensure that there is assistance is

on-the-ready, although no dialogue with the “ folks “ is on the public record at this time.

SF MuniEnvironmental was also asked to investigate the site both due to the sewer

spill as well as to verify that the pipeline that was exposed on the south shore

Was in fact an asbestos wrapped bunker oil line and to determine whether

Abatement measures needed to be taken.

We anticipate that SF MUNI will work with their contractors to remedy the

situation and are awaiting their report.

The community is concerned about the impacts to the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary.

The Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary has received grants with the Port participating in the application process.

The park has not yet recieved a permit to enter, but we will continue to try our

utmost to support the park and enhance it in the long term.

This is also related the discussions being held regarding the Illinois Street Bridge, it's

location and the construction. The Port has been making efforts to work closely with this community as of late to try to resolve their concerns with the future Illinois

Street Intermodal Bridge

Thank You

Renee Dunn

Manager, Public Relations

Port of San Francisco

Tel: (415) 274-0488.

by Francisco Da Costa
In life people make mistakes and when it is made one admits the mistake. It took a whole lot of telephones, e-mails, explainations, contacts, stress and sacrifice - and now at last - some diatribe from the PR of the S.F. Port Authority. Notice, after all this time NO ONE knows what really happened? A mystery!

The Park was an important mitigating factor - in favor of the S.F. Port Authority. However, the Port Commission was NOT aware that for so many years - so much was done until a few months ago. Perhaps, I could add that one person brought it to the Commissioners' attention. While so many officials working for the S.F. Port Authority - did not disclose anything about the Park to those who should have know about something good.

So, the contractors had a clue and yet decided to forge ahead - and so with "some intent" caused further damage to the Park. City officials blame the contractor and MUNI. It is strange that MUNI made two calls to me on Wednesday - one day after the collapse of the sewer - denying that MUNI was involved. The logic, I suppose was it is a MUNI contract so MUNI has NO responsibility. Let us blame San Francisco PUC, the contractor, anyone!

On another important note - the PUBLIC does not want the "movable bridge" - there is infrastructure in place to save the Nation and the tax payer millions of dollars.
The S.F. Port Authority should remember there is a link between the SEWER COLLAPSE and the proposed MOVABLE BRIDGE. It is simple - the citizen has a say - and the "informed citizen" who has NOT been heard - has adjudicated that " we do not need the bridge". We request the sewer be fixed and that the mitigation with the Park is carried on - on a war footing.

Please do not pussy foot with the PUBLIC.

7 days after the collapse of the sewer line - all we the public hear is - diatribe!

We should move forward. Fix the Park and the sewer pipe. The "bridge" can remain a pipe dream - as has been stated - it does no one any good. If some redeveloper's pockets have to be lined - let is not be at the expense of Islais Creek and the land around it.

DA MAYOR and those in Mission Bay were trying to hood wink the public. Indymedia exposed them as would NO other media. Shame on the main media. Shame on those who still think that they can hood wink the public.
by Friend
Illinois Street Bridge Petitions
Add your own!
STOP THE MADNESS! We all must realize that the benefits of progress must be tempered with the preservation of our values. The creative persuits and artistic demonstrations of San Francisco's artistic co-ops has always been a vital aspect of our fine city. It is part of the culture of the city and brings worldwide recognition and respect. Before we destrory another art center, for a transportation improvement project of questionable need, (which should be put off until its need is proven), we should decide how to preserve the Arts Community.
Dave Kirwin
- Friday, December 14, 2001 at 11:09:34 (PST)
I am a working artist/musician in the building located in the 1800 block of Illinois ST and strongly oppose the intended Illinois St bridge. We do not need another bridge!!!!!!!!
Laurie Hall
- Friday, December 14, 2001 at 10:55:04 (PST)

Even though I live on the other side of the world, I want to give you all my support by signing this petition against the Illinois Street Bridge. Wishing you all loads of luck.
Ruth Erickson <ruth.erickson [at]>
- Friday, December 14, 2001 at 06:14:11 (PST)

As part owner and co-founder of the design firm OQO at 1800 Illinois, I am strongly opposed to the traffic, noise, diesel pollution, and loss of green space that this bridge will bring to our block. I do not want my business forced out of San Francisco so that Catellus can build loft-o-miniums in Mission Bay and tear up existing train tracks there.
Nick Merz
- Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 10:13:05 (PST)

I own a business on 25th street @ 3rd I strongly believe in the importance of keeping and promoting a vital art/alernative community in our city.The city official need to consult with people in this neighborhood before implementing any major project.
Georges Blum <thechef [at]>
- Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 10:50:10 (PST)

We import Italian products and store the goods at our warehouse space at 1888 Illinois. If the bridge is built where proposed we would lose usage of the loading dock where an average of 1-4 trucks or containers a month dock to unload the goods, and 1-2 times daily our truck docks to load and unload goods. We may be forced to go out of business if this happens.
John Blount and Victoria Doggett <laraccolta [at]>
- Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 01:19:57 (PST)

Re: To whom it May Concern:
The Islais Creek Arts Group located at Marin and Illinois streets with The Islais Creek Sanctuary and its environs are a thriving independent group of artists that have hosted hundreds of arts events in their historic building for the past 13 years.
It's future is being threatened by the proposed ILLINOIS ST. BRIDGE PROJECT. To lose this building would be an irreparable blow to the arts community locally, nationally and internationally.
There is a tremendous spectrum of arts and artisans working and teaching from the building from all walks of life including:,
painting, sculpture and technology exhibits, live theater performances, musical concerts, film and video festivals, poetry readings, circuses, and numerous highly successful fund-raisers for local community organizations.
Classes held within the building have ranged from: carpentry, robotics, painting, sculpture, stage design, jewelry-making, glass-blowing, welding, machining, costume design and gardening to furniture design, steel fabrication, computer technology, boat-building, antique restoration, pottery, and studio recording (music). There is a not for profit arts organization, video production, MIT scholars, an internet provider, stage design, puppet makers, new media art, glass blowers, massage therapy, designers and furniture fabrication.
All of these artists would be permanently displaced from San Francisco if this bridge project were to go through, as well as many other local businesses, historical and environmental concerns.
For more information on these artists feel free to see the ART at:
The arts are vital to any community, for San Francisco to lose yet another arts facility after so much has been lost in our city would be truly tragic. There are literally no buildings like this left in the city.
If you are in favor of preserving this valuable cultural economic and environmental resource, please sign below.
Kal Spelletich <Kal [at]>
- Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 20:25:46 (PST)

We do not need the bridge. We DO need a dialog with the community. It is high time the S.F. Port Authority and other City and County of San Francico entities - treat the community as Adults and informed Citizens. Let the Sunshine Laws be enforced and the TRUTH told.
Francisco Da Costa <frandacosta [at]>
- Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 18:34:02 (PST)

We really don't need more truck and auto emissions. We need to investigate alternatives, which are the ways of the future, which also include Photovoltaics, wind, recharging water tables... the list is endless.
David Erickson
- Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 18:19:14 (PST)

- Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 01:22:31 (PST)

Your Name:

Your Message

by Francisco Da Costa
The link below clearly states that raw sewage is being pumped into the Bay - espcially when the the City and County of San Francisco experiences heavy rain fall. This happened when the sewage pipe collasped:

Informed citizens should do anything and everything possibel to make noise. This pertinent noise can and will make good stuff happen.

Now may I ask what happned to the Cross City Tunnel that was supposed to take so called treated water from the Bay View Water Treatment Plant and flush it into the Ocean. This City wide proposition passed - but folks from Bernal Heights and other parts of the City did not want the tunnel passing through their back yards.

While we are on this topic the City and County of San Francisco should stop pumping RAW SEWAGE into the Bay. This is being done NOW. This happened when RAW SEWAGE was pumped into ISLAIS CREEK when the sewage pipe collasped.

It is time the City and County of San Francisco listens to INFORMED CITIZENS. How about that Willie?
by Brian
The 60" effluent water main that failed was the result of improper installation or design. The City of San Fransisco installed the failed 60" effluent line with an apparent unapproved field adjustment at the joint that failed. Contractors having investigated the cause of the leak after the line failed have determined that the leak has been there for some time. A reasearcher at Berkley determined that algai growing from the bottom of the sewer line was many months old. Other reasearchers have determined through photo's of the failed line and rebar samples taken that the decay to the line was multi year. The City has said for over 8 months that an investigation is under way to determine the cause for the failure. To date the City has refused to discuss any findings they have and continue to stonewall the contractors for discussions on the matter.
by Community Resident

Pride they say has a fall and it has a great fall when you add the element of telling lies. Sophie Maxwell was interviewed by City Desk on Channel 11 July 24, 2004 and she looked the interviewer straight in the eye and lied many times. Twisted facts and repeated lies.
Sophie Maxwell is not from Bayview Hunters Point. Her heart lies more with the folks at Haight Ashbury and she may have come to Bayview and bought her residence next to her mother Enola Maxwell who was a pastor and worked many years at the U.S. Post Office. Enola worked on Potrero Hill and is still well known much after her recent death not in the Bayview Hunters Point. Less her daughter who is corrupt.

Sophie knows next to nothing about the constituents of Visitation Valley, the Portola District, Little Hollywood, Dog Patch, Silver Terrace, the Hill that is Hunters Point and the Bayview. She loves the folks from Potrero Hill because these folks mostly White will listen to her and her fabrication of facts.

Sophie first made some little impression by being the Chair of the Project Area Committee (PAC) linked to Bayview. The PAC spent thousands of dollars and could not come out with a decent report linked to the development of the Bayview. For example the PAC wasted over $80,000 on a Blight Report and did not produce anything much. Some one else had to take over that responsibility and come out with a document. I suppose Sophie Maxwell does not know this fact.

The PAC is paid by the San Francisco Redevelopment and corrupt people like Marcia Rosen can and have manipulated Sophie. Sophie could not pass her Electrician Certification in San Francisco she had to go to Oakland. She is not an intellectual and her knowledge on issues that matter is next to nil. Corrupt PAC members are paid and always on the take and Sophie Maxwell likes that because she can use the Bayview PAC to further her interests.

At one time she pandered to Willie L. Brown and did this because Willie named a school after her mother. Next Willie put her in charge of $13.3 million grant. Sophie saw that her cronies Karen Pierce and Olin Webb got over $1.5 million.

Nuru Mohammed and Angelo King who now heads the present Bayview PAC got another $1.5 million which they gifted to the Conservatory in the Golden Gate Park. Literacy for Environmental Justice got another $900,000. The Windows Project linked to Arc Ecology got thousands and so on and so forth. Steve Moss got over $1 million for his Energy Power that has since changed to a cooperative.

Sophie aligned herself with thugs and now and then you can see her at City Hall pandering to these thugs. These thugs had connection to Willie Brown and made money on MUNI 3rd Street Lightrail and host of other projects. She will go out of her way to bat to write off expenses linked to an event at Candlestick Park and a thug who has spent time in jail. Why do these thugs want to organize events when their aim is profit? How many Juneteenth Events do we need in San Francisco?

Sophie demands that the Navy sees and meets her privately. This way she can carve out contract for crooks like Olin Webb on remediation projects. He gets $1500 a month from the ACE project that consists of installing solar panels by doing nothing. He does nothing except broker the deal between San Francisco Environment and Sophie. I have brought this to Sophie Maxwell's attention but she does not pay heed.

At one time San Francisco Environment paid the rent for the Bayview Advocates. This is conflict of interest. San Francisco Environment gives Bayview Advocates millions, then hires a person to get the Bayview Advocates permits so that the Bayview Advocates can install solar panels. The person SFE hired makes over $100,000 plus benefits. What is happening San Francisco? Even Geraldo Sandoval did not catch this FTE in his budget probe!

Sophie Maxwell has worked with corrupt forces to destroy the community and will continue if she is not removed.

The Allen Group got millions from the MUNI 3rd Street Lightrail Project. They did a lousy job - no outreach and many businesses on 3rd Street have folded. Do you think Sophie Maxwell cares? She live on Jerrold Street overlooking a burned mansion in which her mother was pulled out and subsequently died? No one knows how this fire started? It would be interesting to read the Incident Report.

Sophie Maxwell loves to make deals in the quiet and behind dark walls. It is just a matter of time when the world will know her connection to the properties at 5800 and 3rd Street. 5600 and 3rd Street. Cargo and 3rd Street. The very large FEDEX complex. The UPS complex. Starbucks on Potrero Hill. The new development by Ingalls Street very near Candlestick Park. The woman is on the take.

Sophie Maxwell does not care to return calls. She does not care to listen to those who have a different opinion. Perhaps her aide who has since left her Marti Paschal could reveal a lot?

White folks think that two years ago when Sophie Maxwell ran unopposed she was strong. This is all wrong. Many wanted to run against her and there was the strong talk at the Black organizations, too many to name - people like Espanola Jackson stopped them in their tracks and told them to give the woman a chance. After all she had just completed two years and it takes about two years to known your jurisdiction.

When Sophie Maxwell ran for the primaries as a Supervisor much before MUNI Lightrail started their project she accused Espanola Jackson of taking money. She is a liar on this count. I remember that day but Sophie must have forgotten that day. She will accuse others of doing wrong but does wrong daily personally as a habit.

Power went to Sophie Maxwell's head and has remained there. When over 6,000 voters in the Bayview sign a recall something is seriously wrong. Sophie mustered only 4000 voters from her constituents the last time around. There were about 38000 who were illegible to vote.

In the recent Mayoral polls only 29 per cent voted. Sophie has taken her constituents for granted. The constituents of District 10 are fed up of Sophie Maxwell. Toye Moses says she is not perfect - I know she is not perfect - but she lies and is inept. Better understand that Toye Moses. People like you who do not stand for what is right encourage evil much as we see them in Nigeria. Does Sophie Maxwell have connection with Nuru Mohammed and Jonathan and Cory Calandra?

Daily Sophie Maxwell is brokering deals with developers and she has been doing this for the last 3 years. Sophie has done next to nothing to stop crime. She blames the San Francisco Police Department. She has done nothing to bring jobs. When some Community Based Organization who do not receive any money from the City came up with a plan to train and create jobs - she stole the plan. This woman is despicable she can look you straight in the eye and lie.

Sophie knows next to nothing about Biotech Companies. At the CAFƒ a forum held at City Hall some of the constituents asked her about access to the her community. She could not answer and she felt intimidated to dialog with her constituents because she is dumb, ignorant, and very arrogant.

She lied so many times in the interview conducted by City Desk that I got so many e-mails and telephone calls. Who does Sophie Maxwell think she is? She is not a legislator and the ones she introduces others write them - she jumps on the bandwagon and get things done through others. The woman cannot understand fundamental stuff and has failed again and again on issues that matter.

On the 3 conduits by Islais Creek that she gave her blessing she has failed and it cost the constituents of San Francisco millions. She has made millions available to thugs and cronies like Olin Webb, Karen Pierce, Steve Moss, Joe Boss, Saul Bloom and others.

Sophie Maxwell now wants to change zoning laws to cater and pander to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA). Little does she know that Mission Bay is for sale and that Cattelus Corporation made billions in write offs? SFRA failed in the Fillmore, in Misson Bay and will when it connives with Sophie Maxwel in the Bayview.

Sophie Maxwell worked with Mark Leno on AB1187 to created a Development Authority much like the Treasure Island Development Authority at Hunters Point - she failed - I went to Sacramento with Ahimsa Sumchai and Andrew Bozeman and shot it down.

In the audience were all her cronies Saul Bloom, Olin Webb and his aged mother, Karen Pierce who works for the City and County but was in Sacramento that day defending Sophie's policy. It is pathetic how this woman lies and does little for her constituents.

More people have lost their jobs, died, been killed, left the community since the corrupt Sophie Maxwell has been in office pandering to the developers and insulting those who she should work for. Sophie gets paid over $100,000 in salary and benefits and does not do her work.

The constituents do not like her because she is ugly but because she is corrupt. I served 3 generals and have been a Director of many organizations. I have studied this corrupt woman well and talked to her close relatives. Power has gone to her head and she must go.

That interview by City Desk revealed Sophie Mazwell's true colors. The PAC is corrupt and has been in place with illegal elections for years. The Hunters Point cleanup is progressing because of certain folks who exposed and are exposing the Navy. I doubt if Sophie has read the Historical Radiological Report. How can she with a low I.Q? How can her cronies who are all about money and creed?

Willie Ratcliff speaks his mind and he has not amassed wealth - Sophie has? Sophie has let down renters and her voting record on serious issues is pathetic. One has just to observe her when the full Board of Supervisors meet - she has mostly nothing of value to contribute. Light in the head, twisting those lips, she connives and makes hay while the sunshines. Works with corrupt developers to make money and is on the take.

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