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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

SCruz: Protesting Anti-Homeless Laws at the City Council Meeting

by Edison Carter / Network23 (ecarter [at]
Homeless advocacy groups staged a protest Tuesday night on the steps of Santa Cruz City Hall for the city's final weekly council meeting of 2001.
Activists from multiple homeless advocacy groups attended last Tuesday's weekly city council meeting. H.O.W. (Homeless On Wheels) served free soup and fliers, while H.U.F.F. (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) errected "afordable housing" in the form of a tent pitched on the very steps of city hall, in which an activist then spent the night in civil disobedience of city laws against camping without a permit. Other equally vocal groups in the Santa Cruz homeless activism scene were also present in numbers, bearing picket signs. Camp Paradise founder Larry Templeton and company were present, but did not participate in the protests.

Local police were watchful, but non-confrontational. 2 to 3 cops hovered around the steps.

Inside, according to activist and indy journalist Robert "Bathrobespierre" Norse public commentary on homeless issues was rushed, no agenda items were scheduled relating to the recently flooded Camp Paradise nor the hotly debated camping and sleeping bans still enforced around town, nor the general plight of the homeless in the midst of winter.

Larry Templeton of Camp Paradise spoke, but only to thank the council for its gift of 2 week motel vouchers to the 35-50 CP residents as an emergency response to the recent flooding. It was later reported on Norse's Free Radio Santa Cruz show on homeless issues, that Larry had been pressured by friends to "tone it down" for the time being, at the prior request of city council members in light of pending negotiations between CP and city council to be held the following day. Larry was also reported considering moving CP temporarily to a costly state park, while plans are considered for either a future Santa Cruz Service Corp work-for-rent camping program, or building another illegal Camp Paradise away from the unpredictable San Lorenzo river.
by Hilda (---------------)
Get the government out of their lives. If they could build any house/shelter they wanted (without government restrictions, rules, regulations, laws, etc.) they would not be homeless in the first place. And the cities would probably be much more interesting to look at too. Also, if the government got out of our lives, they could be a street vendor or drive a cab or start a beauty shop - all without regulations and forms to fill out. Let the free market rule. But the State likes to keep people slaves and the other businesses already successful don't want compeittion so they use the State to keep their monopoly business going. This is not healthy or a free market. A natural monopoly will fail naturally with competition. The government stops this. If these people were free from the little Hitler Bureaucrats and State powers, they would not be homeless.
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