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Events and Posts
matching the search query takver

(sorted by date posted in reverse chronological order)

imageAmid the fog and icebergs Sea Shepherd finds a whaling harpoon ship
by john Englart (Takver)
The following breaking news was issued by Sea Shepherd, who have located one of the Japanese whale harpoon vessels not too far from the Casey Australian Antarctic base in the Southern Ocean Whale Sancyuary. The Nisshan Maru factory ship is likely to be nearby....
Posted: Thu, Dec 22, 2016 9:02pm PST
imageKick Polluters out of COP22: Climate Justice activists stand with Moroccan communities
by john Englart (Takver)
Morocco has painted itself as a green leader at this UN climate conference, and in many ways it is, but beneath the surface there are also the stories of pollution and greenwashing which activists have brought to light....
Posted: Fri, Nov 18, 2016 12:59am PST
imageWarm ocean water melting Antarctica from below adding to sea level rise
by john Englart (Takver)
Climate change: Latest observational data from Amundsen Sea embayment (ASE) of West Antarctica confirms the retreat of ice shelf grounding lines caused by warmer water melting the underside of the ice shelves....
Posted: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 3:35am PDT
imageDutch parliament increases climate targets: 25 percent by 2020, 55 percent by 2030
by john Englart (Takver)
The Netherlands parliament, in a non-binding vote, decided to increase their countries emission reduction targets to 25 percent by 2020 and 55 percent by 2030. This will almost certainly require the shut down of the 5 remaining coal fired power stations to achieve these targets....
Posted: Sat, Sep 24, 2016 6:38pm PDT
textPacific Island nations lead in ratification of Paris Agreement on climate change by john Englart (Takver)
The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting has concluded in Pohnpei in the Marshall Islands. A major focus of this meeting was action on climate change following Paris and COP21 demonstrating further leadership by small island nations on this issue which affects us all....
Posted: Sat, Sep 10, 2016 7:17pm PDT
imageDeciphering the US-China bilateral climate change outcomes
by john Englart (Takver)
The nine point statement on the U.S.-China Climate Change Outcomes in Hangzhou China negotiated between Presidents Xi Jinping and Barack Obama outlined the growing bilateral cooperation between the US and China on climate policy in a number of meetings since 2013. (First outcome)....
Posted: Sat, Sep 3, 2016 9:39pm PDT
imageRecord temperatures in Kuwait and Iraq as heatwave spikes pose increasing health risk
by john Englart (Takver)
As the US swelters through the current dog-days of summer heatwaves, spare a thought for people in southern Iraq, Iran and Kuwait who had to endure maximum temperatures of 129°F (54C) last week. Increasing temperatures and extreme heat events pose increasing health risk and enormous challenges for acclimatization and adaptation. Reducing emissions is vital for limiting this risk for future generations, but adaptation will also be now essential for human survival....
Posted: Wed, Jul 27, 2016 6:35pm PDT
image13 months of record global temperatures as scientists warn: climate emergency
by john Englart (Takver)
From April 2015 to May 2016 each month has been a new record for global average temperatures, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is an unprecedented series of broken global temperature records. And scientists are warning now that we are in unprecedented territory facing the start of a climate emergency....
Posted: Sat, Jun 18, 2016 9:41pm PDT
imageClimate change: as India cuts aerosol pollution, extreme heatwave temperatures may spike
by john Englart (Takver)
Temperatures reached 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit (51 degrees Celsius) in the small north western Indian city of Phalodi on May 19th. A new temperature record for the sub-continent. Research shows that substantial air pollution has provided a cooling effect to moderate temperatures. With climate change increasing temperatures, as air pollution is tackled reducing its cooling effect, temperatures may spike even further warns scientists, pushing close to the human health limit for extreme temperatu...
Posted: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 8:18pm PDT
imageAustralia: token funding to Great Barrier Reef facing extinction in a climate emergency
by john Englart (Takver)
We need to come to terms that the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem and coral reef ecosystems globally as we know them, are facing extinction. It is a climate emergency. The reef is our canary in a coalmine and it is now dying from the greenhouse gases we have released....
Posted: Mon, May 30, 2016 8:42pm PDT
imageAustralia: #Breakfree climate protestors close down Newcastle coal port
by john Englart (Takver)
When the politics has failed in taking necessary rapid climate action, more people are stepping up, to protest, to put their bodies on the line in civil disobedient actions. As part of the Global BreakFree mobilisation Australians are blockading Newcastle coal port on Mothers Day, Sunday 8 May 2016...
Posted: Sun, May 8, 2016 5:58am PDT
imageWales: #BreakFree climate activists invoke Welsh dragon in Ffos-y-fran coal occupation
by john Englart (Takver)
Welsh climate activists invoked the mythical red dragon to say 'Break Free from fossil fuels' and 'No New Coal'. A red puppet dragon was used in the civil disobedient occupation of the Ffos-y-fran open cut mine in South Wales on May 3. This is the largest open cast coal mine in the United Kingdom....
Posted: Fri, May 6, 2016 4:35am PDT
imagePhilippines: 10,000 march to #BreakFree from #coal in Batangas city
by john Englart (Takver)
Twenty seven coal power stations are planned for construction in the Philippines. As part of the global #BreakFree protests, around 10,000 Filipinos marched in Batangas City on May 4 demanding an end to coal and transition to renewable energy. The protest comes just five days before national elections....
Posted: Thu, May 5, 2016 10:44pm PDT
imageFrance: Greenwashing - Dirty secret revealed from Australia at Engie Group AGM
by john Englart (Takver)
Don't you like corporate greenwashing? French company Engie have this marvellous vision and plan outlined at their AGM for reducing CO2 and transitioning to renewable energy to tackle climate change. Except nobody told their Australian subsidiary companies who want to invest millions of dollars in upgrading turbines at Loy Yang B coal power station which will either lock in carbon and particulate pollution from burning brown coal for years to come, or end up being stranded assets....
Posted: Wed, May 4, 2016 7:06am PDT
imageAustralian environment ministers agree urgent action needed on climate change
by john Englart (Takver)
In a late night conference call on Wednesday night 20 April 2016 between Australian Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt, Queensland State Environment minister Steven Miles and Environment ministers from other Australian states it was agreed that what is currently happening on the Great Barrier Reef with extensive and severe coral bleaching is alarming and is an issue of concern not just to Queenslanders but to all Australians....
Posted: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 2:33am PDT
imageFrench bank Societe Generale funding new #coal in Dominican Republic
by john Englart (Takver)
The Dominican Republic National Committee to Combat Climate Change (CNLCC) has written to French Bank Societe Generale, among others, over their funding of the new Punta Catalina coal plant. A contract was signed by the bank on 23 December 2015, just 11 days after the Paris Agreement on climate change was concluded at COP21. The coal project is mired from corruption allegations in Brazil affecting the firm contracted to build the plant, plus transparency allegations in the Dominican Republic,...
Posted: Thu, Apr 7, 2016 11:45pm PDT
imagePau France: Climate resistance to #StopMCEDD deepwater oil conference Day 1
by john Englart (Takver)
The Oil and Gas companies are holding a conference on deepwater oil and gas and how to be more efficient to further exploit deep sea fossil fuels. About 500 climate change activists have blockaded and disrupted the first day of the conference....
Posted: Tue, Apr 5, 2016 10:25am PDT
imageAustralia: Queensland approves Adani coal leases endangering Great Barrier Reef
by john Englart (Takver)
This Sunday morning (3 April) the Queensland Mines Minister Anthony Lynham and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk issued a joint statement for approval of mine leases for the Carmichael coal mine and rail project in Queensland's Galilee Basin. Their statement was widely condemned by environment, climate and indigenous organisations....
Posted: Sun, Apr 3, 2016 2:55am PDT
imageYou Can't wash us away. Protest disrupts BOEM Gulf of Mexico oil lease auction
by john Englart (Takver)
Hundreds of climate change protesters disrupted a US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) auction of offshore oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday 23 March, 2016. What was once a supportive community for the oil industry is now demanding they stop new oil projects and invest in cleaning up the coastal degradation and damage they have caused and continue to inflict on coastal communities....
Posted: Mon, Mar 28, 2016 12:18am PDT
imageFrance: 60,000 people protest against #NDDL new airport as climate hypocrisy
by john Englart (Takver)
A mass mobilisation brought tens of thousands of Nantais and people from across France together on two roads in Bretagne, the 4 lane Nantes-Vannes and Nantes-Rennes, to oppose the construction of the Notre-Dame-Des-Landes (NDDL) new airport project by construction company Vinci 30 km north of Nantes....
Posted: Sun, Feb 28, 2016 12:21am PST