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The new human

by Susanna Bozzetti & Marcus Stockhausen
In every child, we can see a universe in which a great deal of potential, creativity and energy is invested, which needs good conditions such as trust, love, recognition, freedom and adequate stimulation in order to develop.
This also includes individual learning at one's own pace and a lot of creative play, preferably without being judged from the outside.
The new human
We need a vision for the future of humanity so that we can align ourselves with it and start making our contribution now.

It is not only our external world that is in a state of upheaval, but human beings themselves are also part of this comprehensive transformation process. But what might a transformed humanity look like? We can already discern some basic features. By aligning ourselves with this vision, we can help to ensure that the new human being can become a reality.

by Susanna Bozzetti, Markus Stockhausen

[This article posted on 10/30/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,,]

Quo vadis homo sapiens? In this time of global transformation, the question of the future of humanity is becoming increasingly urgent. Old values and paradigms seem outdated and have become obsolete. What common goals can we define in a globally networked, communal world of more than eight billion people on earth? How do we define a global vision? Can this vision lead to an aligned will and thus to a concrete implementation?

Instead of a “business as usual” attitude, instead of powerlessness or frustration, or even in the face of much-vaunted aberrations – such as the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization (WHO) or the neoliberal policies of the US and EU governments – the question arises: What could the future human being be like, what are his or her characteristics?

The title “The New Human” is perhaps a bit provocative, even in a historical context, but that's exactly what it's supposed to do: shake you up, wake you up, make you look. Who do we want to be, how do we want to be tomorrow – individually and as a human race? This article is about formulating a positive vision that could be a guiding principle for many people. And maybe there will be an epiphany: Ah, there are many of us who want this and resonate with it.

Of course, this is not about a biological-technical update of the human being in the trans-humanistic sense, nor about a superhuman, but about the development of the abilities inherent in us, about the development of our infinite human-divine potential.

It is also not about pure concepts, but about a lived, integral transformation.

The new human being will not be an ideal human being, nor will he suddenly appear. But he will perhaps be a better human being in the sense of being more alert, more aware and more responsible. A more advanced, mature humanity is absolutely conceivable and even tangible. It is announcing itself and seems within reach, because it is laid out in us.
Vision of the future human being

The creative “new” human being is free, open, ready, agile. He knows who he is, has no doubts about his being, is connected to the super-mundane spiritual order that manifests itself in all living things. This means being connected to the earth and the sky, to below and above, to all sentient beings around us and to everything that lives. From the connection with the inner source, from the realization of the true self, of the One beyond the duality and contrariness of all appearing phenomena, arises a sense of basic trust and freedom from fear.

The source. Nameless. Revealing itself in all that appears, exists and passes away. The source of infinite kindness, love and wisdom, intelligence and omnipotence.

Through the connection to this divine source within us – it may also be called differently – a peaceful, just, loving, united humanity arises. A community that cares equally for the well-being of all, despite all diversity. That is the vision. People shape their environment harmoniously according to an inner, felt order. They care for their health and healthy living everywhere. All life is supported in the best possible way.

Famines could be quickly overcome, everyone could have a home, access to education and social security. We already have the means to do this worldwide. The Earth, as an organic and spiritual being, is once again being respected and protected. All problems and disputes are solved together: patiently, non-violently and benevolently, with a forgiving and generous attitude.

In a new, global society, we need a genuine connection within the community – while at the same time striving for self-realization and fulfillment. A society that recognizes and promotes individuality. It thinks, feels and acts from the individual, and not from the collective, which demands something from the outside that the individual may not be willing or able to implement.

The alert, new human being sees all life as a great whole and is aware of his great responsibility as the being that intervenes in nature the most. He learns from nature and gratefully gives back what he takes, because he always feels part of everything. Nature, trees and plants, the soil, all animals and creatures – tiny and large alike – as well as the air and the entire universe are equally valuable and sacred to him. This is because he is only a small but significant part of this wonderful wholeness, which was created as an ensemble by an infinitely great, indeed imaginative, intelligent and loving creative power, and is constantly being recreated and developed.

Birth and death are experienced as natural processes. Death is seen as an important transition to another dimension, which can be experienced as a strengthening, even spiritual, experience.

The awakened person transcends time, living consciously in the now. Because the only moment in which we can be effective is the present – right now! Even if all action and life seemingly happens in the course of time, consciousness is focused in the now – a free, immeasurable moment of creative being.

It is about the whole person, an integral development of all his inherent possibilities, from the spiritual to the creative, to the penetration and transformation of the body at the cellular and subtle level.

It only seems as if this renewed human being is not wanted. Some powerful people and groups are opposed to the birth of the future, creative human being, who is aware of his power and can therefore no longer be manipulated. Yes, they are trying to use technical and medical means to extinguish the soul in man. Our response is needed and our action. Some situations require a clear, powerful “No!” or even a “Stop!” That, too, is an act.

We are called upon to create and manifest the new, within us, through us, with each other – that is our answer! And let us not forget that a greater will is revealed through us. There is no doubt that a cosmic intelligence is at work, driving the spiritual development of humanity. It is not about mere change, but about transformation, about conversion.

The spiritual dimension

But what prevents us from surrendering to this higher will and from connecting with our inner source? Ambition, self-interest and egoism are encouraged by our performance-oriented society with its pressure and expectations. Our ego constantly demands recognition, satisfaction and attention. It must justify and defend itself, and it likes to place itself above others by criticizing, attacking and belittling. An integral consciousness is prevented by the supremacy of our separating, rational mind. We also flee from the challenge and exertion of overcoming our comfortable nature. We like to distract ourselves. A purposeful spiritual direction is difficult for us. Only by recognizing our true nature, the divine self, the I AM, can the ego - the identification with the body, the personality and all the contents of consciousness - be overcome.

Instead of listening to the inner voice, we have developed the habit of being influenced and guided mainly by the external. The widespread notion that God – or the divine – is external, in heaven, and separate from us, prevents us from recognizing that we are divine beings having a human experience.

But the path inward is usually no idyllic stroll. For there we also encounter our shadow, our wounds, outdated behavior patterns and unlived life, ultimately even the fear of dying.

We are asked to face our own inner wounds. Deep-seated traumas, both individual and collective, want to be recognized and accepted. They can dissolve in acceptance and support.

All of this is allowed to be there. Even in the face of all the imperfections we carry within us and that we experience around us every day, we can be at peace with ourselves – and thus with the world. With alert, loving eyes, we see that the other is different, and we understand their otherness from the heart. Everything develops towards a higher goal, we can trust completely. This is the ancient process of individuation, the path to freedom, responsibility and self-determination.

Our work

Each of us represents a different aspect in the great plan of creation. In this respect, every life, every creative work is unique and unmistakable, different from what others would do. All arts such as dance, theater, poetry, literature, and music have always been excellent opportunities for individual development towards a free, more conscious, creative human being. The artist influences and nourishes society. Often he is visionary ahead of it, but is also shaped by it. A fruitful exchange.

But even in our everyday activities, we could be guided by the motto: Each of our actions should serve the good of the whole in the best possible way. Let us recognize the creative powers at work in all of us and express them courageously. This is self-empowerment. Such natural power is a cosmic force that works in and through us. It is something very valuable and is by no means the same as ego power, which seeks to dominate others or gain advantages.

The well-being of all humankind is conceivable. Everyone could think and want it. Everyone could be a channel for the incoming power of the future. I could contribute to the general increase in vibration by being grateful and feeling joy that I AM, that I am allowed to live and act, that a new day lies ahead of me that has never been before and that I can shape creatively. I can also bless what is to come. In doing so, I positively shape the energy field in advance, and the probability of success is much greater.

Realize that which you long for – and that which perhaps does not yet exist – in and around you!

Our existence has an effect! With everything we think, feel, speak and do, we create an effect. Consciously or unconsciously, we are individually and collectively creatively active.

When we allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition, a sense of clarity arises, a clear sense of direction. A deep trust in our inner guidance can arise. Intuition is not just a mental realization, but above all a feeling: a feeling of realization, an experience in the body, a comprehensive perception. Intuitive perception is spontaneous, clear, unmistakable. It knows no either/or, it leaves duality behind.

Being guided in this way can lead to unexpected solutions: an action, an impact, a calling. The basis for this is trust – especially in the phases of not knowing – as well as humility, willingness, and joie de vivre. Trust means openness and, at the same time, a sense of security. If you want to give something to others or to yourself, strengthen trust! Trust does not need a future. It is now.

Trust is also the prerequisite for empathy and hope. Each person has become who they are and how they encounter others through their biography, with all their strengths and weaknesses. You don't have to have experienced everything yourself, but if you can empathize with what moves others, what has made them who they are now, then you also expand your own repertoire. Recognizing everyone at their own level of maturity means acceptance and encouragement. By emphasizing the uniqueness of the individual personality and recognizing and appreciating the good in others, they will also recognize it themselves and learn to expand it. This also applies to our dealings with children.

In every child, we can see a universe in which a great deal of potential, creativity and energy is invested, which needs good conditions such as trust, love, recognition, freedom and adequate stimulation in order to develop.

This also includes individual learning at one's own pace and a lot of creative play, preferably without being judged from the outside.

Future vision: The new human being is clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairvoyant. He has a wonderful relationship with the song of his being, he hears the song of the heart, the organs, the aura. He communicates with everything in a subtle way, with animals, plants and the earth. He is connected to everything. When two people meet, they hear each other's song of life and its sound, feel the rhythm of each other's heart, breath and eyes.


With Mahatma Gandhi, we could say, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” At the same time, however, we also know that all attempts to become a better person have been propagated for centuries, but have nevertheless always failed. The ability to love cannot be prescribed. Only a profound transformation, a spiritual development and a change of consciousness that frees us from the ego will enable us to unfold our true potential. Love, peace and justice will be the fruits of this process. When we are one with the divine source, what we do will always be in alignment with the greater good.

The new human is being born. Right now – in you, through you. Are you ready to be the new, future human? Do you have the desire and courage to fully develop your creative potential?

The new human being is a project – it requires our courage and dedication, but by living this, we also encourage others. The refinement of human character and the development of human potential take time. And the path we are now walking, into the new era, has not been walked by anyone before. We are blazing the trail by walking it.

Be patient with ourselves and with everyone else. But the transformation towards a new, creative, conscious and responsible human being is in full swing.

Editorial note: This text is based on a template that Markus Stockhausen developed together with participants from several seminars on the topic “The New Human”. The entire text can be read here. A third and final seminar will take place from December 12 to 15, 2024 at Hohenfels Castle near Lake Constance.

Susanna Bozzetti is a violinist who has dedicated her professional life to the central theme of our time: the profound process of transformation we are currently undergoing and the dawn of a new era. She has taken on the challenge of giving up her long-standing career as an orchestral musician and following her inner guidance to make the music that corresponds to her calling. Alongside classical music, free improvisation is her medium of expression. Further information can be found at

Markus Stockhausen, born in 1957, is a trumpeter, composer and versatile crossover artist. For 25 years he played with his father, the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen. Markus composed for, among others, the 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic, the London Sinfonietta and the Metropole Orkest. Today he performs his own music internationally. He has received the “WDR Jazz Prize”, the “Silberne Stimmgabel”, the “JTI Jazz Award”, the “Echo Jazz Prize” and the “German Jazz Prize”. For many years he has led seminars on “Intuitive Music” and “Singing and Silence”. He has released over 90 CDs and is interested in “transformation through sound”. Since October 2022, he has been giving concerts under the title “langetönefürdenfrieden” (long tones for peace). For more information, visit

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