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The "Green Voter Guide", published by the Green Party of Alameda County

The Green Party of Alameda County's 16-page voter guide is here:

For a quick summary, please see the "Green Voter Card" copied below.

Please note: Many of the links to websites in the online Voter Guide are “clickable”, when you place your cursor over them (the URL’s might not look clickable, but for most computers, they do work when you click on them). Also, for many of the local races you’ll find lots of additional information in the candidates’ completed questionnaires, so we strongly encourage you to read them on our website, at:
"Green Voter Card"

Federal Offices
President and Vice-President -- Jill Stein and Rudolph (Butch) Ware
U.S. Senate -- Snub this race; please see our "boycott article"
U.S. House of Representatives, District 12 – Spurn this race; please see article

State Offices
State Senate, District 7 – Jovanka Beckles (Recommended)*
State Assembly, District 14 -- Margot Smith (Recommended)*
State Assembly, District 18 -- Shun this race; please see our "boycott article"
* = Recommended, but not endorsed, as they are registered with the pro-corporate Democratic Party

Special School Districts
Peralta Community College, Area 2 -- Paulina Gonzalez

County Offices
District Attorney, Recall of Pamela Price -- NO
Supervisor, District 5 -- Nikki Fortunato Bas, with reservations

City Offices

City Council – #1: Peggy McQuaid; #2: Aaron Tiedemann; #3: Preston Jordan; #4: Jennifer Hansen-Romero
School Board -- #1: Jolene Gazmen; #2: Brian Doss

Mayor -- #1: Kate Harrison [Don’t rank other candidates]
City Council, District 2 – #1 Jenny Guarino [Do NOT rank Taplin]
City Council, District 3 – #1: John “Chip” Moore; #2: Ben Bartlett* [Do NOT rank Matthews]
City Council, District 5 – #1: Nilang Gor* [Don’t rank the other candidates]
City Council, District 6 – #1: Andy Katz* [Don’t rank Blackaby]
School Board – Ana Vasudeo and Jen Corn
Rent Board – Xavier Johnson, Alfred Twu, Avery Arbaugh and Dominique Walker
* = Ranked, but not endorsed

City Council -- Mia Esperanza Brown and Calvin Dillahunty
School Board – Brian Donahue

Recall of Mayor Sheng Thao -- NO
City Council, At Large -- #1: Charlene Wang; #2: Rowena Brown [Don't vote for Armstrong, Pechenuk, or Sidebotham]
City Council, District 1 -- #1: Zac Unger; #2: Edward Frank (ranked but not endorsed)
City Council, District 3 -- #1: Carroll Fife [Don’t rank other candidates]; Support Carroll's campaign!
City Council, District 5 – #1: Erin Armstrong
City Council, District 7 -- #1: Merika Goolsby; #2: Iris Merriouns
City Attorney -- Ryan Richardson
School Board, District 1 -- Rachel Latta
School Board, District 3 -- VanCedric Williams
School Board, District 5 – Sasha Ritzie-Hernandez
School Board, District 7 -- Don't vote for Thompson

Special Districts
A.C. Transit ,Ward 6 -- Jesse Gunn
BART, District 5 -- No endorsement, please see write-up
BART, District 7 -- Victor Flores
EBMUD, District 5 -- Alex Spehr, with reservations
EBMUD, District 6 -- Valerie Lewis, with reservations
EBRPD, Ward 2 -- Lynda Deschambault
EBRPD, Ward 4 -- Luana Espana

Local Measures
C -- Albany -- Replacement of Sidewalks Tax -- YES
L -- Albany -- School District Bond Measure -- NO
R -- Albany -- Residential Rental Tax for Rental Assistance -- Yes, with reservations
S -- Albany -- City Manager Hiring -- YES
T -- Albany -- Bonding to Run for Office Requirement Removal -- YES
U -- Albany -- City's Bonding Limit -- YES
V -- Albany -- 16 & 17 Year Old Voting in Albany Local Elections -- YES
W -- Berkeley -- Real Property Transfer Tax -- YES
X -- Berkeley -- Library Relief Act of 2024 -- YES
Y -- Berkeley -- Parks, Trees, and Landscaping Maintenance -- YES
Z -- Berkeley -- Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax -- YES
AA -- Berkeley -- Article XIIIB GANN Appropriations Limit -- YES
BB -- Berkeley -- Rent Stabilization & Housing Retention -- YES
CC -- Berkeley -- Direct Rental Payments & Rent Stabilization Amendments -- NO
DD -- Berkeley -- Prohibit Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations -- YES
EE -- Berkeley -- Fix the Streets & Sidewalks -- YES
FF -- Berkeley -- Safe Streets -- NO
GG -- Berkeley -- Large Buildings Fossil Fuel Tax -- YES
HH -- Berkeley -- Healthy Indoor Air Quality for City Buildings -- YES
MM -- Oakland -- Wildfire prevention -- YES
NN -- Oakland -- Violence Reduction: Renewal of Measure Z -- YES
OO -- Oakland -- Public Ethics Commission amendment -- YES

State Propositions
2 - Public education bonds -- Yes, with bond reservations
3 - Right to marry; protects same-sex marriage -- YES
4 - $10 billion climate, water, and flood protection bond -- NO
5 - Lowers vote threshold to 55% for local housing and Infrastructure bonds -- YES
6 - Ends involuntary servitude -- YES
32 - Raises minimum wage -- YES
33 - Expands authority to enact rent control -- YES
34 - Restricts spending of the Aids Healthcare Foundation -- NO
35 - Funding for Medi-Cal -- YES
36 - Increase drug and theft penalties -- NO

The full voter guide is here:

For San Francisco endorsements, please see:

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