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A fatal development

by Uwe Froschauer
Britain appears to have given the green light for Ukrainian army missile strikes deep into Russia, The Guardian reported. According to the report, the British government has decided to allow Kiev to use Storm Shadow cruise missiles to attack Russia. The US is also said to be willing to relax its restrictions on the use of long-range weapons.
A fatal development
Authorizing the use of long-range weapons against Russia means NATO's entry into the war against Russia.

So far, the NATO countries have always claimed that NATO or its members were not parties to the war – which, at least, was doubtful until now. However, by allowing the use of long-range weapons against Russia, they will definitely become so. A third world war can hardly be avoided if these weapons are approved.

by Uwe Froschauer

[This article posted on 9/27/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

A big “thank you” to all German and global warmongers.

War is a crime. Anyone who promotes it is a criminal. You warmongers could have prevented the scenario of a third world war just a few weeks after the Russian invasion of Istanbul, but “the West was not yet ready for it”.

The reason is very simple: it's about power and money. It is about Eurasia and especially the Asian mineral resources; it is about maintaining the hegemony of the United States and its dollar monopoly as the world's reserve currency, because otherwise the United States would lose its power to oppress, dominate and exploit the peoples. Anyone who does nothing to stop the warmongering activities of these devils is a hanger-on, a fool or a coward.

My daughter's life is in the greatest danger – is the life of your children so worthless to you?

Or your own? How can you stand idly by and watch a development that is endangering millions of lives? Do something at last!
Background to this fatal development

Britain appears to have given the green light for Ukrainian army missile strikes deep into Russia, The Guardian reported. According to the report, the British government has decided to allow Kiev to use Storm Shadow cruise missiles to attack Russia. The US is also said to be willing to relax its restrictions on the use of long-range weapons. This was revealed in the Guardian's report on the joint visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy to Kiev.

What else could be expected from a meeting of the biggest global warmongers? Both countries are known for their imperialist machinations, the UK in the past and the US in the present.

However, the use of the missiles is likely to be restricted “to avoid reckless or unnecessary attacks,” the report said. In my opinion, however, this is only the first step in making it look less radical to the population, without whose acceptance it cannot be done.

This decision is linked to the deployment of Storm Shadow missiles, which has already been approved by London, the Guardian reported, citing anonymous government sources on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

What a momentous day in history!

On September 11, 2001, the Islamist terrorist organization al-Qaeda allegedly carried out the most consequential act of terror in recent history, prompting George W. Bush to proclaim the fight against terrorism, coupled with far-reaching restrictions on the freedom of the population, which have hardly been lifted to date.

According to the Guardian, Blinken hinted that the White House wants to lift the restrictions. The minister is reported to have told reporters that the use of such weapons against targets in Russia had indeed been discussed and that he would inform US President Joe Biden about the talks in Kiev.

Perhaps this decision is also intended to be made so that if Donald Trump is elected president, he will no longer be able to prevent the war.

The original conditions for restricting the use of Western weapons to avoid direct NATO involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict – both of which are not NATO countries – were gradually relaxed, also at the request of Kiev. With this decision on the use of long-range weapons against Russia, NATO or the USA – the other member countries are merely vassals – are in my opinion definitely involved in the war.

The escalation into a third world war will not be long in coming.

More on this at
Moscow's reaction

Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov criticized Washington and London for influencing public opinion through the media to gain support for the delivery of long-range missiles to Ukraine. According to Pushkov:

“The decision to attack Russian territory is clearly being prepared. There is too much speculation and innuendo to be taken lightly. Even if the decision has not yet been made, it seems only a matter of days. The publication of the Guardian is no coincidence. They are preparing the public for it.”

Information warfare is the primary means of achieving strategic goals today. In the context of current geopolitical tensions, information warfare has become the central element, going far beyond traditional military confrontations.

Mainstream media, mostly government propaganda organs, deliberately feed the population with fragmentary information, disinformation and fake news with the aim of influencing public opinion in the direction of government narratives – such as “warlikeness” – of distorting people's frame of reference, and of discrediting and destabilizing the “enemy”, in this case Russia. Unfortunately, most people fall for it because it is easier for them to let others think for them – “guided thinking”. Many people are also no longer familiar with the facts; they have lost their bearings due to the raging information war. A fitting quote from Hannah Arendt:

“For the result is by no means that the lie is accepted only as true and the truth is defamed as a lie, but that the human sense of orientation in the realm of the real, which cannot function without distinguishing between truth and untruth, is destroyed.”

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has sharply criticized the US, accusing it of testing “the limits of our tolerance for hostile acts” and “paving the way for a third world war”.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced on September 11 that the Russian military would take “appropriate countermeasures,” while Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the use of such missiles a “game with fire”:

"It is the West that is arming Ukraine with offensive weapons that are used in terrorist attacks. By handing over the weapons, the West is immediately giving the Ukrainian regime a free pass to use them. They say that as soon as the weapons have crossed the Ukrainian border and been taken over by representatives of the Ukrainian armed forces, they are no longer our weapons, but Ukrainian ones, and Ukraine can do whatever it wants with them. Now, while talks are ongoing, Blinken and Lammy have gone to Kiev.

This is a clear staging. We have no doubt that the decision to lift the restrictions on the use of long-range weapons to attack the territory of the Russian Federation was taken long ago. Now they are just trying to make it look nicer, more decent and more elegant in public. Nuclear terrorism has become Ukraine's calling card. You have probably heard the reports of attacks and attempted attacks on the Leningrad, Kalinin, Kursk and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was literally on the brink of disaster when the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired on it on August 11. The fire severely damaged one of the plant's two cooling towers. This is a serious situation. Somehow, I would say, the West has taken the matter lightly. Although the actions of its puppets could ultimately lead to a disaster like Chernobyl, which would primarily affect Europe."

Ditto. It would be nice if our foreign minister had even a fraction of the foresight, political savvy and intelligence of Sergei Lavrov.
Interview by ‘Zarubinreporter’ with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

In response to the reporter's question:

“In recent days, we have seen and heard at the highest levels in the UK and US that the Kiev regime will be able to penetrate deep into Russian territory using Western long-range weapons. And it seems that this decision is either imminent or has already been made. And these things are, of course, extraordinary. I wanted to ask you to comment on what is going on here.”

Putin replied:

"They are trying to substitute terms, because it is not a question of allowing or not allowing the Kiev regime to attack Russian territory. It is doing so, using drones and other means. But when it comes to the use of Western long-range precision weapons, the situation is quite different. I have already said it, and any expert will confirm it: in our country, as well as in the West, the Ukrainian army is not capable of striking with modern precision weapons of Western manufacture. It cannot do it. It can only do it with satellite reconnaissance, which Ukraine does not have. The only data available comes from EU or US satellites, usually NATO satellites. This is a new development.

The second thing, and this is very important, perhaps even the most important thing, is that the flight assignments in these missile systems can actually only be carried out by NATO military personnel. Ukrainian military personnel cannot do that. So it is not a question of whether or not the Ukrainian regime is allowed to attack Russia with these weapons. It is a question of deciding whether or not NATO countries will be directly involved in a military conflict. If that decision is made, it would mean nothing less than the direct involvement of NATO countries, the United States and European countries in the war in Ukraine. It is their direct involvement. And that, of course, changes the nature of the conflict. It would mean that the NATO countries, the United States and the European countries are at war with Russia. And if that is the case, then, in view of the changed nature of this conflict, we will make the appropriate decisions based on the threats we face."

Thank you, Mr. Kiesewetter, Mr. Merz, Ms. Baerbock, Ms. Strack-Zimmermann, Mr. Hofreiter, Mr. Pistorius and company for helping to bring this about. You will go down in history as a disgrace to the German and European peoples, as tormentors of the world's population.

In my opinion, warmongers are criminals of the worst kind! We are on the brink of a third world war, not least thanks to you.
More voices

The US-American economist Richard Wolff conducted an interview with the Greek economist, former finance minister and politician Yanis Varoufakis, in which they discuss possible reasons for a third world war.

Richard Wolff:

“Do you think that the global economy is falling apart – the system that the US has dominated with its European allies – and developing into a system of two blocs? With the G7, more or less, on one side and the BRICS on the other?”

Yanis Varoufakis:

"I think we progressives, we on the left, overestimate the importance of the BRICS, while Washington, the establishment, underestimates the BRICS. What I think is of great importance is what I call 'cloud capital' (in the book 'Technofeudalism'), that is, the internet-based technologies, digital technologies, AI and so on from Chinese companies, both state-owned and private, how this cloud capital has merged with Chinese financial capital and created a 'cloud financial system' in China. And that is precisely what poses a clear and imminent danger to the dominance of the dollar-based payment system. And the reason for that is, in the United States, there is no technological problem in merging cloud capital with the financial system, but there is a political problem: Wall Street will never be willing to share its ability to print money with its big tech brothers from Silicon Valley. And that's why the Chinese pose a clear and imminent danger to US hegemony.“

Richard Wolff:

”Okay. Are we heading for war?"

Yanis Varoufakis:

"Yes, we are in Europe; the European Union is no longer a peace project. It is a European war union. But let me come back to the conclusion of my previous answer: Why is China's development ultimately a threat to US hegemony? Which can even lead to a nuclear war? The reason for this is the emergence of what I call the cloud financial system in China. Because there is only one reason why the US continues to be a hegemonic power: its monopoly over the international payment system, the dollar system. If they lose that, they also lose the ability to exert power over the whole world. And they will start a nuclear war to prevent the loss of that monopoly. The US will even attack itself with nuclear weapons if necessary to maintain the dollar monopoly."

The escalation of the war was fueled by the warmongers and arms lobbyists, by the military-industrial complex (MIC), which US President Eisenhower already warned about in the 1960s. First tanks, then cruise missiles, then F16 fighter jets and now probably long-range missiles, some of which can also be fired from F16s. Yes, really well thought out. The population is being made aware of the plans of these megalomaniacs, the third world war, with the tried and tested salami tactic: slice by slice, to see how far the manipulators can go. Former EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker formulated this tactic as follows:

“We decide on something, then put it out there and wait a while to see what happens. If there is no outcry and no uprisings, because most people don't even understand what has been decided, then we move on – step by step, until there is no going back.” (1)

If the resistance of the people is considered “manageable”, the tax-financed measures are implemented without restraint. The “community of values” pays the price of this “value-based” policy anyway, the people – who are now increasingly realizing that it is almost exclusively about the “values” of the power and property elites and not about the interests of the people. At the moment, it is Ukrainians and Russians who are giving their lives in this senseless war, but that will change. If the masses do not rise up – and that is what it looks like at the moment – the third world war desired by the financial elites cannot be prevented.

Uwe Froschauer studied Business Administration at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, where he graduated. He was particularly interested in business psychology. He works as a business consultant, gives seminars at vocational training institutions, is the author of several books and runs the blog His passion for worldwide travel has made him sensitive to the cultures and problems of other peoples. He is close to nature and loves animals and plants.

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