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Supreme Court ruling against homeless also has made America meaner to Russians.

by Eric Matteson (ericmatteson2001 [at]
The American campaign against its own homeless people has also triggered a increased cruelty to Russians inside of Russia.
In the Grants Pass V. Johnson case 23-175 the U.S. Supreme Court was being asked whether or not to uphold appeals court rulings that require cities to provide shelter to homeless people before kicking them out of each city.

It would have been better if there would have been the option to decide it is unconstitutional to outlaw sitting lying or sleeping on outdoor public property. It certainly is. The U.S. Supreme court did not want to decide whether offered shelters have to provide comfortable cots with both ends still on them so tall people will be able to sleep on them. The U.S. Supreme Court also did not want to order shelters to accept pets or allow indoor fires so homeless people can cook their own food.

In a compromise ruling the U.S. Supreme Court decided that each city council has the right to decide what laws to have inside each individual city but each city council still has a moral obligation to be fair to homeless people inside each city.

It is my opinion that it is extremely unfair to prohibit sitting or lying or sleeping on outdoor public property.

Cities do have a right to prevent large tents from blockading narrow sidewalks.
Cities that close parks at night to water the grass still have a moral obligation to allow people to sit and lie and sleep in the park at least in the daytime on those days each public park is open to the public.

Cities have a right to prohibit the parking of vehicles that contain pets from being parked near narrow sidewalks. How good of a job are city councils doing to respect the human rights of homeless people in each city in the United States?

Far too many cities have unfair laws against sitting or lying or sleeping in most cities in the United States. The United States seems to be a nation in which only rich property owners have any rights at all. Cities act as if they are AT WAR against homeless Americans.

The OTHER WAR is the war in the Ukraine. After 23-175 was decided AGAINST THE HOMELESS by the U.S. Supreme Court American policymakers who do not care about the right of homeless Americans to sleep outdoors demonstrated that they also do not care about the rights of anyone inside Russia. The rule requiring American weapons to only be used inside the Ukraine for defending the Ukraine was secretly repealed. Ukrainian soldiers obtained permission from the United States to fire powerful American weapons deep inside Russia.

There were some protests while case 23-175 was being heard by the U.S. Supreme court because some homeless people in the United States are aware it is very unfair to pass or enforce ordinances against sitting or lying or sleeping outdoors or display that rule on any signs.

Russians have so far been very quiet about attacks fought with American weapons deep inside Russian territory. Is there EVEN ONE Russian who knows that his or her rights are being violated by Ukrainians firing very powerful American weapons deep inside Russia?

If so, that one Russian should seriously consider writing to the congressional Politboro of Russia and request a bill to request that the United Nations create a resolution demanding that the United States no longer continue to send any more weapons to the Ukraine.

It is very important to be aware that rich Americans who do not care about homeless Americans right to sleep outdoors also are very unlikely to care about the rights of any Russian civilians inside Russia.

Shortly after the war against homeless Americans got worse from the 23-175 court ruling the war in the Ukraine also got much worse because powerful American weapons then began to be fired to destinations deep inside Russia.

I hope that a larger number of additional homeless Americans will begin peacefully protesting against city ordinances that prohibit sitting or lying or sleeping outdoors on public property so Americans can finally begin to think about the moral difference between right and wrong.

Eric Matteson
by EricMatteson

In 2021 the Los Angeles City Council Of The United States ( LACCOTUS ) passed the very cruel 41.18 anti-homeless enforcement zones act of 2021 which created signs like:
Special Enforcement Zone
Beginning on and after Monday, June 5,2023
no person shall sit, lie, sleep or
allow items to remain on the public
right of way within 500 feet of the underpass
at 8191 Ripley blvd and WOPR freeway.
( MAP )
( gibberish )

It is extremely unfair to pass a ordinance that prohibits sitting lying sleeping outdoors or place its anti-homeless signs at a large number of public outdoor places.

On Aug 30 2024 there are way too many 41.18 enforcement zones so all of Los Angeles is closed to the homeless so no homeless people should go on a bus to Los Angeles.

There is a one year time limit for each 41.18 enforcement zone hidden in section C-4 of 41.18 so each sign is supposed to be removed after one year but many signs are more than two years old because Los Angeles workers are failing to shut down each enforcement zone after its one year is used up and then Ukrainians also decided to fail to obey geographical restrictions on where to send American weapons.

In order to be fair LACCOTUS should repeal every 41.18 enforcement zone so homeless peoples right to sit lie sleep outdoors will be reinstated in public places in Los Angeles.

If LACCOTUS were given a choice of repealing all 41.18 enforcement zones or choosing which NATO country should be given to Russia to PAY for damage already done to Russia by Ukrainian soldiers firing powerful American weapons deep inside Russia Which choice would they be most likely to make??

  • List of options

  • Ask LACCOTUS to repeal every 41.18 enforcement zone
  • Ask judge to enforce C-4 one-year time limit on each zone
  • Ask LACCOTUS to choose which NATO country to give to USSR
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