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Two Flyers at the Recent Protest Against the Gaza Genocide and the S.C. Anti-Homeless Raid

by Robert Norse, Athena Flanagan (rnorse3 [at]
At recent protests as part of what some of us call the Vigil against Two Wars (the Gaza Genocide and the S.C. War Against the Poor), I distributed two flyers--mostly concerned with the City's ongoing camp-destroying campaign against folks living outside.
A letter, written by Gaia, Athena, and other HUFF membeers  presented to the County's Mental Health Advisory Board for the Supervisors
Beginning two Mondays ago, Food Not Bombs, HUFF and anti-war activists gathered from 4-6 PM along Water St. at Market next to the boarded-up Ginza restaurant and next to Mayor Fred ("Fast Lane") Keeley demanding an end to the war on the poor here and in Gaza.

The protests there have been growing in numbers and will resume Monday May 22nd at 4 PM at the same spot. The point is to encourage the Mayor to take action to stop the destruction of homeless property and disruption of homeless lives happening regularly along the Coral St. sidewalks near the so-called "Housing Matters" complex (better known to some of us as "Funding Matters").

And to demand the Mayor lead City Council action to restore peace, civil rights, and homes to the Gazan population--now being bombed daily in violation of International Court of Justice ruling with U.S.supplied munitions.

Both flyers were distributed at the protest against the hypocritical Keeley-Panetta reading of Sinclair Lewis's "It Can't Happen Here." on July 20th. 4 black-clad "security" personnel lingered nearby, with two cops and a squad car prominently posted there. The event locked the doors against both outside protesters and critical community members who had heard the event was open and public.. For two hours, 50 or more protesters gathered outside demanding an end to the homeless sweeps in Santa Cruz and an immediate ceasefire and settlement in Gaza.

The City Council, led by "Fast Lane" Fred refused to call for a ceasefire; Panetta's Democratic Party's last-gasp campaign against Trump has refused to demand Biden stop arming the Israeli genociders.

There will be more protests against U.S. funding of the Gaza slaughter.. A regular 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m.protest assembles each Saturday at the corner of Ocean and Water.

On Sunday, July 21, 2-4 p.m. there'll be a Vigil at San Lorenzo Park, Santa Cruz. Speakers include Rolla Ayadi, who has family in Gaza and Stephen Zunes, Middle East scholar. Singing led by Bob Reid, Gail Swain and Michael Levy., according to their handouts.
§Real Facts about Santa Cruz City Council's "Homeless Solution"
by Robert Norse, Athena Flanagan
HUFF Vigil Against Two Wars Flyer
Double-sided half-page flyer to set straight the false narrative of the City Mangler Matt Huffaker and Mayor Keeley's rose-colored narrative masking its real mistreatment of homeless people in town.
§Additional Info
by Robert Norse (rnorse3 [at]
The "Breath of Sanity" flyer was largely prepared and edited by Athena Flannery and Laura Chatham with input from the HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) meeting.

The issue has been repeatedly brought up by Mental Health Advisory Board [MHAB] member Laura Chatham at its monthly meetings during the last six months or more. Athena Flannery, Laura (Gaia) Tucker, and other HUFFsters harshly questioned sheriff support of the SCPD's "search and destroy" raids at greater length and in greater detail at the MHAB's June meeting. MHAB then asked for a draft copy of the letter which Flannery and Chatham presented at the July meeting. It was approved to be forwarded to the full Board of Supervisors as the recommendation of the MHAB, if I understand correctly.

The Supes are almost certain to ignore the issue unless further public pressure is put upon them. Who wants to offend Sheriff Hart?

The "Stop Repeated Harassing Coral Street Raids" is a hurried update of an earlier flyer "Where's the Walk-in Winter Shelter" at whose concerns have still not been addressed.

The City Council has repeatedly been reminded of the loss of homeless property and the expense, futility, and brutality of the endless raids--from the Benchlands to the Pogonip to Harvey West to Coral St. A majority of the unhoused community remain unserved and harassed.

Another avenue for those with the patience to go "through channels" is the Santa Cruz Grand Jury. Good luck with that.

One encouraging sign is the rise or protests in the last few weeks, including the regular one next to Mayor Keeley's house. However, as of this writing, the murders in Gaza and the destruction of homeless lodging and possessions in Santa Cruz continues unabated.
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