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A Counter-Information Mini Directory

Some sites reporting suppressed information from across the continent & around the globe.
Indymedia websites (IMCs) have been around throughout the 21st century. Most of them aspired to create a local media service to counter main stream media (MSM) narratives as well as share reports, communiques and similar stories that MSM typically suppress or ignore. Unfortunately many such IMCs are inactive, but ones that still are remain networked and are listed in the bottom of the homepage of active IMCs.

Despite the decline of many IMCs other sites have steadily appeared to fulfill some of the original purpose of regional countermedia. Below is a list of some of these counterinfo sites, along with the geographic areas they focus on. Most of these are run by small groups of anarchists. This is a much narrower category than "alternative media" which often reports liberal stories and are typically run as businesses or pro-system NGOs.

Area names are taken directly from site descriptions where preferable.

Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê (ANF): Kurdistan.

Avispa Mídia: Latin America.

BC COUNTER-INFORMATION: so-called “British Columbia”, also on Tor.

Berkman School of Anarchy: Pittsburgh-specific.

Chicago Anti-Report: Chicago area.

EMRAWI (emanzipatorische, radikale und widerständige): Österreich (Austria) und darüber hinaus, also on Tor. (In german)

Jersey Counter-Info: occupied Lenapehoking or so-called “New Jersey” and the surrounding areas.

MBTA Distro: so-called boston.

Montreal Counter-info: Montreal.

La Zarzamora: Wallmapu y Abya Yala. (In spanish)

never sleep: New York city.

North Shore Counter-Info: north shores of Lakes Erie and Ontario.

Philly Anti-Capitalist: in and around Philadelphia (occupied Lenapehoking).

Puget Sound Anarchists: Pacific Northwest.

Radio Kurruf: Ngülumapu, concepción del territorio ancestral mapuche ubicado al oeste de la cordillera de Los Andes. (In spanish)

réseau « Mutu »: combines counterinfo sites in france, belgium, and switzerland, also on Tor. (In french)

Rose City Counter-Info: in so-called Portland, Oregon.

Scenes from the Atlanta Forest: Weelaunee forest, Georgia.

Unsalted Counter Info: the “Great Lakes”, with a focus on areas in or near so-called Michigan.

A list like this will always be incomplete. Republication with additions, corrections and more is welcome especially with view towards expanding geographic coverage.
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