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KPFA "Protectors" and Their Supporters Voted Against Supporting Freedom For Julian Assange

by Labor Video Project
The so called "Protectors" at KPFA voted against calling for the freedom of Julian Assange and have blocked even any discussion at the KPFA LSB board of his case. In 2018 they stopped the Local Station Board which they control from taking action and for KPFA building a public campaign to free him. They want a corporatized KPFA and Pacifica
Rallies for Julian Assange have happened over many years. The KPFA Local Station Board  blocked support by KPFA to free Julian
KPFA LSB "No Hedging" Support Freedom For Journalist & Whistleblower Julian Assange

At a press conference in front of the meeting of the Pacifica KPFA local station board in Berkeley
on December 29, 2018, speakers protested the KPFA Local Station board majority who refused
to support the call of freedom for Julian Assange. Speakers in included Nozomi Hayase, a writer,
and expert of Assange and​ Steve Zeltzer who is a labor journalist. The KPFA LSB majority has
refused to call for the defense of Julian Assange and his freedom despite the fact that Pacifica nationally has endorsed this call.
Additional media:
Sponsored by Bay Area Free Julian Assange Action Committee
Production of Labor Video Project
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