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Psychopathic Politicians Provoke World War and Nuclear Annihilation

by Nayvin Gordon, M.D.
The People must use their right to rebel against the psychopathic plans for world war

Psychopathic Politicians Provoke World War and Nuclear Annihilation.
It is the People’s “Right to Rebel”!
“A callous lack of empathy, a lack of concern about one’s performance on important activities…” are psychopathic traits according to the American Psychological Association.

What could be a more callous lack of empathy than risking world war and the death of millions?

What shows a greater lack of concern about one’s performance on important activities than politicians gambling with nuclear war?

Yet this is exactly what US/NATO politicians are doing by betraying the people’s desire for peace and deliberately escalating war with Russia in Ukraine and with China in Taiwan.

At first US/NATO sent tanks to Ukraine, then cluster bombs, F16 nuclear capable jets, NATO troops and recently assisting Ukraine in sending missiles’ deep into Russian territory. Such an attack would be an overt act of war against Russia, a reckless gamble with the fate of humanity.

For over three decades, US foreign policy has been to make the U.S. “the world’s paramount power to preclude the emergence of any potential future global competitor.” This policy includes strategies to “win” a nuclear war.
Unwilling to relinquish its dominant status, the US is provoking crisis, destabilization and war around the world. US/NATO has already sacrificed the lives of over half a million Ukrainian soldiers while providing support for Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Desperate to continue dominating the world and determined not to lose billions in loans/debts invested in its Ukrainian proxy army as well as the hope of exploiting the riches of Ukraine, US/NATO have now given authority and assistance to Ukraine to launch missile attacks on the territory of Russia, a nuclear armed power. This can be considered an act of war.

As part of U.S. strategy to maintain world dominance the New York Times admitted on 2/26/24 that the CIA has been provoking nuclear armed Russia in Ukraine for over 10 years in an attempt to cause regime change” and the subjugation of Russia. The White House, NATO and the US Department of Defense had LIED about Russia’s “unprovoked” war in Ukraine for years.

Lying to the people appears to be a feature of US ‘representative democracy.” Albert Einstein wrote: “members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists...”
A brilliant scientist, Einstein was correct about matter and energy and also about money and democracy.

Wall Street wants to profit from war, the people want peace, and politicians want to get elected. Politicians betray their duty to the electorate in the interests of profits for Wall Street. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.”

The Right to Rebellion is the RIGHT AND DUTY of people to alter or abolish a government that acts AGAINST THE COMMON INTERESTS or THREATENS THE SAFETY OF THE PEOPLE without justifiable cause. The belief in this right has justified social uprisings for over one thousand years, including the American, French, and Russian Revolutions.
The right to rebel and rebel again, is the road to an egalitarian society without war, where all political and economic decisions are directly in the hands of the rank and file.
Let the rebellions continue.
“When the leaders speak of peace, the common folk know that war is coming.” Bertolt Brecht

Dr. Nayvin Gordon. gordonnayvin [at]
Gordon writes about politics and health, and his articles have appeared in: The Mercury News, Counterpunch, Z magazine, Countercurrents, Scoop Independent News, Anderson Valley Advertiser, Socialist Viewpoint, Multiracial Unity Blog, Scientific American, The Oakland Tribune, The Journal of Family Practice, American Family Physician and Dissident Voice, and LA Progressive
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