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On Anniversary of Hiroshima-Never Again! STOP Drive for Nuclear Weapons in Japan & Asia

Japanese Consulate San Francisco
275 Battery St/California St
San Francisco
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
No Nukes Action
Location Details:
Japanese Consulate San Francisco
275 Battery St/California St
San Francisco

8/6/24 On The Anniversary Of Hiroshima-Never Again!
STOP The Drive For Nuclear Weapons In Japan & Asia-Action
End Militarization Of Asia & Shut Down All US Bases In Japan, Okinawa, South Korea & Philippines
Stop All Nuke Plants In Japan
Free the Unjustly Jailed Hiroshima Five Immediately

Tuesday August 6, 2024 3PM
Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St./California San Francisco

The Japanese government like the US government is driving towards militarization of Asia and moving toward a war with China. The US with the support of the Kishida LDP party is flagrantly violating Article 9 of the Japanese constitution that outlawed offensive military operations.

The government is also engaging in military operations around the world with the US and other NATO countries. This has nothing to do with protecting Japan but is part and parcel of the global war drive by war profiteers and governments that are controlled by the military industrial complex. They also are expanding nuclear weapons and more NUKE plants around the world.

This militarization of Asia is a major drive towards world war and the US already has a war in Ukraine and is supporting the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

The war profiteering by the military industrial complex and the trillions spent for war comes out of the health and safety of the US people.

The Japanese government is also stepping up repression in Japan against anti-nuclear and anti-war activists. On February 28 the Japanese police organized a national raid against the August 6 Hiroshima Grand Action Organizing Committee. Five members of this committee were arrested and charged with violating the Act on Punishment for Physical Violence and Others of 1926.

The fact is that there was no violence except that the organizers protected their rally from far right groups like Nippon Kaigi which is supports Constitutional revision and nuclear rearmament.

The Japanese government, like the US government, is using more and more overt repression against peaceful student encampments for Palestine and attacks on unions such as UAW 4811 at UC.

The continued restarting of nuclear power plants and the militarization of Okinawa with the construction of more US military bases further threatens the people of Japan and the world. The Japanese government and TEPCO have still, after 12 years, been unable to remove the melted nuclear rods at Fukushima and the people of Okinawa are opposed to all US and Japanese bases on the Island which makes them a target in a new war.

August 6 is the 79th anniversary of the criminal bombing of Hiroshima by the United State that killed many thousands of people and contaminated those who survived with radioactive poisoning that is still harming survivors and their families today.

On August 6, we must remember the human catastrophe caused by the use of these weapons by the United States and also organize against another nuclear war that both the Japanese and US are driving toward.

Endorsed by
No Nukes Action

United Front Committee For A Labor Party
Added to the calendar on Fri, Jun 14, 2024 8:48AM
§Dangers of Nuclear War Are Growing
by No Nukes Action
The growing danger of nuclear war and the destruction of hundreds of millions of people are growing. The US is pushing Japan to fully militarize and become a nuclear power despite their constitution that outlaws offensive wars. The US government Democrat and Republican have trillions for more wars and bases abroad but are cutting the budget for working people and the poor in the US.
§US and Japanese Military & Politicans Unite For War
by No Nukes Action
The US military and Japanese military are actively preparing for war in Asia with the full support of the Democrats and Republicans. This driver for another nuclear war must be opposed by all people in the US, Asia and the world.
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