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Indybay Feature

Google: Divest from Genocide! Rally and Action

Google SF, 1 Market Street, San Francisco
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
5:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
Palestine Action Network
Location Details:
Google SF, 1 Market Street, San Francisco

Divestment from tech to the university!

Join Google workers rallying in San Francisco to continue heeding the call from Palestinian trade unions to stop arming Israel and powering the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

In April, Google workers staged coast-to-coast sit-ins, one at Google NYC and one in Sunnyvale at Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian's office to protest Project Nimbus — Google and Amazon's $1.2B contract with the Zionist state and IOF. 9 Google workers were arrested and 50 were fired. Google workers refuse to be silenced by the company's mass retaliation, and they will be rallying at Google's 1 Market St. office in SF to support our retaliated coworkers and demand that Google stop powering the AI-facilitated genocide in Gaza.

Google's indiscriminate retaliation of its 50 workers is not unique — countless workers - nurses, doctors, teachers, professors, student workers, warehouse workers, and beyond - have faced repression when standing up for Palestine, and we stand in solidarity with them.

Tech workers call for divestment and an end to Project Nimbus, mirroring students' calls for divestment. As tech workers, our organizing is inspired by the student intifada and labor organizing for Palestine. This rally is to strengthen our joint fight — and to continue the call for divestment from Israel: from universities to the tech industry. We won't stop organizing until Palestine is free, from the river to the sea.

Our fights are connected: student-talent pipeline is extremely important to big tech, and together we'll show them that students, like tech workers, will not allow their labor to be used by these corporations to aid the genocidal state of Israel for its oppression and decimation of Palestinians. And tech workers stand with students demanding their universities divest — in the Bay Area and beyond!
Added to the calendar on Fri, Jun 7, 2024 8:14AM
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