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We Need A New Election! SEIU Presidential Candidate Avery Horton Demands Democracy In SEIU

by Labor Video Project
The SEIU held a national convention in May 2024 and had an election for president. Oregon SEIU 503 board member and homecare worker Avery Horton Jr. learned he could run and self nominated himself forcing an election at the SEIU convention. Most members in the United States were not informed about the election and he is now demanding a new election in the SEIU because of numerous election violations including misuse of union funds to campaign by President April Verrett and other candidates on her slate.
SEIU 503 Board Member & Homecare Worker Avery Horton
We Need A New Election! SEIU Presidential Candidate Avery Horton Demands Democracy In SEIU

In May, the SEIU International held a convention in Philadelphia and an election for a new president. Oregon SEIU 503 board members and healthcare worker Avery Horton learned at the convention that he would be eligible to self nominate himself which is what he did to make it a contested election with his opponent being SEIU Secretary Treasurer April Verrett.

He talks about the fight to run for president and also why he believes the election was undemocratic because most SEIU members were not even informed that there would be an election. He is now demanding that there be a new election and also the April Verrett team be held accountable for illegally using union funds to travel around the country to campaign for her and her slates election.

He nominated himself for president and was able to speak for 7 minutes to the convention delegates. April Verrett was elected to the presidency on May 20, 2024 and according to Horton he was able to get a roll call vote. Everrett did not even make a speech before the vote about why. she should be elected president.

Horton also talks about the decision by the national leadership to give $200 million to the Biden campaign without any membership input or survey about whether Biden should even be supported.

This interview was done 5/31/24

Additional Media:

SEIU Pres Mary Kay Henry - Members and Leaders Say Set Aside The Rigged Election In SEIU 1021!

Senator Laphonza Butler &. SEIU 2015: The Ex-Union Bureaucrat Helping UBER & The Union Busters

Top SEIU Official Butler to Leave at End of Month

Another Former SEIU Official Is on Uber’s Payroll

SEIU CA Homecare Workers Speak Out About Corruption By Tyrone Freeman & SEIU Andy Stern

"Stealth Election" Issues Facing Dave Regan's SEIU UHW in The Rigging Of The 2014 Election

SEIU 2012 Convention SMART Report-Real Issues Covered Up By "Henry Team”

SEIU Mergers, Labor Power, Union Democracy & the Future of The SEIU

Who Is Laphonza Butler, The SEIU & Corruption With SEIU 2015 Member Bradley Weidmaier

SEIU Mergers, Labor Power, Union Democracy And The Future of the SEIU #3 LA

SEIU 1021 Memo To Staff

SEIU 1021 Members Charge Election Rigging

SEIU Local 1021 Members Demand A Fair Election

Labor Video Project


SEIU is a workers' union. Let's have a moment of silence to remember and pay respect to those workers who came before us, some of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice, so we could be here today as a union.

A moment please.

Thank you. I wonder why we don't do this at every meeting.

SEIU has done so much to lift up workers. We should all celebrate our victories.

My proudest moment was as a member of the Homecare Bargaining Team. I put a $20/day late payment penalty into our contract which has resulted in around 2 million dollars being paid to homecare workers.

And we can do so much more for members if we shift our focus inwards.

However, some SEIU leaders have done things that bother me.

The right to have our opinions heard and respected, to be informed of union activity, to be educated in union values and skills. 2016 Constitution.

No member left out.

Two million members and only one was running before I put my hat in the ring. Am I the only one thinking what's wrong with this picture?

How many of our two million members were informed of this convention? Is their right to be informed being violated?

Now imagine a union where every member feels empowered and informed. Where knowing their rights is as natural as knowing their own name.

Leadership to me means actively supporting your members.

The true mission of a workers' union. When working people come together, they can make things better for everyone. Joining together in union enables workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace.

To attract one million more workers to join SEIU over the next 10 years, we must remove the barriers that repel workers. Those barriers are the divisive issues occurring outside of our union.

Our focus must turn inwards towards our members at their workplace.

$200 million for Biden. That's $100 per member. 40 members made that decision. That bothers me.

The teamster leaders wanted to endorse Dukakis. But the government said, “No, you must poll your members.” 70% endorsed Bush.

Members what to be heard not herded like sheep.

One reason I am standing here today is I was not allowed to speak at the first Homecare Council meeting I attended. My right to speak was violated. And that right can only be enforced in U.S. District Court. That bothers me.

SEIU INTERNATIONAL won't take my calls and ignores my email. Is that the kind of leadership you want for members? Is that the kind of leader you are? Is that how you want SEIU members treated?

It's not that members don't care. It's that some SEIU leaders treat members like mushrooms by keeping them in the dark. That bothers me.

Before SEIU attempts to fix world problems, SEIU needs to fix itself.

Bad leaders focus members' attention outside SEIU so members won't see what is going on inside SEIU.

I am not anti-union. I am anti bad union leadership. SEIU can do so much more for dues paying members.

Would you be OK with not being able to vote for the next U.S. President? Are you OK with 2 million SEIU members not voting today for their next international president? Is their right to choose the leaders of the union in a fair and democratic manner being violated today?

To paraphrase ANIMAL FARM, “All SEIU members are equal but some are more equal than others.” That bothers me.

Your voice isn't just a choice. It's a chance to redefine our union's focus and future. With your support, we can create a strong, more member focused union. Where all member rights are upheld, member concerns are addressed and all members' voices truly matter.

Thank you.

Complaints from members about election violations must be filed by June 5, 2024

Letter to the Editor
Subject: Formal Complaint Against SEIU Local 503 Leaders

Dear Editor,

I am writing to bring to light serious allegations of misconduct by Melissa Unger, Executive Director, and Mike Powers, President, of SEIU Local 503. According to SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI and the SEIU Constitution, leaders are held to the highest ethical standards and must uphold democratic processes. However, recent actions by Unger and Powers have violated these principles.

On multiple occasions in May 2024, Powers and Unger engaged in intimidation and harassment against a fellow union member who was self-nominating for SEIU International President. These actions included persistent unwelcome conversations, public shaming, and false accusations, aimed at deterring the member's candidacy. Such behavior is a clear violation of the SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

These actions not only undermine the democratic process within our union but also erode member confidence. As outlined in the SEIU Code of Ethics, it is imperative that leaders maintain systems of accountability and ethical conduct. Unger and Powers’ actions represent a misuse of their authority and a breach of the ethical standards required of SEIU leaders.

I urge SEIU Local 503 to address these violations promptly. An immediate cessation of intimidation, a formal disciplinary letter, a public apology, and a retraction of defamatory statements are necessary to restore integrity and trust within our union.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
Director, Sector 8
SEIU Local 503

Letter to the Editor
Subject: SEIU Convention Elections Violated Members' Rights

Dear Editor,

I am writing to highlight serious violations of members' rights during the 2024 SEIU International Convention elections. These breaches contravene the SEIU Constitution and federal law, particularly the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).

The SEIU Constitution and the LMRDA guarantee members equal rights and fair election processes. However, the 2024 election failed to meet these standards. Many of the union’s 1,845,500 members were not notified of the election, violating 29 U.S.C. 411(a)(1). This lack of notification denied members the right to nominate candidates and participate in the election.

Moreover, the election was undemocratic. Only one candidate was nominated per position, preventing a fair choice. Members were instructed on how to vote, infringing on their right to support candidates freely as protected by 29 U.S.C. 481(e). Possibly, union funds were misused by Team April members for travel and campaigning, violating 29 U.S.C. 481(g).

The restrictive nomination procedures further limited members' opportunities to participate, conflicting with 29 U.S.C. 481(c) and (e). These violations undermine the democratic process and equal rights within our union.

To restore integrity, a trusteeship should be established, and the election must be rerun with proper notification and fair opportunities for all members to participate.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
SEIU Local 503 Member

Legal Argument: Formal Complaint Against Melissa Unger and Mike Powers


Whether Melissa Unger, Executive Director, and Mike Powers, President, of SEIU Local 503, engaged in misconduct in violation of SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI, Sections 1(c) and 1(k), and SEIU Constitution Appendix A.


SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI - Misconduct of Members, Section 1
Members may be charged with: (c) Intimidation, harassment, or bullying of other members. (k) Violating the rights and responsibilities outlined in the SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the Union.

SEIU Constitution Appendix A: SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the Union

Members have the right to participate fully in the democratic processes of the union.
Leaders owe members the highest level of ethical behavior and transparency.
Misuse of resources or authority undermines member confidence and weakens the union.

Article XVII - Trials and Appeals, Section 1
Local Unions, their officers, or members may be charged with: (1) Violation of any specific provision of this Constitution or of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Local Union. (8) Violation of democratically and lawfully established rules, regulations, policies, or practices of the International Union or of the Local Union.


Intimidation and Harassment:

On May 19, 2024, Mike Powers approached the complainant and attempted to dissuade him from self-nominating for SEIU International President. This conversation was persistent and unwelcome, constituting intimidation.
On the same day, Powers and Unger called the complainant to the front during a dinner, ostensibly to allow him to pitch his candidacy but actually to deter him from self-nominating. This was another attempt to intimidate and discourage the complainant.
On May 20, 2024, Unger further approached the complainant, accusing him of hating the union and making false statements about her and her brother. This was harassment and an attempt to intimidate.
On May 21, 2024, Powers expressed his displeasure with the complainant's self-nomination and reprimanded another member, Joy Vegar, for supporting the nomination. This continued pattern of behavior constitutes harassment and bullying.
On May 22, 2024, Powers confronted the complainant again, criticizing him for considering another self-nomination and accusing him of unprofessional behavior. This repeated interaction was intended to intimidate and bully the complainant.
Violation of Ethical Standards and Democratic Rights:

The actions of Powers and Unger violated the ethical standards and democratic rights of the complainant as outlined in the SEIU Constitution Appendix A. Their behavior undermined the democratic process and misused their authority to intimidate and harass a member exercising his rights.
The SEIU Code of Ethics emphasizes the need for systems of accountability and checks and balances to prevent misuse of authority and ensure ethical behavior. The actions of Powers and Unger demonstrate a failure to adhere to these standards, violating the SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.


Melissa Unger and Mike Powers engaged in misconduct by intimidating, harassing, and bullying the complainant, violating SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI, Sections 1(c) and 1(k), and SEIU Constitution Appendix A. Their actions undermined the democratic process and ethical standards required of SEIU leaders.

Remedy Requested:

Immediate cessation of all forms of intimidation, harassment, and bullying.
A full apology, both oral and written, to be delivered in front of the delegation and distributed to all members via a 503 Alert.
A retraction statement from Melissa Unger, clarifying that the complainant does not hate the union, is not affiliated with the Freedom Foundation, and apologizing for any defamatory statements made.

If further steps are required to make this complaint acceptable, please inform the undersigned as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
Active Member in Good Standing
Director, Sector 8
SEIU Local 503

Legal Argument: Formal Complaint Under the SEIU Constitution


Whether the 2024 SEIU International Convention elections violated members' rights as stipulated under the SEIU Constitution, the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), and relevant federal statutes.


SEIU Constitution: Article XVII - Trials and Appeals, Section 1
Local Unions, their officers or members, and officers of any affiliated body, and officers of the International Union may be charged with:

Violation of any specific provision of this Constitution or of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Local Union;
Engaging in corrupt or unethical practices or racketeering.

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), 29 U.S.C. 411 (Bill of Rights of Members of Labor Organizations)
SEC. 101(a)(1) - Equal Rights: Every member of a labor organization shall have equal rights and privileges to nominate candidates, to vote in elections or referendums, to attend membership meetings, and to participate in deliberations and voting upon the business of such meetings, subject to reasonable rules and regulations in such organization’s constitution and bylaws.

LMRDA, 29 U.S.C. 481(c)
Every labor organization and its officers shall comply with all reasonable requests of any candidate to distribute campaign literature at the candidate's expense and refrain from discrimination in favor of or against any candidate.

LMRDA, 29 U.S.C. 481(e)
A reasonable opportunity shall be given for the nomination of candidates, and members must be provided with notice of the election at least fifteen days prior. Members have the right to vote for candidates of their choice without improper interference.


Violation of Notification Requirements:

According to the 2023 SEIU International LM-2 report, the union has 1,845,500 members. Most members were not notified of the election, a fundamental union activity. Federal law mandates that unions provide timely notice of nominations to all members. The lack of notification violated members' rights under 29 U.S.C. 411(a)(1), which ensures equal rights and privileges to nominate candidates and participate in elections.
Unfair Election Practices:

The election was not conducted fairly or democratically. Only one candidate was nominated for each position, including the president, out of 1,845,500 members. This violates the principle of democratic elections, which require a fair opportunity for multiple candidates to run and members to choose freely.
Members were instructed on who to vote for, constituting election interference. Such actions contravene 29 U.S.C. 481(e), which protects members' rights to support candidates without interference or reprisal.
Improper Use of Union Resources:

Team April members, with salaries exceeding $1 million, used union funds to travel and hold pre-convention orientation meetings that were unnecessary. After these meetings in the same location, they campaigned and fundraised, giving them an unfair advantage. This action violates 29 U.S.C. 481(g), which prohibits the use of union dues to promote any candidate.
Violation of Nomination Procedures:

Rule 31 of the SEIU Constitution restricts nominations to the convention, limiting the opportunity for members to become bona fide candidates and distribute campaign literature. This rule conflicts with 29 U.S.C. 481(c) and (e), which ensure fair nomination and election processes.


The 2024 SEIU International Convention elections violated members' rights as stipulated under the SEIU Constitution and federal law, specifically 29 U.S.C. 411(a)(1), 481(c), and 481(e). The lack of proper notification, unfair election practices, misuse of union funds, and restrictive nomination procedures undermine the democratic processes and equal rights of members.

Remedy Requested: A trusteeship should be established to restore democratic procedures in accordance with 29 U.S.C. 462. The election must be rerun with proper notification and fair opportunity for all members to nominate candidates and vote.

I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
SEIU Local 503 Member #392754


SEIU is a workers' union. Let's have a moment of silence to remember and pay respect to those workers who came before us, some of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice, so we could be here today as a union.

A moment please.

Thank you. I wonder why we don't do this at every meeting.

SEIU has done so much to lift up workers. We should all celebrate our victories.

My proudest moment was as a member of the Homecare Bargaining Team. I put a $20/day late payment penalty into our contract which has resulted in around 2 million dollars being paid to homecare workers.

And we can do so much more for members if we shift our focus inwards.

However, some SEIU leaders have done things that bother me.

The right to have our opinions heard and respected, to be informed of union activity, to be educated in union values and skills. 2016 Constitution.

No member left out.

Two million members and only one was running before I put my hat in the ring. Am I the only one thinking what's wrong with this picture?

How many of our two million members were informed of this convention? Is their right to be informed being violated?

Now imagine a union where every member feels empowered and informed. Where knowing their rights is as natural as knowing their own name.

Leadership to me means actively supporting your members.

The true mission of a workers' union. When working people come together, they can make things better for everyone. Joining together in union enables workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace.

To attract one million more workers to join SEIU over the next 10 years, we must remove the barriers that repel workers. Those barriers are the divisive issues occurring outside of our union.

Our focus must turn inwards towards our members at their workplace.

$200 million for Biden. That's $100 per member. 40 members made that decision. That bothers me.

The teamster leaders wanted to endorse Dukakis. But the government said, “No, you must poll your members.” 70% endorsed Bush.

Members what to be heard not herded like sheep.

One reason I am standing here today is I was not allowed to speak at the first Homecare Council meeting I attended. My right to speak was violated. And that right can only be enforced in U.S. District Court. That bothers me.

SEIU INTERNATIONAL won't take my calls and ignores my email. Is that the kind of leadership you want for members? Is that the kind of leader you are? Is that how you want SEIU members treated?

It's not that members don't care. It's that some SEIU leaders treat members like mushrooms by keeping them in the dark. That bothers me.

Before SEIU attempts to fix world problems, SEIU needs to fix itself.

Bad leaders focus members' attention outside SEIU so members won't see what is going on inside SEIU.

I am not anti-union. I am anti bad union leadership. SEIU can do so much more for dues paying members.

Would you be OK with not being able to vote for the next U.S. President? Are you OK with 2 million SEIU members not voting today for their next international president? Is their right to choose the leaders of the union in a fair and democratic manner being violated today?

To paraphrase ANIMAL FARM, “All SEIU members are equal but some are more equal than others.” That bothers me.

Your voice isn't just a choice. It's a chance to redefine our union's focus and future. With your support, we can create a strong, more member focused union. Where all member rights are upheld, member concerns are addressed and all members' voices truly matter.

Thank you.

Complaints from members about election violations must be filed by June 5, 2024

Letter to the Editor
Subject: Formal Complaint Against SEIU Local 503 Leaders

Dear Editor,

I am writing to bring to light serious allegations of misconduct by Melissa Unger, Executive Director, and Mike Powers, President, of SEIU Local 503. According to SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI and the SEIU Constitution, leaders are held to the highest ethical standards and must uphold democratic processes. However, recent actions by Unger and Powers have violated these principles.

On multiple occasions in May 2024, Powers and Unger engaged in intimidation and harassment against a fellow union member who was self-nominating for SEIU International President. These actions included persistent unwelcome conversations, public shaming, and false accusations, aimed at deterring the member's candidacy. Such behavior is a clear violation of the SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

These actions not only undermine the democratic process within our union but also erode member confidence. As outlined in the SEIU Code of Ethics, it is imperative that leaders maintain systems of accountability and ethical conduct. Unger and Powers’ actions represent a misuse of their authority and a breach of the ethical standards required of SEIU leaders.

I urge SEIU Local 503 to address these violations promptly. An immediate cessation of intimidation, a formal disciplinary letter, a public apology, and a retraction of defamatory statements are necessary to restore integrity and trust within our union.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
Director, Sector 8
SEIU Local 503

Letter to the Editor
Subject: SEIU Convention Elections Violated Members' Rights

Dear Editor,

I am writing to highlight serious violations of members' rights during the 2024 SEIU International Convention elections. These breaches contravene the SEIU Constitution and federal law, particularly the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).

The SEIU Constitution and the LMRDA guarantee members equal rights and fair election processes. However, the 2024 election failed to meet these standards. Many of the union’s 1,845,500 members were not notified of the election, violating 29 U.S.C. 411(a)(1). This lack of notification denied members the right to nominate candidates and participate in the election.

Moreover, the election was undemocratic. Only one candidate was nominated per position, preventing a fair choice. Members were instructed on how to vote, infringing on their right to support candidates freely as protected by 29 U.S.C. 481(e). Possibly, union funds were misused by Team April members for travel and campaigning, violating 29 U.S.C. 481(g).

The restrictive nomination procedures further limited members' opportunities to participate, conflicting with 29 U.S.C. 481(c) and (e). These violations undermine the democratic process and equal rights within our union.

To restore integrity, a trusteeship should be established, and the election must be rerun with proper notification and fair opportunities for all members to participate.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
SEIU Local 503 Member

Legal Argument: Formal Complaint Against Melissa Unger and Mike Powers


Whether Melissa Unger, Executive Director, and Mike Powers, President, of SEIU Local 503, engaged in misconduct in violation of SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI, Sections 1(c) and 1(k), and SEIU Constitution Appendix A.


SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI - Misconduct of Members, Section 1
Members may be charged with: (c) Intimidation, harassment, or bullying of other members. (k) Violating the rights and responsibilities outlined in the SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the Union.

SEIU Constitution Appendix A: SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the Union

Members have the right to participate fully in the democratic processes of the union.
Leaders owe members the highest level of ethical behavior and transparency.
Misuse of resources or authority undermines member confidence and weakens the union.

Article XVII - Trials and Appeals, Section 1
Local Unions, their officers, or members may be charged with: (1) Violation of any specific provision of this Constitution or of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Local Union. (8) Violation of democratically and lawfully established rules, regulations, policies, or practices of the International Union or of the Local Union.


Intimidation and Harassment:

On May 19, 2024, Mike Powers approached the complainant and attempted to dissuade him from self-nominating for SEIU International President. This conversation was persistent and unwelcome, constituting intimidation.
On the same day, Powers and Unger called the complainant to the front during a dinner, ostensibly to allow him to pitch his candidacy but actually to deter him from self-nominating. This was another attempt to intimidate and discourage the complainant.
On May 20, 2024, Unger further approached the complainant, accusing him of hating the union and making false statements about her and her brother. This was harassment and an attempt to intimidate.
On May 21, 2024, Powers expressed his displeasure with the complainant's self-nomination and reprimanded another member, Joy Vegar, for supporting the nomination. This continued pattern of behavior constitutes harassment and bullying.
On May 22, 2024, Powers confronted the complainant again, criticizing him for considering another self-nomination and accusing him of unprofessional behavior. This repeated interaction was intended to intimidate and bully the complainant.
Violation of Ethical Standards and Democratic Rights:

The actions of Powers and Unger violated the ethical standards and democratic rights of the complainant as outlined in the SEIU Constitution Appendix A. Their behavior undermined the democratic process and misused their authority to intimidate and harass a member exercising his rights.
The SEIU Code of Ethics emphasizes the need for systems of accountability and checks and balances to prevent misuse of authority and ensure ethical behavior. The actions of Powers and Unger demonstrate a failure to adhere to these standards, violating the SEIU Member Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.


Melissa Unger and Mike Powers engaged in misconduct by intimidating, harassing, and bullying the complainant, violating SEIU Local 503 Bylaws Article VI, Sections 1(c) and 1(k), and SEIU Constitution Appendix A. Their actions undermined the democratic process and ethical standards required of SEIU leaders.

Remedy Requested:

Immediate cessation of all forms of intimidation, harassment, and bullying.
A full apology, both oral and written, to be delivered in front of the delegation and distributed to all members via a 503 Alert.
A retraction statement from Melissa Unger, clarifying that the complainant does not hate the union, is not affiliated with the Freedom Foundation, and apologizing for any defamatory statements made.

If further steps are required to make this complaint acceptable, please inform the undersigned as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
Active Member in Good Standing
Director, Sector 8
SEIU Local 503

Submitted xx/xx/xxxx via US Mail and Email

Legal Argument: Formal Complaint Under the SEIU Constitution


Whether the 2024 SEIU International Convention elections violated members' rights as stipulated under the SEIU Constitution, the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), and relevant federal statutes.


SEIU Constitution: Article XVII - Trials and Appeals, Section 1
Local Unions, their officers or members, and officers of any affiliated body, and officers of the International Union may be charged with:

Violation of any specific provision of this Constitution or of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Local Union;
Engaging in corrupt or unethical practices or racketeering.

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), 29 U.S.C. 411 (Bill of Rights of Members of Labor Organizations)
SEC. 101(a)(1) - Equal Rights: Every member of a labor organization shall have equal rights and privileges to nominate candidates, to vote in elections or referendums, to attend membership meetings, and to participate in deliberations and voting upon the business of such meetings, subject to reasonable rules and regulations in such organization’s constitution and bylaws.

LMRDA, 29 U.S.C. 481(c)
Every labor organization and its officers shall comply with all reasonable requests of any candidate to distribute campaign literature at the candidate's expense and refrain from discrimination in favor of or against any candidate.

LMRDA, 29 U.S.C. 481(e)
A reasonable opportunity shall be given for the nomination of candidates, and members must be provided with notice of the election at least fifteen days prior. Members have the right to vote for candidates of their choice without improper interference.


Violation of Notification Requirements:

According to the 2023 SEIU International LM-2 report, the union has 1,845,500 members. Most members were not notified of the election, a fundamental union activity. Federal law mandates that unions provide timely notice of nominations to all members. The lack of notification violated members' rights under 29 U.S.C. 411(a)(1), which ensures equal rights and privileges to nominate candidates and participate in elections.
Unfair Election Practices:

The election was not conducted fairly or democratically. Only one candidate was nominated for each position, including the president, out of 1,845,500 members. This violates the principle of democratic elections, which require a fair opportunity for multiple candidates to run and members to choose freely.
Members were instructed on who to vote for, constituting election interference. Such actions contravene 29 U.S.C. 481(e), which protects members' rights to support candidates without interference or reprisal.
Improper Use of Union Resources:

Team April members, with salaries exceeding $1 million, used union funds to travel and hold pre-convention orientation meetings that were unnecessary. After these meetings in the same location, they campaigned and fundraised, giving them an unfair advantage. This action violates 29 U.S.C. 481(g), which prohibits the use of union dues to promote any candidate.
Violation of Nomination Procedures:

Rule 31 of the SEIU Constitution restricts nominations to the convention, limiting the opportunity for members to become bona fide candidates and distribute campaign literature. This rule conflicts with 29 U.S.C. 481(c) and (e), which ensure fair nomination and election processes.


The 2024 SEIU International Convention elections violated members' rights as stipulated under the SEIU Constitution and federal law, specifically 29 U.S.C. 411(a)(1), 481(c), and 481(e). The lack of proper notification, unfair election practices, misuse of union funds, and restrictive nomination procedures undermine the democratic processes and equal rights of members.

Remedy Requested: A trusteeship should be established to restore democratic procedures in accordance with 29 U.S.C. 462. The election must be rerun with proper notification and fair opportunity for all members to nominate candidates and vote.

I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Avery T. Horton, Jr.
SEIU Local 503 Member #392754
§2024 SEIU National Convention In Philadelphia Had Contested Election
by Labor Video Project
The SEIU at their national convention had a contested election for president but according to presidential candidate Avery Horton members were not informed of their right to run for top union positions and he was coerced not to run. He also charges that president elect April Verrett illegally spent large amounts of union funds traveling around the country to support her campaign for president.
According to SEIU presidential candidate Avery Horton from SEIU 503, the SEIU International convention was improper since the members were not informed that there was going to be an election which they would be eligible to run in. This according to Horton is required under the union bylaws.
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