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Indybay Feature

Faith Leaders Fast and March for Gaza

by Leon Kunstenaar
Demand that Senator Padilla act to Stop Arming Israel
Demand that Senator Padilla act to Stop Arming Israel

Photos: Leon Kunstenaar / Pro Bono Photo

(San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, May 31) - Several hundred faith leaders from diverse religions fasted and held interfaith prayers outside the offices of Senator Alex Padilla, calling on him to use his voice and his vote to stop the starvation and US. They called out US complicity in the killing in Gaza, particularly in light of this week’s devastating bombardment of Rafah.

The San Francisco Interfaith Pray-in and Fast for Gaza is the follow-up to a 22 mile Cease fire Pilgrimage held in March, where over 1800 people of faith walked in the East Bay pilgrimage. Similar Gaza peace walks were held in Sacramento, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and San Diego.

The event began at 10:00AM with an Interfaith Procession in front of the Ferry Building. Dressed in black, to a mournful drum beat, participants walked to Senator Alex Padilla’s office at 333 Bush Street. There they held an Interfaith Pray-in featuring prayers from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu traditions.

The event focused on holding Senator Alex Padilla accountable for not using his power to bring about an end to US complicity in the mass destruction and killing of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, and violations of US and International law. In February 2024, Senator Padilla voted in favor of additional $14 billion for arms to Israel, on top of the $3.8 billion US provides to Israel annually. He also voted against Senator Sanders' resolution that would have asked the State Department to investigate if any human rights violations occurred using US equipment in Israel’s military campaign.

The action included many faith leaders in religious attire. They proceeded to Senator Padilla’s office with giant puppets, effigy shrouds of dead children, olive branches and large puppets. They gathered in front of Senator Padilla’s office where a street mural featuring a quote from Pope Francis was painted. Faith leaders from various traditions led prayers and religious rituals.

Interfaith leaders are calling far a meeting with the Senator to discuss:
  1. Establishing an enduring and sustained ceasefire
  2. Ensuring the immediate flow of life-saving food, water, aid, fuel and humanitarian assistance
  3. Securing the release of all hostages, including Israeli hostages held by llamas and Palestinian hostages in the Israeli prison system
  4. Ending the occupation to pave the way for just and lasting peace

Padilla had initially agreed to meet but has since changed his mind.

Catholic sisters noting the centrality of "conscience" in their tradition, shouted to Padilla "where is your conscience."

An altar of flowers was placed on the ground and a line of people took turns adding additional ones.

"We believe that by coming in gather in prayer and fasting, we can amplify our collective voice and call for an immediate end to the unimaginable violence and suffering in Gaza," said Rabbi Cat Zavis. "Our goal is to urge Senator Alex Padilla to stop US weapons from being used by Israel against Palestinians, to call for a permanent cease fire, to ensure the flow of humanitarian aid in the region, to demand the safety and release of hostages and political prisoners and an end tome occupation:

See all high resolution photos here.
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
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