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Stanford People's University Stands Strong Against Inter-Fascist Forces

by Encampment Report
On May 12 Zionist and Hindu supremacist groups rallied on Stanford University campus. Students at the People's University encampment refused to be intimidated.
revolution banner
Students activists at Stanford University vowed they would not stand by idly when inter-fascist forces threatened their encampment. They called for community support when Zionist and Hindu supremacist groups in the Bay Area announced an “Interfaith Rally Against Terror” and march through the campus in an attempt to intimidate the People’s University. Alumni and community activists including Parents for Palestine responded to the call.

“Unlike the Zionist and Hindutva visions of racial/caste supremacy, the People’s University welcomes all people to collectively imagine a better future for themselves and their communities,” pro Palestine students said.

Pro-Israel students and outside groups marched from the campus Oval to White Plaza to protest what they called “terrorist support” on campus. 

According to the Stanford Daily, following a close face-off of the two opposing sides in the campus plaza Pro-Israel protestors were told to leave by security and the Stanford University Department of Public Safety. The People’s University and encampment remain steadfast.
§Battle of the flags
by Encampment Report
Israeli flags next to Palestinian flags
§Students gathering ready to surround encampment
by Encampment Report
§Banner: Parents for Palestine
by Encampment Report
§Encampment security prevented zionist attempted breaches
by Encampment Report
§Gazing out from within the encampment
by Encampment Report
Community supporters
§Confused Zionists don't know where they parked
by Encampment Report
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