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Indybay Feature

Protest Congressman Huffman's Lavish Support of Israel's War Crimes

Monday, May 13, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Type:
Sonoma County for Palestine and Marin County DSA
Location Details:
Outside of Lagunitas Brewery, 1280 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma

Protest Monday, May 13 at 6 PM -- outside of Lagunitas Brewery 1280 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma -- where Congressman Jared Huffman is holding a fundraiser after he voted for $17 billion to fund Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

On April 20th, Congressman Huffman voted to lavish Netanyahu’s extremist government with an additional $17 billion in unconditional military aid. Despite everything. Huffman does this despite reports that the very water that the people of Gaza depend on for survival is at risk of destruction. Not what we would expect of a politician who prides himself on his environmental record. This is ecocide, and Huffman is directly complicit.

Huffman sends more aid to the Israeli military as it bombs more homes, and forcing millions from their homes, living in crowded camps in Rafah, where the Israeli military will soon escalate its attacks. This is domicide, and Huffman is directly complicit.

Huffman sends weapons to Israel even as it impedes international and U.S. aid from reaching starving Palestinians. Beyond the brutal murder of the World Central Kitchen workers, the Israeli military has slaughtered over 100 Palestinian aid workers. The starvation of Palestinian civilians is a matter of Israeli policy. Congressman Huffman, despite promises to the contrary, voted to ban U.S. aid to UNRWA, that has the infrastructure vital to providing aid to Palestinians. Further, it is against U.S. law to send military aid to a state involved in impeding humanitarian aid, but Huffman instead bows to political expediency rather than follow the law. No one is above the law, not even a Congressman from Marin.

It is now clear that the whole of Netanyahu’s policy in Gaza amounts to the crime of genocide. Congressman Huffman is directly complicit in this genocide. Huffman’s empty words of concern do not matter when his actions that directly make possible these crimes are before us. Huffman chose not to join 37 of his Democratic Party colleagues, including moderates, and vote against this gift to the Netanyahu regime. We are then left with no choice but to expose the moral bankruptcy of Huffman’s support for Netanyahu.

Join us on Monday, May 13 at 6 PM outside of Lagunitas Brewery 1280 N McDowell Blvd., Petaluma.
For further information, please write to:

marindemsoc [at]
Added to the calendar on Thu, May 9, 2024 7:16PM
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