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The peace teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is thrown to the wind

Jesus, the Christ, taught love of God and neighbor, nothing else, but this has to be learned. But if not even the clear teaching of peace of Jesus of Nazareth in the biblical Gospels is taken seriously and followed by Bible believers, then we can conclude that the Bible mix has caused enough mischief for long enough.
The peace teaching of Jesus of Nazareth in the Bibles is being thrown to the wind
Slam your Bibles shut! Put the Bible away!
1700 years of the Bible - What good has it done?
[This article posted on 3/28/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

The Theologian No. 114, updated on 28.3.2024

Dear readers, countless people are suffering great hardship, and this often leads to great doubts about their previous faith. Where is the "God" that is proclaimed by religions, a thought that is often expressed? Or what does this "God" do to help? Or is there even a God who helps people to solve problems and master their lives? These are the questions some people ask.

In the societies of this world, more and more people are practically fighting for their "bare" existence, for survival in the material world. In addition to famines in many regions and the widening gap between rich and poor in so-called industrialized countries, climate change is progressing on all continents, mainly due to the nuclear radiation unleashed by humans, which is heating the oceans, melting the polar ice caps and increasingly heating the earth like a hotplate and imperceptibly irradiating the people living on this hotplate, while their aggression is also gradually increasing. Countless people are involved in wars and hostilities, others are suffering physically and mentally from serious illnesses, and the unspeakable suffering of animals and nature on this planet is also increasing.

The world's largest religion, which offers people its explanations for the world disaster, are the various churches, which are summarized in encyclopedias under the term "Christianity". However, these institutions betray the message of Jesus in many ways, e.g. through their "permissions" to kill people in very many cases, and even in calls for executions and wars, which has resulted in an unprecedented trail of blood of millions of victims in history and is being repeated today, e.g. in the Ukraine war. As is well known, they base their doctrines on an approximately 1700-year-old book called the Bible, which all church denominations - whether Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, free church or others - claim to contain God's final word for us humans in every detail from the first to the last page, which is said to have been followed by no further words from God. However, if you take a closer look at this book, it also contains many ambiguities and contradictions, which in turn leads to the following conclusion: Every denomination does what it wants with it and interprets it as it sees fit. But even some things that are clear - such as Jesus' call not to use the sword, i.e. not to use armed force, or Jesus' words "You cannot serve God and mammon" - are not adhered to by Bible believers.

The award-winning author Karlheinz Deschner once summed it up by saying that he knows of "no organization in the world in antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times, including and especially the 20th century, that has been so long, so continuously and so hideously burdened with crimes as the ... Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church". (in: Die beleidigte Kirche, Freiburg 1986, p. 42 f.)

No matter how violent or absurd the church's doctrines are, their Bible has to be used, which is then subjected to their selfish purposes by the clerical interpretation experts of this book. But enough is enough. "Slam your Bibles shut! Put the Bible away!" The time for this has expired. Jesus, the Christ, taught love of God and neighbor, nothing else, but this has to be learned. But if not even the clear teaching of peace of Jesus of Nazareth in the biblical Gospels is taken seriously and followed by Bible believers, then we can conclude that the Bible mix has caused enough mischief for long enough. Unadulterated help on the path of love for God and neighbor can be found in other ways.

1 - Jesus announces prophets to His followers, not an early Catholic book project

2 - Jeremiah warns against the lies of theologians

3 - Bible commands wars, genocide, animal sacrifices and cult regulations and the Bible believers put it into practice

4 - Adolf Hitler invokes the New Testament, deaconesses are enthusiastic

5 - The peace teachings of Christ and the prophets of God are replaced by the seemingly "lesser evil" of war"

6 - The servants of Mammon

7 - The countless ecclesiastical exceptions to the commandments of the Bible

8 - God, the Eternal, intervened with His prophets and the battle of priest against prophet

9 - Homosexuals - formerly stoned to death, today blessed by the priest - Is God changeable or does it have nothing to do with Him?

10 - Paul - the "God" of theologians and Bible believers

11 - The church and its sect commissioners - Every theologian does what he wants with the Bible - Bible forger Luther

12 - What two swords are still doing today - Bible rape by the Vatican Church

13 - No two Bibles are alike, but the state pays twice for everything

14 - Ecumenism with reference to the Bible as a betrayal of the so-called "Magisterium" of the Vatican Church

15 - The crimes of the Church - but now enough is enough

16 - The prophets of God knew nothing of a Bible

17 - Another chance for every Bible follower

1 - Jesus announces prophets to His followers, not an early Catholic book project

The kingdom of God had always sent prophets to the people, from Abraham to Moses, Elijah, Isaiah and many more to Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth and in the time after Him to Gabriele, the prophetess and messenger of God in our time. This is the belief of the followers of Jesus on all continents of this earth.
But according to church teachings, the prophecy of God should have ended with Jesus of Nazareth. From then on, according to their theologians, God supposedly no longer spoke to people through His instruments, the messengers from the kingdom of God. Instead, in the first centuries after Christ, the so-called Bible was developed in their place, consisting of many different individual books. And priests and church leaders, above all the popes in Rome, were given the task of interpreting the Bible, which was completed in the 4th century, correctly for their time. In other words, the Bible of the churches is said to have replaced the prophecy of God. Or as it says in a doctrinal proclamation of the Vatican Church from 1994 entitled Congregation for the Clergy: every Catholic priest is literally given "the prophetic task" at his ordination. In the opinion of those authorized by the Church, theologians should therefore have taken the place of God's prophets.
But who is supposed to have initiated this drastic measure? What power is behind this order to the priests? Jesus of Nazareth did not teach this. In their own Bibles, theologians could read what Jesus, the Christ, said for the future: "I am sending you prophets" (Luke 11:49; Matthew 23:34) and "I am sending you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth" (John 16:7 ff. ), and there it also says how He taught them in the Sermon on the Mount to be able to distinguish the true from the false prophets in the future, namely by their "fruits", i.e. by their good or bad works, by their actions (Matthew 7, 15 ff.). Jesus of Nazareth said nothing about a future Bible and about popes and theologians who would come to the people in the future instead of God's prophets and who would interpret this supposedly divine book, called the Bible, which was written in the time of early Catholicism.

2 - Jeremiah warns against the lies of the theologians

On the contrary. In His life on earth, Jesus of Nazareth warned with cries of woe against the priestly caste, against the theologians and against their teachings. He also revealed how, even in His time, they tried to appropriate the prophets of God who had come before them for their own purposes, ultimately attempting to replace them, for example by saying: "The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat" (Matthew 23:2). Moses was the greatest known prophet of God at that time. Through him, God, the Eternal One, revealed the Ten Commandments for a peaceful life on this earth, including the clear commandment "Thou shalt not kill". However, over the centuries, scribes and Pharisees, or rather generations of priests at the time, had seized on the revelations of God given by Moses and not only changed them in many places according to their ideas, but in many cases turned them into the complete opposite, especially the commandment "Thou shalt not kill". In order to clear up this deception and keep the word of God alive, the kingdom of God repeatedly sent other prophets to the people, including Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Daniel, Ezekiel and many others, as well as Jeremiah, who exposed the practices of the priestly caste and their scribes with the words: "How can you say, 'We are wise and have the law of the Lord with us'? Truly, behold: The lying pen of the scribes has made it a lie." (Jeremiah 8:8)
The lying pen was therefore already at work in the forerunners of the later Bible book, so that, according to the words of the Israelite prophet Jeremiah, truth became a lie.

But what exactly is truth and what is a lie? 600 years after Jeremiah, Jesus, the Christ, also made this clear by countering the falsifications that had been handed down with His powerful words "But I say to you" and by teaching people to love God and their neighbor with the Golden Rule at its heart, which reads: "Whatever you want people to do to you, do it to them", which also means "do it to them first". And further: "This is the law and the prophets" (Matthew 7:12). In other words: The divine law and the word of God through His prophets in all the centuries before contain nothing else: namely the realization of the love of God and neighbour, which is why He, the Christ of God, also made it clear: "I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfil them" (Matthew 5, 17). However, this refers to God's original law of love for God and neighbor and not the many falsifications of the priests, which have also been found in Bibles for hundreds of years.

3 - The Bible commands wars, genocide, animal sacrifices and cult regulations and the Bible believers put it into practice

But what did the Bible already contain at that time, and what has been added to this book since then? If you take the Bible as a basis, God is said to have ordered wars, genocide, terrible animal sacrifices and external cult regulations (especially in the Book of Leviticus) through Moses, including instructions on which cult priests were supposed to be mediators to God. And the later priestly caste after Jesus of Nazareth also liked to orientate itself on this, putting on the cloak of "Christianity" in order to appropriate Christ for their priestly purposes and adding further falsifications to the tradition.
These include, for example, Paul's alleged biblical words of God that the authorities should punish supposedly wicked people with the sword (Romans, chapter 13), or how slaves (e.g. Titus 2:9) or women (e.g. 1 Corinthians 11:3) are to be treated as their own. Corinthians 11:3) must submit to their masters and husbands; or that everything that can be bought from slaughtered animals on the meat market should be eaten with a clear conscience (1 Corinthians 10:25) and much more, without having a conscience about the suffering of the animals. The scribes' pen of lies was thus passed on to many an early church Bible writer and since then to the many self-appointed clerical interpreters of this book right up to the present day.

So one can ask the question: 1700 years of the Bible, what good has it done? The popes and bishops have invoked it to order one war after another and to justify one totalitarian tyranny after another. The crusaders invoked it to slay Muslims, the inquisitors invoked it to burn dissenters alive, warmongers of all denominations used their Bibles to justify the violence with which the soldiers of their nations massacred their supposedly hostile neighbors, often on all sides of the front. Church reformers invoked it to replace luxurious, warlike popes with luxurious, warlike princes at the head of their churches.
Priests and pastors threatened the faithful with eternal punishment in hell if they did not obey them and threatened the death penalty on earth in advance - always with the proviso that their Bibles would be interpreted correctly. It is true that since the Enlightenment there has always been criticism of the Bible. However, this book is still shrouded in an ecclesiastical "halo of sanctity" in society today, and hardly any politician, business leader, stockbroker or whoever the social "influencers" (as they are often called today) may be, dares to question it.

4 - Adolf Hitler invokes the New Testament, deaconesses are enthusiastic

Even the German dictator Adolf Hitler knew how to use the veneration of Bibles for his own purposes, as the author Ernst Klee writes about in his book Die SA Jesu Christi. In 1933, a Protestant deaconess in a corresponding leadership position gave a lecture to 1,000 other deaconesses on what was described as the "national political education" of these Protestant women. In it, the Lutheran leader used the following story, among others, to promote the dictator, and I quote from Ernst Klee's book: "Hitler meets a deaconess near the Chorin monastery and she asks him: 'Mr. Reich Chancellor, where do you get the strength for your difficult work? He pulls a New Testament out of his coat pocket and says: 'Here, Sister!" (The SA of Jesus Christ, Frankfurt am Main 1989, p. 42)

5 - The doctrine of peace of Christ and the prophets of God is replaced by the seemingly "lesser evil" of war

Dear readers! One could say: 1700 years of raging in the name of the Bible in the West, without exception, right up to the present day, where the exploitation of the earth to the point of climate collapse is justified with the Bible and its command "subdue the earth" (Genesis 1:28), where arms exports for use all over the world are dressed up as the alleged implementation of "Christian values", although Jesus taught not to draw the sword, and where all ecclesiastical contradictions to Jesus' teaching are intellectually disguised. And where the lie is most obvious, it is often argued that although this is an "evil", it is only a seemingly smaller one that is necessary in order to prevent supposedly greater evils - always with their Bible in their hand luggage. The greater "evil" for the denominational representatives is therefore when someone, for example, fulfills the teaching of peace of Jesus of Nazareth, which can be clearly read in the Bible and which we would like to point out here with just a few words, with a few passages from the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible: "All who take up the sword will perish by the sword." Or: "Make peace with your enemy while you are still on the way with him." And: "Love your enemies." Or: "Remove the plank in your own eye before you worry about the splinter in the other person's eye." And the prerequisite for this is first of all the understanding that this splinter discovered in the eye of your neighbor is usually also an indication of the beam in your own eye, i.e. of your own misconduct, which therefore needs to be rectified. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus of Nazareth reproaches his self-righteous contemporaries who are convinced of their own fundamentally devilish morals: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." And the Sermon on the Mount also clearly states that we should not apply "double standards". And it goes on to say: "By what measure you measure, you will be measured." Jesus of Nazareth also warned His followers against the worldly authorities, literally: "You know that rulers oppress their peoples and the powerful do violence to them. Let it not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you, let him be your servant" (Matthew 20: 25-26). In doing so, He expands on what the prophets of God had already taught and lived before Him.

Here is an example:
On the occasion of an impending war between Israel and Assyria, the prophet of God Isaiah, for example, urgently warns people not to defend themselves with armed force when the Assyrians advance, but to remain faithful to God's commandments, which include "Thou shalt not kill". However, the rulers in the land speculated on military help from Egypt and decided on war to defend their land by force, as it was probably called even then. And I would like to quote a few passages from the book of Isaiah. So God spoke through His prophet:
"Woe to those who go to Egypt for help! They rely on the many horses and the many chariots. But they do not reckon with the holy God of Israel. They do not ask the LORD whether he agrees. The Egyptians are men and not God. ... Then the protector falls and the protected with him; both perish. ... The shepherds are blind, they do not see the danger. They know no measure. And they want to be shepherds! They think nothing of watching out, they go about their own business. Everyone is only concerned about their own profit. ... And then you mock me, open your big mouths and stick your tongues out at me! Do you not know whom you are challenging, you brood of liars?" (from chapters 30 and 56 of the book of Isaiah)
And further:
"Therefore I, the holy God of Israel, say, 'You will not hear what I say to you, and you rely on force and deceit.' This guilt is not without consequences: You are like a high wall that has cracked. It runs deeper and deeper and becomes wider and wider, and suddenly the whole wall collapses. You will be like a clay pot that is shattered so thoroughly that there will be nothing left among its fragments to take embers from the furnace or to draw water from a puddle." The LORD, the holy God of Israel, has said to you: 'If you return to me and stand still, you will be saved. If you wait calmly and trust in me, then you will be strong. Nothing will remain of your proud army but an empty flagpole on a bare hill." (from the 30th chapter of the book of Isaiah)
Everyone can see the parallels to the church's support for arms deliveries to Ukraine for the war against Russia and its trust in the USA as the greatest military and war power. Bible followers also say time and again that the Bible always speaks to our times.

6 - The servants of Mammon

And the unbiased reader could discover many more things in this book that are indisputably in line with Christian teaching. For example, the words of Jesus of Nazareth in His Sermon on the Mount: "You cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24). However, church history up to the present day shows this: Precisely those who claim to this day that the Bible is God's word do not abide by it at all and obviously serve mammon, which is summarized by the well-known expert on church history Karlheinz Deschner in his series of books on the criminal history of the church as follows: "Interest transactions, trade, usury, St. Peter's penny, indulgences, collections, legacy creep through two millennia, huge armament profits ... showering the high clergy with privileges, with immunity rights, with count's rights, market rights, customs rights, tax advantages." The author speaks of the "economic side of the extermination of pagans, Jews, "heretics", witches and Indians" and of the "economic factor of the cult of miracles, the vitae of saints, books of miracles, places of pilgrimage and other things". In addition, there was a pronounced system of forgery "by means of the fabrication of false diplomas ... fake documents, annals, chronicles" (Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, vol. 8) - everything to make the Bible religion the greatest bastion of Mammon.

And today? In Germany alone, the Bible religions Catholic and Protestant churches receive around 20 billion euros a year in subsidies and tax exemptions from state budgets, including salaries for their bishops and other church personnel, which flows directly or indirectly to Bible interpreters via state lump-sum payments. Indeed, the entire training apparatus for Protestant and Catholic theology with its Bible training programs installed in the service of the respective denomination is paid for by the state in Germany.
And today's mammon stems from the earlier "blood money", as church representatives refer to "ancient rights" from times when emperors and kings robbed possessions in wars and during expropriations and expulsions and then bequeathed the mammon to their bishops and abbots with their dioceses and monasteries - mostly out of concern for their salvation, which they believed they would achieve through these donations to the church - a not only extremely expensive deception to the detriment of those affected, as their own salvation was pushed into the very distant future by following the church's calls to violence. But why did so many people allow this to happen to them?
One of these methods still has an effect today. In order to intimidate people, especially those in authority, theologians still read an alleged eternal damnation for dissenters from their biblical beliefs out of their bibles, which is not verifiable in the old biblical texts and is at least controversial - but the priests are the authorized interpreters, and an interpretation of an impending eternal hell for dissenters in this case fulfils the intended financial purpose to a large extent.

Today's state officials, business bosses, stockbrokers and many more, who still seek the church's blessing for their actions when necessary, blow the same horn of Mammon. This is how military alliances, war operations, arms production and exports are justified, and children and adults are allowed to starve to death away from major world politics. For the laws of mammon and armed force are mutually dependent and are among the highest in the financial hierarchy of church and state. The Bible, with its warnings such as the words "You cannot serve God and mammon", is not much more than historical folklore for the interpretation experts in church and state where it agrees with the commandments of God through the word of the prophets of all times, because no one adheres to it, just as no one adheres to the biblically clear teaching of peace by Jesus of Nazareth.

Mammon is obviously the predominant god of many, to which more and more life on planet Earth is now falling victim in our time. People preach about Jesus' beautiful parables of nature, but promote aggression against nature that can no longer be increased: the merciless exploitation and poisoning of the earth to the point of collapse, the emptying and poisoning of the seas, the deforestation of the green lungs of the earth, the forests and much more. And even in the context of the war in Ukraine, many a Mammon worshipper is already eyeing the opportunity to make big bucks there too, because the vast expanses of Russia are particularly rich in mineral resources and untouched resources.

But enough is enough, and one of the logical conclusions and advice to Bible believers would be: you might as well leave the Bible aside, because none or hardly any of them adhere to what is still true in it anyway, so put the Bible away! Because the falsifications in it have so far caused no end of mischief, and those things in it that still correspond to God's commandments are not adhered to. The most recent example is the war in Ukraine. So what is the Bible for?

7 - The countless ecclesiastical exceptions to the commandments of the Bible

What is the point of the Bible, in which God's commandment "Thou shalt not kill" can also be found (e.g. Exodus 20:13), if the church's authorized interpreters fill entire libraries with their exceptions to this commandment?
What is the point of a Bible with the enlightening words "God does not dwell in churches of stone" (e.g. Acts 7, 48 ff.) if the church leaders still do the opposite today and worship their God in stone houses? One cathedral, one cathedral, one stone temple, one village church after another was built, in the past by forced laborers and slaves, among others. And today, millions and millions of euros have to be raised by taxpayers from state budgets for church maintenance and renovations under the heading of "monument protection" - right up to the billions spent on rebuilding the ruins of Notre Dame in Paris.
The God worshipped in these stone buildings is therefore not the God that individual passages in their Bibles still proclaim, when it says that "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21) and when prophets warn people that God does not dwell in temples made of stone. (e.g. Isaiah 66, 1 f.)
But as usual with the Bible: a few pages further on, the opposite of this truth is also written, namely the alleged command to build stone temples for the respective god and to cut the throats of thousands of animals as a sacrifice for this god and then burn them (1 Kings 6-8 and others). To each as he pleases, cult and cruelty included.

What is the point of the church's recitation of Jesus' words in the Bible "You shall call no one father on earth", because One is the Father of us all, the Father-Mother God in heaven? (Matthew 23:9) Why? Because the very religion that refers to the Bible calls its leader "Holy Father", and the politicians who pay homage to him make a pilgrimage to Rome. So they do exactly the opposite of what is written in their Bibles, from which a logical consequence would be: then finally put your Bible away, as its contents, even where it still contains the truth, are ultimately only regarded as folkloristic lore. So get rid of a book, is one possible conclusion, which is used above all to justify one's own arrogance and the claim to absoluteness that is claimed for oneself and at the same time to fight the living word of God through His prophets in all the hundreds of years since Jesus of Nazareth, since God, the Eternal, does not adhere to the wording of the 1700-year-old church Bibles through His word of prophecy; and of course certainly does not confirm the forgeries contained in them, which have brought and continue to bring unspeakable suffering and terror among people.

8 - God, the Eternal, intervened with His prophets and the battle of priest against prophet

What is God? Where is God? Those who honestly ask about God have never been left alone by Him. Through His prophets, He has always intervened in world events with the fullness of His love. And Christians all over the world know this: God spoke and continues to speak today through the mouths of prophets, as He has always done from Abraham to Gabriele, before Jesus of Nazareth and after Him.
And it was always the respective priestly caste that pulled their Bibles out of their robes, the tailor-made work of their churches, denominations and scholars. And in doing so, they fought against the living Word of God with all means at their disposal - from ignoring, ridiculing, ridiculing and mocking to expulsion, torture and murder or, in our time, discrimination and character assassination. Followers of Jesus of all generations have been victims of biblical faith and the biblical interpretations of their opponents, who worship their Bibles on their stone altars. But no matter how you twist and turn this book, no matter what you interpret into it or out of it, no matter how much blood you pour over it or how much blood you squeeze out of it - theologians and church officials have always used their Bibles primarily to promote their opinions.

9 - Homosexuals - once stoned to death, now blessed by the priest - Is God changeable or does it have nothing to do with Him?

For centuries, it was also common practice for people to be murdered with reference to the Bible, and executions demanded by the Bible were carried out time and again in accordance with the biblical requirements of the death penalty, often following cruel torture: For people who disobeyed the priests, for wise women suspected of sorcery or even for homosexuals, about whom it says in the Bibles "If anyone lies with a male as with a woman, they have done what is an abomination, and both shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:13), which was carried out by stoning at the time.
This is now seen differently by the churches in our time. The Protestant Church now blesses homosexual partnerships, and recently Catholic priests have also done so. But what about their Bibles now that the persecution of homosexual people demanded there has ended? So were all the homosexual victims of the past killed in vain or were they just "unlucky" to have lived at the wrong time? So is God changeable? Or was the order to execute them in the Bible not from him at all?

10 - Paul - the "god" of theologians and Bible believers

And what is this supposed to have to do with God when the highly revered and supposedly holy apostle Paul arrogantly refers to dissenters in the Bible as "false brothers" (e.g. Galatians 2:4) and even threatens God's messengers from heaven with merciless persecution? Literally in his biblical letter to the Galatians, which the Church also considers to be the pure word of God to this day: "If we or an angel from heaven preach to you a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have just said, I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel different from what you received, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8)
This means that believers should not listen to an angel from heaven. But they should listen to the priests of the church. To an angel, one of the highest spiritual beings of the kingdom of God, only if the messenger of God repeats what Paul and the priests say. For Paul's words are always God's words for the Church, and this is supposedly only interpreted correctly by the Church's magisterium.
This alleged Paul's word equals God's word also means: "We don't need angels from heaven, because we have Paul and the Bible and the priests." And if Paul's word always equals God's word, as the churches claim, then in reality Paul is their God, and not the Father-Mother God that Jesus of Nazareth taught us.

This cursing by Paul and thus, according to church doctrine, supposedly coming from God, would then also affect someone who does not agree with Paul that every worldly authority is authorized to be "God's servant", even every dictatorial one, by having them strike with the sword accordingly, according to Paul in his so-called Letter to the Romans (chapter 13).
In later centuries, the Bible author Paul's cursing of dissenters, including any angels from heaven, became the standard statement of the Bible-believing priestly caste in the condemnation sentences of the church inquisition, with countless torture murders as a consequence. It is therefore understandable if people who want to live according to simple ethical values come to the conclusion: "I don't need the Bible, so get rid of it. Because I can't and don't want to be guided by it. God has also given me common sense and an originally intact conscience, and He has also repeatedly sent His messengers to people who made His will clear where people no longer recognized it clearly" - a will that was always the same: the realization of love for God and neighbour, nothing else.

Paul was not afraid to hand over "fornicators", as he calls them, to "Satan" "for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord", as it says in the Bible (1 Corinthians 5:5). The ecclesiastical inquisitors of later centuries readily based their terrible murders on this teaching handed down by St. Paul and used it to justify the executions of dissenters - also with the epilogue derived from St. Paul that their souls could perhaps be saved in this way.
The dangers that threaten people by claiming that this book with such content is God's word were recognized by the well-known German philosopher Karl Jaspers, among others, who wrote about the churches and their religion: The, quote, "biblically founded claim to absoluteness is still constantly on the verge of igniting the funeral pyres for heretics anew" (Der philosophische Glaube, 9th edition, Munich 1988, p. 73)

11 - The church and its sect commissioners - Every theologian does what he wants with the Bible - Bible forger Luther

And in the period that followed, it was above all the sect commissioners of the churches who, with their untruths and mockery, dragged the original Christians of our time to the stake of public opinion, as can be read in the book "The Persecution of the Prophetess of God and the Followers of Jesus of Nazareth - The History of the Cruelty of Church and State", with examples from many centuries.

As in earlier times, they again fought against the living Spirit of God, who, as at all times, did not abide by the church's command of silence that no true prophets of God would be recognized and that church members would instead have to abide by the church's Bible book and its interpretation by theologians.

It is true that the Vatican Church and all other denominations, free churches, Pentecostal churches and Bible groups claim that the Bible has been the unchanged Word of God for around 1700 years, and indeed the entire Bible. Nevertheless, each of them has its own God and also its own Bible, whereby no two editions are the same, depending on how the Hebrew or Greek originals are translated and interpreted in our time. Ultimately, each denomination does what it wants with the Bible, tailored to its own interests. Yesterday stoning, today blessing, tomorrow perhaps stoning again, but certainly always: they only adhere to what serves their current purposes in this book.

Even today, they continue to falsify and distort as much as they can, just as Martin Luther did, who is particularly revered for being a Bible believer. For example, the church reformer claimed that it was Jesus himself who instituted the death penalty by reversing Luther's translation of Jesus' words "Whoever takes up the sword will perish by the sword" (Matthew 26:52).
To clarify: Jesus of Nazareth used these words to teach the law of sowing and reaping and He therefore admonished His disciple Peter to put the sword back into its sheath and not to strike. Martin Luther, however, tore the biblical passage out of context and changed one word in it so that it no longer says "Whoever takes up the sword shall perish by the sword", but "Whoever takes up the sword shall perish by the sword", again justifying the death penalty for countless contemporaries, supposedly because, in his opinion, Christ had commanded this. (The secular authorities and the limits of obedience, in: Luther Taschenausgabe, Volume 5, Berlin 1982, p. 112)

A single word changed, and the message of peace of God's Christ is already reversed. And such tricks are still the specialty of all theologians today, who do what they want with their Bibles.

12 - What two swords are still doing today - Bible rape by the Vatican Church

Another drastic example of this kind is the so-called two swords doctrine of the Church. There is a half-sentence in the biblical Gospel of Luke according to which it is enough if the disciples could possibly carry two swords with them on their journeys, probably a simple outward sign so as not to be attacked by robbers out of recklessness, but without using these swords (Luke 22, 36-38). However, the other evangelists in the Bible know nothing of this recommendation, which also raises the question of whether this was really the case. According to church doctrine, it was. And the Roman Catholic Church then constructed an interpretation of this biblical passage that no longer has anything to do with the actual meaning, quoted from the collection of dogmas:
"By the statements of the Gospels we are instructed that in this her [the Church's] power are two swords, namely, the spiritual and the temporal ... Both are therefore in the power of the Church, namely the spiritual sword and the temporal sword. However, the former is for the Church, but the latter is to be wielded by the Church. The former (in the hands of) the priest, the latter in the hands of kings and soldiers, but with the consent and toleration of the priest. But it is fitting that one sword should be under the other and that temporal authority should submit to spiritual authority ... For as the truth testifies, spiritual authority must use and judge earthly authority when it has not been good." (From the bull "Unam Sanctam" by Pope Boniface VIII of November 18, 1302, quoted from Heinrich Denzinger/Peter Hünermann, Compendium of the Creeds and Church Doctrinal Decisions, 42nd edition, Freiburg/Basel/Vienna 2009, Doctrinal Proclamation No. 873)

Dear readers, if this is what Jesus of Nazareth is supposed to have meant, why did He not say it? Why did He then say "Whoever takes up the sword will perish by the sword"?
Doesn't anyone who uses their common sense have to admit that this totalitarian fantasy of violence under the rule of the Vatican Church is only projected into its Bibles, which could then also be described as a rape of the Bible's content? But then what is the point of Bibles if the religious authorities do not adhere to their supposedly holy book anyway, but do whatever they want with it until the content is completely turned into its opposite; which also applies to the politicians with state authority, who to this day more or less bow to the spiritual sword of the priests claimed here. For they like to wield their temporal sword for this church, just as Pope Leo XIII demanded at the end of the 19th century, for example, when he declared to the German Emperor that Germany must become the sword of the Catholic Church (Pope Leo XIII in 1888 to Emperor Wilhelm II in Rome - see Walter Löhde, Das päpstliche Rom und das deutsche Reich). And to this end, politicians follow the corresponding clerical directives and continue to pile up the religious institutions with privileges, especially financial ones.

13 - No two Bibles are alike, but the state pays twice for everything

And because there are two large churches, especially in Germany, the state has to pay twice for all these privileges. In other words, both the financing of Catholic biblical studies and the financing of Protestant biblical studies, even if each interpretation variant leads to different results in the interpretation of the Bible. They always serve the respective clerical purpose.
For example, Catholic religious education and Bible teaching at state schools is financed by the state, as is Protestant religious education and Bible teaching at state schools.
And while these Bible lessons may be Catholic or Protestant, they are not Christian, and the billions to be spent annually by the state on them should finally be abolished without replacement.
If you want to live a Christian life, you don't need a church Bible, you can make up your mind: I will learn to put the love of God and neighbour into practice in my life, just as all the prophets of the Old Covenant, just as Jesus of Nazareth and just as all the prophets of the New Covenant taught and teach; and not, as is claimed in church Bible constructs, no two of which are alike and with which everyone ultimately does what they want.

14 - Ecumenism with reference to the Bibles as a betrayal of the so-called "Magisterium" of the Vatican Church

And even where the two major denominations, Catholic and Protestant, want to join forces - they call it ecumenism because their Bibles, for example, say that they should be one - there is an immediate internal contradiction. When, for the first time in hundreds of years, a Catholic bishop at the so-called Ecumenical Church Congress 2021 in Germany in Frankfurt am Main also handed out the wafer, which for them is supposed to be the "body of Christ", to Protestants according to the Catholic rite, this immediately sparked fierce opposition from Catholic spheres. Cardinal Müller, the Vatican Church's highest guardian of the faith under Pope Joseph Ratzinger, condemned his colleague, saying that his actions were a provocation of the Catholic Church's magisterium. Because no one can "arbitrarily and at their own discretion", Cardinal Müller said (, 15.4.2021), declare the differences between the Protestant and Catholic creeds to be irrelevant or ignore them. And therefore, according to this magisterium, Protestants are not allowed to receive the Oblate celebrated by Catholics under the claim of infallibility.
This contrast between the denominations is also evident, for example, in the fact that Catholic biblical scholars must always take Catholic doctrine as the basis in the event of Bible disagreements between themselves and Protestant biblical scholars. But then you might as well do without the Bible altogether if it is only being misused to construct your own religious opinion into it anyway.

15 - The crimes of the church - but enough is enough

Dear readers!
So what has the Bible achieved? Disagreeing and quarrelling theologians and countless church denominations, all of which refer to this book, but each interprets it differently. So many denominations and theologians, so many interpretations of the Bible. That alone is proof that they have all moved away from the original teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Everyone knows better and exalts themselves above the others, and all of them together exalt themselves above Jesus, the Christ. The church institutions and their branches and descendants have had hundreds of years to prove that a different, a better world is possible with their Bible book. The church expert Karlheinz Deschner sums up the result after intensive study of its history with the words "I know of no organization in the world in antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times, including and especially the 20th century, that has been so long, so continuously and so hideously tainted with crimes as the church." (The Offended Church, Freiburg 1986, p. 42 f.)

But now it is enough. The time is over. Whichever way you look at it: Viewed as a whole, the Bible and the belief in the Bible show bad fruit again and again for 1700 years and in this they themselves give proof that God, the All-One, did not immortalize this book as His Word.
And those who adhere to the book have already fallen into the abyss many times or are falling into the abyss that is opening up more and more and which is ultimately called climate collapse; together with their Bibles.

16 - The prophets of God knew nothing of a Bible

Then it is also said: the book is gone, the book is gone, no longer to be found in the deep abyss. But no one will miss it, because people will no longer look for bad fruits and their confirmation by priests, but for the good fruits that all true prophets of God brought at all times, in word and in deed, as Jesus of Nazareth predicted and which became the model for a new age, about which God, the Eternal, spoke through the word of the prophet Jeremiah: "I will put my law in their hearts and write it in their minds; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God" (Jeremiah 31:33). Jeremiah also said nothing about a coming Bible. But prophets of God have come and continue to come to people, even in the present day.

17 - Another chance for every Bible follower

However, anyone who wants to hold on to their Bible book despite all present and future perspectives and facts could resolve to live according to the truth still contained therein, for example according to the peace teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, which we have also referred to in this study, or according to the Ten Commandments by the prophet of God Moses and the Sermon on the Mount, together the true heart of the Bible book and a clear orientation for every honest seeker of truth. For even those who take one or more steps towards a brighter world with a single Bible word realized in their own lives, which still corresponds to the truth, will consequently be able to distinguish better and better between what is truth and what is a lie, just as Jesus of Nazareth also taught: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32) - consequently also free from attachment to the Bible book, in which the "father of lies" also lurks, against whom Jesus of Nazareth warned urgently (John 8:44) and who also dwelled in that book.
But everyone is free to follow the truthful teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, as they are also contained in the Bible - unlike the Bible-believing politicians of the CDU, FDP, Greens and SPD and unlike the many US and European Bible-believing politicians who represent the destructive and mass murderous war policy of their country in stark contrast to their Bibles. One could also consider the words of Jesus as they are recorded at the end of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:24-27): "Whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them well is like a wise man who built his house on rock. So when the rain fell and the waters came and the winds blew and beat against that house, it did not collapse, for it was founded on rock. And whoever hears these sayings of mine and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. And when the rain fell, and the waters came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, it fell down, and the fall thereof was great." Or, as the prophet of God Isaiah had already announced: "Nothing will remain of your proud army but an empty flagpole on a bare hill." (30, 17)

The text has also been published in print and can be quoted as follows:
Journal "Der Theologe", ed. Dieter Potzel, issue no. 114: Schlagt eure Bibeln zu! Legt die Bibel weg!, Wertheim 2021, quoted from, version of 28.3.2024; Copyright © and imprint see here.
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