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USA delivered a pre-emptive strike to Russia prior to the terror attack on Moscow

by DLi
The White house said it sent Moscow a "warning" prior to the massacre at Crocus concert hall last week. However, it appears the message was a non-specific, boiler-plate that contained no actionable intelligence. Thus, the useless alert could only serve a diversionary tactic; indeed, only as a "pre-emptive" informational warfare strike designed solely for the purpose of "plausible deniability" for the USA
With the confident knowledge that the Western "Corporate-bin-laden" media would act as the usual "stenographer" to all US Imperial narratives, the White House was 100% correct to count on the corporate Mainstream Media to immediately--without even waiting for a single piece of evidence--proclaim American innocence, as well as the knee-jerk condemnation of Russian incompetence and/or stupidity in ignoring "helpful" intelligence advice from the West.

However, once the smoke cleared at the concert hall, the real evidence collected so far points to a much murkier picture. Apparently, confessed testimonies from capture attackers, as well as cell phone records obtained by Russian investigators(and yesterday's capture of an accomplice who was making rental car arrangements for the attackers) made it abundantly clear the attackers intended to flee toward Ukraine. Gee, I wonder why ISIS jihadists would want to escape to a country that's run by Fascist right-wing extremists? And the timing of the attack conveniently serves to divert Moscow's attention away from its current military advances in the rapidly-crumbling US/NATO proxy war on Russia. I do believe the "ISIS-K" narrative smells awfully fishy. What do you think?
I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. empire was, at the least, indirectly behind the ISIS-K terror attack in Russia. Wherever there's conflict in the world, it's usually the USA that's behind it.

A notable example: the USA supported the Mujahideen in the 1980s after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. (The Politburo was trying to decide whether or not to invade, and eventually it was a go due to Islamic fanatics causing trouble at the USSR's border.) And the Mujahideen was of course fanatically religious. Then came blowback in the form of 9/11, with bin Laden, who was in the Mujahideen, behind this attack.

Due to its obsession with maintaining and expanding capital worldwide, the USA will side with almost anyone to protect this. The long-term goal of the empire is to make Ukraine (and eventually Russia) into a market satellite, but it is probably doomed to fail.

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