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Effie’s House tenants threatened with displacement by EBALDC
Effie's House - 21 Unit Residential Building In Oakland:

Effie’s House tenants threatened with displacement by EBALDC
By Lynda Carson - February 24, 2024
Oakland - On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the tenants of Effie’s House (21 unit residential building) in East Oakland, received a hopelessly vague threatening notice that threatens to displace the tenants residing in the basement apartments, and the tenants on the first floor of the residential building, that includes four floors of apartments.
The threats of displacement (allegedly temporary) are allegedly over a “seismic retrofit project,” being proposed by the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) called, the “Effie’s House Seismic Retrofit Project.”
The 2/22/2024 Hopelessly Vague Notice Served To The Tenants:
In the hopelessly vague 2/22/2024 undated, and unsigned notice served to the tenants by EBALDC, it mentions that EBALDC has not hired a contractor yet for the proposed “seismic retrofit project.”
Additionally, according to the notice, EBALDC does not have any permits yet for the proposed project, from the City of Oakland.
However, EBALDC is already harassing the tenants at Effie’s House over the proposed “seismic retrofit project,” with the 2/22/2024 hopelessly vague notice. A notice claiming that EBALDC will be conducting a “General Contractor” walk through at Effie’s House on the following dates, and “MAY” want to enter your unit as part of the evaluation.
The Dates Listed In The Vague Notice: Tuesday, February 27th from 10am to noon. And, Tuesday, March 5th from 1pm to 3pm.
The hopelessly vague notice does not state that EBALDC “will or shall,” enter the tenant’s apartments on the two above mentioned dates.
It merely states that EBALDC “MAY” want to enter the tenants apartments on those dates, which does not appear to be, or constitute to be a legal “24 hour notice” in California, to enter the tenant’s apartments.
The served 2/22/2024 notice to the tenants is undated, unsigned, and does not have the name of the tenant, or the apartment unit number, of the apartment that EBALDC “MAY” want to enter on February 27, or on March 5.
Indeed. It appears that EBALDC expects the tenants to roll over and play dead, as they plan to pressure the tenants by “any means necessary,” into going along with the “hopelessly vague notice” to enter their apartments over a proposed “seismic retrofit project.”
Apparently, EBALDC already expects that the tenants in the 21 unit residential building called Effie’s House, to give up all of their “right’s to privacy,” in Oakland, under the privacy laws in the State of California.
It also appears that EBALDC expects the tenants to go along with what is known as “BOHICA” . That’s right! For those of you who do not know, “BOHICA” is an acronym for, “Bend over, here it comes again.”
Who May Be Most Affected, Or Displaced By EBALDC’s Proposed Seismic Retrofit Project:
Among those in the basement apartments that my be displaced by the proposed project, they include a retired person who used to work at Cal Berkeley, and a person with aspirations to be an actress, plus someone else who reside there.
On the first floor at Effie’s House, among those who may be displaced by EBALDC’s proposed “seismic retrofit project,” it includes a person with disabilities in a wheelchair in one apartment, two senior citizens in their 70s who reside in different apartments, with one of those tenants being a diabetic and having other health problems, plus a person with disabilities on dialysis in another apartment, and two other tenants in other apartments, including one of them being an EBALDC employee who works at the California Hotel.
For the senior citizens being threatened with displacement, the person on dialysis, and the person in a wheelchair being threatened to be displaced from their housing, even if it is temporary (what ever that means), this would be a great unwelcome, life disrupting hardship on them.
The threats of displacement may be life threatening, or may cause further harm to their existing longterm on-going health problems, that may end up resulting in strokes or heart attacks to occur in those being threatened with displacement by EBALDC, or may result in other health concerns, as a direct result of being threatened with displacement from their homes.
As of November, 2023, renter vacancy rates in Oakland for residential buildings was only 3.4% .
The 2/22/2024 undated and unsigned notice served to the tenants, in part it also states, “In addition, we will be conducting some initial testing in the coming weeks and may require entry into your units. You will be notified prior to the vendor coming on site if testing will be performed in your unit.”
Resident Communications:
The 2/22/2024 undated and unsigned notice to the tenants also states, “We will hold a tenant meeting with property management, resident services and the general contractor as soon as a general contractor is selected. At that time we will have more information on relocation and what to expect during the course of construction. If you have any questions, please direct them to Property Manager Rod Thomas at ###-###-####.
Indeed. EBALDC has no respect for the tenants at Effie’s House who may be in a “total state of shock” and in absolute fear of being displaced by the recent proposed “seismic retrofit project,” after receiving the 2/22/2024 threatening notice. The same notice, that as a dirty low-down trickster, in the notice EBALDC advises the tenants to contact Property Manager Rod Thomas at ###-###-####, if they have any questions. ###-###-#### ???
Massive $2.5 Million Rehab Project At Effie’s House Starting in 2011:
In 2010 - There was a $2.5 million loan granted to EBALDC by the City of Oakland for work to be done at Effie’s House that included earthquake retrofitting at Effie’s House in the basement area, and basement apartments.
See links below…
10) A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2009-0030 C.M.S. To Increase The Amount Of A Preservation And Rehabilitation Loan To East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation By $1,260,000 For The Effie's House (Ivy Hill) Project Located At 829 East 19th Avenue For A Total Loan Amount Of $2,517,000, And Authorizing Loan Extensions And/Or Changes In Terms For Existing Agency Loans For The Project; And
(EBALDC Harasses Tenants At Effie's House During Massive Money Making Rehab Scheme)
Oakland tenants harassed over $2.5 million renovation scheme
Thursday, July 28, 2011
By Lynda Carson
Click below for the full story…
Hundreds Of Oakland Tenants Fear Displacement By Nonprofit Housing Developers:
Back around 2009/2010, there were hundreds of tenants in Oakland afraid of being displaced by massive rehab projects being proposed in the apartment buildings they resided in, owned by nonprofit housing developers, including EBALDC.
The tenants organized to fight back against the money making displacement schemes as best as they could back then. See a few links below….
Loans to affordable housing nonprofits appear likely despite tenant fears
By SEAN MAHER | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: March 10, 2009 at 9:05 p.m. | UPDATED: August 15, 2016 at 5:33 p.m.
Click below…
Housing renovation funds may displace hundreds of families
By Lynda Carson - March 7, 2009
Click below…
Housing renovation funds may displace hundreds of families
Click below…
Seismic Retrofits In Oakland:
Buildings containing soft stories with 5 or more units, built before 1991, with two stories or more, and constructed with wood may be subject to a mandatory seismic retrofit in Oakland.
Mandatory Soft Story Retrofit
Oakland’s list of buildings that may have to have “earthquake seismic retrofits,” or buildings that may be exempt from “seismic retrofits.”
Effie’s House is listed on page 12 (at 829 E. 19th St.), and is not listed as being exempt, despite already having had some “seismic retrofit” rehab work done in the basement at Effie’s House, during a massive $2.5 million rehab project at the building back around 2011, that lasted for many months.
Click below…
Note: Lynda Carson is a longtime tenant of 22 to 23 years at Effie’s House.
Lynda Carson may be reached at newzland2 [at]
By Lynda Carson - February 24, 2024
Oakland - On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the tenants of Effie’s House (21 unit residential building) in East Oakland, received a hopelessly vague threatening notice that threatens to displace the tenants residing in the basement apartments, and the tenants on the first floor of the residential building, that includes four floors of apartments.
The threats of displacement (allegedly temporary) are allegedly over a “seismic retrofit project,” being proposed by the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) called, the “Effie’s House Seismic Retrofit Project.”
The 2/22/2024 Hopelessly Vague Notice Served To The Tenants:
In the hopelessly vague 2/22/2024 undated, and unsigned notice served to the tenants by EBALDC, it mentions that EBALDC has not hired a contractor yet for the proposed “seismic retrofit project.”
Additionally, according to the notice, EBALDC does not have any permits yet for the proposed project, from the City of Oakland.
However, EBALDC is already harassing the tenants at Effie’s House over the proposed “seismic retrofit project,” with the 2/22/2024 hopelessly vague notice. A notice claiming that EBALDC will be conducting a “General Contractor” walk through at Effie’s House on the following dates, and “MAY” want to enter your unit as part of the evaluation.
The Dates Listed In The Vague Notice: Tuesday, February 27th from 10am to noon. And, Tuesday, March 5th from 1pm to 3pm.
The hopelessly vague notice does not state that EBALDC “will or shall,” enter the tenant’s apartments on the two above mentioned dates.
It merely states that EBALDC “MAY” want to enter the tenants apartments on those dates, which does not appear to be, or constitute to be a legal “24 hour notice” in California, to enter the tenant’s apartments.
The served 2/22/2024 notice to the tenants is undated, unsigned, and does not have the name of the tenant, or the apartment unit number, of the apartment that EBALDC “MAY” want to enter on February 27, or on March 5.
Indeed. It appears that EBALDC expects the tenants to roll over and play dead, as they plan to pressure the tenants by “any means necessary,” into going along with the “hopelessly vague notice” to enter their apartments over a proposed “seismic retrofit project.”
Apparently, EBALDC already expects that the tenants in the 21 unit residential building called Effie’s House, to give up all of their “right’s to privacy,” in Oakland, under the privacy laws in the State of California.
It also appears that EBALDC expects the tenants to go along with what is known as “BOHICA” . That’s right! For those of you who do not know, “BOHICA” is an acronym for, “Bend over, here it comes again.”
Who May Be Most Affected, Or Displaced By EBALDC’s Proposed Seismic Retrofit Project:
Among those in the basement apartments that my be displaced by the proposed project, they include a retired person who used to work at Cal Berkeley, and a person with aspirations to be an actress, plus someone else who reside there.
On the first floor at Effie’s House, among those who may be displaced by EBALDC’s proposed “seismic retrofit project,” it includes a person with disabilities in a wheelchair in one apartment, two senior citizens in their 70s who reside in different apartments, with one of those tenants being a diabetic and having other health problems, plus a person with disabilities on dialysis in another apartment, and two other tenants in other apartments, including one of them being an EBALDC employee who works at the California Hotel.
For the senior citizens being threatened with displacement, the person on dialysis, and the person in a wheelchair being threatened to be displaced from their housing, even if it is temporary (what ever that means), this would be a great unwelcome, life disrupting hardship on them.
The threats of displacement may be life threatening, or may cause further harm to their existing longterm on-going health problems, that may end up resulting in strokes or heart attacks to occur in those being threatened with displacement by EBALDC, or may result in other health concerns, as a direct result of being threatened with displacement from their homes.
As of November, 2023, renter vacancy rates in Oakland for residential buildings was only 3.4% .
The 2/22/2024 undated and unsigned notice served to the tenants, in part it also states, “In addition, we will be conducting some initial testing in the coming weeks and may require entry into your units. You will be notified prior to the vendor coming on site if testing will be performed in your unit.”
Resident Communications:
The 2/22/2024 undated and unsigned notice to the tenants also states, “We will hold a tenant meeting with property management, resident services and the general contractor as soon as a general contractor is selected. At that time we will have more information on relocation and what to expect during the course of construction. If you have any questions, please direct them to Property Manager Rod Thomas at ###-###-####.
Indeed. EBALDC has no respect for the tenants at Effie’s House who may be in a “total state of shock” and in absolute fear of being displaced by the recent proposed “seismic retrofit project,” after receiving the 2/22/2024 threatening notice. The same notice, that as a dirty low-down trickster, in the notice EBALDC advises the tenants to contact Property Manager Rod Thomas at ###-###-####, if they have any questions. ###-###-#### ???
Massive $2.5 Million Rehab Project At Effie’s House Starting in 2011:
In 2010 - There was a $2.5 million loan granted to EBALDC by the City of Oakland for work to be done at Effie’s House that included earthquake retrofitting at Effie’s House in the basement area, and basement apartments.
See links below…
10) A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2009-0030 C.M.S. To Increase The Amount Of A Preservation And Rehabilitation Loan To East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation By $1,260,000 For The Effie's House (Ivy Hill) Project Located At 829 East 19th Avenue For A Total Loan Amount Of $2,517,000, And Authorizing Loan Extensions And/Or Changes In Terms For Existing Agency Loans For The Project; And
(EBALDC Harasses Tenants At Effie's House During Massive Money Making Rehab Scheme)
Oakland tenants harassed over $2.5 million renovation scheme
Thursday, July 28, 2011
By Lynda Carson
Click below for the full story…
Hundreds Of Oakland Tenants Fear Displacement By Nonprofit Housing Developers:
Back around 2009/2010, there were hundreds of tenants in Oakland afraid of being displaced by massive rehab projects being proposed in the apartment buildings they resided in, owned by nonprofit housing developers, including EBALDC.
The tenants organized to fight back against the money making displacement schemes as best as they could back then. See a few links below….
Loans to affordable housing nonprofits appear likely despite tenant fears
By SEAN MAHER | Bay Area News Group
PUBLISHED: March 10, 2009 at 9:05 p.m. | UPDATED: August 15, 2016 at 5:33 p.m.
Click below…
Housing renovation funds may displace hundreds of families
By Lynda Carson - March 7, 2009
Click below…
Housing renovation funds may displace hundreds of families
Click below…
Seismic Retrofits In Oakland:
Buildings containing soft stories with 5 or more units, built before 1991, with two stories or more, and constructed with wood may be subject to a mandatory seismic retrofit in Oakland.
Mandatory Soft Story Retrofit
Oakland’s list of buildings that may have to have “earthquake seismic retrofits,” or buildings that may be exempt from “seismic retrofits.”
Effie’s House is listed on page 12 (at 829 E. 19th St.), and is not listed as being exempt, despite already having had some “seismic retrofit” rehab work done in the basement at Effie’s House, during a massive $2.5 million rehab project at the building back around 2011, that lasted for many months.
Click below…
Note: Lynda Carson is a longtime tenant of 22 to 23 years at Effie’s House.
Lynda Carson may be reached at newzland2 [at]
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Update: Effie's House is not a soft story building
Wed, Feb 28, 2024 9:16PM
Plywood for seismic retrofit at Effie's House?
Mon, Feb 26, 2024 4:48PM
Protests, Complaints, and Law Suits Against EBALDC
Sun, Feb 25, 2024 6:08PM
Sun, Feb 25, 2024 2:24AM
Effie's House / Ivy Hill Is $2,052,220 In Debt
Sat, Feb 24, 2024 9:13PM
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