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Travis Base Major Transport Base For Weapons To Israel & Ukraine

Travis AFB is the largest military transport base of weapons to Israel and Ukraine. There will be an international day of action on the 2nd anniversary of the war in Ukraine at this base on 2/24/24
On The Two Year Anniversary Of The War In Ukriaine 2/24/24 -Action At Travis AFB In Fairfield Where Weapons Are Shipped to Israel

Join The Global Day Of Action Against War In Ukraine, Genocide In Gaza and US Wars and Bases Around the World

The largest US AFB which transports weapons to Israel is the Travis AFB in Fairfield California. On February 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM there will be a protest at the base to shutdown all military cargo to Ukraine, Israel and the 800 bases around the world.

There will also be actions around the world.

Travis Major Transport Base For Israeli Weapons
After Flying Out Personnel, C-17s Return to Israel Carrying Munitions

After Flying Out Personnel, C-17s Return to Israel Carrying Munitions
Oct. 24, 2023 | By Unshin Lee Harpley

While the Pentagon surges U.S. forces to the Middle East to deter further conflict in the region, the Air Force’s airlift fleet has been steadily working to deliver essential munitions, armored vehicles, and aid to Israel for its war against Hamas using C-17 Globemaster III aircraft.

Images published Oct. 24 show that aid in action, with Airmen from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, loading cargo onto a C-17 from Travis Air Force Base, Calif., and delivering it to Nevatim Base in Israel.

According to the Pentagon, five C-17s transported a variety of security assistance to Israel between Oct. 12 and Oct. 16. U.S. Transportation Command declined to release additional information on the volume and the specifics of the munitions C-17s are carrying to Israel.

During a briefing last week, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said she anticipates “nearly daily deliveries” of aid to Israel.

The U.S. has already supplied Israel with munitions such as small diameter bombs and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits, through Direct Commercial Sales Contracts, a senior defense official said Oct 23.

The JDAM is a guidance kit that transforms existing unguided free-fall bombs into precise, all-weather ‘smart’ weapons.

The senior official added that before the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack, some 155mm ammunition had been taken from Israel’s war reserve stockpile to replenish U.S. stocks in Europe. However, a significant portion of that ammunition has been redirected and provided to the Israel Defense Forces for their use.

The Pentagon is expediting existing weapons orders for Israel from defense companies as well.

The C-17 is a heavy-lift, strategic transport capable of direct tactical delivery of all classes of military cargo. The aircraft previously conducted missions to bring back individuals from Israel following the Hamas attack.

After deploying F-15Es and A-10 Thunderbolts to the Middle East, the Air Force is bolstering its presence in the Middle East by sending additional F-16 Fighting Falcons that landed Oct. 24.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden briefed Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on U.S. support and regional deterrence, including new military deployments on Oct. 23.

Biden also welcomed the release of two more hostages from Gaza and reaffirmed his commitment to securing the release of all remaining hostages including Americans, and maintaining humanitarian assistance in the region.

In a historical phase in which the contradictions of global capitalism are intensifying, from Ukraine to Palestine, from Sudan to the Congo, imperialist states increasingly resort to war and the massacre of human beings. By doing so, they want to violently ‘resolve’ conflicts of interest between their capitalist monopolies, or renew their colonial and neocolonial domination over oppressed peoples.

The workers, the proletarians called upon to slaughter one another to decide who will exploit them, must declare war on the wars of capital and organise themselves to overthrow capitalist domination of the world.

With the ongoing war in Ukraine, on the European continent, for the first time since the Second World War, two alignments of great capitalist powers are openly clashing: Russia on the one hand (with partial support from China and several emerging powers), and NATO (US and European powers) on the other, supplying the military materiel, with Ukraine providing the cannon fodder. After almost two years and more than 500,000 casualties and 10 million displaced people, 6.2 million of whom have emigrated, the slaughter continues with the risk of escalation, which, combined with global rivalries, makes World War III a real catastrophic possibility, for which all powers are preparing with a generalised arms race.

In the face of this war that is imperialist on both sides, as in the face of the outbreak of World War I, some of the currents of the anti-capitalist left have split between supporters of one or the other of the two warring camps. Which talk of ‘self-determination’ of Ukraine when the fierce dispute between two wings of the national bourgeoisie has plunged this country into the tragic path of war and, with Zelensky, of complete submission to western imperialism? Which war against ‘Nazism’ on the part of Russia, when Putin and his entourage, who want to revive the tsarist empire, are supported by Russian Nazis and in turn support far-right organisations throughout Europe?

Against both camps of clashing powers, let us raise the banner of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, to give substance to the proletarian opposition to both war fronts: “the main enemy is at home!”.

In the Middle East, Israel’s heinous colonial and annihilation war against the Palestinians of Gaza, with the massacre to date of 32,000 civilians, mostly children and women, the displacement and imminent starvation of more than two million people, the systematic destruction of homes, public buildings, hospitals, and basic infrastructure, together with the fascist attacks by settlers and the army on the Palestinians in the West Bank. It proofs the support of the western powers to the Zionist state, their outpost in the Middle East; and the complicity of the other big powers and regional powers, unwilling to sacrifice their own affairs to the Palestinian cause. The only allies of the Palestinian people are the proletarians of the Middle East and the workers and youth around the world who are taking to the streets in support of the Palestinian people, in support of their extraordinary resistance, their century-long struggle for self-determination by putting an end to the Zionist and Western machine of oppression in Palestine. Today, more than ever, Palestine is the home of the oppressed of the world! We support the Palestinian resistance, despite our criticism of the political and ideological alternatives of the Islamist forces.

All states, all governments, are expressions of profiteering bourgeoisies linked to the major imperialist powers, to the capitalist monopolies, to the international financial system, and are part and parcel of the social system that produces war; none of them can be allies in the war on war.

The decline of the American superpower in the face of the emergence of new medium and great powers, the transition from a US-dominated world (dis)order to a ‘multipolar world’ cannot bring about equilibrium and peace, but – as we are already seeing – growing imbalances, tensions and new wars. Wars which, in their essence, are wars for the sharing out of the fruits of the exploitation of the vast majority of society by a small minority.

Our camp is not the camp of the bourgeois states, it is the camp of the exploited and oppressed classes, of the workers, of the international proletariat, the only class that has an interest, and has the strength – if it organises itself – to put an end to the wars that its exploiters wage at its expense. After the low point of the revolutionary movement has been passed, it is necessary for the organisations that stand on the ground of revolutionary defeatism against the wars of capital, on the ground of coherent proletarian internationalism, to come together in common initiatives. The time is now, before it is too late!

The past matters, but we will be judged from our ability to meet the challenges of our historical period head-on.

On Saturday 24 February 2024, the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine, let us join forces in an international day of protest and struggle against the wars of capital!

– against both warring parties in Ukraine, for revolutionary defeatism – “the enemy is at home!”

– on the side of the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people against the national, racial, religious oppression and discrimination of the imperialist-zionist state Israel

– for a society without exploitation and war, of harmony between man and nature.

Proletarians of all countries, let’s unite!

This call is supported by:
Si Cobas, Doro-Chiba, Partido Obrero, International Anti-Imperialist United Front, MLPD, United Front Committee For A Labor Party UFCLP
info [at]
§Stop Sending Weapons To Ukraine & Israel
There is growing demand to stop the US war machine which operates out of Travis Air Force Base
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