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U.S. Congress Investigates President Biden, But Someone Needs To Investigate Congress!

by Peace-fully
In the United States Congress, the House Oversight Committee is investigating President Joe Biden with allegations of political money laundering; but, who will investigate the Members of Congress for the same things they are accusing him of?
In the United States Congress, the House Oversight Committee is investigating President Joe Biden with allegations of political money laundering; but, who will investigate the Members of Congress for the same things they are accusing him of?

Who on the “House Oversight Committee”, in the United States Congress, will investigate and oversee the “money laundering” of most of the members of U.S.Congress?

(1) MARIJUANA, CANNABIS – KEEPING IT ILLEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW IS A VIOLATION OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE, Old Testament Holy Bible, Genesis 1, verse 29; so why are some members of U.S. Congress taking campaign donations from the government taxpayer funded private-for-profit PRISON corporations’ political action committees? Why is it “money laundering”? Our federal tax dollars pay for federal prisons and private-for-profit prisons, and they pay part of their profits to political action committees which put money into the re-election campaign accounts of elected officials who promise to keep marijuana cannabis illegal under federal laws.We need to make cannabis marijuana legal under Federal Laws.
There is too much disparity from one state to the next. People should not be in prison in one state in the United States of America for something that is legal in another state.
Old Testament Holy Bible, Genesis 1, Verse 29:
“GOD gave us every seed bearing plant”.

THE U.S. CONGRESS votes to give
our hard earned tax dollars
then the corporations use our money
to produce products to sell internationally
and make billions of profits for themselves,
for the use of our hard earned tax dollars.
This is MODERN DAY SLAVERY! Furthermore, giving subsidies to corporations erodes the profits of BANKS which the corporations would otherwise take out loans from. Then the government uses our tax dollars to bail out the banks!

The U.S. Congress votes to give our
hard earned tax dollars to the N.I.H.,
National Institute of Health, and they
give our money to researchers in universities
and laboratories to invent new prescriptions and medical devices.
Then under the Bayh-Dole Act
of 1980, the lead researcher is allowed
to own the U.S. Patent rights to the new inventions,
and contract with pharmaceutical corporations
to sell the new products worldwide
for billions of dollars in profits paid
to the pharmaceutical corporations and the lead researcher,
even though taxpayers paid for all of the research!
Where is the taxpayers’ share of profits in return
for the investment of our hard earned dollars?
This is modern day slavery!

U.S. Congress votes to give BILLIONS of our hard earned tax dollars
to the PENTAGON. The Pentagon hands out our tax dollars to
university research projects and laboratories
for research, design and development of new weapons, drones & jets.
The defense contractors are allowed to sell the new products worldwide
to our Allies for BILLIONS of dollars in profits FOR THE DEFENSE CORPORATIONS,
while we get nothing in return for the use of our tax dollars!
This is modern day slavery, the wrongful taking of the fruits of our labor!

Republicans and Democrats both profit from their votes in the
United States Congress, House of Representatives and U.S. SENATE
because they receive campaign funds from political action committees
associated with the Corporations which receive our tax dollars through
(a) subsidies,
(b) the N.I.H.,
and (c) the Pentagon.

Do you agree that it is it is “money laundering”
when your tax dollars go through federal agencies, to corporations,
to corporate political action committees,
and end up in the campaign chests of elected officials!
There are even more sneaky tricks when tax dollars go to non-profits
who put some of their money away in foreign bank accounts,
and then funnel them to dark money groups which promote
candidates who promise to vote the way they want them to.

How can the U.S. Congress “House Oversight Committee, investigating President Joe Biden,
be so blind as to not take the planks out of their own eyes?
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