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Indybay Feature

Counter the "Walk for Life" Religious Right Wing in San Francisco

Saturday, January 20, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Event Type:
J20 organizers
Location Details:
Join the millions hitting the streets for Palestine, Ukraine, and other countries devastated by war. Participate in this interconnected protest and speak out for the right to our bodily autonomy everywhere.

In front of San Francisco Main Library
100 Larkin St.
San Francisco

Not the church, not the state, Reproductive Justice Liberates! Counter protest the religious right wing. Speakers, Brass Liberation Orchestra, poetry and chant them out of SF!

This will be its 19th year that Walk for Life anti-abortionists have bused thousands into San Francisco on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We can not stand by and watch them once again dance on Roe's grave.

As we know this is part of a larger right wing agenda to capitalize from the devastation of war. Join the millions hitting the streets for Palestine, Ukraine, and other war torn countries. This will be an interconnected protest and speak out for the right to our bodily autonomy everywhere.

This year it is so much MORE than our continued commitment to countering the religious right wing that invades San Francisco every year. The US Supreme Court just recently announced it will hear the case against the abortion pill mifepristone. (Mifepristone is FDA approved and is used to treat miscarriages as well as for early term abortions. It's been safely used for 20 years.)

Contact reprojustice.sf [at] for more info

What: Rally for Reproductive Justice
When: Saturday Jan 20 from 11 am
Where: 100 Larkin St. Main Library Plaza
Added to the calendar on Sun, Dec 17, 2023 2:36PM
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