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Indybay Feature

AI Ground Zero In SF As Tech, Auto Bosses & Politicians Destroy Taxi/Uber Worker Jobs

by Labor Video Project
Governor Newsom and Mayor London Breed and her MTA and police are allowing remote taxis unregulated entry into San Franciscoo streets destroying the jobs for all taxi workers and UBER/LYFT drivers. The AI technology is still in development and these remote vehicles violate the California Vehicular code but Newsom and London Breed and her police refuse to enforce the law against these tech and auto companies that control these remote vehicles.
Hundreds of Waymo and Cruiz robot cars are set to destroy the jobs of thousands of taxi and Uber-Lyft drivers in San Francisco. As a result of Governor Newsom's California Public Utility Commission, the tech companies now have a free hand to introduce these remote control cars without regulation and no enforcement while violating the California vehicular code. SF police under Breed's control refuse to seize and remove them from the streets.

WorkWeek has a panel of experts including:

Sue Vauhan, writer and San Francisco public transit activist
Mark Gruber, San Francisco Taxi Workers Alliance chair
Edward Escobar, Alliance For Independent workers
Gord Magill is a commentator on the trucking industry, having spent over 26 years on the road across 4 different countries. He blogs at Autonomous Truckers dot Substack dot com
Will Cook founder of America Without Drivers

This program was produced on 6/7/23

Additional Media:

UBER, Tech, Drivers & Capitalism With Steven Hill

SF Taxi Transit Workers On Tech, UBER, Lyft And Deregulation

UBER Stop Lying And Cheating Us! Drivers Protest At UBER World Headquarters In SF

workweeknow [at]
#laborradionetwork #LaborRadioPod #1u #unionstrong
Production of Labor Video Project
Gavin Newsom who is backed by Elon Musk has allowed Musk to violate health and safety laws and also the use of his dangerous Tesla Auto Pilot
§Tesla Wrecks From Musks Auto Pilot Are Covered Up By Newsom & Breed
by Labor Video Project
The State of California, Biden administration have allowed Elon Musk to use auto pilot AI technology and test it on drivers, passengers and pedestrians with deadly costs.
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