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A Message From Utah USA to China With Love

by Chuck Tripp
March 10, 2023 is the 64th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet to Nepal to escape imprisonment by Mao Tse Tung's Communist Chinese regime.
Each year on March 10th Tibetans and others who support them observe the day in 1959 when the Dalai Lama had to escape from Tibet to avoid becoming a political prisoner in Communist China. Since then, China has taken over Tibet's territory and natural resources and outlawed its government, religion, culture, language, economy, and the like. No matter how you say it, whether in German, French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, English, or any other language, the message of these 30 year old plus demonstration signs pictured here remains the same. China must allow Tibetans and all other peoples it rules by force to have self-determination and freedom of choice.

The fact is, China should: stop its efforts to destroy Tibet's culture and religion; stop committing crimes against Tibetans; stop trying to suppress the right of Tibetans to learn their own language; and stop committing human rights violations against the Tibetan people. Actually, China has a clear path here. Just stop what you've been doing and do the opposite. Just free Tibet!
§Two widely spoken languages
by Chuck Tripp
Spanish/English; spoken in dozens of countries-same message.
§Four languages spoken by hundreds of millions of people.
by Chuck Tripp
More than a billion people speak these languages-same message.
§A wanted poster.
by Chuck Tripp
One of the world's most wanted national leader war criminals.
by Retired Union Worker
The lone individual in this post wants us to believe that the religious monks of Tibet lead a civilized and free society whereas they sucked off the wealth of the country and did nothing to improve the life's of its citizens. Today Tibetans can go to public schools, receive health care at modern hospitals and not snake oil from shamans and other quacks. They can travel freely and have automobiles and get on buses and trains provided by the government of China. The entire reason for the Tibetan rhetoric and propaganda in this country is the U.S. imperialists desire for complete encirclement of China. Those individual petty bourgeois that support the U.S. imperialists do not deny themselves the modern accouterments of bourgeois society and would not have lived in a backwater like pre-revolutionary Tibet for all the tea in China!
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