Santa Cruz IMC
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Food Not Bombs announces Meals-at-City-Hall today after top cop bans Lot #10 serving

by Keith McHenry (posted by Norse) (keith [at]
Harsh rainy weather, the City's failure to provide adequate 24-hour Warming Center facility, and the Chief Escalante's recent ban on serving in the protected parking garage #10 have prompted the free survival food service to move to City Hall today and likely during future rainy days until reasonable alternatives are allowed.
Join us today to demand the city open 24/7 emergency shelters during the atmospheric river.
Friday, March 10, 2023
12:00 noon at Santa Cruz City Hall.
809 Center St, Santa Cruz.
Free hot meal and coffee served.

City Hall is at 809 Center St., across from the Main Library downtown.

Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry asks that folks spread the word so that those who haven't heard about the change of location get the word in time to eat in a relatively dry location.

Folks can also e-mail the powerful City Manager att mhuffaker [at] and Santa Cruz's new Mayor Fred Keeley at fkeeley [at] or visit their offices at City Hall to invite them to explain their new strategy regarding food for hungry folks.
Chief Escalante summed up his "get out or else" message as follows::

"I write to let you know that, effective immediately, Food Not Bombs (FNB) is ordered to discontinue use of Lot #10 for food distribution activities"

A lengthy rationale follows.
Note that Escalante provided no specific evidence of any of his concerns.

He provided no opportunity to discuss those concerns or hear possible refutation of any evidence he might actually have.

He also provided no alternative locations other than outside in the pouring rain where folks could receive meals that the City has steadfastly refused to provide.

And which Food Not Bombs has provided for three years without charge.

The City's failure to provide Walk-In shelter for the winter has been followed by its refusal to open up the Civic Auditoroium for 24-hour Warming Shelter during torrential rains and freezing cold.
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