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From Today (Thu), 3 pm ("Stop Cop City"): Online events w) Vandana Shiva, Chomsky, etc.

by Toward increased Networking
Here are about 9 online events taking place over the next week+ (and starting at 3:00 pm today, Thursday, 2/23), featuring people such as Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami, Paul Watson, adrienne maree brown, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, and many others.

These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Australia, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.
Upcoming Online Events:

"Now" thru Fri, 2/24, 8:30 pm (& "Sat, 2/25, 3 pm") -- Free Film Screening: Watson, Followed by Live Q&A with Captain Paul Watson -- This virtual film (Tue, 9 pm to Fri, 8:30 pm) will be followed by a live virtual Q&A with Captain Paul Watson on Saturday February 25th, 3 PM -- From award-winning documentarian Lesley Chilcott, a fascinating portrait of a man putting his life at risk in a relentless quest to protect the oceans and marine life. Watson blends revealing contemporary interviews with Sea Shepherd's Captain Paul Watson, archival clips of dramatic encounters, and spectacular underwater nature footage. The film portrays Sea Shepherd Conservation Society founder; Paul Watson and his lifelong dedication to sailing the globe keeping our oceans and oceanic inhabitants safe -- Rated for ages 13 and up. Viewer Discretion is advised, as there are graphic scenes of the killing of ocean life:

Thu, 2/23, 3 pm -- Stop Cop City Teach In -- Learn what’s going on, how people are fighting back, and how you can join the Stop Cop City movement -- Join organizers with the Stop Cop City movement for a teach-in on the fight to stop the destruction of 380 acres of forest land and the creation of a $90 million police militarization facility. Learn what’s going on, how people are fighting back, and how you can join the movement. Helpful links: for background and context on the Stop Cop City movement: and: -- We encourage everyone to make a donation to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund: -- Presented by Project NIA and Interrupting Criminalization as part of the "Building Your Abolitionist Toolbox: Everyday Resources for a Punishment-Free World" series:

Fri, 2/24, 9 am -- The Illegal Mining in the Yanomami Indigenous Territory (TI), in Brazil, and its consequences to my people -- Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami is a well-known rights defender leader of the Yanomami Indigenous People. He is the Hutukara Yanomami Association (HAY) vice president and is currently student of Territorial Management at Federal University of Roraima, in Brazil. Dário is Davi Kopenawa’s son, the Hutukara Association president and a respected Yanomami shaman -- He was born in 1982, in the Watoriki community (in the Serra do Vento region), at the Yanomami Indigenous Territory, also known as Demini, in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is the biggest Indigenous territory in Brazil, and is officially recognised since 1992. As an indigenous leader, he follows in his father's footsteps, having started to fight for indigenous rights from a very young age. He became a school teacher in his community, heading an educational intercultural and bilingual project that emphasises the Yanomami written language appreciation. He was the head of his community school throughout many years -- Dario Kopenawa has led many rights violations denounces against his people to the Brazilian authorities, mainly concerning the territorial invasion carried out by 20,000 illegal miners. As already happened in the past, this tragedy is once again causing territorial devastation, mercury contamination, exploitation of women's bodies and much illness and death to the Yanomami. Dario Kopenawa is currently dedicated to denouncing this violent invasion, both in Brazil and abroad -- In his Embodied Inequalities of the Anthropocene lecture, Dário Kopenawa will address this issue and how anthropologists and other allies of indigenous and environmental causes can support him and his people fight:

Fri, 2/24, 9 pm -- CLIMATE ACTIVISM ENDGAME In the climate endgame, we see escalating protests and escalating repression. Where to from here? -- As we enter the climate endgame, and the earth's systems start to spiral out of control, what forms of activism are most effective? Does a ‘radical flank’ help or hinder the broader climate movement? How should we deal with the increasingly draconian penalties climate activists face? Do we need a change of tactics? An escalation of tactics? How best can we win the enormous changes that are needed before warming spirals out of control? -- Join climate activists, Jane Morton (from Extinction Rebellion) and Violet Coco (from Fireproof Australia/ Stop Fossil Fuel Subsidies) to explore the lessons from recent protests in Australia and internationally:

Sun, 2/26, 10 am -- Net Zero versus Real Zero -- David Klein and Aura Vasquez will speak on the subject of “Net Zero vs Real Zero: Decarbonizing LA and Defeating Capitalism.” -- A clarion call for “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions has been embraced by nearly everyone — politicians, corporations, nations, even many environmentalists. But what does that really mean, and can “net zero” sufficiently address the climate crisis? These questions will be addressed along with a brief summary of the state of the climate, the insidious role of capitalism, and a survey of climate activism in Los Angeles. The talks will be followed by an open Q&A and discussion of strategies to combat the disinformation around this false solution -- David Klein is a mathematical physicist and emeritus professor of mathematics at California State University Northridge, where he helped to establish a NASA-funded Climate Science Program. He is a member of Democratic Socialists of America and System Change not Climate Change and author of the ebook Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming -- Aura Vasquez chairs the Democratic Socialists of America-Los Angeles Climate Justice committee and previously served on the Board of Commissioners to the L.A. Department of Water and Power. She led the Sierra Club’s ‘Beyond Coal’ campaign, securing a commitment from Los Angeles to go coal-free by 2025:

Mon, 2/27, 3 pm -- Blazing Temperatures, Broken Records: Responding to the Global Heat Crisis -- The summer of 2022 — which brought record-breaking heat waves, heat-related deaths around the globe, pervasive drought, devastating wildfires, and severe rains — ranks among the hottest in recorded history. Scientists agree that without active intervention, the world faces a worsening crisis of more killer heat, humidity, and climate consequences -- On Monday, February 27, 2023, Columbia Climate School invites you to attend a virtual Earth Series. Please join Columbia Climate School Founding Dean Alex Halliday as he hosts three of the University's renowned climate and environmental experts for ‘Blazing Temperatures, Broken Records: Responding to the Global Heat Crisis.’ Cecilia Sorensen M.D, Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the Columbia University Medical Center; Diana Hernandez, Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health; and Radley Horton, Lamont Research Professor at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory will join Dr. Halliday to share their latest research, present their take on powerful ways to avert climate catastrophe and answer your questions -- The Speakers: Diana Hernández, is Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Dr. Hernandez conducts research at the intersection of energy, equity, housing and health. A sociologist by training, her work focuses on the social and environmental determinants of health and examines the impacts of policy and place-based interventions on the health and well-being of socioeconomically disadvantaged populations -- An innovator in the field, Dr. Hernandez has operationalized and conducted foundational research on the concept of 'energy insecurity' which reflects the inability to adequately meet household energy needs. Her pathbreaking work on energy insecurity has explored the multiple dimensions of this phenomenon identifying sociodemographic disparities, adverse consequences and promising interventions toward energy justice. A noted visionary, Professor Hernandez' work is broadly dedicated to exploring the links between housing and health and reimagining how multiple unit housing can support public health as a site of intervention and health promotion. Much of her community-oriented research has been done in collaboration with community groups and government agencies around the country. Moreover, several of her projects have been conducted in her native South Bronx neighborhood, where she also lives and invests in social impact real estate -- Radley Horton, Lamont Research Professor at Columbia Climate School's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. His research focuses on climate extremes, tail risks, climate impacts, and adaptation. Radley was a Convening Lead Author for the Third National Climate Assessment. He currently Co-Chairs Columbia’s Adaptation Initiative, and is Principal Investigator for the Columbia University-WWF ADVANCE partnership, and the NOAA-Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments-funded Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast. He is also the Columbia University lead for the Department of Interior-funded Northeast Climate Science Center, and is a PI on an NSF-funded Climate Change Education Partnership Project. Radley has been a Co-leader in the development of a global research agenda in support of the United Nations Environmental Program’s Programme on Vulnerability, Impacts, and Adaptation (PROVIA) initiative. He serves on numerous national and international task forces and committees, including the Climate Scenarios Task Force in support of the 2018 National Climate Assessment, and frequently appears on national and international television, radio, and in print. Radley teaches in Columbia University’s Sustainable Development department -- Cecilia Sorensen, MD, Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. She is the director of the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education at Columbia University and is an Emergency Medicine physician-investigator in the area of climate change and health. Translating research into policy, clinical action and education in order to build resilience in vulnerable communities is the focus of her endeavors. Her recent work has spanned domestic as well as international emergent health issues related to climate change, including, heat stress and worker health in Guatemala, wildfires and health care utilization in the United States, the emergence of Zika virus in Ecuador following the Earthquake of 2016, climate change and women's health in India and mortality following hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. She has served as an author for the U.S. Fourth National Climate Assessment and serves as a technical advisor for the Lancet Climate and Health U.S. Policy Brief. She is a member of the Colorado Consortium for Climate Change, a scientific advisor for the Citizens Climate Lobby and the course director for the nations' first medical school course on climate change and human health. She also co-directs the National Climate-Health Fellowship program at the University of Colorado, a post-residency training program for physicians:

Mon, 2/27, 4 pm -- How the War Industry Shapes U.S. Foreign Policy -- With tensions rising between the U.S. and China, and intervention escalating in Ukraine, it’s urgent that we understand the hidden interests behind these and other developments -- Join Covert Action Magazine for an investigative webinar on how the military-industrial complex is driving U.S. foreign policy toward a potential world war while wasting much-needed resources on the rich -- Speakers Include: Christian Sorenson, author of Understanding the War Industry, shows how Congress and the media are bribed and bullied into funding endless global conflicts to fatten corporate profits; Joan Roelofs, author of The Trillion Dollar Silencer, reveals how the U.S. war machine shuts up dissent and shuts down protests; Jeremy Kuzmarov, author of four books on U.S. foreign policy and CAM managing editor; and William Astore, professor of military history and 20-year Air Force veteran (Lt. Colonel, ret.), exposes the pathological disconnect between the war industry’s Strangelovian thirst for power and dominance…and profit:

Tue, 2/28, 10:30 am -- Injustice and Resistance: Iran past, present and future -- What exactly is happening in Iran? And, looking ahead, what will real change look like? -- Since Jina Mahsa Amini’s tragic death in police custody in September 2022, widespread protests have been taking place in Iran, to which Iranian authorities have responded with force, leading to condemnation and impositions of sanctions by Western governments and organisations. Concern continues to rise as the Iranian regime’s response is increasingly getting more violent - with more arrests being made and protestors being executed -- But what exactly is happening in Iran? What is the significance of the current demonstrations and what has the international response been? What events and factors have led to this moment and how can reflecting on Iran’s historical developments help us understand the present situation? And, looking ahead, what will real change look like? -- This important and timely discussion with International Relations expert Shabnam Holliday (University of Plymouth) and historian Ali Ansari (University of St Andrews) aims to shed light on the current situation in Iran within the context of the country’s political heritage and history, while also trying to take the conversation one step further by imagining what a future for Iran might look like -- About the speakers: Shabnam Holliday is Associate Professor in International Relations at the University of Plymouth. Her main area of research is Iranian political identity, and the relationship between political identity and Iran’s relations with other actors. Shabnam advocates the need to study Iran’s heritage and historical experience to understand key shifts and processes in contemporary Iranian politics -- Ali Ansari is Professor of Iranian History and Founding Director of the Institute for Iranian Studies at the University of St Andrews. He is also Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute and President of the British Institute of Persian Studies. His research interests include the development of the State in Iran in the modern era, with a particular focus on nationalism, mythology and the use (and abuse) of history. He is also interested in the politics and history of the Islamic Republic and the broader relations of Britain and the United States with Iran:

Wed, 3/1, 12 Noon -- NBT presents Planning Your Liberation w/ a.k. paye & adrienne maree brown What is YOUR plan for liberation? Join NBT@Home for a live conversation between playwright a.k. payne and author adrienne maree brown! -- Join the National Black Theatre for an intimate conversation with the AMANI playwright, a.k. payne and award-winning author and editor adrienne maree brown. Tune in to the live stream on NBT's Youtube channel for a dialogue around social justice and what it means to build ideas and practices for transformation and freedom. Q&A will follow the conversation -- About a.k. payne: a.k. payne (she/they) is a playwright, artist-theorist and theater-maker with roots in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her plays play, love on and engage the interdependencies of Black pasts, presents, and futures to find/remember language that might move us towards our collective liberation(s). They hold a B.A. in English and African-American Studies from Yale College and are currently pursuing an MFA in playwriting from Yale School of Drama. Their work has been finalist for the L. Arnold Weissberger New Play Award, semifinalist for the O’Neill National Playwriting Conference, and winner of the David Mark Cohen National Playwriting Award. Her plays have been workshopped with Manhattan Theater Club’s Groundworks Lab and Roundabout Theater Company. She strives to create space for Black folks’ freedom dreams, in community -- About adrienne maree brown: adrienne maree brown grows healing ideas in public. Through her writing, which includes short- and long-form fiction, nonfiction, spells, tarot decks and poetry; her music, which includes songwriting, singing and an upcoming immersive musical ritual; and her podcasts, including How to Survive the End of the World, Octavia’s Parables and The Emergent Strategy Podcast, adrienne has nurtured Emergent Strategy, Pleasure Activism, Radical Imagination and Transformative Justice as ideas, frameworks, networks and practices for transformation. Her work is informed by 25 years of social and environmental justice facilitation primarily supporting Black liberation, her path of teaching somatics, her love of Octavia E Butler and visionary fiction, and her:

Wed, 3/8, 9am -- Ecological Happiness - with Dr Vandana Shiva -- How can reconnecting with nature support our wellbeing and help create a happier world for all of us? -- When we pretend we're separate from the earth, this causes enormous human unhappiness and damage to our planet. In reality, we are all part of nature -- At this special event, environmental activist Vandana Shiva will share how we can only be truly happy when we care for the natural world around us. Our happiness and the happiness of the earth are one and the same. By learning to recognise our inter-connectedness as part of "one earth family" we can create true joy in our lives and for those around us too -- Vandana will also share her insights into how we can be activists for positive social change and help create a better world in our own small ways. Together we can reclaim our humanity as part of the precious planet earth we share - and together we can reclaim our happiness -- About The Speaker: Dr Vandana Shiva is a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate. She is the founder of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE), Navdanya, and Bija Vidyapeeth “Earth University” in India. Dr Shiva has received numerous awards, including the Right Livelihood Award (the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) and the Sydney Peace Prize. She is also a prolific writer and author of numerous books. She is on the board of the International Forum on Globalization and is a member of the executive committee of the World Future Council:

Sat, 3/25, 1 pm -- Noam Chomsky in conversation with Alan Meban -- Is democracy threatened? Can solidarity and progressive infuse politics? -- In this conversation the celebrated American linguist, philosopher, social critic, and political activist discusses the current threats to democracy and ways to build solidarity and progressive politics -- Often described as the father of modern linguistics, Noam Chomsky is also a major figure in analytic philosophy, and one of the founders of the field of cognitive science. He is a Laureate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Arizona and an Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is the author of more than 150 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media -- Alan Meban is a Belfast-based freelance journalist and arts/politics blogger (the face behind @alaninbelfast) who reports from, live-tweets and live-streams civic, academic, and political events; delivers social media training/coaching; produces podcasts and radio programmes; FactCheckNI director; and a member of the Corrymeela Community:

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