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Indybay Feature

Rage Against the War Machine in San Francisco

by Leon Kunstenaar
Anti-War Rally in Justin Herman Plaza and Street Theater in Front of Lockheed Offices.

Photos: Leon Kunstenaar / Pro Bono Photo

Feb. 19, San Francisco. Motivated by the Libertarians "Rage Against the War Machine" event and organized by the San Francisco chapter of Code Pink, an anti-war rally was held in Justin Herman Plaza across from the Embarcadero Ferry Building. Speakers railed against US leadership participation in arming Ukraine in its resistance to Russia's invasion.

A dance called "Duck and Cover" mocked the 1950 era cartoon that claimed to instruct people on how to protect against nuclear war. Many signs called out how the billions expended for Ukraine could solve many urgent domestic needs. The Code Pink motto "Rise, Love, Resist" was much in evidence.

Participants then marched down Market Street to Battery Street where a skit was performed in front of the building that housed Lockheed's offices. In the skit, "Nancy Pelosi" and "Dianne Feinstein" shook down billionaire arms manufacturers and in return provided massive funding to the military industrial complex while using the Ukraine war as an excuse. "Merchant of Death" and accusatory invective was chalked on the street.

Indicating that SF Code Pink was willing to work with anyone who opposed the war and militarism, participants included several Russia supporters who flew a Russian Federation flag and the flag of the former Soviet Union. They demanded that NATO be defunded, that the US stop "arming Nazis" and some wore the blue and white striped shirt common in Russian military uniforms. While noting that Russia had legitimate security concerns that have been ignored, they seemed more interested in a Russian victory that in promoting peace.

This event has occasioned disputes among Bay Area progressive groups. Some objected to implications of their association or support of a Libertarian inspired event. Libertarians reject all government "interference" with "liberty" even to extent of opposing public health measures. They even reject restriction on peoples' right to "arm themselves", anathema to many people on the Left. However, Code Pink San Francisco Coordinator Cynthia Papermaster has countered that the imminent existential threat of humanity's annihilation through nuclear war is an issue of such dire enormity, pushing all other issues aside, that it is imperative to work with and welcome the assistance of anyone who is equally concerned.

See all high resolution photos here.
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
by Leon Kunstenaar
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Does the CODEPINK organization agree with their Bay Area representative that 'nuclear war is an issue of such dire enormity, pushing all other issues aside, that it is imperative to work with and welcome the assistance of anyone who is equally concerned'? Because I doubt that alliances with fascists, white supremacists, and conspiracy theorists will get us anywhere.
The Rage was organized by a Coalition for the purpose of furthering the 10 Demands agreed-upon by Coalition members, primarily the Peoples and Libertarian Parties. These are the major points of unity:

1. Not one more penny for war in Ukraine

2. Negotiate Peace

3. Stop the War Inflation

4. Disband NATO

5. Global Nuclear De-Escalation

6. Slash the Pentagon Budget

7. Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State

8. Abolish War and Empire

9. Restore Civil Liberties

10. Free Julian Assange
In San Francisco we added
11. Climate Justice
12. Care for Communities, not War

The Rage isn't an alliance, it was an event. It was organized by a Coalition. The ridiculous insistence of fake leftists and liberals that the peace and justice community not make those demands with people who don't meet their ideological purity test just shows that they aren't interested in peace-- they are protecting their narrow territory and causing divisiveness. A pox on them and their virtue-signaling, their "othering", their fake commitment to peace. Their commitment is to their jobs. Ironically, if we get peace they will lose their jobs. And tragically, their job security is more important to them than peace. Notice that most of the objections are coming from PAID staff of activist organizations. I agree with Ann Wright that their objections are "stupid." And worse they are counterproductive. Just unbelievable that we are falling for their campaign to create conflict. Remember Cointelpro? Or perhaps it's inevitable that the left is so unable to create unity that it's going to let the war machine blow us all to bits. I'm with Ann Wright, Chris Hedges, David Swanson, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney and other DC Rage speakers who didn't let a thing like differences in ideology trump their sincere commitment to peace and justice. I'm amazed at the chuckle-headed attitude of the so-called peace and justice activists who opposed the Rage. Hedges calls it virtue signalling. I call it fake peace activism. Ridiculous and very warlike. Hypocrites really. That's my opinion, not the opinion of CODEPINK or Extinction Rebellion Peace.
by david paul
it is so misguided to use the term " conspiracy theorists" to discredit others, especially linking and equating them to fascists.because it is also used against any alternative to the mainstream, government line, which are often lies- like the lone gunman of JFK, Gulf of Tonkin, Russiagate, weapons of mass destruction, etc. etc. Most events and actions by governments, and non government entities, are by definition conspiracies. The explanations for many events and situations in the world given by our government, the official mainstream narratives, are conspiracy theories. and often are lies. Labeling others as conspiracy theorists who happen to have a different analysis than the government. is irresponsible. People should just say what the person or groups theory is and dispute it. The term conspiracy theorists is used to discredit any alternative view and that is destructive and wrong.
by Geneva Conventions
They don't oppose war and militarism. They were wearing Russian military-style shirts and waving the flags of the invaders. They oppose Ukrainian resistance, and international support for that resistance. They want Putin's war crimes to proceed unobstructed.

Libertarians oppose all government spending, except for police and military. They want a dog-eat-dog social darwinist world, with white people "naturally" doing okay, ending up on the top of the heap.

Talk about a "fake commitment to peace."
by white nationalism
How is a single event going to achieve your goals? Clearly, to do what you want, to stop international support for the defense of Ukraine so that Putin can smash and absorb and terrorize the country as he pleases, you're going to have to do more than one event, you're going to have to "align" with the same pro-Putin types, as well as the white supremacists and other miscreants who showed up at the Libertarian Party event in DC, and you're going to have to keep doing that over the long term. If it's really just a single event and not a movement, then that is pretty much the definition of virtue signaling.

This is who you will have to align with over the long-term, "pushing all other issues aside":

"Several neo-Nazis that attended and helped organize the deadly ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, VA, claim they are in communication with the organizers of the ‘Rage Against the War Machine,’ rally in Washington DC, which is bringing together various pro-Putin trolls, far-Right grifters, and conspiracy theorists."
by It's Going Down on Mastodon
This march included members of the "Party of Communists USA," which has cross over with the National Bolshevik/Pro-Putin group, the Center for Political Innovation, which has a lot of crossover with white supremacists and openly calls for recruiting from the far-Right and attacks the "West" for being "woke" and open to LGBTQ rights. Disgusting bunch of people.
by Party of Communists USA
Party of Communists USA
4:18 PM · Feb 22, 2023

A Victory for Russia will be a Victory for the international working class!

#rageagainstthewarmachine #RageAgainstWar #RageAgainstWarMachine #WWIII #UkraineWar #ZelenskyWarCriminal #Zelensky #NaziUkraine
#JoeBiden #BidenIsDestroyingAmerica
Cease fire now. The US could have bullied both parties to negotiate, but failed, and neither side is willing to stop the destruction.
This is no time for a proxy war, to further the criminal enterprise of 200 JP Morgan investors at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
David Roknich,
by cheese-eating surrender monkey
How exactly could the US have "bullied both parties to negotiate"? Major sanctions on Russia and massive weapon influx into Ukraine haven't convinced Putin to stop (yet). Putin didn't invade to negotiate. He invaded to fully dominate Ukraine as he does Russia.

Putin would be all too happy if Ukrainians just stopped resisting his invasion. Problem solved, right?

Thing is, Ukrainians don't want to live under Putin's authoritarian thumb. If you want them to surrender, just say so.
by Cynthia Papermaster
Right David. Calling something a "conspiracy theory" is an attempt to end the discussion and win the debate. It's a bad practice.
by Cynthia Papermaster
Please inform yourself re. Russia's motivation for invading Ukraine. The invasion is brutal, illegal and must end. Nevertheless, you are wrong about the motivation. Russia was provoked. The invasion shouldn't have occurred but at least get the reason for it right. Please watch this testimony to the UN Security Council to inform yourself:
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