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The brainwashing plant and Against forgetting

by Volker Schuhmacher and Roland Rottenfusser
Klaus Schwab created a suitable stage for his ideology in the WEF. Wikipedia quotes Forbes magazine, "According to Forbes magazine, the WEF's Great Reset agenda is 'another example of how rich, powerful elites assuage their consciences with phony efforts to help the masses, making themselves even richer and more powerful in the process'" (15).
The brainwashing plant
The World Economic Forum (WEF) fulfills quite a few characteristics of a cult.
By Volker Schuhmacher
[This article posted on 2/4/2023 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

It was only in recent years that many of us realized the true importance and power of the WEF over almost all industrialized nations. It gained its dominant position in today's world through 50 years of detailed, covert organizational legwork, targeted influence and subtle involvement of adolescent political talent and influencers. They were placed in all political parties and media, in major corporations and health institutions. Many of the current ruling politicians in the Western industrialized nations are members of the WEF (1). To describe an organization with deeply materialistic ideology with a vocabulary taken from religion seems absurd at first glance. Yet the World Economic Forum bears many of the traits of a cult. There is a unified ideology based on faith more than rational considerations, outwardly focused on expansion and inwardly building strong pressure to conform - including the heresy of dissenters. There are doomsday predictions and an elite of orthodoxy posing as saviors. And there is a guru: Klaus Schwab.

At the head of this globally networked organization is still Klaus Schwab, a kind of leader figure who has already achieved guru status for his many followers. The meeting in Davos is his central appearance and also serves to instruct the approximately 2,500 guests, mostly members of the WEF, from business, politics, the media and other institutions. Critical media are selected, access is only possible on a highly paid basis, politicians are also allowed to attend without paying an entrance fee (2).

During the year, the WEF organizes and hosts hundreds of other meetings worldwide. The WEF's cult-like demeanor is evident in the behavior and ideology of its leader and the actions of its followers. Hierarchy building and tactics of influence also play an important role. Doomsday, rescue and end-time fantasies are clearly evident in the WEF. In this context, one also speaks of an "eschatological worldview" as an important characteristic of a cult (3).

Definitions of sects

There is no uniform definition of sect. The term goes back to the Latin term "secat". This translates as "principle, guideline, party, philosophical doctrine." However, there is a second Latin term, "secturum," which can be translated as "(consistently) follow" (3). The Foreign Dictionary gives two meanings: "smaller religious community split off from a Christian church or other high religion". Second meaning: "philosophically or politically one-sided group" (4).

Characteristics and criteria of a sect

Some general characteristics and core contents of a cult are briefly listed here: A charismatic leader, a saving concept, members can enjoy true peace and happiness, controlled surveillance, an elite consciousness, proselytizing, external demarcation and devaluation of the normal world, endogamy, that is, prohibition or outlawing of love relationships with outsiders, and a very limited range of topics (3).

In some cults, there was massive outward violence, but also acts of suicide. This reveals a destructive potential in the case of non-success and failure to achieve goals.

Many salient features apply very well to smaller cults, as they tend to isolate themselves despite missionary efforts, tend to exploit members below them in the hierarchy in financial, sexual and religious terms. Sects are also often understood by the public as religious, spiritual and esoteric communities. Only rarely do all the criteria listed apply to a cult group.

Is the WEF a cult?

To call the WEF a cult seems daring and contrived at first. Even if important criteria do apply purely in terms of content, at first glance and in the portrayal of the mainstream media, the manifestation and presentation is milder and more inconspicuous. Rarely is there criticism from within institutions, with Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic recently calling the WEF "the most dangerous international association in the world" (5).

However, a closer, analytical look confirms the MEP's assessment. In the remainder of this paper, I would like to focus on some key features.

Missionary work via mainstream media

In contrast to many smaller sects that aim at individualistic missionary work focused on individuals, the WEF engages in broad-based influencing of masses of people through the concentrated use of multipliers at all levels of society. Armin Stalder writes in Transition News (6):

"In the mainstream media, which in a colossal act of cognitive dissonance fancy themselves indispensable as 'quality journalists,' one then finds mainly trivia about the WEF, surpassed only by proclamations of supposed necessity and canonization: 'The WEF is super; we need the WEF; the elite is infallible.' Such absolutizations are usually heard at most from the mouth of a priest." (...)

"After all, one only wants to save the world, completely selflessly, of course. Simply because one is supernaturally good. Most certainly. But in dealing with Ukraine and Russia, the cheapest moralism dominates, and the pseudo-green climate ideology is now allowed to be en vogue again after the 'pandemic'."

Leader personality and court henchmen

A leader personality, networked with a layer of higher confidants, is usually cited as an important characteristic of a cult (7). The statements of these batches are considered authoritative and thus may not be questioned further.

In the WEF, there is a central leader named Klaus Schwab and a number of trusted individuals, for example Thierry Malleret, the co-author of the 2021 book Covid-19: The Great Reset (8). As a kind of court philosopher of the sect, the historian Yuval Noah Harari is sometimes cited, who said: "(...) here I think the biggest challenge for business and politics in the coming decades will be: What to do with all the useless people?" (9). Harari is considered a kind of end-time apocalyptic with very drastic prophecies of the future.

Leading members of the WEF are referred to as young global leaders (YGLs), mostly a squad of international politicians who only revealed their true colors in the course of the Corona crisis. The precursor organization of the YGLs, namely the GLTs (Global Leaders for Tomorrow) includes, for example, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair (9).

"The Great Reset."

It is difficult to systematically read through the latest work by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Mallert in its German translation, "Covid-19, the Great Reset" (8). Schwab and his co-author pour out in forceful-suggestive style on almost every page of the do-it-yourself work. At many points in the book, they celebrate the downfall almost with relish, only to emphasize immediately afterwards the necessity, the challenge of rethinking, of a new normality in a supposedly more sustainable economic and social order.

The text comes across as very instructive, resulting in constant repetitions and insinuations. The first repugnance arises in the way it is formulated. The words "pandemic," "upheaval," "paradigm shift," "climate change" and "new world order" accompany the reader on almost every page. Permanently, the reader is invited by an alternating "we," "our," "us" to identify with the claims and prophecies.

At the same time, Schwab makes it clear that he is only one of "us" and that "we" are in the same boat. Anyone who doesn't go along with this must soon feel bad and like an outsider. Those who follow along mentally may feel euphoric that they have finally found the right alternative-free concept.

Schwab also emphasizes a holistic approach, as he is able to understand and integrate criticism. In large parts of his work, Schwab anticipates possible counterarguments, describes fears and concerns of the population about digital surveillance measures and the restriction of personal freedoms. Ultimately, however, this development cannot be stopped and it is the task of governments to control and prevent dangerous excesses. This 'dramaturgical-rhetorical approach' can be detected on almost every page of the work: The anticipation of counter-arguments " order to soften them, to relativize them, and in this way to neutralize them..." (10) is called "procatalepsis."

The Schwab disciples in our country brilliantly demonstrated this rhetorical move in a joint action before the federal elections. Indignantly, they rejected any suspicion of wanting to introduce compulsory vaccination. Shortly after the election, they innocently considered that they might have to discuss compulsory vaccination as a result of new developments. According to the motto: "Oh - we didn't expect that larger parts of the population would behave in such an undiscerning manner." In addition, the situation had fundamentally changed.

The pandemic itself cannot be compared to the plague and similar disasters, Schwab said:

"Unlike past epidemics, Covid-19 does not pose a new existential threat. It will not lead to unforeseen famine or major military defeats or regime changes" (8).

The reason Sars-CoV-2 is dangerous, he said, is that the interconnectedness of modern societies means that responses to countermeasures can rapidly multiply and multiply. However, the measures are unavoidable and need only be applied correctly.

Many of today's professionals, he said, are trapped in "silo thinking." They "... can only with difficulty (and sometimes not at all) think beyond the boundaries of their own discipline. (...) As a result, they lack that broader view of things that is necessary to connect the many disparate dots into an overall picture that decision makers so desperately need."

Criticism from the scientific side can be deprived of its basis from the outset with this killer argument. For example, anyone who analyzes and criticizes from a serious scientific perspective the history of the so-called Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, the anticipation in numerous planned events, the unsuitability of the tests used, and the unscientific incidence figures, is labeled as incompetent and a conspiracy theorist who cannot understand the bigger picture.

On closer inspection, a basic demagogic ploy can be discerned: The denial of history or its transformation into given nature. An event is stripped of its real history in order to incorporate it into a larger speculative context. This is what happened with the staged pandemic, i.e. an epidemic was transformed into a pandemic by a change of definition by the WHO (...). An exponential outbreak was announced without taking into account the increases in the tests used in the statistics. The tests proved to be highly error-prone, were used in an unstandardized way and are not able to differentiate between different viruses. Moreover, the virus was detectable months earlier in blood and wastewater samples (11).

But the authors are after all concerned here with something bigger.

An annual epidemic is clothed in pandemic terms and must serve a higher purpose: It has the task of exposing the decrepitude and manifold undesirable developments in the industrialized countries and in general in the whole world. These misconceptions of the old normality would have to be corrected by a "system change" and transferred into a "New World Order".

A false premise in the form of a staged pandemic, however, leads to a false conclusion (10), i.e. disproportionate conclusions and measures, which in turn are only justified by propaganda so that they can survive in public discourse.

"The presupposition of premises and concepts without foundation runs through The Great Reset as a program as well as through Schwab's entire book" (10).

Here the authors' tactics are exposed: they are either unable to reflect on the historical complexity and dynamics of their own basic assumptions, or they knowingly and willfully conceal them.

A natural virus, whose origin and effects must not be questioned, must be warded off in its destructive power with all means, which in turn must not be questioned, because the methods of defense, i.e. lockdowns and masks, would have prevented millions of deaths. In this dynamic, the authors spin a kind of web of lies, underpinned by questionable expert testimony. Not a word about the states without lockdowns, about meta-studies proving the uselessness of lockdowns, about studies warning of the dangers of breathing masks, about criticism of the use of the tests, about the manifold collateral damages of the isolation and exclusion measures.

Perception of people who do not belong

"Followers of cults usually view other people pejoratively: they do not abide by the rules of the faith community and do not share in its knowledge. Therefore, they do not deserve salvation, respect, or even to be harmed. The criticism of others only confirms that the sect is in the right" (12).

Not only individuals who think differently are declared enemies. Vice President of the WEF, Borge Brende, stated at the last WEF meeting in 2023: Those who do not participate in the new order, be they governments or social groups, can expect considerable disadvantages (13).

WEF ideologist Yuval Noah Hatari speaks of people who can be totally manipulated externally and internally, of "hackable animals". His statement is threatening: "What we call free will is over. There is no more free will" (9). It sounds like an announcement of what is coming: Free decisions, opinions, and beliefs could be outdated. The mass of people as a conditioned mass, remote-controlled and functionally devoted to the rulers.

Klaus Schwab takes up the theme: "The fourth revolution will not change what we do, but what we are" (8). Those who cannot or will not keep up will no longer have a right to live: Exclusion, non-treatment, and direct combat.

In the surviving remnant of humanity, according to Klaus Schwab, "digital, physical, and biological systems" will be merged.

Yuval Noah Hatare's nihilistic philosophy about the innumerable good-for-nothing human beings and about overcoming the individual is, after all, very reminiscent of Stalin's cynicism, who is supposed to have said: "One dead man is a tragedy, millions of dead men are statistics." A rogue, who does not think here of the super mortality induced by gene therapies!
Stakeholder capitalism as a salvation solution

Here again it is worthwhile to have a look at the works and articles of Klaus Schwab as well as at the statements and actions of leading supporters of the WEF.

Klaus Schwab emphasizes that he is neither interested in a capitalism of the previous type, shareholder capitalism, nor in a kind of state capitalism, but in a so-called "stakeholder capitalism" (14). Schwab understands this to mean a new economic order with a change in corporate management that aims to integrate the interests and demands of all shareholders and those affected, the so-called "stakeholders. Social and ecological concerns are to be valued and treated on an equal footing with the interests of shareholders and management.

At first glance, a model that promises great things and, according to Klaus Schwab, would be able to solve the problems of the future. Everyone would pull together in harmony to achieve the lofty goals of an Agenda 2030. But this harmony of all interest groups smells suspiciously of synchronization and subordination to higher goals. Individual freedoms are only of secondary importance. A new solidarity is invoked that demands the same way of life from everyone, for example, assessed according to social point systems, but not for the elites themselves, that is supposed to guarantee social justice, medical health, population regulation, income equality, in short, comprehensive care without individual ownership.

Differing interests and conflicts no longer have to be dealt with democratically, since the opposites seem to have been abolished. This is very reminiscent of authoritarian forms of government with one-size-fits-all unions, one-size-fits-all parties and public health. Since all demands in the stakeholder system are to be satisfied and served equally, there is therefore no longer any reason to feel dissatisfied. This very idealistic model, rising above all conflicting interests with a global approach to solutions, can - who would be surprised - get young people excited! "You will own nothing, but you will be happy!" No one understood this better than Klaus Schwab, who succeeded in winning over a crowd of now not so young executives for his idea of a complete reorientation.

Klaus Schwab created a suitable stage for his ideology in the WEF. Wikipedia quotes Forbes magazine, "According to Forbes magazine, the WEF's Great Reset agenda is 'another example of how rich, powerful elites assuage their consciences with phony efforts to help the masses, making themselves even richer and more powerful in the process'" (15).

The WEF sect as a Trojan horse of the industrial and financial elites.

The ideology of the WEF can be seen as a clever attempt at a solution to the current problems of humanity. At the same time, it proclaims the high claim to bring forth a new society in which a harmonious balance of interests takes place. Envy and antagonism would be a thing of the past.

A closer analysis reveals that this ideological framework is a kind of Trojan horse: it is about the hidden goals of a globally networked plutocracy.

After absolutism and feudalism, forms of rule by the nobility, new elites came to power with the developing industrial society. Fund manager Dirk Müller quotes Richard Nikonlaus Coudenhove-Kalergi:

"Today democracy is the facade of plutocracy: because the peoples would not tolerate naked plutocracy, nominal power is left to them, while de facto power rests in the hands of the plutocrats" (16).

It is not ancestry that determines the exercise of power and social position today, but income and wealth.

Dirk Müller also refers to the systems currently installed worldwide as "kleptocracy":

"We have long been on the way to the next stage, kleptocracy, the rule of the plunderers. This is a form of rule in which the rich and thus powerful use their power exclusively for their own benefit, shamelessly enriching themselves at the expense of the general public and, since they experience no opposition, doing so ever more blatantly" (16).

Gerhard Wisnewski (17) speaks here of a "meltdown of power" in the development that has already been going on for decades, "in which things come together that should by no means come together, namely the state and private monopolies, in order to increase their power unhindered and to bring it to bear."

He referred to this dynamic as "corporatism," a term already favored by Mussolini. The latter, he said, preferred to speak of corporatism rather than fascism "... because it is the perfect fusion of the power of government and corporations." In the context of the WEF, there is a momentous interconnection of supranational, global organizations (UN, World Bank, WHO) with national governments and internationally operating corporations - for example, the GAFAM oligopolies (18) - and fund companies.

Propaganda and reality

Cloaked in beautifully colored propaganda, Schwab's disciples make use of his dogmas in praise, but in reality take a completely different path: lobbyists, management consultants and bank managers together with their national presidents are invited to draft new laws - in the style of enabling legislation - and to take over parts of the administration.

The "public-private partnerships" (PPP) propagated by the WEF are to assume a dominant role in the post-induced pandemic. They are "quasi-monopolies that are transferred from the state to private companies, which then protect them from competition" (19). In the medium to long term, there will be a gigantic redistribution of wealth, the death of the middle class and a sell-out of decentralized consumption and production structures by global corporations.

WEF supporters permanently warn of a catastrophic climate change, would like to take many measures and thereby, however, only engage in greenwashing of all places: Big Pharma pollutes seas and continents with their products. With 5G - 6G is already in the pipeline - and the Internet of Things, as well as with planned electronic currencies, Big Data is creating a gigantic new demand for energy. Big Logistics in combination with multiple free trade agreements creates gigantic environmental damage by multiplying international trade and supplier activities.

WEF sectarian strategy as enabler of upheaval

The reset script of the WEF, designed in blueprint at some events in previous years summarized in a few sentences: Locate a contagious viral disease, generate a pandemic from an epidemic. Outline the consequences and implement massive measures against the invisible enemy. The world is presented as "pre-pandemic" consistently bad and unstable. All it takes is the spark of a pandemic, and the administratively orchestrated economic crash deemed necessary by the Young Global Leaders produces a multifaceted societal collapse in almost all affected countries.

The collapses are hardly revisable and require saving upheavals in the sense of the goals of the sect, formulated in Agenda 30. Klaus Schwab lists his "upheaval scenario": "macro upheaval", "economic upheaval", "societal upheaval", "geopolitical upheaval" and so on and so forth and finally the "personal reboot", "acceleration of digitalization" and "behavioral changes" in the context of "stakeholder capitalism" (8).

Green truth-tellers

Klaus Schwab and his disciples are mutating into truth-peepers. Only they know best the difference between truth and fake news. The Greens all over Europe, connected with various left splinter groups, experience themselves in possession of end-time truths and their alternative-less solutions. Friedrich Dürrenmatt pleaded in his essay "die Brücke" (The Bridge) in the 1940s to banish the concept of truth because it creates a climate in which others are persuaded, converted, forced (20).

Tom Kummer writes in the Weltwoche about the Swiss Greens: They "... also demand a technical superiority that saves the planet and brings peace and progress". However, there is the danger "... that the green spaceship crew develops features of a totalitarian religious community". There is a longing for community: "There it is again: the saving we. Collective fear is supposed to create collective solutions. The dream of the Greens." Balthasar Glättli, the Swiss Green Party leader says to Tom Kummer:

"We need each other Tom! That's all I want to say. It's our only salvation from chaos, from doom. Running over bridges together, to the safe other end! We are in this together" (20).

Destruction of self and others

To be sure, the goals and statements of the WEF and its supporters are rarely directly directed at other people, societies, and states in an aggressively violent manner. But many of its members discriminate against "unbelieving" people, i.e. the uninoculated, critics, "lateral thinkers" who do not want to participate in the great upheaval of Schwab's disciples. Exclusion, brutal police violence and existential annihilation, even imprisonment of dissenters, are becoming more and more widespread. Klaus Schwab sees us all facing an impending catastrophe. He writes:

"To avoid such a fate, we must immediately set in motion the Great Upheaval. This is not a nice try, but an absolute necessity" (8).

This statement sounds like an appeal to his followers to immediately set all means in motion: blockade many institutions, silence critics, ostracize, wage war against those who step out of line.

Since we are supposedly far too many people on this earth, it is necessary to reduce the population. There is a lot of evidence that the vaccine gene therapies pushed by the Global Leaders have a highly toxic effect without any protective effect and are already responsible for hundreds of thousands of severe side effects and numerous deaths.

Excess mortality correlates significantly with vaccination frequency.

So it can be understood with Gerhard Wisnewski when he writes about the WEF: "The world groans under the lockdown" (...) "Only one cheers in the grave silence: The World Economic Forum, which holds its annual meeting digitally this time, finds all this great. Oops: an economic forum rejoicing in the lockdown of business?" The WEF's numerous "pretty videos" , "disguised as a potpourri of supposedly happy messages" revealed an "absolutely anti-human attitude", "an advertisement for the abolition of humanity" (17).

Sources and Notes:

(1) Background Information - WEF in Davos & The "Young Global Leaders." In:
(2) WDR: Politicians and guests do not have to pay admission:
(3) Https://
(4) DUDEN: "The foreign dictionary".
(5) MP on WEF: "The World Economic Forum, organized as a sect of corporations, billionaires and bought politicians, is today one of the greatest threats to democracy and the rule of law in Europe and the world."
(6) Transition News, "Davos, the stronghold of schizophrenic bluster," news [at], January 20, 2023
(8) Klaus Schwab, Thierry Malleret: "Covid-19: The Great Upheaval."
(9) Dr. C. E. Nyder, in his book "Young Global Leaders. The Seeds of Klaus Schwab" Yuval Noah Harari on a YouTube appearance. Page 216
(10), issue 40, June 2021, page 21.
(11) Badische Zeitung wrote on May 25, 2020, "Doctors: coronavirus older than thought." There would be serious indications that the Sars-CoV-2 originated "possibly as early as October 2019." A report by Peter F. Mayer (published in [ cites a University of Barcelona study that concludes Sars-CoV-2 could be detected in numerous wastewater samples from March 2019. Further evidence would also come from Italy.
(13) Democratic Resistance, Saturday, January 21, 2023, page 9.
(14) Guest commentary by Klaus Schwab, "Stakeholder capitalism is becoming more and more prevalent - good thing,", January 2, 2022.
(16) Dirk Müller, "Power Quake. The World Facing the Biggest Economic Crisis Ever," page 53.
(17) Gerhard Wisnewski: "2022. the other yearbook. Concealed, covered up, forgotten. What was not in the papers in 2021." Kopp-Verlag. Page 157 - 158
(18) Wikipedia: "Often, Big Tech does not include all the major IT companies in the world, but only the five largest: Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft." abbreviated GAFAM.
(19), Issue 40, June 2021, page 30 et seq.
(20) Tom Kummer to Weltwoche: "Capitain Glättli steers the green spaceship into new worlds. The Swiss Greens are on the way to becoming a people's party", page 34 ff, number 3, January 19, 2023.

Volker Schuhmacher, born in 1954, studied economics and then psychology. After graduating as a psychologist, he worked as a consultant at the "Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology" (IGPP) in Freiburg until 2000. He published two articles on the subject of "Mind-Machines". In 1999 he received his license to practice as a "psychological psychotherapist" and in 2000 his license to practice "depth psychologically based psychotherapy". Until today he works as a psychotherapist in his own practice.


Against Forgetting
Flo Osrainik's book "Chronicle of a Reckoning" is an ungracious yet highly accurate piece of Corona historiography.
by Roland Rottenfußer
[This book review posted on 2/4/2023 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

At the beginning of the crisis, everything was still brand new, so politicians and the media couldn't have known any better. At the height of the crisis, everyone was just saying what everyone else was saying, and you couldn't blame them, could you? And now, towards the end of the virus hysteria, they say: "What's the problem? You're allowed to do everything again. Let's move forward instead!" The Corona policy of the last three years produced a series of bad acts - but apparently no perpetrators. In a time of agonizingly slow "creeping out" measures, those responsible want to creep smartly out of their responsibilities. But they will only succeed if we all go along with this appointment to silence. Without an accurate and unsparing reappraisal, there is an acute danger that all this will be repeated in a new guise. Flo Osrainik was one of those few journalists who, with unerring instinct, recognized very early on what was being "played" and who, over many months, documented the most diverse aspects of this unprecedented attack on freedom in numerous, excellently researched Rubicon articles. His "Chronicle of a Reckoning," now published by Sodenkamp & Lenz, is a compilation of Osrainik's journalistic work since the beginning of the staged crisis. A book that helps to remember and better understand what happened. At the same time, an immune shield against impending further waves of delusion.

"Down to the smallest detail, Osrainik describes the elephant in the room, which actually no one who is still lucid can overlook. The elephant is a placeholder for the countless 'collateral damages' that can no longer be denied, whose already devastating balance trumps all potential corona damages by a factor of millions."

Thus Burak Erbasi and Nicolas Riedl rightly praise the achievement of book author Flo Osrainik in their foreword. For the perpetrators would be only too happy to make a mouse out of the elephant of their monumental blunders of 2020 to 2022 - especially now, in retrospect, since many of their perfidious attempts at manipulation have caught the attention even of the otherwise usually insight-resistant mainstream.

Erbasi and Riedl even see the book as a future classic:

"Perhaps the work presented here will one day rank among the best-known writings detailing fascistoid coronaterror. Perhaps it will not. Perhaps, at the end of this century, it will be pulled from a bookshelf, the dust blown from the cover, and the contents read with mouths open in amazement and eyes widened.

In any case - and this is decisive - the chronicler Flo Osrainik transfers the jumble of unbelievabilities into the printed word. Thus, it becomes clear to posterity that there was dissent at that time, and by no means all people devoutly followed the cult of Coronatodes. Thus, 'Chronicle of a Reckoning' reads in part like an indictment, but all too often also like a thrilling detective story, and certainly crime writers of liberated posterity will look to just such works for exciting models for their dystopian thriller novels."

An eye-opener

Well, we cannot call ourselves a "liberated posterity" yet, even if we are now "allowed" to do quite a lot of things again due to extraordinary state grace. However, this should not blind us to the fact that further attacks against our freedom, against human rights, against inner and outer peace and against our sanity are not only threatening, but have long been taking place. For example, the smear and stupefaction campaigns we are experiencing in connection with the Russia-Ukraine war or the staged energy, food and medicine shortages. Once you have grasped the principles of attention-grabbing, propaganda and behavior control, you can always apply your knowledge to new cases. But this requires eye-openers like this book.

Regular readers of this site will be familiar with some of Flo Osrainik's thoughts in the book. It is in fact a collection of his Rubicon articles since the beginning of the Corona staging - published in chronological order. The author is also known to many through his Spiegel bestseller "The Corona Dossier," published by Rubikon. What is the difference between a book conceived as a whole and a collection of articles? The latter usually shows a process of insight in development, responds more strongly to current events, sometimes follows immediate impulses of anger or horror, without being able to draw the big picture from a temporal distance. This is usually more possible in non-fiction that is composed with a long breath.

Opposition from the start

Thus, this compilation of essays is a kind of Corona diary, but journalistically so well prepared that it is not limited to subjective surges of the kind "I experienced something, I wanted to tell you". As essayistic miniatures, these texts can stand on their own, can certainly be mixed up or - if you want to take such hard material with you into the night - "enjoyed" in small bites before bedtime. Osrainik's book, however, already recognizably aims beyond the current affairs of the day in the direction of Corona historiography. The history of a great aberration emerges from many pieces of the puzzle.

Right with the first essay of March 24, 2020, the whole Osrainik was present in his angry word power, but always secured by careful research. This early date makes a few things clear:

No slow process of realization led Flo Osrainik via the detours of initial viral fear, Drosten worship, or Lauterbach discipleship to the insight he now spreads before us. He did not have to change "from Saul to Paul" first, he started right away as "Paul" and seems to have known it from the beginning.

This is admirable and casts a shadow on all those who - if they show anything like insight at all - still claim today that it was humanly understandable that one still believed the prevailing narrative in the beginning - after all, everything was still completely new at that time. It wasn't, as evidenced, for example, by the author's comments on the not-quite-so-sweeping scandals of swine flu and bird flu. Yes, it takes a practiced critical mind, media literacy, and humane basic convictions oriented toward freedom and human rights to see through the game from the start. And it takes courage to persevere against all hostility and the onslaught of opinions to the contrary.

Right questions, differentiated answers

The first article already had the makings of a classic, because it not only asked the right questions early on with unerring instinct and had already provided some of the answers, but also because with great diligence and research competence it had provided evidence for the non-relevance of this production. Osrainik had thus created a nucleus of critical "Corona literature," with insights that fortunately subsequently spread and bore manifold fruit.

Once the distrust of the narrative imposed from above had been awakened, it was possible to go through the further phases of the campaign with open eyes - battered, to be sure, but unbroken at the core. The camp of Corona skeptics did not always prevail in the aftermath. It took an excruciatingly long time before even the grossest violations of the law were overturned; however, the minds of Osrainik readers could never again be fully colonized by the softened phrases of the campaign's masterminds and detractors.

Very many quotations from the book can be used as samples in this regard. For example, the following, which documents how quickly one could mutate as a previously blameless citizen into a right-wing radical through Corona heresy:

"Anyone who warns of conditions similar to Nazi rule is already considered a Nazi, and anyone who demands loyalty to the constitution is classified as a right-wing enemy of the state, against whom rulers not only proceed with surveillance or beatings, but strollers are also quite openly threatened with 'armed force' of the state power."

Osrainik then goes on to analyze the background:

"And why? To save the interest and compound interest financial system that has quietly and secretly almost collapsed again in the pre-Corona year of 2019? So that the tiny but greedy billionaire caste of the super-rich with their star philanthropists once again unscrupulously enriches itself on the ruins of the peoples - bankruptcies, takeovers, national debt, minus interest rates, inflation, expropriation - and to maintain power against any revolutionary effort to prophylactically install the most total surveillance possible? But this time for real, i.e. globally?"

Tearing the veil of lies

Flo Osrainik wrote as an article author with a meticulousness and a will to completeness that seemed to almost demand the book format.

Above all, he fearlessly traced gaps in credibility in the so carefully woven "veil of lies," as Vaclav Havel had called the blanket propaganda in the former Eastern Bloc. He did what journalism is supposed to do, had it not largely neutered itself in the meantime and reduced itself to the function of a government spokesman.

Thus Flo Osrainik turns to the number acrobatics of the Robert Koch Institute and other protagonists of the Corona coercion system and shows how statistics know how to lie even with actually true numbers ("The Masters of Numbers"). He demands information from hospitals about bed occupancy in intensive care units and documents in detail how those responsible avoid giving precise information ("The silence of hospitals"). Or he describes with biting criticism the totalitarian Impfapartheid, which showed particularly in the winter 2021/2022 its grimace ("The vaccination fanatics"). Osrainik is a journalist who can become uncomfortable in the right situations and thus does not make it easy for himself, where others wallow exclusively with like-minded people in the comfort zone.

For to search incorruptibly for the truth - as this book makes clear, and as many of our readers will have experienced personally - often requires sacrifice. The dissident not infrequently surrenders that inner peace that comes from relative harmony with the society that surrounds him. He sacrifices his good opinion, his illusions about people, institutions and political directions to which he thought he was attached. Flo Osrainik writes about this in an impressive passage:

A renaissance of the spirit of the subject

"So what has very much changed in the last two and a half years is my relationship to this society. To the hangers-on and subjects who, according to Oscar Wilde, may be too well educated 'to speak with their mouths full' but have no qualms about 'doing it with their heads empty.' And to those who practice every perfidy and outrage, agitation, exclusion and apartheid, which, incidentally, has already gone so far as to deny a child with a heart condition vital surgery in England, Israel and Germany because the healthy parents have not been vaccinated against Corona. Also to the middle class, which lets everything with itself make and be it, with mask and minimum distance in the deepest winter before consumer temples in meter-long queues to line up. In the open air! In the cold! Only to show the vaccination certificate later at the entrance and legitimize apartheid instead of boycotting it.

But why, in such a conformist environment, are there not a few people who are unimpressed by all this, who not only endure their social outsider role but consciously carry it with conviction - people like the author himself? With the U.S. philosopher John Rawls, Flo Osrainik believes:

"An 'every human being possesses an inviolability springing from justice, which cannot be abrogated even in the name of the good of the whole society.'"

Deeply wounded in their dignity and sense of justice by what has happened, such people nevertheless remain inviolable at their core. Disappointed, they welcome the end of a deception that had hitherto obscured their view of the truth.
The positive side of the crisis

In their foreword, Burak Erbasi and Nicolas Riedl write:

"For those who do not understand freedom will not miss it one bit anyway. Or to put it in Rosa Luxemburg's words: 'He who does not move does not feel his fetters either.' In the 'pre-Corona era' the wheat was not yet separated from the chaff. People with a democratic understanding of social coexistence still coexisted relatively free of conflict with the totalitarians in disguise. Behind their deceptive facades, which they currently prefer to decorate colorfully instead of brown, were hidden, as we now know without a doubt, cowardly and morally confused fascists. These traumatized personalities showed their true colors at the first opportunity, but obediently hid behind a dust mask."

So what should people do who are actually still interested in freedom and human rights, contrary to the zeitgeist?

"Democrats can now lick the wounds, see the positive in this crisis and create a new reality with like-minded people. Flo Osrainik has said everything that can be said with his book. Everything laid out crystal clear on the table. If you still don't understand what's going on after reading this, no one can help you."

Roland Rottenfußer, born in 1963, studied German and worked as a book editor and journalist for various publishing houses. From 2001 to 2005 he was editor at the spiritual magazine connection, later for the Zeitpunkt. He worked as an editor, book copywriter and author scout for Goldmann Verlag. Since 2006 he has been editor-in-chief of Hinter den Schlagzeilen and since 2020 editor-in-chief of Rubikon.

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