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On Nov. 8, U.S. voters had a "Sophie's Choice" of NeoFascist "wave" or NeoLiberal morass

by DLI
This week, the Status Quo of a "Manufactured Consent"--not "democracy"--won BIG! Even though the final tallies of some key Congressional races won't be clear for weeks, the domestic mid-term elections proved. once again, that the 2 major parties--the GOP "elephants" and the Dem "asses"--will ensure that the rancorous, chaotic and do-nothing process of domestic infighting and log-jam will continue for years to come.
Meanwhile, the true will of the vast majority of citizens will find no possibility of expression within the current D & R authoritarian stranglehold on the U.S. political process.

No, the catastrophic prospect of a tidal "red wave" of T-Rumpian fast-track to NeoFascism did NOT materialize. Yet, the Dems' specious claim that "democracy" prevailed was also an absurd fantasy that was blatantly obvious to all.

Let me explain.

For starters, the U.S. political system is mired in multiple layers of authoritarianism and anti-popular sentiments:
A) The Electoral College--a 19th-century "compromise" to favor slave-owning states--is a perfect example of denying majority rule. Twice in this century, candidates with a minority popular vote had been selected as U.S. Presidents(Bush jr. in 2000 & T-Rump in 2016). Imagine the hyperbolic outcry in Mainstream Corporate Media, had China maintained a comparable Manchu dynasty political process, or Russia keeping on a Tsarist institution and using them to select their respective leaders!
B) Widespread Gerrymandering of creating voting districts to favor the ruling party, and outright voter suppression efforts(over 400 laws have been proposed or enacted in the USA to control and hinder wider voter access to the ballot), make the claim of US "democracy" a laughing stock around the entire civilized world.
C) $$$ democracy--more aptly coined "bourgeois democracy"--prevails in the USA, more than ever. Over $16.7 Billion(!!) have been spent on this past Nov. 8 election. Needless to say, statistics show definitively that an overwhelming majority of the side that spends more campaign dollars win elections(and also forcing all candidates to grovel at the feet of--you guessed it--wealthy corporations and Capitalists!) Not to mention that less than 10 multi-Billionaires control more wealth than the bottom 50%--over 160 million citizens! Hence, the standard description of the Yankee "democracy" should be "the Dollar Democracy"?
D) War profiteering and funding "trumps" all other priorities. The US spends over Trillion annually on war prep(outpacing the total war outlays of the next 10 nations!) It keeps over 800 military bases on foreign lands, and has bombed, invaded or "regime changed" dozens of countries since WW II. And the bloated war budget squashes all other civilian priorities such as Universal Healthcare, affordable college education, living-wage jobs for tens of millions. National polls consistently find citizens favoring the civilian priorities, but can find absolutely no interest nor expression by both pro-war parties...

In short, the repressive U.S. political system is firmly a bipartisan entity of, by and for the Wall Street-Pentagon ruling elite that wants to globalize this entire nefarious enterprise!
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