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Indybay Feature

Railworkers Support Rally at Oakland &SA Dockers Strike with ILWU, No War in Ukraine

by WorkWeek
WorkWeek covers Railroad Workers Solidarity Rally At Port Of Oakland & SA Dockers Strike With ILWU, Oakland Rally Against War In Ukraine & The Life & Struggles of UFWA Founder Al Rojas
One hundred and twenty thousand US railroad workers are moving toward a national strike against a proposed agreement that continues terrible labor conditions for rail workers. On Saturday 10/27/22 a solidarity rally was held at the Port of Oakland to support the workers.
Next WorkWeek hears a report from the Revolutionary Transportation Union of South Africa RETUSA leaders who are on strike.

They are joined by ILWU Local 10 unionists Trent Willis immediate past president and Clarence Thomas, past secretary treasurer of Local 10.

WorkWeek 10-27-22 Oakland Rally Against War In Ukraine & The Life & Struggles of UFWA Founder Al Rojas

WorkWeek covers a rally at the Oakland Federal Building against the war in Ukraine. The rally took place on October 15, 2022. Next WorkWeek covers a panel at the 2022 Oral History Association on the life and struggles of UFWA founder Al Rojas. Included in the panel were Paul Ortiz, Samuel Proctor Oral History Project and professor at Florida State University, Desiree Rojas, Labor Council For Latin America LCLAA Sacramento, Steve Zeltzer, WorkWeek & Labor Video Project

This meeting was held on 10/20/22

Production of WorkWeek
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UFWOC leader Al Rojas with his daughter Desiree on the picket line.
§Helena Rojas Injured In Attack On UFWA Poplar Offices
by WorkWeek
Helena Rojas was injured by a owner's goon shooting attack on the UFWA Poplar office.
§South African Dockers Picket Transnet
by WorkWeek
South African dockers had a national strike for living wages and against privatization.
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