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Online events w) Richard Heinberg, Monbiot, Jerry Mander, Vandana Shiva, Maggie Nelson...

by Toward increased Networking
Here are about 16 online events taking place over the next week (and starting at 5 m today, 10/18), featuring people such as Richard Heinberg, George Monbiot, Vanessa Nakate, Sara Nelson, Jerry Mander, Annie Leonard, Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, Ray Archuleta, David Helvarg, Phoebe Tickell, David Camfield, Cynthia Kaufman, Maggie Nelson, Kris Henning, and many others.

These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.
Upcoming Online Events:

Tue, 10/18, 5 pm -- It's serious. Time to #TalkCollapse -- If we don’t talk, we won’t know, and we can’t plan -- As the world hurtles into an unplanned reactive collapse, calls for eternal positivity and faith in yet-to-be-invented technologies, are precluding necessary planning and preparation. Join us as we #TalkCollapse and set the ground work for taking realistic and meaningful action commensurate with the severity of our predicament -- Kate Booth, PhD.: Kate is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Tasmania. Her research on insurance in a changing climate is driven by concern for growing patterns of inequity and inequality, and the injustice of unmitigated climate-ecological collapse. In 2021, she received the University's CoSE Sustainability Award -- Richard Heinberg: Richard is Senior Fellow of Post Carbon Institute, and is regarded as one of the world’s foremost advocates for a shift away from our current reliance on fossil fuels. He is the author of fourteen books, including some of the seminal works on society’s current energy and environmental sustainability crisis -- Tristan Sykes: Tristan is co-founder of Just Collapse - an activist platform dedicated to justice in face of inevitable and irreversible global collapse. He is a long-time social justice, environment, and truth activist, having founded Extinction Rebellion and Occupy in Tasmania, Australia:

Wed, 10/19, 12 midnight -- Bob Baxt AO Annual Address: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger -- Address Title: Access Rules – What To Do About Data Barons -- There is severe market concentration in cyberspace -- A small number of digital superstar companies have captured much of the market. Most of these superstar companies are headquartered in the US, raising additional concerns about “digital sovereignty.” Increasing use of data-driven artificial intelligence will only exacerbate the situation -- How should policy makers respond? Some have suggested broadening the scope for antitrust and competition law. Others have pushed for new taxes targeting digital superstars. Classic industrial policy is a further suggestion -- But how effective are these measures? -- In this talk Professor Mayer-Schönberger will suggest that we need to get to the root cause of the problem to tackle it successfully. And this means talking about: data. Or more precisely access to it. Because data is so different to physical goods, regulatory regimes that work well for physical goods are less effective when dealing with data. But historical precedents, such as intellectual property, and recent successes of data sharing offers useful guidance for establishing a novel access regime. Professor Mayer-Schönberger aims to address how this could work, and what are its key advantages and weaknesses -- Speaker: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the University of Oxford -- Before joining Oxford in 2010, Mayer-Schönberger spent a decade on the faculty at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is the author of over a hundred publications, including the awards-winning book “Delete” and the international bestseller “Big Data” (with Kenn Cukier). His most recent books are “Framers” (voted one of the best books of the year by the FT) and “Access Rules.” -- Professor Mayer-Schönberger studies governance mechanisms and structures of the data economy. From 2018 to 2021 he advised German chancellor Angela Merkel on data governance:

Wed, 10/19, 10 am -- The Future of Climate Justice - Actions that change systems -- Please use this link to join the livestream of the event: -- While everyone is witnessing the impacts of climate change, in many regions of the world people are losing their homes, livelihoods, culture and lives. It is not enough to recognise that climate change is accelerating. Climate change is one of the greatest drivers of injustice the world has ever seen -- The final event in The Future of Climate Justice series takes place online with an extended community of climate justice leaders share and examine the actions that change systems. Climate justice is gender justice, it is environmental justice, intergenerational justice, racial justice, economic justice, and nature justice. This conversation is about movement and change, recognising that as words shape policies and processes, words made good will shape our future -- Sponsored by the Edinburgh Futures Institute, a strategic initiative of the University of Edinburgh -- For bios of the speakers (Elizabeth Bomberg, Khairani Barokka, Alice Hill, George Monbiot, Vanessa Nakate, Mitzi Jonelle Tan, and Laura Young), please see the Eventbrite page, here:

Wed, 10/19, 3 pm -- Lying and Politics: The Relevance of Hannah Arendt -- Fifty years ago, the 20th-century's foremost political philosopher wrote two seminal essays on questions that have new urgency today: Why do politicians lie? What is the relationship between political lies and self-delusion? And how much organized deceit can a democracy endure before it ceases to function? -- Join Seyla Benhabib, Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, Emerita, Yale University; Senior Research Fellow and Professor Adjunct of Law, Columbia University, Roger Berkowitz, Founder and Academic Director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, and David Bromwich, Sterling Professor of English at Yale University for a discussion of the brilliance and relevance of Arendt’s essays, newly brought together in Hannah Arendt: On Lying and Politics, with an introduction by Professor Bromwich:

Wed, 10/19, 5 pm -- It's a Workers' Issue: Abortion Access, the Right to Healthcare, and Labor Unions -- Unions Keep Up the Fight for Reproductive Healthcare for All! -- Please join us next week for a special online event hosted by our friends at the Labor Committee for Single Payer to hear more about how union Medicare for All activists are leading the fight for access to reproductive healthcare in the post-Roe US -- A panel of labor organizers from different sectors across the U.S. will be discussing the critical issue of reproductive justice, in the wake of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade: Sara Nelson (International President of AFA-CWA) -- Dee Dunn (BMWED/IBT) -- Maggie Carter (Starbucks Workers United, Knoxville -- Martha Valadez (News Guild, CWA Michigan) -- Rebekah Nelson (Minnesota Nurses Association) -- Speakers will share: What unions have been doing in response to the Supreme Court decision -- Why it's bad to rely on your employer for reproductive health coverage --How single-payer / Medicare for All will cover not only abortion access but the broader scope of reproductive rights such as wellness visits, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and gender-affirming care -- The Campaign will be sharing resources for individuals and unions to use to help fight for these fundamental rights:

Wed, 10/19, 6 pm -- Jerry Mander and Friends -- Jerry Mander with Tom Butler, Annie Leonard, Meena Raman, Carrie Pilto, and a video presentation by Vandana Shiva. Moderated by Julie Lindow -- City Lights and Synergetic Press celebrate the publication of: 70 Ads to Save the World: An Illustrated Memoir of Social Change -- By Jerry Mander, Edited by Carrie Pilto -- Published by Synergetic Press -- 70 Ads to Save the World: An Illustrated Memoir of Social Change offers a detailed and entertaining account of the groundbreaking work of advertising visionary, Jerry Mander -- Chronicling his evolution from corporate advertising to non-profit and political advertising work, Mander takes readers on a journey through the origin stories of some of the most memorable anti-establishment campaigns from the second half of the 21st century. Many of Mander’s ads and campaigns for environmental and social justice issues were not only memorable decades ago, they remain relevant today -- As Mander explains in this book, he wrote several ads in the 1980s focused on abortion and reproductive rights for Planned Parenthood, and his team at Public Media Center took aim at the National Rifle Association in support of gun control. In 1966, Mander wrote an ad calling out the absurdity of a then newly-announced Pentagon initiative to drop toys over Vietnam, which resulted in a visit from the FBI -- A trailblazer in the pre-internet age, Mander’s strategies included bold calls to action. In work for the Sierra Club, for example, Mander helped produce print ads that featured letters to legislators readers could clip out and mail, a tactic at the time more commonly reserved for retail coupons -- Throughout 70 Ads, Mander explains how these campaigns came to be and offers advice for fellow low-budget, high-impact do-gooders. A personal accounting of his own work gives readers a primer on innovative thinking, while illuminating his inspiring story of aligning personal vision with collective impact. Jerry Mander is the founder, former director, and distinguished fellow of the International Forum on Globalization (IFG), a San Francisco-based think tank focused on exposing the negative impacts of economic globalization, and the need for economic transitions toward sustainable local economies. In addition to his role at IFG, Mander is the former program director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology, and founder and director of the Public Media Center. In the 1960s Mander served as president of a major San Francisco advertising company before turning his talents to environmental campaigns that kept dams out of the Grand Canyon, established Redwood National Park, and stopped production of the Supersonic Transport. His has authored, edited and co-edited many books including The Capitalism Papers; Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System (2013), Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (1977), In the Absence of the Sacred (1991), The Case Against the Global Economy with Edward Goldsmith (1996), Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World is Possible (2004), Paradigm Wars, Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Globalization, and 70 Ads to Save the World: An Illustrated Memoir of Social Change (2022) -- For bios for Tom Butler, Annie Leonard, Meena Raman, Carrie Pilto, Vandana Shiva, and Julie Lindow, please see the Eventbrite page:

Thu, 10/20, 6 am -- Rev Dowd Discusses Religious Roots of Collapse & Ecocide with Jem Bendell -- Michael Dowd is known today for his leadership in the realm of “post-doom," which his website defines as: "A fierce and fearless reverence for life and expansive gratitude — even in the midst of abrupt climate mayhem and the runaway collapse of societal harmony, the health of the biosphere, and business as usual." -- “Post doom, no gloom," Dowd suggests, is the stage of the grief cycle beyond mere "acceptance." Three years after posting on youtube his first "postdoom conversation" (with Shaun Chamberlin), the site now offers a total of 85 — including a conversation with me in March 2020. Michael has also posted more than a dozen of his own, information-dense videos to serve as a crash course for understanding our global predicament, with special attention to "ecological overshoot, the already decades-long collapse of thermo-industrial civilization, and how it is still possible to live life fully and love the life you live." -- Dowd's personal journey is from Roman Catholic upbringing, to evangelical student, to liberal protestant minister, and now his own brand of “post-doom pastor". His mentors include Thomas Berry (1914–2009), whose inspirational writings on the evolutionary epic turned Dowd into a religious naturalist in 1988, followed by Dowd's first book in 1991, Earthspirit: A Handbook for Nurturing an Ecological Christianity. In 2015, Dowd became an acolyte of the originator of environmental sociology — a mentor he would never meet. Two weeks after William Catton died, Michael encountered Catton's 1980 book on a recommendation by John Michael Greer. Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, is the book Dowd credits for his shift away from climate activism into the final stages of the grief cycle, culminating in, what he calls, “post doom, no gloom collapse trust and love-in-action" -- The Q&A will cover topics such as: 1. How Dowd sees collapse, ecocide, and possible NTHE as “religious failure” -- 2. How he shifted from evolutionary evangelism into his “post doom, no gloom” work -- 3. How his sense of a Big Picture differs from how Big History and the Epic of Evolution are often understood -- 4. How does religious naturalist “faith" (trust) support someone in accepting the ongoing nature of collapse — including possible NTHE — while maintaining a "calm gratitude”?:

Thu, 10/20, 7 am -- FORUM2022 Science, Spirituality, Solidarity: Weaving Interconnections -- FORUM2022 is a call to action on the global crisis facing humanity and all life on planet Earth. Connecting the variable causes of the climate crisis, our speakers bring together ancient wisdom and modern science to address this time of severe destruction with positive and effective solutions -- Distinguished 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, will open FORUM2022 with traditional Native American Sioux prayers -- Chief Arvol Looking Horse was born on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota. At the age of 12, he was given the responsibility of becoming the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, the youngest ever. He is widely recognized as a chief and the spiritual leader of all three branches of the Sioux tribe. He is the author of White Buffalo Teachings and a guest columnist for Indian Country Today. A tireless advocate of maintaining traditional spiritual practices, Chief Looking Horse is the founder of Big Foot Riders which memorializes the massacre of Big Foot’s band at Wounded Knee -- Our dialogue keynote speaker, Dr. Vandana Shiva, writes, “Earth Democracy’s success concerns not just the fate and well-being of all humans, but all beings on Earth. It is not about the next protest or the next world social forum ⎯ it is about what we do in-between. It addresses the global in our everyday lives and creates change globally by making change locally. The changes may appear small, but they can be exponential in impact. They are about nature’s evolution and our human potential.” -- Dr. Shiva’s dialogue partner, Bill McKibben, Co-founder of 350org, expresses in his book, Falter, “The fight over climate change is ultimately not an argument about infrared absorption in the atmosphere, but about power and money and justice. Given that industry has most of that money and hence most of that power, it usually wins – unless, of course, a movement arises, one capable of changing hearts as well as minds.” -- FORUM2022 Program: Distinguished 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, will open FORUM2022 with traditional Native American Sioux prayers -- "Earth Democracy: Sustainability and Justice" Keynote dialogue between Bill McKibben and Dr. Vandana Shiva will expound upon the era of unrestricted capitalism and inspire us to embrace a moral and spiritual perspective for restoring our bio-system -- Prayers will be offered for the global ecological crisis by several world religious leaders: The Rev. Sally Bingham, Canon for the Environment for the Diocese of California, founder and President Emerita, Interfaith Power and Light. (Christian) -- Imam Saffet Catovic, Director, Interfaith, Community Alliances, and Government Relations, Islamic Society of North America, Washington, D.C.(Muslim) -- Rabbi David Rosen, KSG CBE, International Director of Interreligious Affairs, American Jewish Committee (Jewish) -- Pandit Shukla Ji, Hindu Priest, Hindu Samaj Mandir Mahwah, New Jersey (Hindu) -- "Sacred Soil & Sacred Forests" panelists examine the relationship between ancient knowledge and current scientific thinking and present practical solutions for the climate crisis. Ray Archuleta, an American soil scientist, is joined by Irish botanist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger and Patricia Kombo, passionate environmentalist, founder of the PaTree Initiative, and she is a United Nation Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Land Hero, to discuss the crucial importance of healthy soil and vibrant forests for life on our planet, balancing the climate, harnessing water and sustaining food supplies -- A short video will introduce Jerusalem artist Beverly Barkat’s “Earth Poetica,” a phenomenal sculpture constructed from plastic waste collected from around the world, which will be exhibited at New York City’s World Trade Center complex next year -- Panelists on "Caring for our Endangered Oceans and Waterways" analyze the many ways to address the trashing of our oceans, create an international water policy, and tackle ocean warming. Dave Ford, founder of the Ocean Plastics Leadership Network, USA, an activist to industry organization, is joined by David Helvarg, executive director of Blue Frontier, and Dr. Kelsey Leonard, a citizen of the Shinnecock Nation, who is a water scientist, legal scholar, policy expert, writer, and assistant professor, University of Waterloo, Canada:

Thu, 10/20, 8 am -- A Deeper Inquiry #9 -- A deep dive into imagination activism and its power to spur collective transformative action -- Imagination is a superpower available to anyone, everyone, at any time, everywhere -- In the face of intensifying ecological and social crises, the world is in need of many transformative changes, not least a profound imaginative shift. Imagination is our greatest asset in crises, as it is an evolutionary bank of flexibility in the face of change. Phoebe's research has found that over the course of our lives, starting in school, our imaginations become colonised, shut down, and starved of oxygen. Imagination is a muscle and our current system atrophies that muscle -- In order to build back our imagination muscles, we can engage in something called Imagination Activism. An Imagination Activist is a new kind of activist powered by imagination and vision, and equipped with the tools and thinking to build new systems. Imagination Activists utilise imagination, envisioning and visualisation to help people see that a better world is possible, and to shift their perspective to see how they can meaningfully intervene -- In this Deeper Inquiry session, our speaker Phoebe Tickell invites us to embark on collective-visioning to break with formulaic, dark and non-visionary ideas of the future. She will touch on the importance of imagination activism in a time when we must luxuriate our creative selfs to imagine a radically different future for life on this planet -- Speaker bio: Phoebe Tickell is a Hungarian/English innovator born in London. She is a scientist, civic entrepreneur and the founder of Moral Imaginations. With Moral Imaginations, she researches, develops and works with post-rational approaches that combine imagination, science, rigour, art, truth and beauty to help people make sense of the climate crisis and move to transformative action -- Phoebe has worked across multiple societal contexts applying a complexity and systems thinking lens. She has advised governments, worked in philanthropy at The National Lottery Community Fund, prototyped organisational design models, and contributed to various projects in the education sector. She is a Fellow at the Foresight Institute, Visiting Fellow at Central St. Martin's, advisor to the International Bateson Institute and Consilience Project and Associate Lecturer at Schumacher College:

Thu, 10/20, 11 am -- Climate breakdown and agriculture: can we square the circle? -- The second of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum's Autumn Science Lectures is with Professor Philip Poole. Phil's talk will explore the role of plant microbe interactions in agriculture. Agriculture depends on a complex balance of global nutrient cycles with carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous being the main drivers of agricultural productivity. Agriculture directly contributes 10% of global CO2 production, 14% to total land use and over 21% the global food system. Reactive nitrogen is now double preindustrial levels, largely driven by agricultural fertilizer use. How then can we feed an increasing population without a climate catastrophe? -- Philip did his PhD in Australia before coming to the UK, he was Professor of Microbial Physiology at the University of Reading before moving to the John Innes Centre in Norwich. In 2013, he took up a personal chair as Professor of Plant Microbiology at the University of Oxford, where he is head of Molecular Plant Sciences in the new Department of Biology. He studies the physiology of bacterial growth and survival in the rhizosphere, colonisation of roots and how bacteria establish symbiotic interactions with plants. A particular focus of his research is the physiology and biochemistry of nitrogen fixation in legume nodules and how this underpins global nitrogen cycling:

Thu, 10/20, 4 pm -- Facing the Climate Crisis Author David Camfield is joined by activist and organizer Cynthia Kaufman to discuss Camfield's new book, Future on Fire -- Future on Fire argues that a just transition from fossil fuels and other drivers of climate change will not be delivered by business people or politicians that support the status quo. Nor will electing green left leaders be enough to overcome the opposition of capitalists and state bureaucrats. Only the power of disruptive mass social movements has the potential to force governments to make the changes we need, so supporters of climate justice should commit to building them. Confronting the question "what if heating above 2 degrees becomes unavoidable?" and refusing to despair, Camfield argues that even a ravaged planet is worth fighting for--and that ultimately the only solution to the ecological crisis created by capitalism is a transition to ecosocialism -- David Camfield teaches labour studies and sociology at the University of Manitoba and has been involved in social justice efforts since high school. He is the author of We Can Do Better: Ideas for Changing Society and Canadian Labour in Crisis: Reinventing the Workers’ Movement -- Cynthia Kaufman is the director of the Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action, where she also teaches community organizing and philosophy. The author of Getting Past Capitalism: History, Vision, Hope (Lexington Books, 2012), she is a lifelong social change activist, having worked on issues such as tenants’ rights, police abuse, union organizing, international politics, and most recently climate change:

Thu, 10/20, 4:30 pm -- Fascism in Today's America – Can It Happen Here? -- The Battle of Homestead Foundation presents a free Zoom program discussing the spread of Fascist movements in today's America, their threat to working people ... and how these movements can be defeated -- Fascism is in the air these days. Some people think the United States has passed the point of no return — that is, the fascists have already won. Others say not to worry, it can't happen here. Still others talk about the likelihood of the fascism-friendly "Hard Right" gaining power for the indefinite future -- Starting with a brief history of world fascism in the 20th century, the speakers will discuss current U.S. fascist movements and leaders and their threat to working people in the 21st century ... and the means by which homegrown American fascism can be defeated -- SPEAKERS: *Joe White, Ph.D. taught in the University of Pittsburgh History Department for 39 years on a wide range of subjects including 20th-century European history, British labor history, international working class history, the Harmonist Society and American utopianism -- *Chuck Pennacchio, Ph.D. has spent five decades as an electoral and union organizer and has served as president of the One Payer States network, senior advisor to Healthcare for All Pennsylvania, co-facilitator of Our Revolution PA, founder of the Justice for All Network and producer of the film documentary Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point. He taught history and politics at University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Delaware Valley University, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, University of Colorado-Boulder and has authored several books, book chapters and articles on U.S. and European history, U.S. healthcare and U.S. politics -- *Michele Hamilton is the daughter of a Jamaican immigrant able to settle in the U.S. following immigration policy changes made possible by the Civil Rights Movement. She is Assistant Director of Shelter Services at the Centre County Women’s Resource Center and also serves as the Vice President of Pennsylvania National Organization for Women:

Fri, 10/21, 7 am -- Transformations of Democracy - Guest Lecture by Nadia Urbinati -- In the last elections in Italy, which were won by a right-wing (and indeed center-extreme right) coalition, the party representing the center-left suffered a resounding defeat by what is traditionally considered a left-wing electorate: poor, unemployed, low-wage workers. These citizens largely did not vote, or if they did vote, they chose either the 5-Star Movement or the post-fascist party. Starting with these elections, Nadia Urbinati would like to address the issue of the breakdown of representation in democracies, that is, between elected officials and a large part of the citizenry. Taking the Italian case as the point of departure, she is going to discuss the issue of the decline of the left in contemporary democracy as the main reason for the success of the right wing. Populism is a part of this phenomenon, yet even more so are the authoritarian tendencies within democracies whose party systems are in decay. ***** Nadia Urbinati (Ph.D., European University Institute, Florence, 1989) is a political theorist who specializes in modern and contemporary political thought and the democratic and anti-democratic traditions. She co-chaired the Columbia University Faculty Seminar on Political and Social Thought and was a co-editor with Andrew Arato of the academic journal Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Foundation Reset Dialogues on Civilization. She has been a member of the School of Social Sciences of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, and a Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowship in the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University. She is permanent visiting professor at the Scuola Superiore de Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento Sant'Anna of Pisa (Italy), and taught at Bocconi University (Milan), SciencesPo (Paris) and the University UNICAMP (Brazil):

Fri, 10/21, 9 am -- Staying Informed on Roe v. Wade and Its Impact -- Dr. Kimberly Hamlin is an amazing scholar of women’s history at Miami University with a focus on reproductive rights -- Join us for the first in a series on Family, Religion, and Well-Being: A Look at Women and Sexuality Across Selected Religions. For this series, Dr. Kimberly Hamlin will be sharing her research on the history of women's rights and helping us to stay informed of Roe v. Wade and the implications and impact it has. Dr. Hamlin’s research focuses on the histories of women’s rights, women’s political activism, and the cultural construction of ideas about gender and sex. Her next book project will provide a new history of the temperance movement, centering sex and sexually transmitted disease.She is also working on a longer project about syphilis in the nineteenth century. Dr. Hamlin frequently contributes to the Washington Post and other popular media. She is also a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians:

Sat, 10/22, 7 am -- Leadership changes in the CCP and Geopolitical Implications -- China’s political clock is winding toward the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) this fall. Since 1977, the CCP has regularly held a Party congress every five years, which has been an occasion for large-scale change within the Chinese leadership and embarking on a new trajectory in the country’s domestic and foreign policies -- The personnel changes at the upcoming congress are simultaneously more anticipated and less predictable than most previous congresses. More anticipated, because it is beyond doubt that Xi Jinping will continue his third term as the Party chief and head of state. Also expectedly, Xi’s proteges will occupy more senior leadership positions than ever before. Less predictable, because some of the norms and rules of elite recruitment established in the post-Deng era such as the mandatory retirement age and term limit, which applied to the previous three congresses, will not apply to all members of the newly assembled Central Committee (CC) this time. Thus, analysts of Chinese leadership politics will likely be far less capable or effective at forecasting the new leadership lineup at the 20th Party Congress -- About the Speaker: Prof. M.D.Nalapat Madhav Nalapat is Professor of Geopolitics and UNESCO Peace Chair at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India’s elite private university. Prior to this he was Coordinating Editor of the largest-circulated English-language newspaper in India, The Times of India . Previous to that, he was Editor of the Mathrubhumi Daily and Illustrated Weekly, the second-largest Malayalam daily and its prestigious co-offering, the literary Weekly -- As UNESCO Peace Chair, he has organized major conferences, including on the US, India and China. He has visited the U.S. and China frequently, recognizing their importance to India. He organized the first Trilaterlal India-Israel-US Annual Conference at New Delhi in 2003 and led the Indian delegation to the second conference at Herzliya, Israel, in 2004 -- Madhav Nalapat was made Senior Associate of the National Institute of Advanced Study, Bangalore and Member of the Institute for Social and Economic Change. He is also Associate Member of the United Services Institution. He has lectured at several fora, including the National Defence College, New Delhi, the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, the University of Georgia, Peking University and Fudan University:

Mon, 10/24, 11 am -- Centre for Poetry and Poetics, Sheffield: A Reading With Maggie Nelson -- Maggie Nelson is the author of several acclaimed books of poetry and prose, most recently the national bestseller On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint (2021; named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and a Best Book of 2021 by the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and NPR). Her other titles include the New York Times bestseller and National Book Critics Circle Award winner The Argonauts (2015); The Art of Cruelty: A Reckoning (2011; named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year), Bluets (2009; named by Bookforum as one of the top 10 best books of the past 20 years); The Red Parts: Autobiography of a Trial (2007); and Women, the New York School, and Other True Abstractions (2007). Her poetry titles include Something Bright, Then Holes (2007) and Jane: A Murder (2005). A book of her essays about art will be published in 2024. She has been the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, an NEA grant, an Innovative Literature Fellowship from Creative Capital, an Arts Writers Fellowship from the Andy Warhol Foundation, and a MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. She currently teaches at the University of Southern California and lives in Los Angeles:

Wed, 10/26, 11 am -- No consolation: Radical Politics in Terrifying Times -- A critical talk on both indifference and activism, and the ways in which different social actors respond to the crises of our time -- .We are living in an age of permanent crisis. Pandemics, war and climate change are just some of the unexpected yet predictable events shaping the world today. David Ridley examines how we collectively respond to these events, whether we face them bravely and intelligently or turn to nostalgia or utopianism. While politicians, corporations and intellectuals all fall prey to what Ridley calls ‘consolation’, drawing on the work of John Dewey, a new generation is rising up to the challenge -- Standing alongside teachers, posties, train drivers, refuse workers - young activists are part of an emerging, global movement saying ‘enough is enough’ -- David Ridley is a fellow Gramscian, an independent researcher and journalist. He is author of The Method of Democracy: John Dewey’s Theory of Collective Intelligence and co-editor with Stephen Cowden of The Practice of Equality: Jacques Rancière and Critical Pedagogy both published by Peter Lang. David is also a member of the Beyond Education collective:

Wed, 10/26, 4 pm -- Webinar with Kris Henning, author of "The Rage of Innocence" -- Kristin Henning, Professor at Georgetown Law School, will talk about her book "The Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth" -- Professor Henning is the Director of the Juvenile Justice Clinic and Initiative at Georgetown Law School and has worked representing children accused of crime for more than 25 years. She will talk about her book, "The Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth" and then engage in discussion and answer questions from webinar participants. This webinar is part of a series of programs on notable books that is sponsored by the McClendon Scholar Program at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church:

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by Toward increased Networking
Fri, 10/21, 6 am -- A Critical Moment for Burma -- Join women leaders from Myanmar who will share their frontline experiences and offer recommendations to advance international action -- Myanmar faces a dire human rights and humanitarian crisis with atrocities escalating by the day under the military junta, especially for women and girls. Despite these challenges, women have emerged as leaders and symbols of the resistance, spearheading civil disobedience efforts across the country and continuing to advocate, at great risk to themselves, for a better future -- On the sidelines of the 2022 United Nations Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, join this urgent conversation on advancing international action in response to the crisis in Myanmar. Leading Burmese women and policymakers will discuss the situation on the ground and recommend concrete actions to protect and advance human rights, justice, and accountability -- Opening Remarks by: Alice Wairimu Nderitu, UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide --

Featuring: Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Minister of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, National Unity Government (NUG) -- Thinzar Shunlei, Democracy Activist, Sisters 2 Sisters --Nang Moet Moet, Joint Secretary-General, Women’s League of Burma -- Wai Wai Nu, Founder and Director, Women's Peace Network -- With voices of grassroots women leaders across Myanmar and interventions by co-sponsors and UN Member States -- Moderated by: Amb. Melanne Verveer, Executive Director, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security:

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