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Chile's 9/11 & The Rise Of US Fascism

by Labor Video Project
Chile and the world will commemorate the 49th anniversary of the 1973 coup. The coup we organized and funded by the US government with the active support of the AFL-CIO American Institute For Free Labor Development. Labor professor Ruth Needleman from Indiana University was in Chile prior to the coup and interviewed many of the Chilean supporters and the AIFLD and US operatives. She talks about that coup and the rise of fascism in the United States.
This is the 49th anniversary of the September 11, 1973 Chilean coup that was organized and supported by the United States with support of the US funded AFL-CIO American Institute For Free Labor Development AIFLD. We focus on the lessons of this military coup for the rise of fascism in the United States.

Ruth Needleman is a labor professor emeritus at the University of Indiana and was in Chile prior to the coup. She did research on the economic and social conditions as well as interviewing the supporters and leading organizers of the coup in companies and with US and Chilean government officials. She looks at the rise of fascism in the US and the similarities with Chile.

Needleman also discusses plans for Chilean commemoration events next year on the 50th anniversary of the next year in Chicago.

Additional media:
The US, CIA, AFL-CIO, AIFLD & The 1973 Chilean Coup With Professor Ruth Needleman
Memories of Chile On The 49th Anniversary Of The US AFL-CIO Supported Coup
1962-1979: The AFL-CIO and Trade Union Counterinsurgency
U.S. Labor Reps. Conspired to Overthrow
Elected Governments in Latin America
Newly Revealed Documents Show How the AFL-CIO Aided US Interference in Venezuela
“If the health workers of Chile collapse, the entire population will suffer”
U.S. Responsibility for the Coup in Chile

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§Tens Of Thousands Were Arrested And Killed
by Labor Video Project
The US supported coup led to the deaths of tens of thousands of workers and people in Chile.
§Allende Invited Pinochet Into The Government To Avoid A Coup
by Labor Video Project
Salvador Allende invited the general Pinochet into the government to avoid a coup. He then organized the coup as part of the government.
§Middle Class Mobilized Against Workers & Left
by Labor Video Project
The coup planners mobilized the middle classes against the labor movement and leftists.
§Kissinger and Pinochet
by Labor Video Project
Kissinger was involved intimately in planning and supporting the coup.
§Kissinger & Nixon Helped Organize and Support Coup
by Labor Video Project
President Richard Nixon and Kissinger worked closely together to fund and build support for the coup in the US.
AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler (on lower left) sat on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy NED which funds the AFL-CIO "Solidarity Center". She supports US imperialist policies around the world including economic sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran and China.
She also is an active supporter of apartheid Israel and for US military and economic aid to the illegal occupation.
§Capitalist Peter Grace On Board of AIFLD
by Labor Video Project
Capitalist Peter Grace was on the board of the AIFLD and he worked with top leaders of the AFL-CIO for the coup in Chile.
§Unidad Popular in Chile
by Labor Video Project
The Unidad Popular in Chile under Allende believed that they could defend the constitution and avoid a civil war.
§China Supported Pinochet Government
by Labor Video Project
The Chinese government which was in a global struggle with the Soviet Union supported the Pinochet government.
§Nancy Pelosi Big Supporter of AFL-CIO Solidarity Center & NED
by Labor Video Project
House leader Nancy Pelosi is a big supporter of the National Endowment For Democracy and the AFL-CIO's "Solidarity Center"
The US CIA gave the go ahead to murder two US citizens, Charles Horman, and Frank Teruggi who worked with Professor Ruth Needleman in Chile.
§The Allende Government Disarmed The Workers Movement
by Labor Video Project
The Allende government disarmed the massive workers movement in Chile making them easy targets for the US organized coup.
§Milton Friedman's Chicago Boys
by Labor Video Project
Chicago rightwing economist Milton Friedman supported the coup and brought in the "Chicago Boys" to restructure the entire economy and privatizing the pension system and other public resources.
§AFL-CIO President George Meany
by Labor Video Project
AFL-CIO George Meany used the AFL-CIO apparatus through the CIA funded American Institute For Free Labor Development AIFLD to organize the coups not only in Chile but Brazil and many other countries in Latin America. The AFL-CIO leadership have refuse to open the books on these actions and apologize to the workers in these countries for being involved in coups and murders of tens of thousands of workers.
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