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Indybay Feature

Shut It Down! OEA Strikes & ILWU Shuts Docks In Fight Against Privatization

by Labor Video Project
Oakland Education Association members went on strike against the closures of 11 schools in the Black and Brown community. Schools and Labor Against Privatization SLAP initiated a rally at Oscar Grant Plaza next to Oakland City Hall. Following the rally and a march Action Committee Against Privatization organized picketing of the port to protest the privatization of the port and schools.
Oakland Education Association OEA Teachers on April 29, 2022 went on an unfair labor practice strike against the closure of schools by the school board and they were joined by ILWU Local 10 leaders and members which had a stop work action in solidarity with the teachers and community.

The students and parents rallied at Oscar Grant plaza next to Oakland City hall which was sponsored by Schools & Labor Against Privatization SLAP and then supporters of the Action Committee Against Privatization and Union Busting organized picketing of the port to protest privatization of the Port and to support the teachers, students and parents.

This was the first joint work action by the OEA and the ILWU against privatization. The Port was successfully shutdown by the labor community picket.

The SFUSD school board has voted to close 11 schools while opening and expanding charter schools. Additionally, State Superintendent of Public Instruction supported FCMAT demands that schools be closed and Governor Newsom who supports charters and has supported these closures ordered by FCMAT. The state now has a $46 billion surplus but no Democratic politician has demanded that this surplus be used to fully fund the schools.

Additional media:
East Bay Trade Unionists Oppose Port Privatization of Howard Terminal For Billionaire GAP A's Stadium

No Shutdown! Oakland La Esquelita School Meeting On Closures, ,Charters, OEA & Fisher's Stadium

STOP FCMAT Attack On Oakland Public Schools! OEA, Community Oppose $90 M In Cuts By Thurmond

Oakland ILWU & OEA, Students & Community Rally To Stop Privatization & Union Busting From The Port To The Schools!

NO Public Money To A's Billionaire Owner John Fisher For Stadium In Port Of Oakland

No Public Money For GAP/A's Billionaire Owner John Fisher' Stadium! ILWU Members & Community Rally & Speak Out

IT'S WAR! The Fight To Stop School Closures In Oakland As Hundreds Rally and March

Build The A’s Stadium In Pacific Heights! Labor Day Rally At Billionaire GAP A's John Fisher's Mansion

Fisher, STOP THE GREED! ILWU 10 & Community Activists Speak Out To Protest Port Theft Privatization

No Excuses Schools: Bad Theory Created KIPP by Amateurs & Backed By SF Billionaire GAP A’s Fisher Family

Oakland Port Privatization Scam By Billionaire John Fisher, Demos & Union Bureaucrats

Who's Selling Whom? The A's Stadium, The Destruction of Howard Terminal In The Port Of Oakland & The Battle In Labor

"It's Insane!" ILWU Longshore Workers & Truckers Challenge Oakland A's Billionaire Owner John Fisher’s Land Grab Of Howard Terminal

Oakland City Council Left In Dark In Coliseum Buy-out By Fisher
Kaplan to A’s: Are you ‘double-timing’ us with Portland?

Maritime, Labor & The A's Stadium At The Port Of Oakland Press Conference 5/13/19

Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO Backs Howard Terminal Ballpark for Oakland A's

Andreas Cluver

Maritime, Labor & The A's Stadium At The Port Of Oakland Press Conference

For more info:
Production of Labor Video Project
§Protest Banner Against Closure of La Escuelita
by Labor Video Project
A banner at the rally against the closure of La Escuelita school.
§Berkeley Teacher Supported Rally
by Labor Video Project
A Berkeley teacher joined the SLAP rally against privatiztion.
§Part Of ILWU Local 10 Contingent At SLAP Rally
by Labor Video Project
This was part of the ILWU Local 10 delegation that joined the SLAP rally.
§Participants At The SLAP Rally
by Labor Video Project
Some of the participants of the SLAP rally.
§Union Longshore: Keep Our Schools Open
by Labor Video Project
This was a united front action against privatization and the role of the Democratic politicians who are supporting privatization of the schools and Port of Oakland.
§Fisher Family Equals Privatization & Union Busting
by Labor Video Project
The billionaire Fisher family which is pushing the the privatization of the Port of Oakland and privatization of the schools through their control of the KIPP and Rocketship school. John Fisher and his family control the Democratic Party politicians in Oakland, San Francisco and California.
§The rank and file picket of SSA docks.
by Labor Video Project
There was a successful shutdown of the Port of Oakland by a labor community picket.
§Crowd At SLAP Rally
by Labor Video Project
Hundreds of teachers, parents, students and longshoreworkers joined the rally at Oscar Grant plaza.
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