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Infinite Covid or Zero Covid? How Many More Will Sicken and Die?

by Nayvin Gordon
Working people can take matters into their own hands to end the Covid pandemic
Infinite Covid or Zero Covid?
How Many More Will Sicken and Die?

Do we continue to allow Covid-19 to sweep uncontrolled across the nation sickening and killing over 824,000 people? --OR do we choose Zero-Covid, the public health policy in China and Taiwan where they have had only about 6,000 deaths, and transmission is eliminated?

Do we have to accept the fact that over 1 in 100 senior citizens have already died, and more will be allowed o die every time a viral surge fills the hospitals? Triage ethical guidelines have been established to decide who lives and who dies. The elderly are considered less worthy and have been and will be the first to be allowed to die.
--OR do we crush Covid?

Must we tolerate the deaths of over 1,300 people daily from a preventable disease? --OR do we choose Zero Covid?

Do we have to accept the lie that we “have to learn to live with Covid”? Do we normalize living with the fear of a preventable illness, fear of disabling Long-Covid, fear of vaccine breakthrough infections, fear of transmitting the virus even when vaccinated, fear of aerosol spread, and the endless need for N95 masks and respirators?--OR do we choose to eliminate Covid?

Must we accept that every viral surge results in staff and hospital bed shortages causing overwhelmed hospitals to give inferior quality medical care? Do we have to live with the reality that filling hospital beds to capacity with Covid patients prevents every family from getting treatment for other medical problems resulting in more suffering and death?--OR do we choose to stop transmission by instituting well-established public health policy as in Zero Covid China, Taiwan, and recently Cuba?

Do we continue to allow schools and worksites to transmit one of the most contagious viruses known? --OR do we choose to temporarily close them to stop transmission?

Do we accept a life of endless dangerous Covid variants and ongoing need for more vaccinations and boosters?--OR do we choose to crush Covid?

Do we tolerate the refusal to produce millions of free Covid tests?--OR do we choose to be able to test over 10 million people in one weekend as is regularly done in China?

Do we have to accept the corporate Wall Street corruption of the Center for Disease “Continuation” (CDC)? ---OR will we choose well established proven effective public health policy to stop viral transmission?

Do we accept a trillion dollars to the military and the bailing out of zombie corporations on Wall Street?--OR do we choose money for public health hospitals, clinics, and an army of workers to eliminate Covid?

Do we tolerate unsafe schools and workplaces?--OR do we choose to unite with co-workers and take action to protect ourselves, by demanding the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), free testing, contact tracing, isolation, quarantine, temporary lockdowns, and paid time off to achieve Zero Covid?

Will we continue to normalize mass infections, uncontrolled spread of disease, exploding cases of children hospitalized and dying with Covid?--OR do we choose to take matters into our own hands, to resist and organize for Zero Covid?

The reality is clear, our “leaders” won't protect us from disease and death, and it is past time to take matters into our own hands, to protect ourselves by demanding Zero Covid now. This is the only proven strategy known to eliminate Covid -19 and the catastrophe of needless suffering and death.

Zero Covid has been achieved, is being achieved, and can be achieved everywhere when we choose o act.
The choice is ours. Let’s get organized!
Dr. Nayvin Gordon
gordonnayvin [at]

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